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Name : Rikzan Kurnia Azriful

No.BP : 1801041006
Kelas : 3 D EC
Task English

The passive in describing processes

How is instant coffee produced ?

I – Grammar Step.

A/Transform into the passive :

1. Pick the coffee beans. The coffee beans are picked

2. Dry them in the open. They are dried in the open.
3. Roast them in an oven. They are roasted in an oven
4. Cool them rapidly in a freezer. They are cooled rapidly in a freezer
5. Grind them in a grinder. They are grinded in a grinder
6. Mix the powder with hot water. The powder is mixed with hot water
7. Strain the mixture. The mixture is strained
8. Freeze the mixture. The mixture is frozen
9. Grind the frozen liquid. The frozen liquid is grinded
10. Dry it in a vacuum. It is dried in a vacuum
11. Pack into jars. Packed into jars

II- Writing Step.

B/ Rearrange the passive sentences into a descriptive essay using sequencing linking words: First ,
second , then , after that , later , when this has been done , etc…(Of course , you should think of a topic
sentence and a conclusion)

The passive in describing processes

Preparing instant coffee as a usual beverage is effortless but producing it is very complicated a process.
First of all, the coffee beans are picked by hand and laid in the open to be dried by the sun. Secondly, the
beans are roasted in an oven before they are cooled rapidly in a freezer. After that, the beans are ground in a
grinder to get a powder that is mixed with hot water. Later, the mixture is strained in a sieve and frozen
again in the freezer. When this has been done, the frozen liquid is ground and put into a vacuum to be
completely dried. Finally, instant coffee is packed into jars to be ready for commercialization.
So, every time we come to enjoy a cup of instant coffee, be it morning or afternoon, we have to realize
how difficult it is to satisfy one's pleasure.
Answer :

The pictures below show how tea is produced into how to make a cup a tea :

First of all,The tea plant grows in China and India where tea seeds are spread on
farmland.Then,plants grow under sunshine, farmers picked in tea leaves manually and put them into baskets.
Tea leaves are dried in the sunlight. When this has been done,They are packed into boxes and load onto a
lorry.Later, they are delivered tea boxes in Supermarket. In the Supermarket,The customers usually buy a
pack of tea for consumption.Arriving at home,The customers immediately serve a cup of tea in the following
way :

Prepare a cup of tea .Then,Water is boiled and open the pack of tea and take a bag tea .After that,a
tea bag is put into a cup.Next,the boiling water is poured into the cup.Later,Wait the tea is left for two
minute.After that ,sugar and milk is added .Finally,the tea is served hot.

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