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The escalated use of pesticides in the control of vector and obscene insects

has catalyzed some pertain over the inimical outcome of these chemical

substances on living organisms and their environment thereupon researchers are

now focusing enthrallment to substitutive method of controlling insect vectors.

Autochthonous plants exist in nature, particularly in equatorial areas, which are

associated with some menial uses. These plants contain bioactive chemicals,

which serve as competent substitutive biocontrol substance. Many researchers

wrest the use of extracts of medicinal plants to control insects. Howbeit, it is now

the focus of many researchers, as insects are evolving defiance to artificial

chemical pesticides. The unsympathetic nature of these man-made chemical

pesticides has caused them to trammel actions of enzymes, and bunging many

necessitous procedure. This has in turn led to rejuvenation of targeted pest

population, resistance and undesirable effect on non-target organisms. Botanical

by-product have been used in distinctive capacities such as; fumigants, contact

poison, and repellant et cetera. Many of these pesticides are chintzy, locally

acquirable, non-envenomed and easily bio-degradable. Chromolaena odorata is

a member of Asteraceae and one of the plants that has been consorted with

pesticidal and medicinal worth in many demesne. It is not niche specific; however

it grows frequently in wastelands. C. odorata is deciphered as one of the world

worst equatorial weeds that accumulate at a speedy rate. The ignominious role of

mosquito (Aedes aegypti) as a significant insect in public health have been

narrated; it is deliberated the most frequent insect pest disseminating pathogenic


diseases such as yellow fever, dengue fever, malaria in some parts in the

Philippines, high parasite load has been narrated from the extraneous body

veneer of mosquito living in and high rates of transmitting dengue fever of

mosquitoes living in and around residential domicile. Prognosticate prejudicial

effects uprise from broad exploitation of customary chemical insecticides on

biota. The pretention of the present study was to examine the implicit pesticidal

effect of C. odorata on an insect vectors, A. aegypti. Chili pepper has many

nutritional benefits and is widely used as spice among Asian countries. It has

also the capability to kill insects found in common households. Keeping in view

these facts about Chili pepper and its usability, this study aims to test the efficacy

of Chili pepper fruit extract against wood termites. Squeezing method was used

to get the juices from the fruit. Thus, Fruit extract of chili pepper has positive

effects as insecticide against household termites.

Statement Of The Problem

Main Problem:

Is Chromolaena odorata with Capsicum frutescens as an insecticide used

against Aedes Aegypti effective?

Specific Problem:

1. Is there a significant difference between the effectivity of using Chromolaena

odorata with Capsicum frutescens and Chromolaena odorata only insecticide?


A. Chromolaena odorata with Caspsicum frutescens?

B. Chromolaena odorata only?

Statement Of The Null Hypothesis

1. There is no significant difference between the effectivity of using Chromolaena

odorata with Capsicum frutescens and Chromolaena odorata only insecticide.

A. Chromolaena odorata with Caspsicum frutescens.

B. Chromolaena odorata only.

Significance Of The Study

This study can improve ones agricultural mind to implement cheaper and

ecologically friendly insecticide to avoid certain pests, specifically A. aegypti. This

study will also foster new techniques of enhancing ones knowledge in botanical

fields, thus preparing globally-friendly agricultural partners in the future.

Scope And Limitations

This study will aim on developing a special insecticide using a certain plant,

specifically known as Chromolaena odorata, for agricultural partners within our

community. This insecticide will let users (staff, students, agricultural partners,

etc.) to freely interact with the new insecticide that has the ability to eradicate

certain pest, A. aegypti. In addition, farmers can even create this for themselves

by just using the plant C. odorata and C. frutescens. Moreover, the proposed

study will help the students, staff, and farmers to spend less expenses due to the

fact that these can be found everywhere either in a farmhouse/greenhouse or

any household plants. The insecticide to be developed is based on how

resourceful you can be upon creating the product.

Definition of Terms

Vector - an insect, animal, etc., that carries germs that cause disease.

Bioactive - having an effect on a living organism.

Biocontrol - the reduction in numbers or elimination of pest organisms by

Interference with their ecology.

Fumigants – used to remove germs, insects, etc., from (a room or building) with

Smoke or gas that destroys them.

Biocontrol Substance - are agents or products that use natural mechanisms.

Resurgence - a growth or increase that occurs after a period without growth or


Asteraceae - is a very large and widespread family of flowering plants. The


includes over 32,000 currently accepted species, in over 1,900


genera in 13 subfamilies.

Enteric Fever - Enteric (typhoid) fever is a systemic disease characterized by

fever and abdominal pain caused by dissemination of Salmonella

Typhi or Salmonella Paratyphi type A, B, or C.

Dysentery - a disease characterized by severe diarrhea with passage of mucus

and blood and usually caused by infection.

Leprosy - a chronic infectious disease caused by a mycobacterium affecting

especially the skin and peripheral nerves and characterized by the

formation of nodules or macules that enlarge and spread


by loss of sensation with eventual paralysis, wasting of muscle, and

production of deformities.

Etiolated - to bleach and alter the natural development of (a green plant) by

excluding sunlight.

Glandular - of or relating to glands.

Pungent - having a strong, sharp taste or smell.

Elliptical - of, relating to, or shaped like an ellipse.

Germination - to cause (a seed) to begin to grow.

Pharmacology - a drug's qualities and effects.


Nematicidal - a substance or preparation used to destroy nematodes.

Forestry - the science and practice of caring for forests

Ornamental - used to make something more attractive

Carcinogenic - a substance that can cause cancer

Pyrrolizidine - a heterocyclic organic compound that forms the central chemical

structure of a variety of alkaloids.

Capsaicin – an enzyme or powder in which it triggers the heat response of the

Tongue, causing a spicy feeling

Theoretical Background

Chromolaena odorata is a rapidly growing perennial herb. It is a multi-

stemmed shrub to 2.5 m (100 inches) tall in open areas. It has soft stems but the

base of the shrub is woody. In shady areas it becomes etiolated and behaves as

a creeper, growing on other vegetation. It can then become up to 10 m (33 feet)

tall. The plant is hairy and glandular and the leaves give off a pungent, aromatic

odor when crushed. The leaves are opposite, triangular to elliptical with serrated

edges. Leaves are 4–10 cm long by 1–5 cm wide (up to 4 x 2 inches). Leaf

petioles are 1–4 cm long. The white to pale pink tubular flowers are in panicles of

10 to 35 flowers that form at the ends of branches. The seeds are achene and

are somewhat hairy. They are mostly spread by the wind, but can also cling to

fur, clothes and machinery, enabling long distance dispersal. Seed production is

about 80000 to 90000 per plant. Seeds need light to germinate. The plant can

regenerate from the roots. In favorable conditions the plant can grow more than 3

cm per day.

A recent review indicates that the ethno-pharmacological, funcigicidal,

nematicidal, insecticidal importance of the plant and its use as a fallow species

and as a soil fertility improvement plant in the slash and burn rotation system of


Chromolaena odorata contains carcinogenic pyrrolizidine alkaloids. It is toxic

to cattle. It can also cause allergic reactions. Recent research has shown the

plant is larvicidal against all major mosquito vectors.

Capsicum frutescens is a species of chili pepper that is sometimes

considered to be part of the species Capsicum annuum. Pepper cultivars of C.

frutescens can be annual or short-lived perennial plants. Flowers are white with a

greenish white or greenish yellow corolla, and are either insect-pollinated or self-

pollinated. The plants' berries typically grow erect; ellipsoid-conical to lanceoloid

shaped. They are usually very small and pungent, growing 10–20 millimetres

(0.39–0.79 in) long and 3–7 millimetres (0.12–0.28 in) in diameter. Fruit typically

grows a pale yellow and matures to a bright red, but can also be other colors. C.

frutescens has a smaller variety of shapes compared to other Capsicum species.

C. frutescens has been bred to produce ornamental strains, because of its large

quantities of erect peppers growing in colorful ripening patterns.



Research Equipment/Tool:
Materials: Uses:
Used to pound or to extract the
Mortar and Pestle leaves. Also used to mash or to mix
after the pounding.
Used to soften the leaves and to mix
the extract.
Used to store mosquitoes in this
The main part of the research; leaves
Devil’s Weed used for the main insecticidal
The additional part of the research;
Tabasco Pepper adds additives, such as capsaicin,
and enhances the insecticides
Spray Bottle Used to squirt or mist fluids

Research Procedures:

1. We captured several 6 mosquitoes and placed them inside each jar (2) with


2. We plucked the leaves of the Devil’s Weed (C. odorata).

3. We placed the leaves in the mortar and added Tabasco Pepper (C.

frutescens) to the mortar. (Not Applicable in “C. odorata only”)

4. We pounded the leaves and chili within the mortar and poured 75 ml water to

mix the extract to it in order for the extract to spread with the water.

5. We then pour the solution inside the spray bottle.

6. We sprayed it within the holes of the jars.


Results and Discussion

10s A12 20s A22 30s A32

C. odorata with T1 3 9 4 16 5 25
T2 2 4
4 16 6 36
C. frutesens
Sum 7 25 10 52 7 29
T1 1 1 3 9 6 36
C. odorata only
T2 3 9 4 16 3 9
Total 4 10 7 25 9 45
Source of Sum of Degree of Mean Critical
Freedom Squares Freedom Square Value
SSA 5.17 2 2.59 1.11 4.84
SSB 1.33 1 1.33 0.57 161.45
SSAxB 4.17 2 2.09 0.90 161.45

Number of A. aegypti Killed



10 secs 20 secs 30 secs

C. odorata with C. frutescens C. odorata only


The test organism, A. aegypti eluded contact with the places where the leaf

extract was sprayed. The eschewal of the insect poisoned portion of the plate

could denote some measure of efficacy. Also, C. odorata oil was ascertained to

be effective against adult stages of mosquitoes. Studies have shown that the

extract can catalyze adverse physiological response in animal. C. frutescens was

also found to be the enhancer of the extract which degrades the amount of time

killing the mosquitoes and could kill A. aegypti more. This cytotoxic effect and

growth inhibitions and many are taking advantage of this effect and using it

against pest could decrease disease problem of human. This observation is

correspondent to the finding of that accredited it to the possible toxic effect of the

leaf extract on animal.


The present study on the preliminary screening of the potential anti-

insecticidal property of C. odorata against P. americana showed that the leaf

extract was toxic to the insect vector. This toxicity is an indicative of some

measures of anti-insecticidal activity on the test organism. This goes to suggest

that the plant extracts could serve as an alternative method chemical control.

There is therefore need to study and establish the bioactive substance in the

plant extract which contains the insecticidal property.



The focus of our research is to help our country in fighting against dengue.

Dengue is always a threat to the entire community whole year round, but most

importantly during the rainy months when peak of cases occurs,” said the

Philippine Children’s Medical Center (PCMC) in a statement recently.Dengue

viruses are spread to people through the bite of an infected Aedes species (A.

Aegypti or A. albopictus) mosquito. Dengue is common in more than 100

countries around the world. Forty percent of the world’s population, about 3

billion people, live in areas with a risk of dengue. Dengue is often a leading

cause of illness in areas with risk. We would like to recommend our research to

those people who are living in a mosquito area specifically people living in urban

areas. We recommend that researches could add certain bio-chemicals in order

to improve the quality of the insecticide.


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8. The plant is referred to as "rompe saragüey" by practitioners of Santeria, who

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doi:10.1016/j.bbagen.2016.11.044. PMID 27916676



Curriculum Vitae

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