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Case Study 1

The New Human Resource Manager


Cagalingan, Denise

Cruz, Timothy

De Asis, Fernan

Dugan, Kim

Fedelino, Ma. Theresa

Gabi, Melecio


Ms. Airene Aprosta


Mr. Rod Santos is a newly hire Human Resource Manager of Prime

Manufacturing Company. This garment factory employs about 1250 employees that has
a varied skills. The males are assigned to maintenance department while the female
ones are mostly in the sewing, packaging and quality control department. Mr. Santos
had his academic achievements quite satisfactory and he is graduated in bachelor’s in
the field of engineering. Also, his performance in his previous construction company is a
quite satisfactory, but unfortunately this company closed due to an experienced of
economic slowdown and it leads him to find a new job.

The garment business is globally competitive and customer’s satisfaction is of

prime importance. In three months of working of Mr. Santos, 20% of female and 12% of
male employees resigned for unknown reasons. The production of garments was
delayed due to lack of employees and foreign customers are also alarmed. In this case,
the general manager of the company, Mr. Mario Mabilangan talked about these
concerns to the newly hire HR Manager. Mr. Santos did not know what to do regarding
this situation. He showed little interest in his job and eventually he lost his control in
managing the department.

Identification of the Problem

(1) Mr. Rod Santos graduated his bachelor’s degree in the field of engineering
before entering in the Prime Manufacturing Company which is a garment factory and it
was considered as the major hindrance because he was assigned to HR department
without prior knowledge and it is different to his field. (2) The performance of Mr. Santos
in the previous construction firm that he works is satisfactory which lead to the firm to
experienced economic slowdown and it may affect his current job as the new HR
Manager. Showing little interest and not committed to job of a person or employee can
bring the company down. (3) In a three months of Mr. Santos’s employment, 20% of
female and 12% of male employees resigned for unknown reasons and he didn’t
experience on how to manage and interact with his employees, with proper
communication. (4) Lack of responsibility of Mr. Santos as an HR Manager to his
subordinates in the company. His co-workers or subordinates began to complain
because of his indecision. (5) The Prime Manufacturing Company hired an employee
which is not suitable for the job of a HR Manager. Hiring an employee without prior
knowledge and different to his field has a huge effect to the company and much more it
can bring down the company.

Case Facts

The prime manufacturing company hired Mr. Rod Santos directly to head the HR
department which is includes the job of being a Line Manager in his assigned
department, but the background or his bachelor’s of degree is in the field of engineering
where he expertise that area. So Mr. Santos lacks of experience in the field of Human
Resource Management which is the majoritively welcomed the problems of the current
situation. Also Mr. Santos inadequate communication skills that causes for his
employees to voluntary resign because of the absence of good-relation of him to his
employees which is a reason with validity. The company took actions to inform him on
his current job situations and evaluated his actions throughout on him being an HR/Line
Manager that is mostly needed to have a good communication skills and well
experienced and trained actions on performing specific jobs, And lastly as it is said he
lost control of managing the department because of his little interest that he is showing
on his job and concentrated on mental jobs concerning on the department which makes
him selfish and focused-on-the-job person only which is unacceptable on the field of
Human Resource management because he should focus on his peoples too.
Analysis / Hypothesis

(1) Mr. Santos’ technical competencies does not relate in HRM position.
Technical competencies define what people have to know and be able to do (knowledge
and skills to carry out their roles effectively. One of the Core Functions of HRM is that
they will acquire the right person for the right job and it seems that Mr. Rod Santos
doesn’t fit this job at all. And this might be the downfall of the organization. (2) There is
actually nothing wrong with having “satisfactory” in rating, but the thing is, this garment
company is in globally competitive business that’s why it will be a problem if the HR
Manager itself lacks competencies and cannot perform well. (3) As newly hired HR
Manager, Mr. Rod Santos needs to communicate to employees about terms and
conditions of employments, what they are expected to do, learning and development
opportunities, their objectives, strategies, etc. If Mr. Rod Santos would fail to do this, he
wouldn’t be able to generate trust, as organizations take trouble to explain what they are
doing and why. (4) One of the most important responsibilities of Mr. Rod Santos is to
ensure that the members of their team achieve high levels of performance. He has to
know how to agree expectations and review results against those expectations, and it is
up to Mr. Santos to decide what needs to be done to develop knowledge and skills, and
where necessary performance. (5) The competencies defined for a role are used as the
framework for recruitment and selection. However, if the company hired Mr. Santos in
the first place, major changes will take effect as role profile defines outcomes,
accountabilities, and competencies for an individual role. If the organization will be
hiring a new HR Manager after Mr. Santos, they should make sure that the future HR
Manager has qualities to satisfy work requirements for productivity, efficient and quality,
also meet the personal needs of the job holder and thus increase levels of employee

Alternative Course of Action

Since Mr. Santos doesn't have any work experience inside the new company,
the venture for him is quite risky. Moreover his performance is not appropriate in the
new company. If that's the case of someone here are some alternative action that may
apply;(1) Approach his subordinates and ask how was his job.(2)Urgently hire
employees to continue the tasks.(3)Apologies for what he has done, give it another try.
(4) Make a promotion of products.


Human resource is a field where people should have the expertise in managing
people that includes putting right number of people, right kind of people at right place
and at the right time for which they are suited for the achievement of goals of one’s
organization. In this case, where Prime Manufacturing Company hired Mr. Santos to be
the head of HR Department was offbeat and results to unsuccessful managerial skill.
Mr. Santos who’s graduated of Engineering is incapable of handling the operation under
HR Department because of its noticeably indecisive approach and inefficient completion
in a current situation that leads for over 20 percent female and 12 percent of male
employees decided to resigned without clear reasons. Over all, putting
unknowledgeable employee to the company have huge effect and it may suffer or
experienced economic slowdown and much more can turn into permanently closed or
gone in the market.


Human resource managers have strategic and functional responsibilities for all
of the HR disciplines. A human resource manager has the expertise of an HR generalist
combined with general business and management skills. In this case, Mr. Santos which
is a newly hired HR Manager of Prime Manufacturing Company encountered different
difficulties and challenges that results him to be a unsuccessful manager. Here are
some recommendations that will help him to improve and become a more productive
HR Manager as well as becoming a responsible person; (1) Since Mr. Santos was from
another field in the previous company he should train and develop himself in order to
become knowledgeable on his field which is becoming a HR Manager. (2) Mr. Santos
shows a satisfactory performance on previous job he should be more improved and
committed to his work. He should love his work in order to become a successful and
productive HR Manager. (3) He should learn on how to interact and communicate well
to his subordinates. He should be reliable and easy to approach towards his employees.
Knowing that, employee turnover can be disruptive and costly. It is necessary to
measure employee turnover and calculate its cost in order to forecast future losses for
planning purposes and to identify the reasons that employee leave the organization. (4)
As a HR manager, Mr. Santos should have to keep tabs on everyone. Personalization is
the key to effective human resources management. When communicating with
someone from the staff, it’s important to take their preferences, personality, age, and
goals into consideration. (5) The Prime Manufacturing Company should be more careful
on hiring new employees. They should train and criticize the employees very well
because if improper classification of employees can bring the company down.

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