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Seminars on Gov

Week 2

(1) Reforms - What roles do the DC play, how have they evolved? importance? Evaluate the roles and
functions of DCs, future prospects?

(2) Elections - compare the performances of different political parties, trend of result. distribution of
power, what are the political implications of those elected representations? what do they focus on?

Week 4

LegCo Election results comparison, the trends, the focus of those elected/selected, decision-making
body, political orientation of voters, relation between LegCo and Gov

Week 6

controversaries and debates on how to reform, how to achieve and when to achieve what is the driving
force that is stated in the BL (ultimate aim), rejected previous proposal, what are the future prospects/
consideration for democratization?

Week 8

Better policy making process to improve gov performance and capacity through executive-legislative
relation, analyze their relationship.

Week 10

Political activities and campaigns, what roles they play, "hk has no governing parties" but there are
multiple parties and there is no "real" majority (but we classify the parties into two major groups which
to an extent agree on certain political issues), perceptions of people towards political parties (are they
important, significant or have loyal supporters), future prospects for political parties (do we need laws
or regulations for them - to improve status or operation of the parties)

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