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How Do I Stop Just Getting Dates?

Lemme simplify this a bit, every 5-10 minutes escalate.

0-10 minutes

 Hey.

 hug (physical escalation)

 nice to see you.

 find the place okay?

 you take a cab? Oh you parked nearby. (Fuck, if we hook up, I have to solve her car)

 let's get a drink, first round is on me. (Set the frame)

 lemme guess you're a whiskey girl pretending to be a wine girl. (Verbal escalation)

 you're totally a whiskey chick, hell you're a shots girl.

11-20 minutes

 let's grab that booth over there. (Compliance test, location escalation)

 guide her from the bar to the booth, by putting a light land on her lower back

 vibe (talking to the chick to pump your own moods and hers)

 look at them hands. (Ambiguous statement, invites her comment, bait)

 could you have been a piano player? (Easy statement to say yes to)

 let's do the test! hold up your hand (universal signal to measure hand).

 she complies

 you touch hands. (Skin on skin touch barrier broken. Escalation)

 crack a joke about her hand size, smoothness, roughness. Linger with the touch, but let go

 I'm gonna have to make a mental note. (Ambiguous statement, verbal escalation)

 you know what they say about a guy with big hands.

 that he has problems buying gloves. Where is your mind? What am I gonna do with you?
(Escalating verbally)

21-30 minutes

 let her tell a story, you tell a story.

 you would say something like that, you would think that. (Verbal escalation)

 can you dance, let's go play pool? (Location escalation)

31-50 minutes

 You're playing pool, darts, shuffleboard, dancing (physical escalating as a part of the
 By this point the flirting and the physical contact should be going strong. Should be in the
banter stage, physical touch is cool.

 What are you drinking, let's save some money, I got some wine coolers at the crib.
It will be fun. Plus I got to get up early tomorrow....


That's it. Basically run the same pattern at your place.

 Verbal escalation. (Less ambiguous, more direct)

 Physical escalation. (More obviously romantic and less inadvertent, always ending first)

 Logistical escalation. (Living room to the bedroom)

If she's not feeling it at any point, you pause, maybe pull back, but then go back into it.

Your dates should be slam dunks. The girl likes the way you look, you just need to build
enough comfort with your touch, build some arousal, and then get her home where you can make
it happen.
Girl Is Unsure About Sleeping With Me. How Do I
Change That Into A Yes?
She’s said that I need to put some work if I want to sleep with her. I’ve said that I’m not
going to invest time just to get some sex. We’re still talking. How do I approach from here?

Some chicks need to be romanced if you fucked up the pull (which is what it sounds like).

You can play it hard

 Reduced attention to her.

 Add her to your social media to induce fear of missing out, social proof, pre-selection with
other chicks.

You can play it sneaky -

 Elicit her values.

 Read between the lines about what she really needs.

 Serve her the needs disguised as wants.

 Pump and dump her for playing games.


She said that her Ex is an “asshole”

If she says he's an asshole, just ask for some of his assholish tendencies (Once she tells
you what she "hates" You’ll have a blueprint to what she actually loves and responds to, but can't
admit it).
Any ideas about texting theory?
Keep the chat light.

 Memes and Pics - anything on Reddit Popular is good enough to start a chat with a chick.

 Facetime - so you can see her emotions

 Phone Calls - So you can hear her emotions

 Food - I totally miss that one place that doesn't deliver. You ever been there?

 Music - This Westside Gunn is hitting!

 Movies - Lemme guess, you're favourite movie is...The Notebook, 50 Shades

 TV - You see that Tiger shit, crazy?

 What did you do today?

 What did you have for lunch? (OMG, you can cook, show me a pic)

Not Hopes, Dreams, Aspirations, or whether the market has truly priced in the Corona Virus
disruption or Pension Funds are rebalancing.

She should look forward to hearing from you, not feeling bad cause she isn't up on the latest
virology topic.
How do you guys create a socially calibrated context at
the beginning of the approach?
Calibration is after the fact, because you can't predict oddball reactions. You come too heavy,
dial it back with your next action. If she responds well, hit the gas.

Observation of the girl/situational/environmental openers can be smooth, when you're right AND
when she wants to cooperate.

But for the most part the first words don't truly start the conversation.

She'll listen and give easy one word answers, but the chat isn't open until she's moved away
from reacting to the chat, to actively participating and bringing in stuff to the chat (often
unrelated to where you started the chat).

Most of these direct game openers don't actually open, they just give the guy mental justification
to keep talking.
Question about this shit test...(Beta Provider)
So I've been seeing this girl for a little over a month. She shows super high interest, been
dicking her down good. Last night we were setting up our next date and she throws a shit test at
me. Because of the lockdown I told her we can stay inside, cook dinner, watch a movie, ect.

She then told me how she is expecting some furniture to be delivered soon, and asked if
I would like to help her put it together while I'm there. She even added "How about you
help me put it together and you get to pick what movie we'll watch." I knew she was
trying to enter my frame, and I simply said "I don't think so" with a smirk.

Is she just testing to see if I'm a beta male provider? Is there a better response to this in
the future? And if she does bring it up again, what's the best way to proceed? Thanks fellas.

Let's remind ourselves, the goal here is to keep the chick in sexual tension.

Secondary goal is to stay out of her beta provider service mode (The second that you start
catering to her whims you are on the road to serfdom).

The difficulty comes in not being able to assert your boundaries (do the blue pill thing, and
ultimately do her bidding which puts you out of sexual tension).

But just recognizing that as a test for provider put you far ahead of everyone else.

In terms of a better response, you need to want something from the girl that you haven't
already gotten (A blowjob wouldn't be enough if you're already getting them).

Is there anything that she has that you want besides her body?

If there isn't, the chick has played herself, and you have essentially won (unless the sex is
somehow getting better over time).

She can't bargain with her body, she can't bargain with her behavior.


The only problem I see here -

 You might be hypnotize by the pussy thus susceptible to other requests from her.

And at a higher level, if you don't see yourself doing favours for this chick and getting
nothing tangible in return, you are either 100% red pill or you are blue pill but this chick
doesn't make the cut.
Plate Is Unravelling
Instead, You call up Cindy AND make sure you keep up with your workouts and socializing because
Amy needs to be replaced (If Amy wants to move up, you don't try to reason with her).

Don't placate, replace. Girls aren't supposed to stay on your roster (Cindy, Darla, Ethel, Francine,
Gertrude, Harriet - they will all need replacements at some point).

They should be trying to lock some guy down, not waiting years for you to change.
What Are Signs Of You Have Build Enough Rapport In
The Minute You Have Talked?
In an instadate, you can break out the full seduction tool kit.

 Is she laughing?
 Is she contributing to the topics you start?
 Is she starting entirely new topics and seeking your thoughts?
 Is she giving you personal/intimate answers? Volunteering those things?

I could do down the line, but you can tell how interested a girl is in what you are saying without a
Common Situational Openers (Nightgame)

 Wearing a familiar perfume scent

 Wearing/not wearing a coat

 Dressed in very stereotypical uk outfit

 Doesn't look british

 Sitting alone

 Ordering a drink

 Standing in line to use the restroom

 Holding two drinks in her hand

 Dancing like a maniac

 Dancing with a really poor dancer

 Looking around the club

 Walking around the club

You can think of more but these are just a few examples. Now for each one, think about a couple
of things that would make you laugh. These will be your default situational openers for when you
spot a girl you're interested in performing any of these actions. So that you don't stumble, "fuck I
don't know what to say to her". As you get into a good flow state (warming up), you'll be more
able to think of things you find funny in the moment, that aren't in your default openers list.
Woman that just came back into my life tried to cock
block me when talking to a younger one... wtf? How
can I kick her in the teeth, metaphorically?
"Are you still feeling bad after your abortion?"

If the chick wants to lie, go for the jugular.

Making Things More Sexual?
In that situation, you need to convey sexual intent. One possible sequence out of billions

- see a girl
- walk over there
- start to chat
- use your opener (improvised, canned)
- once she gets to talking - > break the touch barrier
- after the touch barrier is broken, ping her with innuendo
- once she falls for some light hearted innuendo, act aghast and point the finger at her for being a
perv (jokingly? depends on you)

Now the lane is safe to get a little more "romantic". The idea is that you have plausible deniability,
and sex is brought up in a joking manner. This is just one way to do it in person.

If you're jacked, you can be much more blunt.

You: (take one of her hands and put it above her head) "turn around real quick.....I
mean slow"

If a girl hints she's not interests. Is there a way to turn

this around?
If she sees you pulling other women (ideally younger and hotter) and you stop giving her
attention, maybe she'll try to reinitiate.
…But usually my level up kills my interest in the girl I didn't fuck/used to fuck
Killing The AMOG On A Date
To defend against the rando commando (if you're the one on the date) you can do a number
of things

First - never mention online or first date. If asked, roleplay like DN.

"We're on our honeymoon, we almost missed our flight because *she* (points to date)
tested positive for explosives when they swabbed her hand. I think I married a domestic
terrorist, we might have to get the marriage annulled." (And even if she answers first
(bumble date) just laugh, say you wish, and go into the married/honeymoon/3kids story)

Before he has a chance to respond you ask him “where his girlfriend is?”

-If he says she's not here; (tool him for leaving his girlfriend home alone).

-If he says no, reply with;

"Aww man, don't worry there's a lot of single girls here, just act cool and they'll like
you. Maybe relax your shoulders a bit you seem tense. If you can't find a girl by the end
of the night I'll buy you a beer buddy."

Then turn and *ignore* his ass. Turn the girl and say something to move her away. "Let's go
get a drink, let's go play pool" he can't follow without looking like a chode.

-If he says complicated, reply with; “Aww Don’t worry, I’ll take good care of her ;)”


You can do it any number of ways but the key elements are;

-Make him look like a chode, even slightly is enough.

-Spiking her emotions so you will have more compliance to move her away from him. Even if you
only get her to move 45 degrees and turn her back on the guy. He will look like a chode
trying to get her attention from behind or following.

-If he reopens later you can cut him off and say “aww man did you find a girl yet? Hang in
there buddy eventually you'll find someone.” He can't get mad at you because you're
"helping him".
Guy flirting with my girlfriend at gym, how do I handle
Your girl is supposed to handle male attention. But some chicks are passive, and some
chicks don't know what to do.

The proper way to AMOG, in my opinion, is to turn the guy's strengths into liabilities.

"Are you trying to hit on my girl right in front of me? Seriously dog?" (This is the call out -
most guys are afraid of being seen as sexual. So call it out)

Before he gets a chance to defend himself, cut him off, and turn to your girl!

"Babe, how's his game? Is he funny enough? What about those thighs, should be do
more leg days..." (this is the AMOG)

Especially if he's jacked, focus on his figure. Use compliments, never disses..

"Can you make your tits dance? Do one of those gym grunts? I bet you put four plates
on each side right? You like that stuff, huh babe. "

And then proceed to dismantle every part of his body and his "game".

Have her chime in. She might even go deeper than you, now that you've unleashed the
dragon. Destroy him via your girl's comments.

And do it LOUDLY. Project your voice.

If you can bring in uninterested third parties to assess him, do so. When emboldened,
people love to dogpile.

"Look at his fist clenching up, you really want to fight me now?"

Take that option off the table by calling it out. Crush his soul. Make him rethink his gym

The same AMOG tactics can be used when you hit the loo, and come back to some dirty
mack trying to sneak in an approach. (Now if you’re broad was entertaining that shit, make a
mental note, she is weak, gullible, or worse yet susceptible to bad game)
The guy can “submit” by pretending to be genuinely trying to help you.

“Dude, she mentioned you’re doing an apprenticeship, and I wanted to help. I’m not
trying to take your girl. I know you’re smaller than me. No need to feel threatened
though, bro. (subtle smirk only to you)”

Now, you end up looking like a fool, and he looks like the better man.

I doubt that he had game, but off chance you run into player at the club trying to take your
girl, the play for any improv battle is to go with it. This is also known as “Yes, and..”

Defender – “Are you trying to hit on my girl? How’s his game hun?”

Girl – “Terrible sweetie.”

Attacker – “Oh I totally was, she’s gorgeous. I didn’t even realize you two were
together. I’m sorry that you felt threatened. I want to apologize to you both.”

The attacker agrees and sneaks a dis in that looks like an apology.

Defender’s response should agree and address both disses, and turn them back, and the
circle should go round and round.

If you see an extended improv battle over a girl between two guys who are actually good at game,
play the lottery.

My sense is that this dude trying to hit on OP’s girl is a rat, not a stand-up player. He’s trying to
make OP look insecure with that social media message. Either that, or he’s a foreigner.

How the girl feels throughout this is not predictable. But we didn’t get too much description of her.
And the play back if you get called out, is to embrace it. The real downfall for the AMOG is in
not going with flow.

If I’m just shit chatting with people, and dude gets territorial, call him out for the mate

"Damn bro, no need to get insecure, You're already jacked, no need to take it out on
Girl refused to make out on second date. What should I
Give her the comfort and assurances she needs and once that happens you bang her out.

From that point on, it is Netflix and chill or the girl you call at 10pm.

This behaviour eliminates her from ever being a friend with benefits (because she hasn't
been a good friend). She's just a fuck buddy, and that is all she will ever be (don't tell her
that of course, just treat her the way she needs to be treated).

Agree to the whatever plans, make it more convenient for yourself when possible.
Any tips on keeping a conversation going on a first
If you have to keep coming up with topics, the date is going poorly.

The girl should be not just answering questions, or talking about herself. She should be asking
her own original questions about you.

The first few minutes should be stiff and formal, but 10 minutes in, the chat should be lively if
there is attraction and chemistry.
How To Escalate At The Girls Place?
Does she live alone?

If so

 Sit close.

 Don't watch a good movie. (this is so key. If you watch something good, you will get
sucked into the movie)

 Flirt with her verbally.

 Touch shoulder to shoulder

 Thigh to thigh.

 Arm around her shoulders.

 Look at her eyes, lips, back to eyes, kiss.

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