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Topic name: “Prime ministers of Pakistan from 1951-2008 and their

policies in development of Pakistan”

The following list shows the important people who played important roles in making
PAKISTAN strong:


1. Liaqat Ali khan 1947-1951

2. Sir khawaja Nazimuddin 1951-1953
3. Muhammad Ali Bogra 1953-1955
4. Hussain shaheed Suharwardy 1956-1957
5. Ibrahim Ismail Chundrigar Oct 1957- Dec 1957
6. Sir Feroz khan Noon 1957-1958
7. Nurul Amin 7-Dec-1971 to 20-Dec-1971
8. Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto 1973-1977
9. Muhammad khan Junejo 1985-1988
10.Benazir Bhutto 1988-1990
11.Ghulam Mustafa Jatoi Aug 1990-Nov 1990
12.Nawaz Sharif 1990-1993
13.Balakh Sher Mazari April 1993-May 1993
14. Moeeundin Ahmad Qureshi July 1993-Oct 1993
15. Benazir bhutto Oct 1993- Nov 1996
16.Malik Miraj Khalid 1996-1997
17.Nawaz Sharif 1997-1999
18.Zafarullah khan Jamali 2002-2004
19.Chaudhry Shujaat Hussain June 2004- Aug 2004
20.Shaukat Aziz 2004-2007
21.Muhammad Mian Soomro 2007-2008

(1) Liaqat Ali khan ( 1947-1951)

Quaid-e-Azam died after independence of Pakistan in September 1948.They live only 13

months after the independence. Only Quaid had a versatile personality which has sustained the
new growing state with the millions of problems. After the death of Quaid a huge vacuum was
created so that’s why to fulfill the space LIAQAT ALI KHAN was elected as a First prime
minister of Pakistan. He belongs to the Muslim League political party. Liaqat was very eager to
give the Pakistan a new constitution.

Objectives Resolution was one of the unique documents in the constitutional history of Pakistan.
It was passed by the first Constituent Assembly on 12th March 1949 by Liaqat Ali Khan. It laid
down the objectives and it proved to be the milestone of the constitutional development in
Pakistan. Its importance can be judged from the fact that it served as a step for the constitution of
1956, 1962 and 1973 and ultimately became the part of the Constitution. 
Objective Resolution was presented by Liaqat Ali Khan on March 7, 1949. The resolution was
ultimately passed on March 12. These are the some main features of the Objectives Resolution: 

1. Sovereignty of the whole Universe belongs to Allah alone

2. Constitution of Pakistan should be framed by the Constituent Assembly only.
3. State should exercise its powers through their representatives
4. Principles of democracy, freedom, equality, tolerance and social justice, as inshore by
Islam should be strictly followed by the Muslims.
5. Muslims shall live their lives according the teachings of Quran and Sunnah.
6. Minorities can practice their religion.
7. There should be Federal form of government with the maximum autonomy for the Units
8. It would be the duty of the state to safeguard the interests of minorities and depressed
9. Independence of judiciary should be guaranteed.
10. Integrity of the territory and sovereignty of the country was to be safeguarded.

 The problem of religious minorities increased in the year of 1950. At this critical moment, Prime
Minister Liaqat Ali Khan met Nehru to sign a new pact known as Liaqat-Nehru Pact. The
Liaqat-Nehru Pact was an effort to improve relations and reduce tension between India and
Pakistan. In May 1951, he visited the United States and set the course of Pakistan’s foreign
policy. An important event during his leadership was the establishment of National Bank of
Pakistan in November 1949.

Liaqat Ali Khan unfortunately assassinated on October 16, 1951. As a result, Security forces
immediately shot the assassin, but the question of who was behind his murder is yet to be

Govt. gave him the title of “SHAHEED-I-MILLAT”.

(2) Sir khawaja Nazimuddin (1951-1953)

When Liaqat Ali Khan was assassinated on October 16, 1951, Khawaja Nazimuddin was the
Governor General at that time, took over as the 2nd Prime Minister of Pakistan.

It was under Prime Minister Khawaja Nazimuddin that the second draft of the Basic Principles
Committee was presented to the Constituent Assembly on December 22, 1952. He remained in
government till April 1953. Khawaja Nazimuddin’s downfall was only due to the power
struggle amongst the various leaders. The movement for Tahaffuz-i-Khatam-i-Nabuwat and
the worsening food condition in Punjab caused a lot of trouble for Khawaja Nazimuddin. A
movement was started known as Anti-Ahmadiya. This movement very soon spread to various
parts of the country. Khawaja Nazimuddin was summoned along with his Cabinet by Generals
and ordered to resign. Khawaja Nazimuddin declined but he was dismissed from his seat by
Malik Ghulam Muhammad on April 17, 1953.

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