EmpTech - Q1 - Mod4 - Common Productivity Tools

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Quarter 1–Module 4
Common Productivity Tools

Development Team of the Module

Writer: Krisma Joy B. Magtoto

Editor: Rolylyn H. Dado
Reviewer: Ann Marjorie V. Pico
Illustrator: Nestor C. Gonzales
Layout Artist: Froilan G. Isip

Management Team Zenia G. Mostoles EdD, CESO V, SDS

Leonardo C. Canlas EdD CESE, ASDS
Rowena T. Quiambao CESE, ASDS
Celia R. Lacanlale PhD, CID Chief
Arceli S. Lopez PhD, SGOD Chief
June D. Cunanan EPS- English
Ruby M. Jimenez PhD, EPS-LRMDS

Published by the Department of Education, Schools Division of Pampanga

Office Address: High School Boulevard, Brgy. Lourdes,
City of San Fernando, Pampanga
Telephone No: (045) 435-2728
E-mail Address: pampanga@deped.gov.ph
Introductory Message
For the Facilitator:

Welcome to the Empowerment Technology with Grade Level 11Alternative Delivery Mode
(ADM) Module on Common Productivity Tools.

This module was collaboratively designed, developed and reviewed by educators from public
institutions to assist you, the teacher or facilitator in helping the learners meet the standards set
by the K to 12 Curriculum while overcoming their personal, social, and economic constraints in

This learning resource hopes to engage the learners into guided and independent learning
activities at their own pace and time. Furthermore, this also aims to help learners acquire the
needed 21st century skills while taking into consideration their needs and circumstances.

As a facilitator you are expected to orient the learners on how to use this module. You also need
to keep track of the learners' progress while allowing them to manage their own learning.
Furthermore, you are expected to encourage and assist the learners as they do the tasks
included in the module.

For the Learner:

Welcome to the Empowerment Technology with Grade Level 11Alternative Delivery Mode
(ADM) Module on Common Productivity Tools.

Basic productivity tools are computer software programs which allow a user to create specific
items quickly and easily as opposed to creating the same items by hand.

Microsoft Office is a common productivity software package which includes Microsoft Word,
Excel, and PowerPoint. Pages (Apple) is the Mac productivity tool equivalent to Microsoft word.
Productivity tools are used all over the world by lots of different people for many reasons.
Accountants use Excel to create ledgers, teachers use Word to create tests, and Marketers use
PowerPoint for presentations and slide shows.

The differences between Productivity Software and Instructional Software is that productivity
Software helps users create products such as a word document, excel Spreadsheet, power
point, etc.; while Instructional Software has already been produced, cannot be changed, and is
used to reinforce a lesson.

Productivity Tools are computer applications that support the creation of original products. While
some are more applicable in specific knowledge domains, they are not designed to teach
specific content. They are instead designed to help people work faster and better. They can
enhance appearance or accuracy of an original product. They can also facilitate the
communication or visualization of ideas.

This module will enable you to understand specific productivity tools such as word processing,
spreadsheets and databases.

This module was designed to provide you with fun and meaningful opportunities for guided and
independent learning at your own pace and time. You will be enabled to process the contents of
the learning resource while being an active learner.
What I Need to Know

This module was intended to help students demonstrate an understanding of the use of
advanced tools and found in common productivity and software applications in developing ICT
content for specific professional track.

For the learner

Specifically, through this module Grade 12 learners can independently apply advanced
productivity tools to create or develop ICT content use for specific professional track.

At the end of this module, you are expected to:

1. understand basic productivity tools;
2. differentiate productivity software and instructional software; and
3. create a creative works/presentation using common productivity tools.

What I Know

Read and examine the following statements. Choose the letter of best answer among the
choices given and write your answer on your notebook.

1. These are computer software programs which allow a user to create specific items
quickly and easily as opposed to creating the same items by hand.
A. Basic Photography C. Basic Productivity Tools
B. Basic Photoshop Tools D. Basic Programming
2. It is a software program that creates documents using text and/or graphics. An example
would be Microsoft Word.
A. Databases C. Spreadsheets
B. Mail Merge D. Word Processing
3. It quickly organizes numerical information and allows the creator to input formulas into
the spreadsheet for easy calculation. An example would be Microsoft Excel.
A. Databases C. Spreadsheets
B. Mail Merge D. Word Processing
4. It allows the user to save collections of information in one easily accessible place. This
allows the user to find information about a specific topic much faster versus searching
the internet
A. Databases C. Spreadsheets
B. Mail Merge D. Word Processing
5. It is a common productivity software package which includes Microsoft Word, Excel, and
A. Epson Software C. Microsoft Office
B. Google Drive D. Window System
Lesson Uses common productivity tools
effectively by maximizing advanced
4 application techniques.
Productivity tools such as word processors, databases, spreadsheets, and multimedia tools
allow for individual expression. People bring information, and ideas to these tools. Individuals
use productivity tools to organize, manipulate, shape, and ultimately present ideas in creative
new ways.

What’s In

Directions; Let us refresh our memories and recall the different terms and concepts that we
have discussed and studied from our previous lesson. Write your ideas about the terms given
below. Write your answers on your notebook

Terms My ideas about it

1 Cyber bullying
2. Plagiarism
3. Phishing
4. Privacy
5 Social Networking

What’s New

Direction: Identify the following icons and write your answer on your notebook.

1. 4.

2. 5.

What is It

There are three basic productivity tools that are most commonly used, word-processing,
spreadsheets, and presentations. These three software products are often referred to as the
basic productivity tools because they were among the first tools like this. Basic productivity tools
are designed to save time on clerical types of tasks.

Basic productivity tools are different than instructional software because they do not teach any
lessons or content, they simply facilitate productivity and save time in writing papers, creating
presentations, and creating spreadsheets of data.

Word Processing. Word Processing is a software program that creates documents using text
and/or graphics. An example would be Microsoft Word.

Spreadsheets. Spreadsheets quickly organize numerical information and allow the creator to
input formulas into the spreadsheet for easy calculation. An example would be Microsoft Excel.

Databases. Databases allow the user to save collections of information in one easily accessible
place. This allows the user to find information about a specific topic much faster versus
searching the internet. An example of a database would be Galileo.

Microsoft Office is a common productivity software package which includes Microsoft Word,
Excel, and PowerPoint. Instructional Software is applications software designed specifically to
deliver or assist with student instruction on a topic. They are often interactive in nature and
distinguished from other types of software in that they are linked to specific content in a
knowledge domain. The differences between Productivity Software and Instructional Software is
that Productivity software helps users create products such as a word document, excel
spreadsheet, power point, etc.; while Instructional Software has already been produced, cannot
be changed, and is used to reinforce a lesson.

Here are plenty of tools that you can use to present data. Whatever it is – scientific data,
statistical, or a book report – a presentation tool has you covered.

1. Designing your presentation is the fun part of creating a report for it gives you a chance
to be creative. Placing animations, transitions, and art could be on your mind right now.
2. But whether or not these features would help is generally up to you. Sometimes, these
things could actually distract your audience rather than help you.
3. Here are some quick tips in creating an effective presentation:
● Minimize – keep slide counts to a minimum to maintain a clear message and to keep
the audience attentive.
● Clarity – avoid being fancy by using a font style that is easy to read. Make sure that
it is also big enough to be read by the audience.
● A font size 72 is about an inch (depends on the screen size). A one-inch
letter is readable 10 feet away; a two-inch letter is readable 20 feet away.
● Simplicity – use bullets or short sentences. Summarize the information on the
screen to have your audience focus on what the speaker is saying than on reading
the slide. Limit the content to six lines and seven words per line.
● This is known as the 6x7 rule.
● Visuals – use graphics to help in your presentation but not too many to distract the
audience. In addition, instead of using a table of data, use charts and graphs.
● Consistency – make your design uniform. Avoid having different font styles and
● Contrast – use light font on dark background or vice versa. This is done so that it is
easier to read. In most instances, it is easier to read on screen if the background is
dark. This is due to the brightness of the screen.
1. Slide animations, when used properly, can add some flair to your presentation. You can
use animations to make your text and images appear on the screen dramatically or to
make smooth transitions between slides and topics.
2. However, keep in mind that they key to using animations effectively is to use them in
moderation! Too many animations will distract your audience.

How to create a custom animation in PowerPoint

1. Custom Animations

● Click on the object or text box you wish to animate
to select it (hold down the Ctrl button while clicking
to select more than one).
● In the Animations tab under the Animations
group click on the button.
● The Custom Animation pane opens.
● From the Add Effect drop-down menu choose
the kind of effect you want (Entrance, Emphasis,
Exit, Motion Paths) and then the animation itself.
The drop-down list shows only a few possibilities, so
choose More Effects... for more options.
● To customize the speed, properties and timing of
your animation, either click on the effect you wish to
modify on the Custom Animation Pane.
● Note: If you want to customize the effects on
individual list items, see below.
● Once you have the animation you would like to
modify selected, use the options in the Modify:
[Effect] section of the Custom Animation Pane.
These options will change depending on the effect
● Note: If PowerPoint is not showing you a
preview of your animation, make sure
the AutoPreview box is checked.
● Repeat steps 2-6 for as many animations as you
would like to add.
● Hint: If the button on the Custom Animation
Pane says "Change" instead of "Add Effect" click
outside the object to deselect it and then click on
it again.

2. Selecting Individual Animations in a List: You can also customize the animations for
individual items on a list, rather than modifying the list as a while. But use this option
sparingly, as too many different effects will distract your audience. To choose an
individual effect, you have a couple options:
● Click on the effect you wish to modify on the Custom Animation Pane. If there is a
blue bar beneath it like this: click on it to expand the
● On the slide itself, beside your list will be numbers. Click on the number for the list
item/animation you wish to edit. There may be several numbers next to the item,
depending on how many
3. Reordering Animations: On occasion you may want to change the order in which your
animations appear. The Custom Animation pane lists all the animations on the slide you
are currently viewing.
● Select the slide you wish to change.

● If the Custom Animations pane is not visible, click on the button in

the Animations group on the Animations tab.

● From the Modify: [Effect] list, select the effect you want to move.
● Click and drag the effect to the desired place in the list.

4. Removing Animations: Animations can be removed all at once using

the Animations group or one at a time by using the Custom Animations pane.
● Animations group (remove all at once)
● Select the slide with the animation you would like to remove.
● Select the object from which you want to remove the animation.
● In the Animations tab under the Animations group click on the Animate pull-
down menu and select No Animation.
● Custom Animation Pane (remove one by one)
● Select the slide with the animation you would like to remove.

● If the Custom Animations pane is not visible, click on the button

in the Animations group on the Animations tab.
● In the Modify: [Effect] list select the animation to be removed.
● Click .

Discussion of Activity 1
Based on the lesson, determine whether each of the task is for word processing, spreadsheets,
presentation and database. Write W for word processing, S for Spreadsheet, P for Presentation
and D for Database.

1. Create text documents that can be saved electronically, printed on paper or saved as
PDF files.
2. Manage Hyperlinks.
3. Inserts pictures in documents
4. Slows the user to find information about a specific topic much faster versus searching
the internet.
5. Organize numerical information and allows the creator to input formulas into the
spreadsheet for easy calculation
6. Table of rows and columns that contains data, both text and numbers, on which you
perform actions, such as sorting and calculations.
7. Add Animation effects.
8. It allows you to create and show slides to support a presentation
9. Helps users to format, organize and calculate their data with the help of formulas using a
spreadsheet system.
10. Allows users to type words, sentences and paragraphs much like a typewriter
What’s More

Independent Activity 1
Directions: In doing this activity, consider yourself as young entrepreneurs, you are to create
your own letter head for your business using Microsoft word. Please be guided with the given
example below.

Business Logo,
Name and motto

Address, Contact details, email address

Independent Assessment 1
Based on the previous activity, answer the following questions in your notebook.

1. What type of productivity tools did you use?

2. Elaborate how did you come up with creative layout of your letterhead using this
productivity tool?
3. Given a chance how can you still improve your creative work using this tool?

Independent Activity 2
Given the data below calculate for the Final grade for each subject and General Weighted
Average of student A using your spreadsheet. Write your answers on your notebook.

Subject First Quarter Second Quarter Final Grade

21st Century Literature 85 87
General Mathematics 81 80
Komunikasyon 87 90
HOPE 1 89 92
Empowerment Technology 90 91
Entrepreneurship 86 87
Applied Economics 85 85
Organization and Management 89 91
Independent Assessment 2
Based on your answer in the Independent activity 2,answer the following questions.

1. What productivity tool did you use to easily compute for the General Weighted Average
of the student?
2. Did you find it useful and helpful on your part?
3. If given a chance to use calculator and Microsoft excel, which one will you choose?
Explain your answer.

Independent Activity 3
Create a 5-slide PowerPoint presentation that will showcase different animations and timing with
the topic of “My New Normal Experiences”. Follow the tips in creating creative presentation
discussed earlier in this module. The presentation can include images and text description.
Save and upload presentation

Independent Assessment 3
Based your answer in the Independent activity 3, answer the following questions and write your
answers in your notebook.
1. What productivity tools did you use?
2. Cite the steps you follow in order to have an effective presentation
3. To improve your presentation what else would you like to add or edit?

What I Have Learned

Answer the following questions in your notebook

1. Cite the three basic productivity tools and their definitions

2. Differentiate Productivity Software and Instructional Software

What I Can Do

Considering you are doing online business aside from being a SHS student, you are to create
your own business card to advertise your product and so that consumers/buyers may have
contact details about you. In doing so, you can use word processing for your output. Be creative
as you are. Submit your printed output.

Read and answer the following questions. Choose the letter of the correct in the word bank
provided. Write your answer on you notebook.

A .Basic Productivity Tools D. Spreadsheet

B. Database E. Word Processing
C. Microsoft Office

1. It is a common productivity software package which includes Microsoft Word, Excel, and
2. It allows the user to save collections of information in one easily accessible place. This
allows the user to find information about a specific topic much faster versus searching
the internet
3. It quickly organizes numerical information and allows the creator to input formulas into
the spreadsheet for easy calculation. An example would be Microsoft Excel.
4. It is a software program that creates documents using text and/or graphics. An example
would be Microsoft Word.,
5. These are computer software programs which allow a user to create specific items
quickly and easily as opposed to creating the same items by hand.

Additional Activities

You are tasked to create a 5-slide PowerPoint presentation that will showcase different
hyperlinks leading to the topic of “My Dream Job.”

● The presentation can contain images and text description.

● The first slide would be the Title slide.
● The second slide must have a hyperlink leading to a web page.
● The third slide must have an animation
● The fourth slide must have a hyperlink that would link on your inspirational song.
What I Know What's More Assessment
C S A.
Answer Key
1. Basic Productivity Tools. (2013). Ms. Pineau’s Professional Portfolio. Retrieved on November 27, 2016 from
the World Wide Web: http://pineauprofessionalportfolio.weebly.com/basic-productivity-tools.html
2. Innovative Training Works, Inc. (2016). Empowerment technologies. Rex Bookstore Inc. Manila, Philippines.
3. Mc Daniel A. Instructional Technology in Teaching Kenessaw State University, Bagwell College of Education
Retieved on June 29, 2020 http://pandasrbears2.weebly.com/basic-productivity-tools.html
4. Microsoft. (2016). Set the animation timing or effect options. Retrieved on November 26, 2016 from the
World Wide Web: https://support.office.com/en-us/article/Set-the-animation-timing-or-effect-options-
5. Techterms. (2016). Hyperlinks. Retrieved on November 26, 2016 from the World Wide Web:
6. Penn Libraries. (2015). PowerPoint 2007 - Animating Text and Images. Retrieved on November 26, 2016
from the World Wide Web:http://gethelp.library.upenn.edu/workshops/biomed/ppt07/animation07.html
7. https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Microsoft_PowerPoint_2013_logo.svg
8. https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Microsoft_Word_2013_logo.svg
9. https://www.google.com/search?q=databasegalileo&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwj6l8aexavqAhULHqYKHauUA

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