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Marketing Proposal


To drive the marketing promotion of Megamind the movie in Plaza Singapura.


1. “Meet & Greet” session banking on the appearance of the casts to pull crowd and generate
interests on the movie.
2. “Best Costume” competition to generate more buzz through audience participations.
3. Guerrilla-style marketing featuring mascots and promoters carrying walking signage to draw
attention to the event and movie website or other related online content.
4. Compliment the event with a wide range of tie-in merchandises like books, games and
figurines which will help promote the movie.

Our Ideas

A Megamind and Minion mascots will be roaming around the vicinity of Plaza Singapura. They will be
joined by promoters with walking signage of Megamind movie posters. Audience can “catch”
Megamind and Minion, snap a picture with them and post it on Megamind website/related online
content and stand a chance to win tickets to the movie.

Audience will get the opportunity to meet the cast of Megamind at Plaza Singapura. Will Ferrell,
Brad Pitt, Jonas Hill and Tina Fey will meet members of media for a Q&A session open for viewing by
members of public in Plaza Singapura. After the Q&A session, the cast of Megamind will do a 45
minutes “Meet & Greet” session with the audience. Priority will be given to audience who are
dressed up in their Superhero/Super villain costumes.

“Will Ferrell will be appearing in character”

Prior to the cast appearance, there will be a “Best Costume” competition open to everyone. There
will be 2 category, children and adult. Participants just have to dress up in their own superhero or
super villain costume limited by their own imagination. The winners of each category will be picked
by the audience and receive 4 tickets to a preview screening of Megamind.
Subsequently, after the “Meet & Greet” session, there will be some quizzes for audience to
participate in and win tickets to the movie.

Tie-in merchandise of action figures, video games and books will also be featured and available for
purchase during the event. Demos of the video games will be available at the game console stations
set around the event area. Megamind trailers will be shown on stage during the periodical break.

Timeline of the event

1000 – 1100 Event area open. Game demos, books and action figures available to public.

1100 – 1300 Mascots will be roaming and Trailers will be shown.

1300 – 1400 Best costume competition.

1400 – 1430 Cast appearances, followed by Q&A with media.

1430 – 1515 Meet & greet, autograph/photograph.

1515 – 1530 Games & Quiz.

1530 – 2100 Mascots will continue roaming to boost more online participation. Game demos, books
and action figures will be available until closing time.

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