Journal Descriptive Analysis On Degrees of Comparison in Tetun Language

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Januari 2021




This study aims to obtained to clear information about the level of adjective mastery by the
Leoruas community, Bakustulama village, west Tasifeto district, Belu Regency. This data was
taken from theLeoruas community. The techniques used in data analysis are qualitative
techniques. The data obtained will be analyzed based on the comparative level theory, especially
regarding changes in the basic form of adjective into comparative and superlative form. Based on
the result of the analysis, it can be concluded that some of the people of Leoruas have
understood about adjective and changes the adjective in the comparative and superlative levels.
But there are some who have difficulty mastering degrees of comparison. Among them, they
confuse the suffix Liu”-er” for comparative and Liu resik “-st/-est” for superlative.

Key words: Adjective, comparison degree, comparative degree, superlative degree

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan informasi yang jelas tentang tingkat penguasaan kata sifat
oleh masyarakat Leoruas, Desa Bakustulama, Kecamatan Tasifeto Barat, Kabupaten Belu. Data dalam
tulisan ni diambil dari 5 orang masyarakat Leoruas. Teknik yang digunakan dalam analisis data adalah
teknik kualitatif. Data yang diperoleh akan dianalisis berdasarkan teori tingkat perbandingan terutama
tentang tingkat perubahan bentuk dasar kata sifat menjadi bentuk komparatif dan superlative.
Berdasarkan hasil analisis, dapat disimpulkan bahwa sebagian masyarakat Leoruas telah memahmi
tentang kata sifat dan mengubah kata sifat dalam tingkat perbandingan komparatif dan superlatif. Tetapi
ada sebagian yang kesulitan dalam menguasai degrees of comparison. Diantaranya, mereka bingung
meletakan suffix Liu”-er” untuk komparatif dan Liu resik ‘-st/est’’ untuk superlative.

Kata kunci: Kata sifat, perbandingan, perbandingan komparatif, perbandingan superlatif

Language is an arbitrary vocal symbol which permits all people in given cultural, or the
people who have learned the system of that culture to communicate, or to interact. It is a
chief means of communication that enables people to express their ideas, feeling, thinking,
and etc.
Tetun (BT) is one of the regional languages in Belu regency. The Belu community is a
multilingual or multilingual society. Multilingual refers to a speaker who speaker two or
more language, meaning that the language in Belu is not only one language. Belu regency
has several kinds of regional language, such as Tetun, Kemak, Bunak, Marae, Dawan and so
on. Tetun (BT) is a regional language that is seen as an important element and a supporter of
regional culture, which has a variety of ethnicities and race in a region, but has its own
Likewise, the Tetun language (BT) is used by several areas in Belu Regency and Malaka
Regency because the Tetun language (BT) which was physically passed down by ancestors’
we lived and developed within the Tetun tribe as a means of communication in everyday life.
Tetun language is unique as other languages that are spread throughout the archipelago. The
uniqueness referred to is the existence of dialect variations, namely the Foho / Terik dialect,
and Fehan. The Foho dialect commonly known as the regional language of Tetun Terik is
spoken by the Belu people, one of which is the community in the Western Tasifeto, sub-
district of Bakustulama village. In addition, the indigenous people of North Biboki District,
North Central Timor Regency also speak the Foho / terik dialect.
To get the general understanding about degrees of comparison, it is better to describe
what comparison is. One of the most basic and powerful of human cognitive process is the
abilityto comprehend and express the fact that two thingsare similar or defferent. Often such
similarity or defference is expressed in term of degree, extent, or quantity.
The degrees of comparison are known as the positive, the comparative, and the
superlative. (actually, only the comparative and superlative show degrees). we use the
comparative for comparing two things and the superlative for comparing three or more
things. Furthermore, according to Martin Parrot, comparatives are adjectives and adverbs that
end in –er.(e.g. bigger, richer, faster). And superlative are adjectives and adverbs that end in-

est.( e.g. biggest, richest, fastest.) it means that degrees of comparison are used for comparing
two or more things, person or place to denote different level of them.
Based on the definition stated above, the researcher infers that comparison is a process of
comparing people, things, or place through the level of quality or quantity. It is formed from
adjective and adverb. But this research is only focused on comparison of adjective.
Therefore, comparison of adjective is the modification of an adjective to denote different
level of quality or quantity. Adjective have three degrees of comparison, such as : positive,
comparative, and superlative. Each kind has different form and usage. The explanation of
those three kind of degrees of comparison will clearly discussed as follows:
positive degree is the most basic form of the adjective, positive becausedoesnot relate to
any superior or inferior qualities of other things. Positive refers to the quality of one person
or things. It is simply the adjective form. Marcella says that positive degree is two units are
compared to an equal degree. In addition, Krohn statethat the positive form is used
with adjective. On the other hand, we can use as + adjective + as for comparing two person
or thing that have the similarity of quality or quantity.
For example:

So’e is as cold as Eban.

My father is as old as my mother.
The comparative degree denotes a greater amount of a quality relative to
something else. Zandvoort and Van Ek state that the comparative is when two person or
things( or two groups of person or things)are compared or constrated
As bearers of a certain quality. Murphy says that the comparative form is- er or
more that is used adjective and adverb. Co parative degree is used to comparetwo person,
place or things.
For example:
So’e is as colder as kefa.
My father is as older as my mother.
Superlative degree is used ti stress the highest degree of qualityfor more than two
object compared. It is the highestor lowesr degree of quality when more than two person
or things are compared. The superlative is used to compare somebodyor something with

the whole group that she or he or it belongs to. Murphy says that the superlative use the
with –est or most to form the superlative or adjective and adverb.
For example:
So’e is as coldest as kefa.
My father is as oldest as my mother.


1) Positive degree:
- Smart ~ pintar ~ matenek
- Cold ~ dingin ~ malirin
- Hot ~ panas ~ manas
- Big ~ besar ~ bot
- Sweet ~ manis ~ midar
2) Comparative degrees:
- Smarter ~ lebih pintar ~ matenek liu
- Colder ~ lebih dingin ~ malirin liu
- Hotter ~ lebih pan as ~ manas liu
- Bigger ~ lebih besar~ bot liu
- Sweeter~ lebih manis~ midar liu
3) Superlative degrees
- Smartest ~ paling pintar/ sangat pintar ~ matenek liu resik/matenek basuk
- Coldest~ paling dingin/sangat dingin~ malirin liu resik/malirin basuk
- Bigest~ paling besar/sangat besat/besar sekali~ bot liu resik/bot basuk
- Sweetest~paling manis/manis sekali/sangat manis~midar liu resik/midar

The form of this research is qualitative reseach. The reasons the researcher
chooses qualitative research because the researcher comes directly in and does the
research in the real situation about social phenomena and this research is basically

conducted in natural and the data gathered are taken from the students’ daily
activity .The aim of qualitative approach is to offer description, interpretation and
classifications of naturalistics social contexts. Qualitative research is an approach to
social science research that emphasizes collecting descriptive data in natural setting,
usses inductive thinking, and emphasizes understanding the subject point of view.
Natural means that qualitative research is done in the real setting as a direct source of
data. The researcher comes and spend the time un the class, or other learning place
about educational concern.


Table 1
The word of degrees in Tetun Language

No Positive Comparative Superlative

1 Malirin Malirin liu Malirin liu resik
Dingin (cold) Lebih dingin (colder) Paling dingin (coldest)
2 Moru Moru liu Moru liu resik
Pahit (bitter) Lebih pahit(more bitter) Paling pahit(most bitter)
3 Midar Midar liu Midar liu resik
Manis (sweet) Lebih manis (sweeter) Paling manis(sweetest)
4 Madinas Madinas liu Madinas liu resik
Rajin(diligent) Lebih rajin(more diligent) Paling rajin(most diligent)
5 Matenek Matenek liu Matenek liu resik
Pintar(pintar) Lebih pintar(smarter) Paling pintar(smartest)
6 Naruk Naruk liu Naruk liu resik
Tinggi(tall) Lebih tinggi(taller) Paling tinggi(tallest)
7 Baruk Baruk liu Baruk liu resik
Malas(lazy) Lebih malas(lazier) Paling malas(laziest)
8 Di’ak Di’ak liu Di’ak liu resik
Ramah(kind) Lebih ramah(kinder) Paling ramah(kindest)
9 Badak Badak liu Badak liu resik
Pendek(short) Lebuh pendek(shorter) Paling pendek(shortest)
10 Ki’ik Ki’ik liu Ki’ik liu resik
Kecil(small) Lebih kecil(smaller) Paling kecil(smallest)
11 Bot Bot liu Bot liu resik
Besar(big) Lebih besar(bigger) Paling besar(biggest)

12 Ta’uk Ta’uk liu Ta’uk liu resik
Takut(afraid) Lebih takut(more afraid) Paling takut(most afraid)
13 Moras Moras liu Moras liu resik
Sakit(hurts) Lebih sakit(hurts more) Paling sakit(most sick)
14 Tuan Tuan liu Tuan liu resik
Lama(long) Lebih lama(longer) Paling lama(longest)
15 Mos Mos liu Mos liu resik
Bersih(clean) Lebih bersih(cleaner) Paling bersih(cleanest)
16 Manas Manas liu Manas liu resik
Panas(warm) Lebih panas(warmer) Paling panas(warmest)
17 Bokur Bokur liu Bokur liu resik
Gemuk(fat) Lebih gemuk(fater) Paling gemuk(fatest)
18 Beik Beik liu Beik liu resik
Bodoh(stupid) Lebih bodoh(more stupid) Paling bodoh(dumbest)
19 Dok Dok liu Dok liu resik
Jauh(far) Lebih jauh(farher) Paling jauh(farthest)
2 Re’is Re’is liu Re’is liu resik
0 Dekat(near) Lebih dekat(nearer) Paling dekat(nearest)
2 Mamar Mamar liu Mamr liu resik
1 Lembek(soft) Lebih lembek(softer) Paling lembek(softest)
2 Monas Monas liu Monas liu resik
2 Keras(hard) Lebih keras(harder) Paling keras(hardest)
2 Maran Maran liu Maran liu resik
3 Kering(dry) Lebih kering(drier) Paling kering(driest)
24 Lotuk lotuk liu Lotuk liu resik
Kurus(thin) lebih kurus(thiner) Paling kurus(thinnest)

4.1 Positive degrees

If we list it, the positive degree is the earliest level in the degrees of comparison
followed by two other levels. The reason why this level is at the earliest layer is because
in this position the adjective or adverb we use in the sentence does not indicate that one
thing has advantages or disadvantages when compared to other. The following is an
example a word or sentence included in positive degrees:

`Table 2
The sentences of positive degrees

No tetun language Indonesia language English language

1 Oan ne natauk Anak itu takut setan The boy is a afraid of
diabu demous
2 Uma ne bot Rumah ini besar This house is big
3 Nia sei ki’ik Dia masih kecil He’s still a kid
4 Faru nekador Baju ini kotor These clothes are dirty
5 Ema ne katuas ti’an Orang itu sudah tua That person is old
6 Feto nedi’ak Wanita ini baik This woman is good
7 Modo nia moru Sayur itu pahit This vegetable is bitter
8 Warik Oan ne Anak ini sudah pintar This kid is already smart
9 Ai nenaruk Kayu ini panjang This wood is long
10 We nia sei manas Air itu masih panas panas The water was still hot
11 Rai ne sei dok Jalan ini masih jauh this road is still far
12 Waniwen ne midar Madu itu manis Honey is sweet
13 Ai tahan Daun itu sudah kering The leaves are dry
14 Etu nia dois ti’an Nasi itu sudah bau The rice was stale
15 Semen nia no Lantai itu ada debu The floor had dust
16 Faru nia folin todan Baju itu harganya mahal The clothes are expensive
17 Haukan aman sei bit Ayah saya masih kuat My farher is still strong
18 Haukan ain katar Kaki saya gatal My feet itch
19 Jia ne isin todan Jia ini badan berat Jia is a big body
20 Modo nia at ti’an Sayur itu sudah rusak The vegetable is
21 Mane ne inun Cowo itu hidung mancung The guy has a sharp nose
niakan meik
22 Nia tau faru mean Dia memakai baju warna He was wearing are shirt
23 Feto oan nia isin Cewe itu bekulit putih Girls are white
24 Haukan aman isin Ayah saya badan My father is small
lotuk kecil/kurus
25 Feto diak nia Cewe cantik itu mencium This beautiful girl kisses
nandinan warik oan bayi ini this baby


4.2 Comparative degrees

Comparative degree is the second level in the degrees of comparison. It is at this level
that the “comparing” element begins to become clear, because the words belonging to the
Comparative Degree will always show that one things has properties that we value “more”
than other objects, for example, the word “bigger” we used at the beginning. Which means,
“bigger”. The assumption is if there is something that we consider “bigger”, then we are
certainly comparing two subject in terms of “size”, where it turns out that one of the objects
we are comparing is “bigger” in size while the other is “smaller”.

Table 3.
The sentences of comparative degrees
No Tetun Language Indonesia language English Language
1 Eban malirin liu Eban lebih dingin dari Eban is as cooler as Kefa
kefa kefa
2 Waniwen ne midar Madu lebih manis dari Honey is as sweeter as
liu masin midar gula sugar
3 Malaka manas liu Malaka lebih panas dari Malacca is as hotter than
atambua atambua Atambua
4 Ani matenek liu ana Any lebih pintar dari ana Any is smarter than Ana
5 Ista madinas liu indy ista lebih rajin dari indy Ista is more diligent than
6 Uma ne mos liu uma Rumah ini lebih bersih This house is cleaner
sorin dari rumah tetangga than the neigboar’s
7 Rani niakan uma Rumah Rani lebih jauh Rani’ house is further
dok liu ria niakan dari rumah Ria from Ria’s house
8 mota tinan ne bot liu banjir tahun ini lebih The flood this year is
tinan uluk besar dari tahun kemarin bigger than last year
9 Hosi uma ba misa dari rumah ke gereja From house to church
reis liu lebih dekat closer

10 Ai bubur nia maran Kayu jati itu lebih kering Teah wood is drier
liu ai sukabi dari kayu kusambi kusambi wood
11 Kalan ne fulam Malam ini bulan lebih Tonight the moon is
nakroma liu arfonin terang dari tadi malam brighter than last night
12 Dila tahan ne moru Daun papaya lebih pahit Papaya leaves are more
liu modo baria dari sayur paria bitter than pania fruit
1 Meisa inun meik liu Hidung meysa lebih Meysa’s nose is more
3 fania mancung hidung fania sharp Fania’s nose

1 Jia mutin liu Tian Jia lebih dari putih Tian Jia is whiter Tian
1 Faru mutin nia diak Baju putih itu lebih White clothes are better
5 liu faru metan bagus dari baju hitam than black clothes

4.3 Superlative
Superlative degree is used ti stress the highest degree of qualityfor more than two
object compared. It is the highestor lowesr degree of quality when more than two person
or things are compared. The superlative is used to compare somebodyor something with
the whole group that she or he or it belongs to. Murphy says that the superlative use the
with –est or most to form the superlative or adjective and adverb.

Table 4.
The sentences of superlative degrees
N In Tetun In Indonesia In English
1 Pasar ne rame liu resik / Pasar ini rame This market is the
rame basuk sekali/paling rame/ most crowded
sangat rame.
2 Iha sekolah ne Anton Di sekolah itu anton Anton was the
matenek liu sia hotu-hotu paling pindar dari semua smartestat school

3 Iha ne feto nia loko naliu Di sini wanita itu paling Here the woman is
resik sombong the most arrogant
4 Etek Madinas liu resik / Etek Paling rajin / rajin Etek the most
madinas to,o/ madinas sekali / sangat rajin diligent
5 Suri ne Baruk liu resik / Suri ini Paling pemalas/ The most lazy man
baruk ten/ baruk mate sangat malas/ malas
6 Oan ne Matenek liu Anak ini Paling pintar/ This kidis is the
resik/ matenek mate/ pintar sekali/ sangat smartest
matenek to'o pintar
7 Ai ne naruk liu resik/ Kayu itu Paling tinggi/ The wood is the
naruk basuk sangat tinggi/ tinggi tallest
8 Dila tahan ne moru liu Daun papaya ini Paling Papaya leaves are
resik pahit/ pahit sekali/ sangat the most bitter
9 Ai ne Badak liu resik/ Kayu ini paling pendek/ Wood this is
badak basuk pendek sekali shortest
10 Feto ne Di’ak liu resik/ Wanita ini Paling baik/ This woman is the
diak to’o/ di’ak mate baik sekali/ sangat baik kindest
11 Ember ne Ki’ik liu resik/ Ember ini Paling kecil/ This bucket is the
ki’ik basuk kecil sekali/ snagat kecil smallest
12 Ama desa ne dale wain Kepala desa itu omong The village head
liu resik paling banyak talked the most
13 Rai ne Manas liu Hari ini Paling panas/ The hottest day
resik/manas basuk, panas sekali/ sangat
manas to’o panas
14 Uma ne Kador liu resik/ Rumah ini Paling kotor/ This house is the
kador to’o, sangat kotor/ kotor sekali dirtiest
15 Haukan ina ne di’ak liu Mama saya paling baik My mother is the


This study resulted in the finding that there were differences in the use of adjective in
Tetun ethnic group in Belu, east Nusa Tenggara Timur, namely the differences in the use
of the adjective liu‘more’ and liu resik‘most’ in making sentences at the adjective
comparison. Beside to use,
5.1.1 The patterns of degree of comparison in Tetun Language as follow:
- Malirin (cold), malirin liu (colder), malirin liu resik (coldest)
- Midar (sweet, midar liu (sweeter), midar liu resik( sweetest)
- Ta’uk ( afraid), ta’uk liu(more afraid), ta’uk liu resik(most afraid)

5.1.2 The degrees of comparison are construction in sentences, as follow:

- Waniwen ne midar liu masin midar
(honey is as sweeter as sugar)
- Kalan ne fulan nakroma liu arfonin
(tonight the moon is brighter than last night)
- Dila tahan ne moru liu resik
(papaya leaves are the most bitter)
- Ember ne ki’ik liu resuk
(this bucket is the smallest)

5.2 Suggestion
Considering the result of the research, the researcher would like to deliver some
suggestions as follows:
For the teacher
The teacher should be creative in teaching degrees of comparison, for example use
games or pictures that make all of the students can participate in learning activity.
The teacher should give motivation and stimulate to the students to increase the
students’ mastery in using degrees of comparison.
For the students

The students should have high motivation, pretension, and curiosity to learn something in
learning English, especially about degrees of comparison. The students should be active
in the class, such as in asking and answering, discussion, and so on especially about
degrees of comparison material.
For the other researcher
This research was about an analysis on degrees of comparison in Tetun language. The
researcher hopes that this research can be used as a reference for a research about degrees
of comparison with different objectives, sample, and methodology.
For the readers
After reading this thesis, the readers are hoped to get information, knowledge, and
advantages especially about the use of kinds of degrees of comparison.


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