As The Consultants of The Hamburger Plus Company, We Opt To Recommend To Undertake The

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As the consultants of the Hamburger Plus company, we opt to recommend to undertake the
alternative course of action which is to develop new procedures of servicing customers rather
than investing in Creative project. Upon weighing its benefits and cost it gives more advantage
and requires a lesser cost. Hence, it is more efficient in addressing the company’s problem
regarding the reduction of customers due to service dissatisfaction. Furthermore, with the
development of new procedures we can expect a remarkable change in the customary way of
servicing customer. It will resolve issues such as long waiting queue and slow cooking of burgers.
Company can now attend to the demand of its customers. With all of these, Hamburger Plus can
salvage its image as the ever known fastest and most consistent service in the industry.

2. As an CEO of Best Engineering Yes I will pre-terminate the contract. Because the company will
lose more if they continue contracting or partnership on the firm. For me the best way to do is
company must improve learning and growth system of employees to enhance their work. My
recommended solution is to Hire highly skilled engineers, Hire new Internal Auditor, Established
competitive compensation and benefits packages, Hire a senior engineer and Modify the
contract wit the consulting firm.

1. Hire highly skilled Engineers


High quality of outputs

Entice more customers

Establish strong relationship to customers

Innovation of services


The computation of highly skilled engineers are too costly.

Possibility of piracy in competitors perspective.

The charging of cost of services will increase

2. Hire New Internal Auditor


Measurable flow of funds in a timely and consistent manner.

Avoiding miscomputations and misappropriation of costs.

Prevent anomalies.

Detect fraudulent acts.

Take necessary actions for detected problems


Possibility of arrangement between the consulting firm and internal auditor.

Additional expenses in hiring internal auditor

3. As what is stated in the functional strategies in marketing, in the second function, the selling
of products and services, selling the product does not end in the actual purchase of the
product or availing of a service. After sales transaction, the company may get feedbacks
from customers on how their product can be improved through the comments and
suggestions of their buyers. They also should attend to every customer’s complaint. With
this, the customers will feel that the company really wanted to please them and improve
their product base on what they really want. It will result to the loyalty of a customer and
increase in their sales.

The joint venture can also give the company a much greater resources, including specialized
staff, technology and finance. The risks and cost can also be reducing because the company
will have a partner to shoulder them. As the contingency plan, Pride and Prosper, Inc. may
do the changing of their present corporate culture to fast-moving, modern, more fast-paced
Internet-savvy organization. Because, no matter what they do, if they didn’t accept the fact
that there is something wrong in the way they do their business, nothing will change.
Innovation is a primary element of entrepreneurship. The company should try new and
modernized strategies and they also need to make thorough search of possible aspects of
the product that needs innovation. After the changes, the company should monitor the
implementation of the strategy and should receive feedback.

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