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the Life of

5 Tick the octivities thot you do every doy, ond -Yqd::*-*3 Wq
fill in the times. Then, use your notes, os ij"**l

well os your own ideos, to tolk obout your ?

doily routine. Use first, then, ofter fhat, next.
0 ",lllllt[
get up tr drive to work n
have a shower tr catch the bus n ru'111

get dressed n stad lessons I r"l


have breaKast tr start work tr

Ieave home tr have a break n t'


AFTERNOON tlllllis

have lunch n finish work n {r

finish school n go home n

do homework tr watch W tr illllll

cook dinner tr listen to music n I

have dinner tr go out tr
have a shower n play cards tr
have a bath
n go to bed
6 Look ot the octivities in these photogrophs.
How often do you do eqch oclivity in your
free time - never, r<rrely, sometimes, often,
r:suoily or olwcys?
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7 Whot do you do in your free time?

Choose octivities from Ex. 6 os well os
your own ideos.

TIP .,

We use the present simple to talk about permanent

states, repeated actions and daily routines.

e.g. We watch TV in the evening.

go to the cinema I

go for a walk

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