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(1) Muhammad Ali Bogra ( 1953-1955)

Khawaja Nazimuddin was replaced by Muhammad Ali Bogra on 17th April 1953. Unlike the two
reports of the Basic Principle Committee, the Bogra Formula was strongly appreciated by
different sections of the society. Prime minister gave the proposal and it was discussed in the
Constituent Assembly for 13 days. On November 14, 1953, a committee was set up to draft the
constitution. However, before the finalization of constitution Ghulam Muhammad dissolved the
Assembly. But the Prime Minster, Muhammad Ali Bogra, was allowed to continue with a new
cabinet. The new government promised fresh elections. Muhammad Ali Bogra as Prime Minister
of Pakistan also worked very hard for the settlement of the Kashmir issue. He urged Mr.Nehru to
settle down the Kashmir problem. Due to his great efforts, the Prime Ministers of both the
countries met several times in London and Karachi. . But, Bogra was unable to solve the
Kashmir dispute. It was during the tenure of Muhammad Ali Bogra that Pakistan joined C. E. N.
T. O. and S. E. A. T. O. In August 1955, the Governor General was forced to resign the prime
minister due to bad health and Major General Iskander Mirza was made the acting Governor
General. The acting Governor dismissed Ali Bogra on August 8, 1955.

(2) Chudhary Muhammad Ali (1955-1956)

On October 24, 1954, Malik Ghulam dissolved the Constituent Assembly of Muhammad Ali
Bogra on the grounds that it had “lost the confidence of the people”, and as a result
Chaudhry Muhammad Ali was appointed as the new Prime Minister on August 11, 1955.

Chaudhry Muhammad Ali’s greatest achievement was framing the Constitution of 1956 and
also its approval by the Assembly. The entire country with great joy and enthusiasm celebrated
their success on March 23, 1956. The 1956 Constitution was Islamic and democratic in
character; acceptable to people of all parts of the country, and it was no less than a blessing for
all the Pakistani’s.  Chaudhry Muhammad Ali had strong believed as a Prime Minister, that his
actions should be governed by the good of the country. He believed that he was responsible only
to the Parliament and the Cabinet. Due to some political reasons he refused the demands of the
Muslim League and resigned as a Prime Minister on September 8, 1956, and he also resigned
from his membership of the Muslim League at the same time. His decision to resign of his own
accord is considered as a unique example of political issues in the history of Pakistan.

(3) Ibrahim Ismail Chundrigar ( Oct 1957- Dec 1957)

I.I was elected as the Deputy Leader of the Muslim league party in the Legislative Assembly. He
was also a great president of Bombay legislative council on the tick of AL India Muslim
league. When Quaid-e-Azam was asked to nominate the prominent leaders of Muslims League
for the government in 1946, the Quaid selected I. I. Chundrigar. He was the first person in
Pakistan’s history who was appointed as a Minister of trade & commerce in the newly made

His tenure as a prime minister of Pakistan was only about less than 2 months in the history. In his
political career as a Prime minister he done his great efforts for Separate Electorate and as a
result in the very short period he gained a lot of fame as a constitutional lawyer on the restoration
of the first constitution Assembly.

(6)Sir Feroz khan Noon (1957-1958)

On 16TH of December Sir Feroz Khan Noon took over the office of Prime Minister from
Chundrigar. He was the prominent leader of Republican group. Taking his political and
administrative experience into consideration, Feroz Khan Noon was also appointed as the
Governor of East Pakistan. He himself, however, was more interested in the politics. In 1956, he
assumed charge as Foreign Minister of Pakistan in Suharwardy’s Cabinet.

Being a very close friend of Iskander Mirza, Feroz Khan Noon was the key person in organizing
the Republican Party in Punjab, and was appointed its President. Fighting from his party’s
platform, he was elected Prime Minister of Pakistan on December 16, 1957. Although President
Iskander Mirza supported Noon in establishing his Ministry, he later considered Noon as a
hurdle in his way of obtaining absolute power. When Martial Law was enforced in the country
on October 7, 1958 then, the period of Feroz khan had come to its end.


During rule of Mirza the Constitution assembly approved a new constitution on 29th of February
1956, that constitution was totally based on the Objective Resolution which was given on 23
March 1949. There came the dreadful day when Iskander Mirza proclaimed Marshal Law in
Pakistan and the Army Chief General Ayub Khan as a chief martial law administrator.

All the political assemblies were dismissed and abolished.Then on October 24th 1958, Mirza
constituted a 12-men cabinet including General Ayub khan Iskander Mirza abolished all the
powers of President and handed over the all powers to Ayub khan. Ayub khan announced to lift
Marshal law and also took oath of president. On January 1965 Ayub khan was re- elected in
elections against Fatima Jinnah but, the COP did not accept the election results.

According to the over view we can say that declaration of Martial law in 1958 was mainly due to
unpleasant and un-suitable situation as well as political instability because of fast political
changes that took place in the Pakistan.

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