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MCL311 – CAD and FEA

Lab 1 - Introduction to ANSYS APDL

In this assignment we will examine a cantilever beam subjected to uniformly distributed load
using ANSYS.
1. Model a beam of 500mm length and cross-section of 50×50mm2.
2. The left end of the beam is fixed to a wall and subjected to a uniformly distributed load of 2
N/mm2 as shown in figure below.
3. For the given loading condition, draw the shear force and bending moment diagram.
4. Determine the displacement distribution (vector-sum) and von Mises stress distribution in the
beam due to the applied load and boundary conditions using finite element method in
ANSYS with elements of edge length 10mm.
5. Also obtain the exact solution using Solid Mechanics approach and compare with the
solution obtained using Finite Element Analysis in ANSYS
6. Prepare the report describing the procedure (along with snapshots form ANSYS) and results
(for Q3, Q4, Q5 and Q6) with your understanding and conclusion/comments.

2 N/mm2

100 mm

In this case the bar is made from steel with E=200GPa, Poisson ratio=0.3.
Note: The report should be in .pdf format.

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