Effects of Rise in Number of Bhang Smokers

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Effects of High rising oBhang smoking

Bhang refers to the dried leavesflowers ,stem and seeds from the cannabis sativa.The plant contain
mind altering chemical .Marijuana is the most commonly used psychotropic drug in United states of
America after alcohol.Marijuana use among middle and highschool students have remained steady,but
the number of pupils in tenth and eigth grades who say they use it daily has increased.With the growing
popularity of vaping devices ,teens have vaping THC (the ingredient in marijuana that produces the
high), with nearly 4% of twelve graders say the vape THC daily.In addition,the number of young people
who believe regular marijuana use is risky is decreasing.

Legalisation of marijuana for medical use or adult recreation may have several effects in the near future.

How do people use marijuana?

People smoke marijuana in hand held_rolled cigarretes (joints) or in pipes.They also smoke it in
blunts_emptied ciggars that have been partly or completely filled with marijuana.To avoid inhaling
smoke,some people use vaporisers.These devices pull the active ingredients(including THC ) from the
marijuana and collect vapor in storage unit .A person then inhales the vapor ,not the smoke.Some
vaporizers use a liquid marijuana extract.

People can mix marijuana in food (edibles) such as brownies ,cookies or candy or brew it as tea.A newly
popular method of use is smoking or eating different forms of THC rich resins.

How does marijuana affect the brain?

Marinuana has both short and long term effects on the brain.

Short-term effects.

When a person smokes marijuana ,THC quickly passes from the lungs to the bloodstream ,the blood
carries the chemical to the brain and other organs throughout the body .The body absorbs THC more
slowly when the person eats or drinks it.In that case the effects is felt after one hour
approximately.Marijuana overactivates parts of the brain that contains high number of this receptors
.This causes the"high" that people feel .Other effects include:

▪︎Altered sense

▪︎Changes in mood

▪︎Impaired body movements

▪︎Difficulty with thinking and problem solving

▪︎Impaired memory

▪︎Hallucination (if taken in high quantities)

▪︎Delusions(when taken in high doses)

▪︎Psychosis(risk is highest with regular use of high potency marijuana)

Long-term effects

Marijuana also affects brain development.when people begin using marijuana as teenagers,the drug
may impair thinking, memory and learning functions.It also affects how the brain builds connection
between the areas necessary for this function .Researchers are still studying how long marijuana's effect
last and whether changes may be permanent.

What are other health effects of marijuana?

Physical effects

• Breathing problems.

The problem include daily cough and more frequent lung illness and lung infections.

• Increased heart rate.

Daily smoking may cause a scare of suffering a heart attack due to high blood pressure rate.

• Problem with child development during and after pregnancy.

• Intense nausea and vomiting.

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