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The Financial Expert

R.K. Narayan
One Word Questions and Answers:
1. Who authored the novel ‘The Financial Expert’? - R K Narayan
2. What is the meaning of ‘Margayya’?
Marga-The way, Ayya-Honorific suffix: The one who shows the way to
the people in financial trouble

3. What is the name of Margayya’s town? - Malgudi

4. Name the bank mentioned in the novel. – Central Co-operative Land
Mortgage Bank
5. How old is Margayya? - Forty two years old
6. Name the tree mentioned in the novel. – Banyan tree
7. Mention the contents of Margayya’s Tin Box. – A bottle of Ink, a pen , a
blotter, a small register
8. Name the store in which Margayya bought a pair of glasses. – V.N. Stores in
the Market
9. In which street Margayya’s house is situated? – Vinayak Mudali Street
10. What does Balu like the most? – miniature articles/tiny things
11. Who are the neighbours of Margayya? – Margayya’s brother and his family
12. What is the colour of Margayya’s account book? – Red bound book
13. Who is Arul Doss? – Head Peon of the Co-operative Bank
14. How much salary does the secretary get? – Five hundred rupees a month
15. What is the name of Margayya’s wife? - Meenakshi
16. Who narrates Markandeya’s story to Margayya? – Priest of the temple
17. Name the Goddess of Wealth and the Goddess of Enlightenment. –
Goddess of Wealth is Lakshmi and Goddess of Enlightenment is Saraswati
18. Who is the wealthiest man according to Mahabharatha? - Kubera
19. Why did Margayya visit Tirupathi? - To fulfil his promise to God (He
promised to offer silver rupees of his child’s weight)
20. How did Margayya lose his account book? - His son Balu throws the book
into gutter
21. Who demands the account book in order to pay instalment? - Kali
22. For how many days he worshipped Goddess Lakshmi? – Forty days
23. Name the river and the news paper mentioned in the novel. – Sarayu river
and Silver Way news paper
24. Who is Dr. Pal? What is the name of his book? – Dr. Pal is a journalist,
correspondent and author. His book is ‘Bed-Life or the Science of Marital
25. With whose partnership Margayya agrees to publish the book? Madan Lal,
owner of Gordon Printery situated in Market Road of Malgudi
26. What is the name of hair cutting saloon? – Regal Hair-Cutting Saloon
27. What is the name of the extension? – Lawley extension
28. Who is Markandeya? – The boy devotee of Shiva
29. What is the original name of Margayya? – Krishna
30. What are the essential things needed for Margayya’s ritual? – Antelope,
Red Lotus and a smoke coloured Cow
31. Name the two chapters of Dr. Pal’s book. – ‘Philosophy and the Practice of
Kissing’ and ‘Basic Principles of Embracing’
32. What is the new name of the book? – Domestic Harmony
33. To which school was Balu admitted when he was six? – Town Elementary
34. Who presented a Silver Box to Balu on the day of his schooling ceremony?
– Margayya’s brother
35. Who was appointed as home tutor? – Mr. Murti, the Arithmetic and English
36. Who is the owner of Margayya’s shop? – Guru Raj
37. How much rent did Margayya agree to pay to Guru Raj? – Seventy five
38. What is the name of Balu’s College? – Albert College
39. Who is the lover of Umbrellas? – Margayya
40. What is the name of Margayya’s Accountant? – Sastri
41. How does Margayya learn about his son’s death? – Through a card sent by
an unknown person from Madras
42. Who helps Margayya to find his son? – A Policeman
43. Who sends a card to Margayya about fake death news of Balu ? A madman
in Park Town, Madras
44. What is the name of madman’s house? – The House of Enlightenment
45. What was the profession of Margayya’s forefathers? – Corpsebearers
46. Who gets the property from a relative in Mempi region? – Kanda
47. What is the name of Balu’s wife and how old is she? – Brinda , Seventeen
years old
48. Who is famous as ‘Wizard’/’Financial Wizard’? – Margayya
49. To whom does Margayya beat for spoiling his son Balu? – Dr. Pal
50. What is the name of Dr. Pal’s Car? – Baby Austin

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