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‫‪Khutbah Jumat sukur jantung‬‬

‫إن الـ َح ْم َد هّلِل ِ نَـحْ َم ُدهُ َونَ ْستَ ِع ْينُهُ َونَ ْستَ ْغفِ ُرهُ‪َ ،‬ونَعُو ُذ بِاهللِ ِم ْن ُشر ِ‬
‫ُور‬ ‫َّ‬
‫ض َّل لَهُ‪َ ،‬و َم ْن‬ ‫ت أَ ْع َمالِنَا‪َ ،‬م ْن يَ ْه ِد ِه هللاُ فَاَل ُم ِ‬ ‫أَ ْنفُ ِسنَا َو ِم ْن َسيِّئَا ِ‬
‫ك‬‫ي لَهُ‪َ ،‬وأَ ْشهَ ُد أَن الَّ إِلَهَ إِالَّ هللا َوحْ َدهُ اَل َش ِر ْي َ‬ ‫يُضْ لِلْ فَاَل هَا ِد َ‬
‫لَهُ‪َ  ‬وأَ ْشهَ ُد أَ َّن ُمـ َح َّمداً َع ْب ُدهُ َو َرسُولُه‬
‫ين آ َمنُوا اتَّقُوا هَّللا َ َح َّ‬
‫ق‬ ‫قال هللا تعالى فى كتابه الكريم‪ ،‬يَا أَيُّهَا الَّ ِذ َ‬
‫تُقَاتِ ِه َواَل تَ ُموتُ َّن إِاَّل َوأَ ْنتُ ْم ُم ْسلِ ُم َ‬
‫ين آ َمنُوا اتَّقُوا هَّللا َ َوقُولُوا قَ ْواًل َس ِدي ًدا‬ ‫وقال تعالى‪ ،‬يَا أَيُّهَا الَّ ِذ َ‬
‫يُصْ لِحْ لَ ُك ْم أَ ْع َمالَ ُك ْم َويَ ْغفِرْ لَ ُك ْم ُذنُوبَ ُك ْم َو َم ْن ي ُِط ِع هَّللا َ َو َرسُولَهُ فَقَ ْد‬
‫فَا َز فَ ْو ًزا َع ِظي ًما‬
‫ي‬‫ي هَ ْد ُ‬ ‫ث ِكتَابُ هَّللا ِ ‪َ ،‬وأَحْ َس َن ْالهَ ْد ِ‬ ‫ق ْال َح ِدي ِ‬ ‫ص َد َ‬‫أَ َّما بَ ْع ُد‪ ،‬فإِ َّن أَ َ‬
‫ور ُمحْ َدثَاتُهَا ‪َ ،‬و ُك َّل‬ ‫صلَّى هَّللا ُ َعلَ ْي ِه َو َسلَّ َم ‪َ ،‬و َش َّر األ ُم ِ‬ ‫ُم َح َّم ٍد َ‬
‫ضاللَ ٍة فِي النَّ ِ‬
‫ار‬ ‫ضاللَةٌ ‪َ ،‬و ُك َّل َ‬ ‫ُمحْ َدثَ ٍة بِ ْد َعةٌ ‪َ ،‬و ُك َّل بِ ْد َع ٍة َ‬
‫‪Ummatal Islam,‬‬

‫‪Sesungguhnya Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala memuji hamba-hambaNya yang bersyukur.‬‬

‫‪Namun itu sangat sedikit dari hamba-hambaNya. Allah Ta’ala berfirman:‬‬

‫ي ال َّش ُكو ُر ﴿‪﴾١٣‬‬

‫… َوقَلِي ٌل ِّم ْن ِعبَا ِد َ‬
‫)‪“…Dan sedikit sekali dari hamba-hamba-Ku yang bersyukur.” (QS. Saba[34]: 13‬‬
Sebagai hamba ALLOH kita diwajibkan bersyukur atas nikmat nikmat yang
diberikan dan Alhamdulillah kita tdak diwajibkan menghitungnya. Karena tidak
mngkin kita sebagai manusia mampu menhitung nikmat dari ALLOHU ya
rohman dan ALhalim.

Satu dari banyaknya nikmat yang diberikan kepada kita adalah jantung.

"There is in the body a clump of flesh - if it becomes good, the whole body
becomes good and if it becomes bad, the whole body becomes bad. And indeed
it is the heart."

Lets see where our gerath is located?

now the physical heart which is standard. slightly to the left of the human being and it's interesting also that
the Arabic language itself is a movement from left to right some of the the people of asada indicated that
that that writing is should be towards the heart in other words the whole purpose of writing is to affect the
heart this is also the reason why the Salah or the circumambulation around the house of Allah subhana wa
tada is done with the left side facing the house some of the scholars have said because that the heart
inclines towards the left and so the purpose is that the heart is inclining towards the Kaabah

now the actual physical heart which is beating in our breasts beats at about a hundred thousand times a
day. it is pumping two 7.5 liter of blood per minute and over 400 liters per hour (20 galon aqua) if you
actually took 20 galon of aqua and moved them physically with your body from one place to another by the
end of it you'd be quite exhausted and yet this human heart is pumping 7.5 liters of blood per minute over
400 liters per hour 24 hours a day seven days a week 365 days a year for an entire lifetime the vascular
system that it's sending this life-giving blood is over 96K km long in other words more than 2 times the
circumference of the earth so the blood is actually being forced through the body over 96K km of vascular a
vascular system in the human body

now one of the interesting things also about the heart is that we know that it starts it actually starts beating
before the brain is formed in other words the heart itself begins to beat without any central nervous system

now the dominant theory is that central nervous system is what's controlling the entire human being from
the brain and yet we know now that the nervous system does not initiate the beat of the heart that it's
absolutely self initiated and we also know or we would say initiated by a loss of panel data and also we
know now that the entire heart all of the the connections to the brain can be severed in a heart transplant
and another heart can be put into a human beings body and the heart continues to be without any
connection to the brain whatsoever because we cannot regenerate nerve cells so the fact that the heart
itself is the not only the center of the human being but it is not beating because of the brain because of the
central nervous system now another interesting thing about the brain there are mainly actually people that
think that the brain is also the center of consciousness and that the Quran very clearly states the human is
gonna be huh they have hearts that they don't they're not able to think we or they're not able to understand
where and so the the understanding from that

according to the Muslims is at the center of the intellect the center of human consciousness is the heart and
not the brain itself and it's only recently that human beings have realized that there's there are over thirty
thousand neurons in the heart in other words that actually cells in the heart that are communicating there's
actual now there's understood to be a two-way communication between the brain and the heart in other
words the brain sends the heart messages but the heart is also sending the brain message and these
things are only recently being discovered there was a study done by two physiologist in the 70s john and
beatrice lacey that found that the brain actually sent message to the heart that the heart did not
automatically obey the messages sometimes it speeded up and other times it slowed down indicating that
the heart itself has own type of intelligence now the brains of signals from the heart that reach the
amygdala the thalamus and the cortex which relates to emotions the cortex and neocortex relates to
learning and reasoning and these are only recently discovered we don't fully understand them but what we
do know is that the hug is an extremely sophisticated organ and it's also according to the hadith it's a
source of knowledge the Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu said that wrong action is what irritates the heart
and you cannot desire other people to see it so the heart actually knows wrong action and this is one of the
reasons why people can do terrible things but ultimately they're affected if you look for instance in
Dostoyevsky's climate punishment what the brilliant Russian author was indicating in that story was that the
climb itself is the punishment because human beings have to live with the results of their actions and that
the soul when somebody does a crime when somebody does something that he's against the heart is
against the soul then that actually affects the human being to the degree that they will go into a state of
spiritual education and they will use many many ways to cover this up this is what Kukla is it's a covering up
they will use alcohol they will use drugs they will use sexual experiment they will use all seeking power
seeking Wealth's you can same all of these ways to try to to basically to go into a state of heedlessness
into a state of submersion into the world that makes us forget our essential nature that makes us forget our
hearts and so people become very cut off from their hearts

‫أقول قولي هذا واستغفر هللا لي ولكم‬


‫ نبينا محمد و آله‬،‫الحمد هلل والصالة والسالم على رسول هللا‬

‫وأشهد أن ال إله إال هللا وحده ال شريك‬ ،‫وصحبه ومن وااله‬
ُ‫أن مح ّمداً عبده ورسوله‬
َّ ‫وأشهد‬ ،‫له‬
Lihatlah dengan
Lihatlah para Sahabat yang telah dijamin masuk surga, Abu Bakar, Umar, Utsman, Ali,
Rasulullah telah menyatakan bahwa mereka semua di surga. Apakah mereka tertipu
dengan janji-janji itu semuanya? Ataukah mereka semakin bertaqarrub kepada Allah
sebagai rasa syukur kepada Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala.
Maka orang yang bersyukur tak akan tertipu dengan banyaknya amal. Karena ia tidak
tahu berapa amal yang akan diterima disisi Allah. Dia tidak tahu dan bahkan khawatir
kalau ternyata Allah jadikan hatinya berpaling dari amalan shalih. Ia dipalingkan
karena cintanya kepada dunia, karena ternyata harapannya kepada dunia naudzubillah.

َ ‫صلَّي‬
‫ْت َعلَى إِ ْب َرا ِه ْي َم‬ ِ ‫صلِّ َعلَى ُم َح َّم ٍد َو َعلَى‬
َ ‫آل ُم َح َّم ٍد َك َما‬ َ ‫اَللَّهُ َّم‬
ِ ‫ار ْك َعلَى ُم َح َّم ٍد َو َعلَى‬
‫آل‬ َ َّ‫ إِن‬،‫آل إِ ْب َرا ِه ْي َم‬
ِ َ‫ َوب‬.‫ك َح ِم ْي ٌد َم ِج ْي ٌد‬ ِ ‫َو َعلَى‬
‫آل إِ ْب َرا ِه ْي َم‪ ،‬إِنَّ َ‬
‫ك َح ِم ْي ٌد‬ ‫ُم َح َّم ٍد َك َما بَا َر ْك َ‬
‫ت َعلَى إِ ْب َرا ِه ْي َم َو َعلَى ِ‬
‫َم ِج ْي ٌد‬
‫ت األَحْ يَا ِء‬ ‫المؤ ِمنِي َْن َو ْ‬
‫المؤ ِمنَا ِ‬ ‫ت َو ْ‬ ‫اللهُ َّم ا ْغفِرْ ِل ْل ُم ْسلِ ِمي َْن َوالم ْسلِ َما ِ‬
‫ِم ْنهُ ْم َواألَ ْم َوا ِ‬
‫اللهُ َّم اجْ َعلنَا ِمن التَّ َّوابِين‬
‫اللهُ َّم اجْ َعلنَا ِمن المتَّقِين‬
‫ت التَّوابُ الر ِ‬
‫َّحيم‬ ‫ك اَ ْن َ‬
‫اللهُ َّم َوتُبْ َعلَ ْينَا اِنَّ َ‬
‫اب النَّ ِ‬
‫ار‬ ‫اآلخ َر ِة َح َسنَةً َوقِنَا َع َذ َ‬
‫اللهُ َّم آتِنَا فِي ال ُّد ْنيَا َح َسنَةً َوفِي ِ‬
‫عباد هللا‪:‬‬
‫ان َوإِيتَا ِء ِذي ْالقُرْ بَ ٰى َويَ ْنهَ ٰى َع ِن‬ ‫إِ َّن اللَّـهَ يَأْ ُم ُر بِ ْال َع ْد ِل َواإْل ِ حْ َس ِ‬
‫ُون ﴿‪﴾٩٠‬‬ ‫ْالفَحْ َشا ِء َو ْال ُمن َك ِر َو ْالبَ ْغ ِي ۚ يَ ِعظُ ُك ْم لَ َعلَّ ُك ْم تَ َذ َّكر َ‬
‫فَ ْاذ ُكرُوا هللا ال َع ِظ ْي َم يَ ْذ ُكرْ ُكم‪َ ،‬وا ْش ُكرُوهُ َعلَى نِ َع ِم ِه يَ ِز ْد ُكم‪ ،‬ول ِذك ُر‬
‫هللا أكبَر‪.‬‬

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