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Romblon State University

Main Campus
Odiongan, Romblon
Institute of Graduate Studies

# Researcher Venue Time Slot DAY1 Date Adviser Title Panel members Course Campus Stat

Emeliza R. Public School Teachers' Self-Efficacy and Dr. A. Dr. E. R. Dr. R. F. Dr. Fetalver,
1 AVC 8-10AM DAY3 19-Dec-19 Dr. Wong, A.M. MEM Rom
Fabula Occupational Stress Fronda, Jr. Villanueva Fallible Jr. M.A.

Management Responsibilities, Teacher's

Erika O. Dr. Muyo, F Jr. Dr. E.M. Mr. J.
2 AVC 10-12nn DAY3 19-Dec-19 Challenges and Schools' Academic Performance Dr. B. Motin Dr. E. F. Gaac MEM S.Ag
Faderogao M. Molo Manliguez
with Multigrade Level Classes in Romblon

Leadership Skills: Its Relationships to Teachers'

Razel M. Dr. Muyo, F Jr. Morale and Productivity and Pupils' Achievement Dr. E.M. Mr.
3 AVC 1-3PM DAY3 19-Dec-19 Dr. B. Motin Dr. E. F. Gaac MEM S.Ag
Magracia M. Among Selected Elementary Schools in Sta. Maria, Molo Manliquez, J.
San Agustin and Calatrava District

Leadership Praxis of the Elementary School

Addie O. Molo Dr. R. M. Mrs. M.S.
4 AVC 3-5PM DAY3 19-Dec-19 Mr. Molo, R. Principals in Sta. Maria-San Agustin-Calatrava Dr. B. Motin Dr. E. F. Gaac MEM S.Ag
Jr. Muyo Lazaro

21st Century Leadership Styles of Principals and

Apple Jane M. Dr. A. Dr. E.R. Dr. R. Dr. Libo-on,
5 AVC 5-7PM DAY3 19-Dec-19 Dr. Manzo, O.I. Performance of Teachers in the Division of MEM Rom
Ruado, LPT Fronda, Jr. Villanueva Faeldan J.T.
Romblon, Romblon
Romblon State University
Main Campus
Odiongan, Romblon
Institute of Graduate Studies

# Researcher Venue Time Slot DAY1 Date Adviser Title Panel members Course Campus Stat

Ruby Jane M. Influence of ethical Leadership and Organizational Dr. E.M. Dr. F. M. Mr. Dela
1 COMP-R1 8-10AM DAY3 19-Dec-19 Dr. Muyo, R.M. Dr. B. Motin MEM S. Ag
Antonio Culture on Teacher's Job Performance Molo Muyo, Jr. Austria, A.B.

Macro skills and communication Apprehension of

Mary Jean M. Senior High School Students in all Public and Dr. A. Dr. E. R. Dr. R. F. Dr. Fetalver,
2 COMP-R1 10-12nn DAY3 19-Dec-19 Dr. Wong, A.M. MEM Rom
Marquez Private Secondary Schools in the Municipality of Fronda, Jr. Villanueva Fallible Jr. M.A.

Performance Continuum Level of Middle School

Science Teachers in Designing, Selecting and Using Dr. A. Dr. E. R. Dr. R. F. Dr. Fetalver,
3 Franco M. Rico COMP-R1 1-3PM DAY3 19-Dec-19 Dr. Wong, J.P. MEM Rom
Formative Assessment: Basis for Appropriate Fronda, Jr. Villanueva Fallible Jr. M.A.
Professioanl Development Training Program

Extent of Implementation of the Positive Discipline

Mary Angel M. Dr. A. Dr. M.G. Dr. Sixon, Dr. Libo-on,
4 COMP-R1 3-5PM DAY3 19-Dec-19 Dr. Manzo, O.I. in Everyday Teaching (PDET) of Senior High School MEM Rom
Morgado Fronda, Jr. Calimbo E.M. J.T

School Head's Management Style, Perceptions of

Noe P. Dr. A. Dr. E.R. Dr. R. Dr. Manzo,
5 COMP-R1 5-7PM DAY3 19-Dec-19 Dr. Manzo, O.I. Millenial Teachers and Oraganizational MEM Rom
Magdato Jr. Fronda, Jr. Villanueva Faeldan O.F.
Romblon State University
Main Campus
Odiongan, Romblon
Institute of Graduate Studies

# Researcher Venue Time Slot DAY1 Date Adviser Title Panel members Course Campus Stat

Impact of Gender and Development Program

Marizar A. Dr. Fetalver Jr, Implementation on the Gender Identity of the Dr. E.R. Dr. Montoya, Ms. Ma.C. Dr. Fallible,
1 COMP-R2 8-10AM DAY3 19-Dec-19 MEM Main
Grimarin M.A. Pupils in the District of San Andres, Division of Villanueva E. F. Gaa R.F.

Change Resistance, Optimism and Work Ethics of

Cristy B. Dr. E.M. Dr. F. M. Dr. M. A. Mr. Dela
2 COMP-R2 10-12nn DAY3 19-Dec-19 Dr. Muyo, R.M. Elementary School Teachers in the Municipality of MEM S. Ag
Moscoso Molo Muyo, Jr. Fetalver, Jr. Austria, Arnel

Predictive Influence of competence, Motivation,

Mary Grace M. Commitment and Organizational Culture of Public Dr. E.M. Dr. F. M. Dr. M. A. Dr. Dela
3 COMP-R2 1-3PM DAY3 19-Dec-19 Dr. Muyo, R.M. MEM S. Ag
Taneo Secondary School Teacher Job Satisfaction and Molo Muyo, Jr. Fetalver, Jr. Austria, A.B.

Stress and Job Performance of Secondary School

Dr. Fetalver Jr, Dr. A. Dr. M.G. Dr. R. Mr. Dela
4 Rachel T. Robis COMP-R2 3-5PM DAY3 19-Dec-19 Teachers in the District of romblon: Basis for MEM Rom
M.A. Fronda, Jr. Calimbo Faeldan Austria, A.B.
Teacher's Stress Coping Intervention Program

Nestor Galario Dr. Montoya, Financial Literacy of Canteen Managers in the Dr. M. A. Dr. M. M. Dr. T. T.
5 COMP-R2 5-7PM DAY3 19-Dec-19 MABA Main
Yap, Jr. E.F. Public Secondary Schools in Tablas Island Fetalver, Jr. Garcia Faminial

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