Flavonoids For Cardiac

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Q J Med 2001; 94:277±282

Tea flavonoids and cardiovascular health
and M.E.J. LEAN 4
From the Cardiovascular Research Unit, University of Edinburgh, 1Wolfson Centre for
Age-Related Diseases, King's College London, 2Department of Pharmacy and Pharmacology,
University of Bath, 3Food Safety Research Group, University of Surrey, and 4Department of
Human Nutrition, University of Glasgow, UK

Tea is rich in antioxidant polyphenols (catechins, increases after drinking green but not black tea.
flavonols, theaflavins and thearubigins). Epidemio- Tea consumption tended to reduce the develop-
logical evidence relating regular consumption of ment of aortic atherosclerosis in rabbits. Tea poly-
tea or related polyphenols to CHD is equivocal. phenols exert marked effects on cells, and inhibit
Catechins are absorbed from tea, but low plasma neutrophil migration and inflammatory responses,
concentrations are attained. The bioavailability of sometimes at low concentrations. These diverging
theaflavins and thearubigins is unknown. Tea does results suggest potential beneficial effects, but
not reduce blood pressure or plasma lipids in well- emphasize the need for good human trials of
controlled human trials. Tea polyphenols inhibit tea using early markers of CHD before firm
LDL lipid peroxidation in vitro, but the effect conclusions can be drawn.
ex vivo is small. The plasma antioxidant potential

Consumption of fruit and vegetables is associated between general surveys, due to lack of detail about
with lower coronary heart disease (CHD) mortality exposure to tea, e.g. quantity, strength and variety.
rates.1 The reason for this association is not clear. Tea is an unusual `food'. It is not classified as
Fruit and vegetables are rich in fibre, potassium, `fruit and vegetable' and contains few conventional
antioxidant vitamins and polyphenolic substances nutrients, but a high amount of flavonoids (e.g.
and may displace other nutrients, such as saturated flavanols including catechins, flavonols, theaflavin,
fatty acids, that could lead to CHD. These diets thearubigin).5 Recently, several large-scale epi-
tend to be low in saturated fatty acids and rich in demiological studies have re-examined the relation
mono- and/or polyunsaturated fatty acids, which between consumption of tea and CHD by includ-
may also be protective. ing estimates of flavonol consumption.6±10 Some,
Early epidemiological observations did not relate but not all, support the view that tea or flavonoids
tea drinking to reduced CHD mortality. However reduce the risk of CHD (Figure 1). The design of
the risk of myocardial infarction was reduced these prospective studies was highly variable in
by 40% in one study but not in two others other respects, particularly in the average tea
(Figure 1).2± 4 It is difficult to explain discrepancies consumption. In the Finnish study examining the

Address correspondence to Professor R.A. Riemersma, Cardiovascular Research Unit, University of Edinburgh,
George Square, Edinburgh EH8 9XF. e-mail: rudolph.riemersma@ed.ac.uk
ß Association of Physicians 2001
278 R.A. Riemersma et al.

Figure 1. Relative risk of myocardial infarction and CHD mortality by tea consumption. The relative risk of myocardial
infarction (a) and of CHD mortality (b) in humans with the highest vs. the lowest consumption of tea has been examined in
several studies. The relative risk (number above the bar), adjusted for classical risk and dietary factors and the 95%CIs (bar)
of each study wReferencex is given. The relative risk in the category with the lowest consumption was set at 1.0. Flavonoid
intake was also measured in five recent studies and the relative risk of CHD mortality by flavonoid consumption is presented
for comparison (b). Dashes represent studies where the relative risk could not be calculated.

relation between flavonoid intake and CHD, tea or who consume large amounts of flavonoids
consumption was so low that it was not recorded.6 regularly, differ in some other way that affects
Less than 10% of the US population drank tea CHD risk, such as cigarette smoking. In the UK, tea
as their preferred beverage.7,10 On the other hand consumption and CHD are both high in manual
very few Welsh or Dutch men did not drink tea workers, perhaps due to the strong association
at all, and tea was the most important source of between socio-economic factors and CHD.4'9 The
dietary flavonols.8,9 association between increased CHD mortality and
Dietary and lifestyle factors are usually related. tea remained after adjusting for socio-economic
It is possible that those who do or do not drink tea, factors.9 Residual confounding is a possibility,
Tea flavonoids and cardiovascular health 279

because tea consumption in the US study is contains 24±40 mg catechins, 8±15 mg flavonols
associated both with factors that increase (age, plus flavones, ;85 mg thearubigins and 7±15 mg
hypertension) and decrease (non-smoking, dietary theaflavins, which together amount to 166±193 mg
fibre) the risk of CHD.7 These opposing influences per cup (D.A. Balentine, personal communication).
might tend to cancel each other. It is difficult to The yellow, brown and red pigments (theaflavins,
ensure full adjustment. thearubigins) are `derived polyphenols' generated
In this article we examine critically the various during processing of tea. These heterogeneous,
aspects of food-derived polyphenols originating large polymers are difficult to analyse. Dietary
from tea which might be related to cardiovascular intake of phenols and polyphenols ranges from
protective properties in (cell) systems in vitro, in 100 to 2000 mg per capita per day.11 Black tea is
animal models and in humans. therefore one important source of dietary phenols.
Tea polyphenols, catechins and flavonols
scavenge reactive oxygen species12,14 and chelate
transition metal ions in a structure-dependent
Tea flavonoids manner.12,15 These flavonoids are antioxidants by
Flavonoids are widespread in plants and in food of virtue of the number and arrangement of their
plant origin. Most flavonoids occur naturally with a phenolic hydroxyl groups.14 Flavonoids found in
sugar molecule attached, although the catechins of tea scavenge NO and peroxynitrite (produced
tea do not share this feature. Flavonoids are classi- from superoxide radical and NO).16,17 Tyrosine is
fied into six categories according to the oxidation particularly vulnerable to nitration by peroxynitrite,
level of the central heterocyclic ring (Figure 2). and increased levels of 3-nitrotyrosine have been
Analysis of the diet is simplified by converting reported in atherosclerotic lesions.18 It is not known
the glycosides to 25±30 aglycones, but only a few whether tea polyphenols prevent the accumulation
are relevant to tea. A typical cup of tea (200 ml) of nitrotyrosine in atherosclerotic lesions.

Figure 2. Tea polyphenols. Tea contains polyphenolic flavonoids. In green tea, catechins (catechin, epicatechin,
epigallocatechin, epicatechin gallate, epigallocatechin gallate) represent 80±90% and flavonols (kaempferol, quercetin and
myricetin glycosides) -10% of total flavonoids.5 These polyphenols form complex condensation products (theaflavins,
thearubigins) during the production of black tea. The catechin content of black tea is only 20±30%, whilst the theaflavins
and thearubigins represent ;10 and 50±60% of total flavonoids. The structure proposed for thearubigins is hypothetical.
The reducing properties of tea polyphenols depend on the dihydroxybenzyl ring and their ability to delocalize free
electrons. Adjacent keto- and hydroxy-groups are important for ion-chelation.12,15
280 R.A. Riemersma et al.

Bioavailability of flavonoids when LDL particles are preincubated with tea

flavonoids, re-isolated and then subjected to
Knowledge of the absorption and metabolism copper-mediated lipid peroxidation (050 mg/l or
of flavonoids is crucial to the understanding of ;80±160 mmol/l).22,31
whether these compounds or their metabolites have In contrast to the protective effects of flavo-
the potential to exert the biological activity in vivo noids against LDL oxidation in vitro, ingestion of
that the in vitro studies suggest. Almost 50% green or black tea fails to inhibit LDL oxidation
of orally administered radiolabelled catechin was ex vivo.22,31±33 These results were explained by
excreted in the form of urinary metabolites.19,20 the fact that the concentrations of the tea catechins
This indicates that catechins and/or their gut flora had risen insufficiently to delay the onset of lipid
metabolites are well-absorbed. Plasma concentra- peroxidation following the ingestion of tea.31,33
tions of catechins peak at 1.5±2.6 h in almost all The possibility that these water-soluble compounds
subjects. The increase in plasma total catechin (including flavonoid glucuronides) were lost
concentrations is greater after ingestion of a single during LDL isolation from plasma was recently
large dose of green tea than one of black tea explored.34,35 Lipoprotein fatty acid oxidation
solids (equivalent to 3±6 cups), ranging from 0.63 of dilute, whole serum (presumably reflecting
to 1.8 mmol/l and from 0.2 to 0.34 mmol/l, respec- predominantly LDL particles) was therefore used.
tively.21±24 Plasma levels returned to baseline at Four cups of black (but not green) tea increased
24 h. Less than 10% of epigallocatechin and resistance slightly, and onset of the rapid phase
epicatechin was excreted 3±6 h after ingestion of of lipid peroxidation was delayed by 7"4%
1.2 g tea solids by healthy volunteers. Interestingly, (p = 0.05).34 These results were not confirmed
catechin gallates were not detected in their urine.25 in another study.35 It is doubtful whether such
Absorbed flavonoids are extensively modified a marginal effect could influence LDL oxidation
and converted to glucuronides and sulphates pre- in vivo.31 The possibility that tea might affect
dominantly in the liver and some are methylated the development of atherosclerosis by other cellular
by catechol-O-methyl transferase.26 There are no mechanisms has apparently not been addressed.
published data concerning the absorption of
theaflavins and thearubugins. Thearubigin is likely
to be extensively metabolized by the colonic micro-
flora, and some of its antioxidant effects in vivo Effects in vivo
may be related to a range of phenolic acids (e.g. The effects of tea (6 cups/day for 4 weeks) on serum
3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetic acid, etc.). Some of cholesterol and blood pressure have been exam-
these low-molecular-weight molecules are readily ined. Neither black nor green tea affected serum
absorbed and may retain the antioxidant proper- cholesterol31,32,36 or blood pressure in controlled
ties of their parent compound.27 The absorption, trials.36,37Observational studies had previously
metabolism and excretion of flavonoids from tea suggested that five or more cups tea/day reduced
has been reviewed in more detail elsewhere.26,28 serum cholesterol and blood pressure slightly.38
This may be due to the confounding association
between tea consumption and lifestyle factors (e.g.
an inverse association with coffee consumption,
LDL oxidation in vitro and ex vivo which may increase serum cholesterol).38,39
There is substantial evidence that `oxidized' LDL One study reported that one cup of green or
is central to early events leading to atherosclerosis. black tea increased the plasma antioxidant potential
Minimally oxidized LDL induces the expression (ability to scavenge free radicals) by 40±50%, with
of monocyte chemoattractant protein 1, monocyte addition of milk preventing this rise.40 Other tea
adhesion molecules and metalloproteinase 1, and studies showed little or no increase in the plasma
thereby promotes monocyte infiltration and forma- antioxidant potential after drinking one cup equal
tion of foam cells in the coronary arterial wall.29 to the strength of 4 to 6 cups with or without
Flavonoids from green and black tea (and red milk.23,24,33,34 Regular tea consumption also does
wine), when added directly to isolated LDL, pro- not increase plasma antioxidant potential.31,33 The
tect against lipid peroxidation induced by free designs of all these studies were optimized to
radicals, copper ions and cells.13,22,30,31 Studies observe an effect. Often the influence of dietary
with purified tea catechins confirm these observa- flavonoids from other sources was reduced, and
tions.22 The resistance of isolated LDL (0.17 mg large amounts of tea (up to 10 cups/day) were
protein/ml) to oxidation induced by CuSO4 drunk for up to 4 weeks. A small transient increase
in vitro was already demonstrable at 50 mg/l in in plasma antioxidant potential was reported for
one study.32 A higher concentration is necessary green tea.31,34
Tea flavonoids and cardiovascular health 281

Effects in cellular systems Conclusion

Several, but not all, polyphenols inhibit cell growth These diverging experimental and epidemiological
and proliferation, particularly of transformed cells, results emphasize the need for specially designed
and promote programmed cell death (apoptosis). well-controlled studies of tea or tea flavonoids
Tea polyphenols enhance cellular antioxidant using early markers of CHD, such as endothelial
enzyme activity or antioxidant defence. However, dysfunction or atherosclerotic progression as an
the relevance of some of these cancer-related endpoint. Doubts about any protective effect of tea
studies is not certain, in view of the high polyphenol will remain until such trials have been conducted.
concentrations used (40±400 mmol/l) (reviewed in
reference 41).
Epigallocatechin gallate, at a physiologically
relevant concentration (0.6 mmol/l), inhibited neutro- Acknowledgements
phil migration through cultured human endothelial The authors are members of the Brooke Bond Tea
cell monolayers.42 Scientific Advisory Board.
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tea may prevent endothelial cell-mediated LDL
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