Dawn Editorials & Opinions 23 February 2021

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Dawn Editorials & Opinions

responsible. It should also ensure it gets

Poll storm in NA-75 - Newspaper - answers about the whereabouts of its
DAWN.COM staff that disappeared in the night along
Editorial 23 February 2021 with the results from those stations. The
‘mystery’ must not remain
THE Election Commission of Pakistan unsolved. With such a large staff having
is meeting today to decide on the course gone missing, it would be an absolute
of action regarding the by-election in travesty if the ECP cannot unearth the
NA-75 Daska whose result it had facts and bring them to the public. The
withheld in light of reports of people have a right to know what is
irregularities and mismanagement. The happening with their votes. At the same
chief election commissioner will receive time, the ECP must also demand
reports from all concerned staff of the answers from the Punjab government. If
commission and then decide whether the chief election commissioner cannot
there should be re-poll in the 20 polling depend on the support of a provincial
stations marred by controversy, or if a government, then the leadership of that
fresh election should be ordered for the government has some serious explaining
whole constituency. The ECP had issued to do. At stake is the credibility of the
a strongly worded press release a day entire system. If a democratic state
after the election saying that the staff of cannot even organise a free and fair
those 20 polling station could not be election in a single constituency, and if
reached till the morning while the police the polling staff has to work under threat
and administration officials of the of abduction without anyone being held
Punjab government were also responsible, then Pakistan’s democratic
unavailable.. institutions are far weaker than we
would want to admit..
The election in Daska also witnessed
violence between PTI and PML-N The PTI and PML-N have worsened the
supporters as a result of which two situation by sacrificing facts at the altar
people lost their lives. The ECP should of political expediency. The former
take this election as a test case to party has the most to lose. If it is tarred
identify all the problems that marred it, with the brush of rigging, its politics will
apportion blame where it lies and take suffer grievously. It is of great concern,
strict action against all those found therefore, to hear PTI leaders pointing
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fingers at the ECP instead of demanding highways. The new EV technology is

answers from their own government in considered a game changer for the
Punjab. It is high time that all parties environment and promises various
took the pending issue of electoral benefits to developing countries like
reforms seriously. Without these Pakistan that are facing chronic balance-
reforms, our elections will remain of-payments crisis by reducing their
controversial and generate political fossil fuel imports, and to consumers by
instability continuously. For now slashing their recurring fuel and
however, all parties must adhere to the maintenance costs. However, the
decision of the ECP even if it goes adoption of EV technology remains
against them. They must accept the slow even in developed countries
findings and the verdict without despite its salutary impact on the
dragging the ECP into further environment and multiple economic
controversy. A lot is riding on the Daska advantages for consumers. Pakistan is
election.. unlikely to defy this global trend in spite
of significant tax and other concessions
Published in Dawn, February 23rd, announced in the policy to escalate the
2021. adoption of the technology. According
to reports, the government plans that
Electric vehicles - Newspaper - 30pc of all new cars, trucks, buses, vans
DAWN.COM and jeeps, and 50pc of all two-, three-
Editorial 23 February 2021 and four-wheelers will be electric
vehicles by 2030. By 2040, 90pc of
THE approval of Pakistan’s first electric vehicles on the road are envisioned as
vehicle policy towards the end of last electric. An ambitious target indeed..
year has given rise to an ongoing media
debate. It has been pointed out that The slow adoption of green technology
while we are now one step closer to a across the world has also raised the
pollution-free environment, a greener question of whether it is advisable for
future will depend a lot on the Pakistan to jump directly into an electric
development of fast-charging electric future or take the hybrid route. While
vehicle batteries and the availability of Chinese carmakers are in favour of a
charging infrastructure on roads and direct shift to an EV future, Japanese
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automobile companies want the Attack on media - Newspaper -

government to follow a route where both DAWN.COM
electric vehicles and hybrid (including Editorial 23 February 2021
plugged-in hybrid) electric vehicles are
allowed to compete as is the case in THE attack on the head offices of the
countries like India, Thailand and Jang Group by charged protesters
Malaysia. Hence, Japanese carmakers in exhibits the kind of pressure that
Pakistan have been calling for similar journalists in the country must work
incentives and concessions for hybrid under. On Sunday, scores of people
technology. The step-by-step approach, ransacked the reception areas of the Geo
they say, to move from the existing office in Karachi, and also beat up a
internal combustion engines to zero- cameraman and other staffers. The mob
emission vehicles will benefit every was said to have been enraged over
stakeholder — automobile companies, some comments made by an
auto parts manufacturers, government anchorperson on a show focusing on
and consumers. They have a strong political humour. Although construed as
point when they argue that hybrid offensive by some, the remarks aired
electric vehicles can ‘achieve scales were evidently in the context of the
given their costs and subsequently when satirical and tongue-in-cheek nature of
EV technology becomes more the show. Every citizen of this country
affordable the country can always has a right to protest, but resorting to
graduate to electric vehicles’. The violence and destroying public or
Engineering Development Board, which private property must be criticised at all
is developing the next Auto Industry levels. And more so if an apology has
Development and Export Programme already been submitted, as it was in this
2021-26, needs to carefully weigh the case by the media house. What is even
arguments advanced by both sides and more surprising is the fact that the police
take ground realities into account before did not stop the angry protesters as they
finalising the new policy.. attacked the offices of the largest media
group in the country. They chose to do
Published in Dawn, February 23rd,
nothing, as according to a report in this
paper, they assumed that the person
leading the enraged mob would talk to
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the management and come to a Working children - Newspaper -

resolution. The attack was roundly DAWN.COM
condemned by journalists’ associations, By Kishwar Enam
representatives of the Sindh, Punjab and
federal governments and other high- HIRING a child for domestic help is
ranking officials. Later, the Sindh Police common across Pakistan. Many prefer to
promised to take action against the employ children because they provide
suspects after “collecting CCTV cheaper labour, can be controlled and
footage” of the incident. . more easily threatened, consume fewer
resources, and are more active and
In an environment where news
require less space. .
organisations and journalists are already
intimidated and routinely feel the The irony, however, is that although
necessity to ‘sanitise’ their work, such child labour is recognised as an
violent attacks expose the government’s abominable infringement of children’s
hollow claims of a ‘free media’, making rights across the world, people who hire
reporters, anchorpersons and others in child domestic help look upon
the field even more vulnerable to outside themselves as the saviours of these
pressure. One hopes that the promise of hapless children. .
better security made by the Sindh
government is fulfilled soon and that the Recently, at a friend’s house, I saw a 10-
inquiry ordered by Chief Minister year-old girl holding a diaper bag in one
Murad Ali Shah leads to action against hand and her three-year-old son in the
those responsible for the violence.. other. I immediately told my friend that
child labour was unacceptable. Her
Published in Dawn, February 23rd, hollow justification sidestepped the
2021. issue: “Her parents are so poor that they
cannot afford a single meal; I give her
three meals and clothing.”.

Clearly, my friend, like many others in

Pakistan, has no qualms about
employing children to perform

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household chores. The contract is the Worst Forms of Child Labour

usually verbal and informal and work Convention, 1999. Furthermore, we
hours vary — the work can be part-time have federal and provincial (except in
or round the clock. There are no set Balochistan) laws prohibiting child
rules for remuneration, clothing and labour. Punjab took the lead in passing
food to be provided, recreation and the Domestic Workers Act, 2019,
vacation; all this — and respect — is banning children younger than 15 years
totally dependent on the generosity of from working as domestic help while
the employer.. allowing those between 15 and 18 years
to only engage in light work. .
People hiring child
domestic help think of And yet, despite all these laws, millions
themselves as saviours.. of Pakistani children are working as
domestic help day and night. Living in
Historically, our governments have Pakistan sometimes makes you think
shown little interest in raising the living laws are not made to be followed. The
standard of our poverty-stricken tragic stories of Zohra Shah, Tayyaba
classes. It is the government’s and Kinza are painful examples. .
responsibility to provide food, shelter
and other essentials of life so that As stipulated by these laws and
parents can send their children to school conventions, every child has the right to
instead of work. Pakistan is signatory to live with dignity and in such a way that
the United Nations Convention on the childhood becomes a period of growth,
Rights of the Child. This convention learning and development. A child
prohibits child labour and encourages employed in domestic labour is invisible
protection against economic exploitation to the world and, thus, vulnerable to
that harms a child’s physical, mental, physical, psychological and sexual
moral and social development, while abuse. Though not all employers are
also interfering with his or her violent and abusive, the psychological
education.. impact of a child living apart from his or
her family, experiencing a class divide,
Pakistan has also ratified the and being overburdened with
International Labour Organisation’s responsibilities is immense for the
Minimum Age Convention, 1973, and
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impressionable young mind. These Let’s stop deluding ourselves and

children can lose their confidence, while robbing poor children of their
also develop feelings of low self-esteem, fundamental rights and access to a better
hopelessness, guilt, anxiety, depression, life. Let us free ourselves of the colonial
and/or aggression leading to them to mindset of servitude by the ‘lower’ class
indulge in anti-social behaviour.. and let us intervene wherever we can to
free children in our midst from domestic
Consequently, the hindrance in their or other kinds of labour. Instead of
education also limits the potential of blaming the system, we can help poor
these children for personal and financial children by paying for their education
growth, thus, perpetuating the cycle of and supporting their families. .
exploitation. .
If we cannot afford this, we could at
Studies have shown a higher ratio of least refer their case to a philanthropist
girls employed as domestic helpers as or an NGO. But it is critical that we save
compared to boys in Pakistan. This is precious childhoods by refusing to hire
likely due to the discriminatory culture children as workers. .
of only boys being considered worthy of
receiving an education in some The writer is a paediatrician at the Aga
families. . Khan University Hospital..

While poverty, discrimination and Published in Dawn, February 23rd,

marginalisation are major factors 2021.
contributing to the prevalence of child
labour in the country, ignorance and Secret voting - Newspaper -
indifference also play a significant DAWN.COM
role. For poor families, sending children By Niaz Murtaza
off to work is considered to be the best
use of their time as they earn money for THE PTI’s push for open voting in the
the whole family. Instead of educating coming Senate polls has upped political
these parents, privileged families hire tensions. Since the matter is sub judice, I
their children, exploiting their situation, avoid the legal issues before court but
while the government turns a blind eye
to this practice. .
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review the political merits of open explicitly commit to supporting it in

voting.. parliament if they win. .

Secret voting by individual voters in The push for open voting is

national polls became common by the apt, but not its timing..
mid-20th century to end voter
intimidation and ensure their The opposite logic is that legislators
privacy. But parliamentary voting for must have the freedom to vote as per
polls for posts like speaker and for their views and making it mandatory to
legislation is held openly in almost all vote along party line would make parties
mature democracies. Since legislators autocratic and top-down. In fact, this
are accountable to their individual reason is also used to justify secret
voters, they are expected to vote broadly parliamentary voting so that parties
in line with their views. Voters have the can’t pressurise legislators into blindly
right to know how their legislators vote toeing party lines. But others feel that
on all issues.. secret voting can lead to vote buying
and corruption..
In fact, parties too have this right as
legislators are usually elected via a mix Advanced parliamentary democracies
of their own and party vote banks and like the UK, Canada, Australia and New
resources. This raises the issue of Zealand strike a balance. Voting is
whether legislators must toe party lines almost always open. There are no state
under open voting. Some argue they laws that require legislators to vote
should, given the help they receive from along party lines. But a few parties, such
the party brand and resources during as Australia’s Labour party, take a
general elections. Also party-based formal pledge from legislators to do
politics, which works better than non- so. Most parties also use informal
party politics, requires a group to pursue processes like parliamentary ‘whips’ and
a common vision. So if party members sanctions to ensure voting
vote contrary to party lines too often, its discipline. Yet they also provide some
efficacy is nixed. Candidates are also free voting on contentious issues like the
aware of the party manifesto and in death penalty or on issues outside their
seeking party tickets implicitly and even manifestoes. Still, overall voting in these
countries is almost always along party
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lines. Overall, then, the voter’s and the via multiple methods sends the signal
party’s right to know how their that it is motivated more by its own
legislators are voting and the emphasis electoral prospects than transparency
on party politics take precedence over aims. This view is strengthened by its
legislators’ voting freedom but without narrow focus on Senate polls only and
nixing it fully.. not all parliamentary elections with
secret voting. It ignores even the Senate
Our Constitution’s Article 226 requires chair polls in which major charges of
secret voting in all parliamentary polls cross-voting were seen in the earlier
other than those of the prime minister secret vote to remove the incumbent. .
and chief minister. Legislative voting is
open but the use of voice votes makes it Its logic that Senate polls are not held
tough to identify how individual under the Constitution as they are held
legislators vote. Thus there is a need to by the ECP and thus don’t fall under
better track individual legislators’ Article 226’s clause for secret voting is
votes. Article 63A says party legislators weak. Any poll required to be held by
can be de-seated for voting against party any constitutional clause falls under the
lines in the prime minister and chief Constitution irrespective of who holds
ministers’ elections and votes of no- it. .
confidence and on money and
constitutional amendment bills. Parties Its logic that Article 59(2) about
also use various informal processes to proportional representation for Senate
keep legislators in line and voting is polls means its results must mirror party
mostly along party lines. The practice of assembly strengths is also wrong. The
open legislative voting is in line with reference merely means the seats a party
advanced democracies. However, the gets must be in proportion to the votes it
secret voting clause for most elections gets in Senate polls via the single
held within parliament is not. . transferable vote system given in that
clause. The fact that senators are not
Thus PTI’s push for open voting in the required to vote along party lines in
Senate polls is apt, but not its timing, Senate polls negates this logic too. Thus,
motivation, selective coverage or whatever the court decides, the PTI
logic. Pushing this issue so close to polls should bring a comprehensive bill to end

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all secret voting in parliament after the and lawyers along with a merrily self-
Senate polls, leaving it to parties and effacing octogenarian Jesuit priest stand
legislators to decide how much voting accused of plotting to murder the prime
freedom the latter would have. . minister in a laughably bizarre
plot. Others are facing sedition charges
The writer heads INSPIRING Pakistan, for orchestrating communal violence in
a progressive policy unit. . Delhi, which their rivals actually waged
under police protection..
An American newspaper has revealed
Twitter: @NiazMurtaza2.
how the dubious assassination plot was
Published in Dawn, February 23rd, structured around hacked computers that
2021. were used to plant the “evidence” of the
purported crime. So, the victories here
Bleeding from Shylock’s cut - and there are welcome aberrations —
Newspaper - DAWN.COM happy aberrations — in a system that
stands entrenched against equal rights
By Jawed Naqvi
and dignity for women and which
ambushes dissenting citizens at will. .
SHYLOCK is the big business, Antonio,
the political parties. Let’s throw in Being in penury, or near
Portia, symbolising law and justice, but penury, is a good sign for
which mostly eludes Indians the Congress party..
currently. The news is heart-warming in
the interregnum though. A brilliant It’s no secret that major political parties
woman journalist won a tenacious legal receive funds from big business, which
battle with an alleged sex predator of a becomes a fertile ground for quid pro
powerful social echelon. And quo. In fact, it’s a curious rule of thumb
octogenarian leftist poet Varavara Rao that the parties whose leaders are in jail
got bail too, albeit for six months. . or face charges for alleged graft, are
precisely the ones that the corporate
But Rao’s comrades, India’s most lobbies shunned, and, therefore, did not
brilliant and selfless souls, are cramming favour with their largesse. It is also
the jails. A battery of leftist intellectuals likely that the leaders didn’t accept the
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implied quid pro quo and chose to India’s cash on Nov 8, 2016. The Uttar
suffer.. Pradesh assembly polls began on Feb
11, 2017. By cancelling big currency
It’s a bit like the movie industry. If one notes on the eve of a huge election,
didn’t pick the money from the usurious which Uttar Pradesh always is, he
market the movie is likely never going sucked out a vital resource the rivals
to find a theatre to screen it. Mayawati needed to give him a good fight. .
and Lalu Yadav are a case in point of
politicians who have been made an Why don’t Indian parties crowd-fund as
example of for seeking alternative routes some, but only some, sections of the left
of raising money, tainted money, to fight do? Even in the heartland of capitalism
costly elections, and which they mostly in the United States, Bernie Sanders
won. Portia will have to be more could come tantalisingly close to
innovative than leaning on her fabled becoming president with crowd
court craft and throwing in a clever funding. Delhi’s Aam Aadmi Party
interpretation of law to tilt the came to power with the help of this
argument. Today, she has to weigh the mostly shunned method of raising
cases as presented.. electoral funds. In the bargain, AAP
inspired donors to see themselves as
Chara ghotala or fodder scam is up for stakeholders in the great endeavour. .
public scrutiny and trial by media, a
bail-less crime, but an opaque defence We read in the morning paper that
deal has to be decided for reasons of India’s main opposition Congress party
national security through sealed has run out of money. Elections are due
envelopes in highest court rooms. This, in key states where the party could do
therefore, is a political battle and has to well, primarily Assam, with clever
be fought politically. It is far-fetched to handling. It’s a wrong time not to have
think of defeating a closet patriarchy or money. West Bengal, Tamil Nadu,
a renegade state in a court battle.. Pondicherry and Kerala are also up for
polls. .
In this regard, a key component of Prime
Minister Modi’s hare-brained Being in penury, or near penury, is,
demonetisation move had a clever however, a good sign for the Congress
edge. He mopped up 85 per cent of party and may not be such a bad idea for
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India’s democracy either. Remember the the farmers for the repeal of pro-
tycoons muscling their way through business farm laws. Singh favours
pliable media contacts to claim cabinet suspending the laws for two years
berths for their acolytes in the second instead of annulling them. The India
innings of the Congress-led alliance of Today magazine did some fact-checking
Manmohan Singh? The ministry of to show that Singh had not met Modi’s
telecommunications was crucial to the friend Mukesh Ambani, as claimed, a
quest. And with all the deals being done day ahead of the nationwide strike by
to monopolise data and e-commerce the farmers. The cordial picture of the
today, the stakes were bound to be two was from 2017. .
high. The BJP has emerged as the
monopoly beneficiary of corporate Amarinder’s challenger in Congress is
donations, not least by tweaking the law cricketer-turned-politician Navjot Sidhu,
to make the transactions opaque. No a vocal critic of big business. Shylock is
surprise there.. hemorrhaging India. Rahul Gandhi is
losing his MLAs to corporate-political
A great reason for the Congress’s pelf, the latest casualty being his
financial crunch is Rahul Gandhi’s government in Pondicherry. It’s time he
decision to make a direct connection went to the people with the bowl, an
between India’s prevailing economic agreeable way to involve them in his
crisis and Mr Modi’s patronage of his bold analysis of the country’s crisis. He
crony capitalist friends. Protesting can start to stitch the wounds, not as a
farmers, dissenting intellectuals and grand leader for which he must win a
assorted environmentalists across the mandate, but as a caring citizen like
world have seen through the those languishing in jails. The Congress
plot. (Whoever can see the plot is an will be the richer for it. Good for Portia
enemy of the state.). too. .

On the flip side of the Congress’s course The writer is Dawn’s correspondent in
correction under Gandhi, an interview Delhi..
was published of Punjab’s Congress
Chief Minister Amarinder Singh. He is jawednaqvi@gmail.com.
rowing back from the bold demands by

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Published in Dawn, February 23rd, The problem is with an

2021. electoral system that is
open to manipulation..
How elections work - Newspaper -
DAWN.COM But five years later, one of these two
experts was more perturbed by what
By Arifa Noor
happened on election day and how it
raised serious questions about the
BACK in 2013, a friend of mine was
credibility of the exercise. This should
certain that the PML-N had rigged the
not matter more than what happened in
Lahore seat won by Khwaja Saad
the run-up, I asked, basing my question
Rafique. Fast forward five years and he
on what he had said after the previous
was convinced the Imran Khan victory
election. There were signs enough to
in Lahore was engineered. He wasn’t the
show that the playing field wasn’t level
only one. The conviction came not from
— why expect anything different on
specific incidents but the larger context
election day? The parties went into the
in which the election took place..
election, aware of what was
In a seminar held shortly after the 2013 happening. Why now express shock? .
election, two senior people who monitor
He used the analogy of the frog in
elections, argued that a fair and free
boiling water to explain why political
election — as much as it can be in our
parties were relatively silent in the run-
neck of the woods — is determined in
up to the election but appeared to be
the run-up to the election. If the playing
more aggressive after D-day itself. The
field is level, as they stated it was in
reaction of political parties (a few days
2013, the wrongdoings and irregularities
after the election) was strong enough, he
on election day itself were rather
said, and if sustained could force a new
insignificant in comparison. As an
example, they focused on the 2002
election as one in which changes in law However, as things turned out, this
and zameer ki awaz (conscience) being didn’t happen. Because both he and I
heard clearly was enough to determine forgot the unspoken rule on which our
the unfairness of the election. No such electoral and political system is based..
thing happened in 2013, it was said..
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Despite every election in Pakistan being all players will be part of the system
controversial and rigged — as per the while never accepting the legitimacy of
view of one party or the other — each the elections that led to it. A second rule
and every one of them takes part in the we don’t like to talk about is that while
system, while denouncing the election much will and should be said about the
that brought it into being. And the rest machinations of external players who
of us decide which seat was rightly won manipulate elections, the meddling of
or not, depending on our bias. My friend parties themselves or irregularities
mentioned in the beginning tends to which cannot be blamed on anyone are
believe the underdog has been robbed of being accepted as benign or simply a
its rightful vote.. necessary evil. Hence, we shake our
heads at 2018 but ask fewer questions
One can pick a date at random — the about the two-thirds majority of the PPP
PPP knew how IJI was established in in Sindh after two terms or the
1988 and then brought to power in 1990, fantastical wins of MQM in Karachi, till
yet it formed the government after one it was routed by means other than
and sat in the opposition in the electoral politics..
other. The PML-N knew how it was
reduced to a shadow of itself in 2002 but Saturday in Daska was not
it didn’t abandon parliament. Imran different. The stuffing of ballot boxes;
Khan, too, despite his aversion to the use of violence; the dodgy behaviour
traditional politics and contempt for the of polling staff and police tactics — not
2013 parliament, had no choice but to a single allegation by either side was
eventually return to the floor of the new. The amateur videos shot on mobile
house. Smaller parties are no different, phones revealed incidents as familiar
which is why Akhtar Mengal continues and old as an Amitabh Bachchan film
to take part in elections as does the plot. If news channels’ archives are
PkMAP. And so far, there is little to searched, such footage would easily be
suggest the PDM’s future will be any found for 2013 as well as 2018. Or if
different.. such a search is too time-consuming, the
judgement of the commission that
Indeed, it is an recognised but unspoken looked into rigging allegations during
rule of Pakistan’s political culture that the PML-N government would provide
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some insights into how poorly our preventing the interference of some
election exercise is carried out.. forces but allowing others to continue. .

Perhaps all that is new is the For example, it is not enough to ensure
defensiveness of the PTI government; it parliament (government and the
is probably the only party in power opposition leader) appoints the person
which has been publicly denounced (and running the commission. But that the
rightly so) for its inability to manage a commission has powers enough to hold
single election. It surely is a face-palm those involved in conducting an election
moment. And the noise over what to account — what can it do if senior
happened is in itself circumstantial bureaucrats do not answer the phone on
evidence that the PTI was in charge and the night of the election? Surely a hard-
not the shadowy forces. For in the case hitting press release is not the answer. .
of the latter, the noise would have been
more muted.. The writer is a journalist..

Now lest I be accused of being a Published in Dawn, February 23rd,

conscienceless centrist who equates the 2021.
wrongdoings of democratic forces with
those of illegitimate political players,
let’s return to the issue at hand. .

The problem perhaps is with a system

that is open to manipulation. If despite a
2017 election reform, our electoral
system is still vulnerable to
manipulation and we are getting starry-
eyed over the ‘courage’ of the present
election commissioner (individual
bravery does not a strong system make),
the problem runs far deeper than we care
to acknowledge. Any reform of the
electoral exercise cannot be limited to

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