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Chapter 6
“I rate enthusiasm even above professional

- Sir Edward Appleton

Employees are the strength of an organization.
They are the prime contributors to its success.

 Motivation
 Teamwork
 Training and mentoring
 Recognition and rewards
 Feedback and performance appraisal
 empowerment
 the company

 Its policies and its administration

 The kind of supervision which people receive while

on the job
 Working conditions

 Interpersonal relations

 salary

 Status

 security
 Achievement

 Recognition for achievement

 Interest in the task

 Responsibility for enlarged task

 Growth and advancement to higher level tasks

 Responsibility
 Authority
 Wherewithal for accomplishing the task
 Criteria of measurement of the work output
Results in a Win–Win Situation

Win-win situation demands that each employee respects

the views of other employees and regards the self-
esteem of all the colleagues in the team.

To summarize, the team can have the ff. benefits if they

work for a win-win situation:
 Achieve dramatic results, which individuals can’t
 Make best use of skills of each member of the team
 Make right decision
 Get more enjoyment and job satisfaction
The problems of win-lose are summarized below:
 Waste time

 Creates conflict

 Stops people listening

 Spoils happiness and health of team members

Do Rewards Disrupt Teamwork?
Reward encourage people to practice teamwork.
Awards should be given to motivate the team of
people, who have contributed in a great

in other words, the output of team should be

given more importance than the output of the
individuals. This should not curtail the innovation
of individuals.
In every organization, communication is a
three way process for each employee, as given
 to one, employee is working for-
 To the persons working for him-
subordinates/junior employees.
 To the persons one works with, the peers,
counterparts, customers and suppliers (both
internal and external)
 Necessity for Communicating Upwards
- upward communication means
communicating with seniors.

 Communication with Juniors

- every employee should communicate with
juniors. The junior employee will not have the
same education, experience and expertise as
that of the senior. Therefore, the senior has to
communicate with the junior patiently and in

 Communication with Peers

- communication with peers is equally
important. This has assumed significance since
the organization have to establish customer-
suppliers relationship to practice TQM.
Necessity for Orientation Training
- the employees in their formal education learn
many techniques covering wide range of
topics, from basic principles to advance topics.

The orientation training should help the

employees to understand the ff, in particular:
 Objectives of the organization

 Requirements and expectations from his team

 His role

 His authority

 The know-how and know-why of the jobs to

be undertaken on day to day basis
 familiarity and skill in operating the tools or
machinery connected with the job in hand.
Experienced Recruits Need More Orientation
- in the service sector, obsolescence settles in fast.
Therefore, there is a continual change in the
business. This means, that the employees have
to acquire the skills needed for designing,
manufacturing, delivering, and servicing the
updated or new products or services.
There is a reluctant on the part of the
management to send employees for training,
due to some ff. reasons:
 Excessive workload in the organization, which
does not permit sending them for training
 Non-availability of appropriate training
 Fear of migration of employees after training
PDCA for Training

Though training contributes to the prosperity

of an organization, it also costs money.
Therefore, PDCA should be used for training of
employees in every organization.

 Plan for Training

 Provide Training
 Measure Training Effectiveness
 Improve Training Effectiveness
Recognition of Achievement is Important
it is important to recognize achievement of
employees, customers and suppliers. Every
employee or supplier has to meet the
requirements to satisfy his customers.
However, there would be a few teams, and
few suppliers, which will excel in their
contributions. Meeting customer requirements
is not enough for recognition. Exceeding
customer requirements or satisfying customer,
whether internal or external can be considered
to be an achievement.
Select a Few Best Performers

the attribute for selection of best performing

employees in ETDC, Chennai are given below:

 Commitment
 Creativity
 Flexibility
 Adaptability
 Determination
 responsibilty
Type of Awards
The organization should select the award
appropriately. It could be appreciation in an
annual meeting, certificates, mementos, and
cash awards.
No matter what is the type of award, the
employees will definitely be motivated.
However, the organization should be
consistent in giving the awards.
Enable Happiness All Around

The recognition and award program should

help the organization amongst all the
employees. It should not lead to bitterness
amongst employees and should not demotivate
them. Hence, before venturing into the
recognition program, the management has to
give considerable thought and then only
finalize the strategy for recognition and awards.
Feedback Essential Both for Employees and
it is more humane to be curious to know about
the result of an action. Actions, are taken not only
by management, but also by junior employees in
the organization. therefore, both the
management and the employees should look
forward to getting a feedback on the action
taken, the employees from he management and
vice versa, in the interest of improving quality
Management Should Seek Feedback
One of the responsibility of the management is
to seek feedback. The management should
therefore adopt stable strategies to get the right
feedback from the employees as well as
Management By Walking Around (MBWA) –
concept advocated by Tom Peters to get the
feedback. It should be practiced in the right
manner for getting the desired results.
Feedback to the Employees
Every employee in the organization should receive
a feedback on the quality of his output. Quality
does not only mean the conformance of the
product or service to the requirements, but also
the timeliness, behavioral requirements and all
attributes of TQM.

Giving Appropriate Feedback

When a feedback is given, it should be the most
appropriate. The feedback should never be
exaggerated or under played; it should be correct
Timely Feedback
Feedback should never be accumulated forever.
The feedback , as and when required, should be
given at the appropriate time . The feedback
session could be short and brief so that it will be
taken seriously.

Vatch Effect of Feedback

Each feedback session is a corrective action of the
system, to use the terminology of ISO 9001.
therefore, the effect of feedback has to be
monitored, studied and analyze. If the feedback is
given in an appropriate manner and if it is right
then definitely the employee will be motivated to
correct himself.
Continuous Feedback

Like continuous improvement, feedback should

also be given continuously.
the feedback will be never ending for any of the
supervisory persons, since the system will try to drift
away from the set goals often and the
management will be required to correct the
system through the feedback mechanism.
Performance appraisal used for he development
of the employees.

Reports should be used by the management , for

various purposes as:
 Promotion
 Granting of additional increments
 Training the employees
 Reallocation of duties
 Empowerment and ownership are synonymous.
 Empowerment of employees is one the latest
management techniques deployed to result in
continuous improvement in the organization.
 Empowerment means involvement of all the
employees for improvement of processes on
continual basis.
 Empowerment is just the opposite of strict
hierarchical “do what I say” approach in the
 Empowerment means transfer of responsibility of
satisfying customer to employees. It means that
the employees own the process of satisfying the
Empowerment is not without bounds

Empowerment of employees is not without bounds

or limitations. It should be structured and planned
to achieve the corporate goals in the TQM way.
the employees are aligned with the business
direction as brought out in the vision and mission
statements of the CEO. They to be made to
understand their performance boundaries and
expected performance results.
Empower teams, not individuals
A team of employees will be empowered not the
individuals. Even when an individual is
empowered, It is done so in his capacity as the
coordinator of the team. It is not personal to
 The team has to achieve the objectives set forth by
the management.
 The team has to identify the best course of action
every context
 The team has to take decisions on its own within its
own boundaries.
 The team function in a democratic manner to
achieve success.
The ff. steps are involved in the operation of self-
managed teams:
 Agree on what they will produce or carry out

 Decide how to organize the team

 Decide on the responsibility within the team

 Decide on flow of work

 Audit the process

 Decide on improvement and restart

Fundamental Requirements of Management
for Successful Empowerment
Top management should take the following actions to practice empowerment
1. Accept that teamwork is more beneficial and hierarchical
2. Invest time and money on the team building and training before
3. Formulate a clear-cut, unambiguous vision and mission statement
and the system for quality
4. Be prepared to spend more time at the initial stages and later o n to
listen to the problems of the team members.
5. Prepare to wait patiently for the success of empowered team
6. Prepare to equip the teams with facts and trust them
7. Provide support and tools wherever required for problem solving
8. Reward worthy teams
9. Provide communications infrastructure and Information Technology
infrastructure for the teams to carry on the tasks, without difficulty

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