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Case Report

Chinese Restaurant Syndrome

Himmatrao Saluba Bawaskar, Pramodini Himmatrao Bawaskar, Parag Himmatrao Bawaskar1
Bawaskar Hospital and Clinical Research Center, Raigad, 1Department of Cardiology, Topiwala National Medical College and BYL Nair Hospital, Mumbai,
Maharashtra, India

In India, eating Chinese food has become very popular. We hereby report a case who presented with angioneurotic edema of the uvula and the
surrounding structures, after eating Chinese food, which resulted in severe difficulty in swallowing saliva and inability to speak.

Key words: Monosodium glutamate, spitting, uvula

Introduction sweating, and itching all over the body which subsided without
any medication. Two hours earlier he had woken up due to
Chinese food and soups contain monosodium glutamate (MSG)
difficulty in swallowing and speaking out a few words. He
as the main addictive ingredient. A sensitive individual may
communicated with his family with hand gestures regarding
suffer from headache, giddiness, sweating, abdominal
his inability to speak and swallow. There was no history of
pain, and urticaria within a few hours of consumption of
allergy or bronchial asthma.
MSG. Angioedema may be delayed up to 8–16 h after the
consumption of MSG and it may persist for 24 h.[1] This The hemoglobin was 14 mg/dl, white cell count 13,000 per
delayed life‑threatening effect in the form of angioedema cu mm (normal 5000–10,000), eosinophils 1% (normal 1–9),
makes diagnosis difficult. neutrophils 90.9%, random blood sugar 135 mg/dl (normal
70–140), and serum IgE 917.021 IU/ml (normal 3–188).
Case Report The patient was admitted and given intravenous crystalline
A 23‑year‑old male was brought to the General Hospital at solution of 40mg methyl prednisolone and was monitored
Mahad, with complaints of difficulty in speaking, inability continuously for oxygen saturation.
to swallow saliva, and continuous spitting. He strongly There was no improvement over half an hour, so 0.30 mg of
rejected taking sips of water and was afraid of water like adrenaline was administered as a deep intramuscular injection
a hydrophobic patient. He gave no history of snake bite or over the lateral side of the thigh. The swelling of the uvula
ptosis. The posterior pharynx could not be visualized, even and surroundings gradually regressed. The patient no longer
after repeated attempts with depression of the tongue with a had drooling of saliva and was able to speak a few words. His
spatula. The uvula and surrounding structures, including the throat looked angry around the uvula and surrounding.
soft palate, were edematous. The uvula was touching the base
of the tongue [Figure 1]. On account of raised leukocyte count with neutrophilia, the
patient was treated with oral Amoxycillin with clavulinate. At
He was weighing 80 kg, conscious cooperative and well 16 h after the initiation of treatment, he started normal oral
oriented. His blood pressure was 120/80 mmHg; pulse was communication and was able to swallow liquid.
88 beats/min and regular. His extremities were warm, the
electrocardiograph was within normal limits, and SpO 2 Address for correspondence: Dr. Himmatrao Saluba Bawaskar,
was 98% on ambient air. The patient said that he ate only Bawaskar Hospital and Clinical Research Center, Mahad,
Chinese triple fried rice for dinner the previous night 10 Raigad ‑ 402 301, Maharashtra, India.
hours earlier. Within an hour of eating, he had giddiness,

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10.4103/0972-5229.198327 How to cite this article: Bawaskar HS, Bawaskar PH, Bawaskar PH.
Chinese restaurant syndrome. Indian J Crit Care Med 2017;21:49-50.

© 2017 Indian Journal of Critical Care Medicine | Published by Wolters Kluwer ‑ Medknow 49

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Bawaskar, et al.: Chine’s food restaurant

Figure 1: On arrival, swelling of the uvula and surrounding tissues, almost Figure 2: Complete recovery.
closing the entry to the pharynx, touching the base of floor of the mouth.
region.[1] A systematic review by Obayashi and Nagamura
On the following day, there was a gradual reduction in the size of evaluating causal relationship between MSG and headache
the uvula and surrounding inflammation. 2 days from admission, was inconclusive and suggested the need of more blinded
the uvula and surrounding structures including the palate returned studies. [6] However, consumption of MSG in high
to normal and he could swallow solids [Figure 2]. concentration without solid food (as in soups) was found
to be associated with higher incidence of headache and
Discussion other symptoms.[6,7]
Chinese food contains MSG as the main additive ingredient
and flavor enhancer. In a graded challenge, MSG alone Conclusion
produced angioedema, 16 h after ingestion, as reported from Consumption of Chinese food is popular in India. Severe
Australia.[1] In addition to MSG, many other food additives, reaction to MSG, a common active ingredient in Chinese
including preservatives such as meta‑bisulfate, soya sauce, cooking may result in fatal outcome if not treated in time.
coloring agents, such as, carmoisine, sunset yellow, tartrazine, Delayed occurrence of serious symptoms are to be expected.
scombroidosis, and seafood may stimulate allergic reactions.[2]
Angioedema of the uvula after ingestion of MSG can be fatal
We are grateful to Professor Dr. Abhijit Pakhare, and Punishi
unless patients and physicians are aware of unusual reaction to
Parekh, AIIMS, Bhopal and Topiwala Medical College,
MSG. Many deaths can be avoided with timely diagnosis and
Mumbai, respectively, for editing the manuscript.
MSG is monosodium salt of L‑glutamic acid. It is prepared Financial support and sponsorship
by fermentation of carbohydrate sources, such as sugar beet Nil.
molasses by acid hydrolysis, by the action of micrococcus Conflicts of interest
glutamicus on a carbohydrate and subsequent partial There are no conflicts of interest.
neutralization, or by hydrolysis of vegetative proteins.
Precipitation of severe bronchial asthma following MSG intake
has been reported in two patients.[1,3]
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in Japanese, Chinese, and South Asian food preparation. 2. Settipane GA. The restaurant syndromes. N Engl Reg Allergy Proc
Even free glutamate that exists in tomatoes, mushrooms, 3. Williams AN, Woessner KM. Monosodium glutamate ‘allergy’: Menace
and parmesan Chinese is responsible for Chinese restaurant or myth? Clin Exp Allergy 2009;39:640‑6.
syndrome.[4] This syndrome was first described by Kwok 4. Kenney RA, Tidball CS. Human susceptibility to oral monosodium
L‑glutamate. Am J Clin Nutr 1972;25:140‑6.
in 1968.[5] The exact etiology of the “Chinese restaurant
5. Kwok RH. Chinese‑restaurant syndrome. N Engl J Med 1968;278:796.
syndrome” is not known but, animal studies have shown 6. Obayashi Y, Nagamura Y. Does monosodium glutamate really cause
neurotoxic and neuroexcitatory properties of MSG in the headache? A systematic review of human studies. J Headache Pain
hypothalamic region of the central nervous system. The 2016;17:54.
7. Geha RS, Beiser A, Ren C, Patterson R, Greenberger PA, Grammer LC,
delay of uvular swelling for > 8 h such as in our patient et al. Review of alleged reaction to monosodium glutamate and
can be explained by the time taken for the synthesis and outcome of a multicenter double‑blind placebo‑controlled study. J Nutr
release of hormonal factors from the hypothalamic‑pituitary 2000;130 4S Suppl:1058S‑62S.

50 Indian Journal of Critical Care Medicine  ¦  January 2017  ¦  Volume 21  ¦  Issue 1

Page no. 58

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