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by İrem Acar

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Physics Higher Level lnternal Assessment

What is the effect of initial water volume variation of a water rocket on the
maximum height reached?

The essential life-goal of human beings is to survive and consequently, to maintain the human race.
Modern humans arose about approximately 200,000 years ago. Human beings are different from ali
antecedent species because we are self-consciously intelligent. Thus we have the potential to either
hasten, retard or even prevent our ultimate demise. As it seems that we will fail our aim of sustaining
human race on Earth on account of our abuse of the natural resources, NASA conducts many studies
and send robotic spacecraft seeking to discover if it is possible to construct an artificial life on another
planet, Mars. As intrigued ı am with the investigations being conducted; 1 decided to research and
discover more about space science; thus, 1 investigated water rockets,which hold same basic
of physics as space rockets do.

A water rocket is obtained by inverting a soda bottle, filled with water. Air is pumped inside the soda
bottle until the capsulized air's pressure is big enough to propel it through the air. 1Though it may seem
irrelevant, we had a "parachute contest" in our class last year. Designing and forming it in a way that
it would glide the most in the air, 1 have tried to pay attention to every factor I may affect on. And now,
as I know, there are many factors affecting the motion of the parachute, 1 wanted to observe water
rockets that are aerodynamically different from each other just as we did last year in the class with
parachutes. lts initial volume of water is one of the critical factors affecting a water rocket's maximum
height; however, there are a variety of other factors such as its aerodynamics .Since it would be
difficult to consider all the factors, 1 decided to a make a simulation-based experiment to observe the
effect of initial water volume variation of a wat er rocket on the maximum height reached.


a) Water Rocket vs Space Rocket

Although there are differences between the working principles of a water rocket and a space rocket,
the motion of the two are quite similar: Both missiles execute their movements by force of high
pressure that is used to expel a liquid via a narrow opening. Based upon the Bernoulli's principal, as
the fluid passes through the small opening with a high velocity, a force which is in the reverse direction
of the liquid propels the rocket upwards.2 Whereas the liquid is burning fuel in a space rocket,in water
rocket water is used instead. 3

1 Romrell, Laura,Griffin Harger, and Justin Ross. Water Rockets. N.p., n.d. Web . 22 Apr . 2017.
<http://tuhsphysics.ttsd.k12 rch/1B08/RossHargRom r/index. htm>.
2 Level . Exploring Newton's Laws of Motion with Bottle Rockets (2014) : 1-7. National Geographic Society

. Web. 11Feb. 2017. <https://media.nationalgeographic .org/assets/file/Exploring_Newtons_Laws_o

f_ Motion_ with_ Bottle_ Rockets_Activity.pdf>.
3 "Water Rocket Manual." How Bottle Rockets Work. Jacobs Ontine, n.d. Web. 21 Apr . 2017.

<http://www .waterrocketm a rk.htm>.

b) Free Body Diagram of Forces Acting on the Water Rocket (Figure 1)

Thrust, air friction, and weight are the three main forces
controlling the motion of the rocket. The free body diagram of
these forces is provided in Figure 1. Also, the structure of a
water rocket is displayed, and its characteristics are named.

The reason why air and water release ta kes place is that the
thrust (F Thrust) is formed because of the differences of
Weight !1 Air friction

pressures inside the bottle and that of the atmosphere . Due to

gravitational force,
lf the (W) exists, and the air friction leads to the drag force .

air friction, thus the drag force, is neglected the net force acting
on the water rocket (F net) can be shown as:

F net = F Thrust - W
Expelled wate,,...
(Equation 1)

c) The Motion of the Water Rocket

The rocket's motion can be explained with Newton's second and third laws:

ii) Newton's Second Law

Newton's second law of motion concerns the behaviour of objects on which applies a force that is not
balanced. The second law indicates that acceleration of an object depends on the net force acting
upon the object and the mass of the object . While acceleration of an object is directly proportional to
the net force acting on the object, it is inversely proportional to the object's mass. Thus, it is correct to
state that if the more the rocket's mass is, the more force is required to accelerate the missile.2
F = m.a

(Equation 2)

ii) Newton's Third Law

Newton's third law states that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. As the water
is forcefully expelled from the rocket, an equal but opposite force is created: the thrust. When the
pressurised air inside the bottle pushes the water downwards,the action occurs and the reaction,
the thrust, is the upward movement of the rocket. The rocket perpetually ejects liquid and
accelerates; thus its momentum is continuously changing. So,the rate of change of momentum can
be shown regarding the thrust.

lmpulse of the rocket = !J.pR = Fthrust . M

2 1 Level.
Exploring Newton's Laws of Motion with Bottle Rockets (2014): 1-7. National Geographic Society.
Web. 11Feb. 2017. <https://media .nationalgeographic .org/assets/file/Exploring_ Newtons_ Laws_o
f_ Motion_ with_ Bottle_ Rockets_Act ivity .pdf>.
(Equation 3)4

mr represents the mass of the rocket and v represents the velocity of the rocket.

The momentum of a system is conserved, so, the change in the momentum of the rocket (lı.pr) and
water that's exhausted (-lı.Pewl should equal.

(Equation 4)

Also, as the mass lost by the rocket is gained by the exhaust water, the change in the mass of
the rocket (lı.m) equals the change in the mass of the exhaust water.

lı.mlı.v = -lı.mlı.u

(Equation S)

Since the change in masses is the same, change in rocket's velocity (lı.v) is equal to change in
the exhaust water's velocity (lı.u). When lı.u or -lı.u (initial velocity of exhaust water is zero, so
both would work) is substituted into the equation, thrust force comes up to be:

Fthrust = -u M
(Equation 6)4

Minus sign plays a part in the equation because the direction of the velocity of exhaust water
is opposite with the course of the velocity of the rocket.

d) Stages of the Water Rocket's Flight

1) Coast Stage (t0 to when the rocket reaches the maximum height):
i) The rocket accelerates because of the reaction force of the exhausted water and air.
ii) When water is thoroughly exhausted from the rocket, accelerating motion of the rocket
comes to an end, and the rocket reaches its maximum velocity.
iii) Decelerates due to the gravitational force but keeps moving upwards until the rocket's
velocity becomes zero. At that instant, the rocket reaches its maximum height.

2) Recovery Stage (from when the rocket is at its the maximum height until it hits the ground)
i) The water rocket starts to accelerate in the negative direction (downwards) due to the
gravitational force, after reaching its maximum height with a velocity of zero.

4Force and Momentum.1 Rocket Principles. HyperPhysics, n.d. Web. 13 Mar. 2017.
e) Factors which Affect the Maximum Height the Rocket Can Reach

A particular rocket is expected that when the rocket has its required maximum percentage value of the
water it can achieve its peak height as this condition will create the maximum thrust force acting on
the rocket. Thus, the movements of the rocket is particularly dependent on different factors that affect
the thrust force. These factors are listed below. in the simulation, air drag is not used; therefore, it is
ignored. Any alteration in these factors would considerably change the maximum height reached by
the rocket.

The volume of the water rocket

The volume of water in the rocket
The pressure of the compressed
air The diameter of the bottle
The diameter of the nozzle
Mass of the dry rocket


a) Purpose and Research Question

My experiment aims to test how the percentage of water in the bottle of a water rocket affects the
maximum height reached by it.ıalsa seek to find the optimum amount of water for a particular missile
and to do so; 1 will compare the heights reached of different rockets having different percentages of
water . Besides, whether maximum percentage amount of water alters concerning the rocket's total
volume is also going to be investigated. To that end, the correlation of water volume and height
reached by the rocket will be compared while the first percentage of water volume increases. The
reason for choosing to do a simulation-based experiment is the fact that this experiment requires a lot
of data to be collected and errors that would occur may not be overcome, resulting the research to
yield no result. Moreover, water rocket simulation is the most productive and most comfortable way
to examine the predetermined relation.

b) Hypothesis

Water being mainly incompressible cannot store much energy when a pressure is applied. On the
contrary, air, when it's pressurised, can save relatively much more energy. However, air is not dense;
thus, can't work well as a reactive mass- which changes the momentum of the rocket and ultimately
creates the thrust force. So, while air provides the stored energy in a water rocket, water acts as the
reactive mass. in other words, if the bottle is overfilled with water, besides the water rocket being too
massive, there will not be an adequate volume of pressurised air to expel the water. On the other
hand, when there is an immoderate amount of air in the bottle, there will not be a lot of reactive mass
to exhaust. A balance between the volumes of water and air must be reached to achieve the aim. By
my research, 1 predict that one-third of the total capacity of the bottle should be filled with water for
to rocket to reach the maximum possible height. Notwithstanding, it is an approximate value that may
not result in the same way for each experiment.

As I will investigate both the effects of the first percentage of the water when it reaches the maximum
height and the impact of rocket's volume on the optimum initial percentage of water volume,
independent, dependent and controlled variables for each investigation will be different.

The effect of initial percentage of water on the The impact of rocket's volume on the optimum
maximum height initial percentage of water volume

lndependent lnitial percentage of water volume Volume of the rocket

Dependent Maximum height rocket reaches Optimum initial percentage of water volume for
the rocket to reach its maximum height

Controlled Mass of dry rocket, pressure of compressed Mass of dry rocket, pressure of compressed air,
air, volume of rocket, nozzle diameter, bottle nozzle diameter, bottle diameter, water density,
diameter, water density, initial speed of rocket initial speed of rocket

c) Design of the Experiment

To collect data, "The water simulation by Clifford Health" is used. Aiming to explore the how
much effect the volume of the rocket has on the maximum value of start-up volume value of
water. Under this scope, the following rocket volumes are tested: 1000, 1500, 2000, 2500, 3000,
4000, 5000, 10000, 12000 and 15000 ml.

Aiming to explore the optimum initial percentage of water volume, water volumes are taken in the
following amounts and they are examined initially for each bottle volumes written above: %5, %10,
%15, %20, %25,
%30, %35, %40, %45, %50, %55, %60, %70, %80. Greater water volumes than %80 are not
simulated because after the volume of the water reaches to 50 percent, the rocket becomes too
heavy, which, according to my research, would cause the rocket to cover a smaller distance. To justify
my daim, %55, %60, %70, and %80 initial volumes are simulated although they are guessed not to be
optimum amounts.

Moreover, the friction force of air will be neglected; therefore, set to zero in the experiment. It
should be noted that the maximum percentage of the volume of the water at the beginning
actually generates the maximal thrust force that is required in order for the rocket to reach its
peak. For this reason, it is the main objective is to reach the maximal thrust force to succeed.
However, as the thrust force is not affected by the force of air drag it will not affect the outcome
and the goal of the simulation therefore the air drag force can be ignored.
d) The Technical lnformation of the Simulation

lndependent variables
Rocket volume (VR)

1000, 1500, 2000, 2500, 3000, 4000, 5000, 10000, 12000 and 15000

lnitial percent volume of water (%V0)

%5, %10, %15, %20, %25, %30, %35, %40, %45, %50, %55, %60, %70, and %80

Controlled variables

(these values are selected concerning on the basis of a rocket I designed by myself)
lnitial pressure of compressed air inside the rocket = p0 = 300 kPa

Diameter and cross-sectional area of nozzle: dN = 20 mm and AN = 3.50 cm2

Diameter and cross-sectional area of bottle: dR = 12 cm and AR = 100 cm 2

Mass of the dry bottle = mR =200g

lnitial speed of the rocket = V; = O ms-ı

Water density = Pw = 1000 kgm-3

e) Measurements

After realizing that the simulation gives the same identical outcomes when the same variables are
entered, ı decided to trial each measurement once.The results of the "lnitial percent water volume"
(%V0) and "Height reached by the rocket (h)" are going to be recorded which will be given by the
simulation .

f) Procedure

1-) As displayed in Figure 2, the constant controlled values are entered in the simulation
website ( /l.

2-) "ll" is entered for the rocket volume.

3-) The calculated value of "5% of ll" is entered tor the water

volume. 4-) Simulation is submitted.

5-) Step 2 is repeated for the following percentage of water volumes: %10, %15, %20, %25, %30,
%35, %40, %45, %50, %55, %60, %70, and %80.

6-) Steps 1,2,3,and 4 are repeated for the following rocket volumes 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, 4, 5, 10, 12 and
7-) The results that are listed above in part f are recorded.
Rocket volume: 1 (litres)
Water volume: •(litres)
Pressure: 300 (in Kpa,append 'b' for bars, 'p' for PSI)
Nozzle size: 20 •(millimeters)
Nozzle loss factor: o •(0.05-0.3ish)
Bottle diameter: 120 (millimeters)
Coefficient of Drag: o (typical range 0.1-0.5)
Dry mass: 200 •(grams)
lnitlal speed (for second stage): o (metres/second)
Launch tube length: o (millimetres)
Figure ı Launch tube diameter: o (millimetres, zem means same as nozzle)
Water density: 1 •{kg/litre)
Submlt Simulation


a) Raw Data

in Tab/e 1, 2, 3, and 4, the recorded values are provided for the 1L, 1.5 L,12L, and 15 L water
rockets. The measurements involving the other rocket volumes are in the appendix section.

The uncertainty is not included for the the initial volume of water (V0) because the simulation
ca lculates the results by using the precise value which is entered but the uncertainties of height (h),
maximum velocity (Vmax L and burnout time (tbo) are included. As the s imulation only accounts for
the hundredth decimal point,the uncertainty for these variables is assumed to be the minimum
increase in the decimal point.

Tab/e 1- Simulation resu/ts for 1Lbottle

Percentage of lnitial lnitial Volume of Water (Vo) (mL) Height (h) (±0.0lm)
Water Volume (Vo
o o 0.36

5 50 2.97
10 100 6.67
ıs 150 10.56
20 200 14.22
25 250 17 .42
30 300 20 .07
35 350 22.11
40 400 23.54
45 450 24.35
50 500 24.56
55 550 24 .23
60 600 23.51
70 700 20.19
80 800 14.46
Tab/e 2- Simulation resu/ts for 1.5 L bottle

Percentage of lnitial Water l nitial Volu me of Water (V0l (mll Height (hl (:ı:O.Olm l
Volu me (Vo%l

o o 0.82
5 75 6.25
10 150 13.05
ıs 225 19.50
20 300 25.05
25 375 29.52
30 450 32.87
35 525 35.15
40 600 36.42
45 675 36.76
50 750 36.24
55 825 35.01
60 900 33.37
70 1050 27.61
80 1200 18.91

Table 3- Simulation results for 12 L bottle

Percentage of lnitial Water l nitial Volu me of Water (Vol (mll Height (hl (:ı:O.Olm l
Volu me (Vo%l

o o 53.50
5 600 184.54
10 1200 227.03
15 1800 236.35
20 2400 229.37
25 3000 213.68
30 3600 193.36
35 4200 170.88
40 4800 147.79
45 5400 125.15
50 6000 103.76
55 6600 84.78
60 7200 70.40
70 8400 39.06
80 9600 5.52
Tab/e 4- Simulation resu/ts for 15 L bottle

Percentage of lnitial Water lnitial Volume of Water (V0) (ml) Height (h) (±0.0lm)
Volume 1Vn%)
o o 83.64
5 750 256.24
10 1500 297.39
ıs 2250 297.54
20 3000 279.43
25 3750 252.63
30 4500 222.05
35 5250 190.49
40 6000 159.67
45 6750 130.68
50 7500 104.31
55 8250 81.76
60 9000 65.27
70 9750 30.12
80 10500 0.17

b) Processed Data
Graphıis created to observe the effect on the initial percentage of water volume on the height the
rocket reaches. As the uncertainty of height is too small, it is not displayed on the graph.

araıın of Heıgnı YS Peıtenıaoe of ınaı waıer voıume foı waıeı Rooets w,ıı Va,y,ng voıumes




JO 2 •5 6 8 10 12 1'1516 18 20 22 2•2526 28 30 35 ,o •5 50 55
AUID Fıt 1l/ heıgl1 t

60 10 80
j Petcent nıtıııl Wate< Volume ('I,) L

Graph 1
To succeed the aim of determining the optimum initial percentage of water volume for the water
rocket to reach its maximum height, Graph 1 can be analyzed. The lines pass through ali the points in
Graph 1and have quantic equations.To find the percentage of water volume at the highest y-value,
being the maximum height, it is required to draw a tangent line where the slope is zero, at the
maximum point. Afterwards, a line perpendicular to the particular tangent line should be drawn to
obtain the initial percentage of water volume. Graph 2 below is obtained by following the steps written

Graph Z

Example calculation to fınd the initial percentage of water volume {%V o) at the maximum height {h max) for 4 L bottle




O+--r-"T"T-r--r--r--r-""T""r-r--r--r---,---,-"T"T"""""T--t -r- .---.- ...--""""T -r- -.- """"T

O 2 4 5 6 8 10 12 141516 16 20 22 242526 26 30 35 40 45 50 55 80 70 80
l•- 0,....,......,,.ı,.voı 1

The y-coordinate of point A is the maximum height that can be reached by the water rocket; whereas
the x coordinate shows the initial percentage of water volume the bottle should have to reach its
maximum height.While the maximum height is 86.92 meters, the optimum percentage of water
volume is rounded to be 30 percent. The rest of the optimum percentage of water volumes are also
rounded to two significant figures and are given in Tab/e 5.
Table 5- The optimum percentage of water volumes for the water rockets with varying volumes to
have in order to reach their maximum heights
Rocket Volume (VR) Optimum Percentage of lnitial Maximum Height that can be
Water Volume (%Vo) (%) reached (h ma•)
(m) (::1: 0.01 m)
1L 50 24.56
1.5 L 45 36.76
2L 40 47.92
2.5 L 35 58.15
3L 35 68.19
4L 30 86.92
5L 25 104.69
10 L 15 195.56
12 L ıs 236.35
15 L 15 297.54

in order to examine the relation between the volume of rocket and the optimum percentage of
initial water volume the rocket should have to reach its maximum height, Graph 3 is drawn.

Graph 3


Auto Ft ror ooıa seı ıv

y • A+Bx+Cx"2+0x"3+Ex"4+FX"5

1' 65. 37 "·4 2,g
B ·1D 00 +r· 5.045
C 4 152 +ı. 1 . 943
O .0.5421 ,.0.3160
E 0.03528 +ı.0.02272
F .() 0008640 +ı- 0.0005931
RMSE 1 188

• •

1 1.5 2 2.5 3 10 12 15
(901 1674) Rockel Volume (L)

in order to observe the relation of initial percentage of water volume of the water rocket and the
maximum height it can reach, which is what was aimed to be discovered in this paper, Graph 1was
drawn. By analyzing Graph it is seen that each line has a particular quantic equation, which means
that the correlation between the initial percentage of water volume and the height the rocket
reaches is evident. Although the maximum height (maximum y-value) varies for each line, all of the
lines show a simple trajectory consisting of two phases. in the first phase, the lines display a gradual
increase until reaching to a maximum point peculiar to each line. in the second phase, after reaching
to a maximum point in the y-axis, every line indicates a gradual decrease. To put it in different way,
in the first phase, the higher initial percentage of water volume is, the higher the height that the
water rocket reaches is. But, after a particular initial percentage of water volume, the height the
water rocket reaches start to decrease. For example, as shown in Graph 1 and Tab/e 3, the height
reached by the rocket of 12 L bottle increases until the initial percentage of water volume is fifteen
percent. The more the bottle gets filled after that point, the lower the water rocket can reach. The
reason why each rocket of different volumes follow the same trend was actually emphasized in the
hypothesis. The water to air ratio in the bottle is changed when the initial percentage of water in the
bottle is adjusted. When the volume of water is zero in the bottle, the bottle is just filled with
pressurized air. Examining Graph 3, when the water volume is zero, the rocket can reach to a height
of 53.50 meters, which indicates that air, without water, can propel the rocket upwards.
Nevertheless, as the percentage of initial water volume gradually increases, the height rocket can
reach also increases because the increase in water amount causes the mass that the rocket can eject
to thrust itself increases. The mass that is exhausted from the bottle of water rocket is called
"reactive mass". 5 Although, it is true that pressurized air can apply a thrust force on the water rocket
when it is released, it can't be regarded as a reactive mass since its mass is relatively too small to
that of water .5 in equatian 4, it is seen that thrust force are the rate of mass ejection are directly
proportional which means that the greater reactive mass of the rocket becomes because of
increasing percentage of water volume, the rocket becomes capable of expelling more mass. Due to
conservation of momentum principles, as the water rocket expels more mass, it causes a greater
thrust force to exist.

Overall, the aerodynamics of a water rocket clearly affects the motion of it and consequently its
maximum height. But because of the simulation I have used, the aerodynamics of the water were not
considered as a parameter, which was actually a limitation of my assessment.

5 HowMuch Water?l Air Command Water Rockets. Air Command Water Rockets, n.d.
Web. 30 Apr . 2017.<>.

[1] Romrell, Laura, Griffin Harger, and Justin Ross. Water Rockets. N.p.,n.d. Web. 22 Apr. 2017.

<http ://tuhsphysics.ttsd .k12 r/index .htm>.

[2] Level. Exploring Newton's Laws of Motion with Bottle Rockets (2014): 1-7. National Geographic

Society . Web. 11Feb. 2017.

< ploring_ Newtons_ Laws_o

f_Motion_with_Bottle_Rockets_Activity .pdf>.

[3] "Water Rocket Manual." How Bottle Rockets Work . Jacobs Ontine, n.d.Web . 21Apr . 2017.

<http://www.wate rrocketmanua>.

[4] Water Rocket Analysis. Ohio University, n.d.Web. 5 Feb. 2017.

<https://www nical/programm ing/rocket/a nalysisl.html>.

[S] How Much Water?l Air Command Water Rockets. Air Command Water Rockets, n.d. Web. 30

Apr. 2017. <>.


Tab/e 5- Simulation resu/ts for 2 L bott/e

Percentage of lnitial Water lnitial Volume of Water (V0) (mL) Height (h) (±0.0lm)

Volume (Vo%)
o o 1.46
5 100 10.44
10 200 20.50
ıs 300 29.28
20 400 36.30
25 500 41.53
30 600 45.10
35 700 47.18
40 800 47.92
45 900 47.48
50 1000 46.03
55 1100 43.78
60 1200 41.18
70 1400 33.16
80 1600 21.88

Tab/e 6- Simulation resu/ts for 2.5 L bottle

Percentage of lnitial lnitial Volume of Water (V0) (ml) Height (h) (±0.0lm)
Water Volume (Vo
o o 2.30
5 125 15.38
10 250 28.69
15 375 39.49
20 500 47.56
25 625 53.16
30 750 56.59
35 875 58.15
40 1000 58.13
45 1125 56.77
50 1250 54.28
55 1375 50.99
60 1500 47.46
70 1750 37.35
80 2000 23.83

Tab/e 7- Simulation resu/ts for 3 L bottle

Percentage of lnitial Water Volume lnitial Volume of Water (Vo) (mL) Height (h) (±0.0lm)
o o 3.31
5 150 20.98
10 300 37.41
ıs 450 49.91
20 600 58.70
25 750 64.43
30 900 67.34
35 1050 68.19
40 1200 67.26
45 1350 64.86
50 1500 61.30
55 1650 56.96
60 1800 52.56
70 1950 47.05
80 2100 40.55

Table 8- Simulation results for 4 L bottle

Percentage of lnitial Water Volume lnitial Volume of Water (V0) Height (h) (±0.0lm)
(Vo%) (mL)

o o 5.91
5 200 33.80
10 400 55.97
ıs 600 70.99
20 800 80.33
25 1000 85.31
30 1200 86.92
35 1400 85.91
40 1600 82.88
45 1800 78.28
50 2000 72.53
55 2200 66.17
60 2400 60.16
70 2800 44.80
80 3200 25.97
Tab/e 9- Simulation resu/ts for 5 L bottle

Percentage of lnitial Water lnitial Volume of Water Height (h) (±0.0lm)

Volume (Vo%) (V0) (ml)

o o 9.25
5 250 48.43
10 500 75.56
ıs 750 92.08
20 1000 101.08
25 1250 104.69
30 1500 104.37
35 1750 101.15
40 2000 95.80
45 2250 88.91
50 2500 80.99
55 2750 72.72
60 3000 65.29
70 3500 47.06
80 4000 25.47

Table 10- Simulation results for 10 L bottle

Percentage of lnitial Water lnitial Volume of Water {V0) Height (h) (±0.0lm)
Volume (Vo%) (mL)

o o 37.13
5 500 140.75
10 1000 181.81
ıs 1500 195.56
20 2000 194.85
25 2500 185.82
30 3000 171.93
35 3500 155.31
40 4000 137.37
45 4500 119.10
50 5000 101.26
55 5500 84.95
60 6000 72.17
70 7000 43.80
80 8000 12.93

35 %
4% 0% 35%


Submitted to Uskudar American Academy

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2 Student Paper 1%
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Submitted to Sunshine Coast Gammar School
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