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PART 1 SOME LEARNING TIPS.......................................................................................................2

1.1. Set Goals.....................................................................................................................................2
1.2. Be Prepared to Work Hard..........................................................................................................2
1.3. Make Time..................................................................................................................................2
1.4. Ask Questions.............................................................................................................................2
1.5. Reading.......................................................................................................................................2
1.6. Watch English Movies................................................................................................................2
PART 2 FOUR STRATEGIES ON ENGLISH STUDY.......................................................................3
2.1. Reading Strategies......................................................................................................................3
2.2. Speaking Strategies.....................................................................................................................3
2.4. Writing Strategies.......................................................................................................................4


1.1. Set Goals

It’s often much easier to motivate yourself to work if you have something to aim for. Goals
can beshort or long term. A short term goal in learning English might be to learn enough to
be able tobook a hotel room. A longer term aim could be to attend a University in a foreign
country, or get a7.5 on the IELTS exam.

1.2. Be Prepared to Work Hard

Learning a language is generally not easy. Most people have other things to do in their lives
apartfrom learning English. You need to realize this and be patient with regard to your
progress. Butyou won’t achieve much if you don’t put in the effort. We can provide you with
quality instructors.However, your progress depends a lot on you.

1.3. Make Time

Many of us lead busy lives and find it hard to fit new things into an already established
routine.Learning English can require discipline. You need to set aside time for your learning
and beprepared to study during that time. Putting things off because you’re too tired is ok
every now andthen, but it shouldn’t become a habit. Make English an indispensable part of
your schedule.

1.4. Ask Questions

We don’t expect students to be sponges. You can’t expect to absorb everything and not have
anyquestions to ask. Don’t be afraid to ask questions! Our teachers are there to help.

1.5. Reading

Reading is a fantastic way to learn new vocabulary. Try reading short stories rather than long
novels. These are often broken down into short chapters which can be read and then
analyzedfor language. Don’t feel that you have to understand every word. Try to get the
general meaning.Underline unknown words and try to guess their meaning from context. You
can use yourdictionary later to look them up and check if you were right. Use graded readers.
These tend tohave questions designed to test comprehension of what you have just read

1.6. Watch English Movies

This is a great way to pick up colloquial English and practise listening. You don’t need to be
able to understand every word to understand what is happening in a movie. Turn on the
EnglishSubtitles to help with understanding - this is a great way to practice reading also.
Choose moviesthat you are more likely to be able to follow. Movies with short dialogue,
separated by longsequences of no dialogue are ideal, as they allow time to absorb the
language. Romantic moviestend to fall into this category.


2.1. Reading Strategies

 Look at the task/questions before reading.
 Look at the title, headings and any photos or illustrations before reading. Read the
first paragraph and the last paragraph. Can you predict what the text might be
about beforereading the full text? (N.B.: The first sentence of a paragraph will
usually give you a generalidea of the whole paragraph.)
 On your first reading, try to understand as much as possible without using a
 Skim to find the general idea of the whole text. Fast repeated reading is more
effective thanslow careful reading.
 Scan to find keywords. Read around the keywords to find the answer to
the comprehensionquestions or to guess the meaning of unknown words. For any
unknown words consider thefollowing:
o What part of speech is it?
o Is it a positive or negative word?
o What is the context of the paragraph or sentence?

2.2. Speaking Strategies

 Learn delaying words/sounds used by English speakers to give themselves

time to think,such as, “…er…”, “…umm…”, “…well…”.
 Ask follow-up question
Keep the other person talking by asking “Why?”, “How did you feelabout that?”,
“And then what happened?”, etc .
 Comment on what the other person has said with expressions like, “Really!”,
“Exactly!”, “Itotally agree”, etc. This also shows the other person that you are
listening carefully and areinterested in what the other person has to say.
 Ask for repetition or explanation if you need it. You can use these sentences: “I’m
sorry, Ididn’t quite catch that”, “I’m sorry, what you do mean exactly?”

 Give reasons for your statements. Try to finish sentences with ‘because…’. 
For example, “Ilike my teacher because she’s really friendly”.
 For more cohesive speech, use linking devices to glue sentences together.
 For example, “Onthe other hand…”, “Despite…”, “On a similar note…

o No table of contents entries found.Predict :

a. What do you know about the topic before listening ?
b. What do you know about the spekers ? What are they likely tosay ?
c. What can yuo guess about the listening from visual support, context,
any gertures or facial expression.
o Plan :
a. Read any tasks or comprehension questions before you listen.
b. Think about possible answers.

 As you listen :
a. First listen to overall meaning, then listen for specific information.
b. Don’t tranlate.
c. Listen for clues in background noises, character/speakers and tone of voice.

2.4. Writing Strategies

 Write down all of your ideas quickly.

 Think about the language you will need.
 Organize your notes into a logical structure (begining, middle, and )
 Organize your sentences into paragraphs.start paragraphs with topic sentences, than
follow with sentences that given examples, analogies, arguments, statistic,
anecdotes, etc to support the topic of paragraphs.
 Write.
 Read and chek.
 Make necessary changes.




PART I : SOME LEARNING TIPS...............................................................1

1.1 : SET GOALS ......................................................................................1

1.2 : BE PREPARED TO WORKING HARD ......................................... 1

1.3 : MAKE TIME.......................................................................... ...........1

1.4 : ASK QUESTIONS.............................................................................1

1.5 : READING..........................................................................................1

1.6 : WATCH ENGLISH MOVIE.............................................................1

PART 2 : FOUR STRATEGIES ON ENGLISH STUDY............................2

2.1 : READING STRATEGIES ................................................................2

2.2 : SPEAKING STRATEGIES ..............................................................2

2.3 : LISTENING STRATEGIES .............................................................2

2.4 : WRITING STRATEGIES .................................................................2

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