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A. Background

The syllabus is a lesson plan for a particular subject / theme group that
includes competency standards, basic competencies, subject matter / learning,
learning activities, indicators, assessment, time allocation, and learning resources /
tools / tools. Syllabus is the elaboration of standard competence and basic
competence into the subject matter / learning, learning activities, and indicators of
achievement of competence for assessment.

B. The Formula of Problem

1. What is definition of Syllabus
2. What is the principle development of syllabus
3. What is component of syllabus
4. What are steps of syllabus development

C. The Purposes
1. To knowing definition of syllabus
2. To knowing the principle development of syllabus
3. To knowing component of syllabus
4. To knowing steps of syllabus development


A. Definition of Syllabus

Syllabus is a lesson plan for a particular subject group / theme that includes
competency standards, basic competencies, subject matter / learning, learning
activities, indicators, assessment, time allocation, and resources. Syllabus is the
elaboration of standard competence and basic competence into the subject matter /
learning, learning activities, and indicators of achievement of competence for
assessment. Syllabus is a set of plans and arrangements about learning activities,
classroom management, and assessment of learning outcomes.

The syllabus contains basic components that can answer the following questions:

1. Competence to be instilled to learners through a learning activity

2. Activities to be undertaken to inculcate / establish the competence
3. Efforts to be done to know that the competence is already owned learners

Syllabus is useful as a basic resource guide in the development of further learning,

ranging from making lesson plans, managing learning activities, and developing
assessment systems.

B. The Principles Development of Syllabus

 Scientific . The entire material and activities that are charged in the
syllabus must be true and accountable in a scientific way.
 Relevant. The scope, depth, degree of difficulty and order of presentation
of the material in the syllabus corresponds to the level of physical,
intellectual, social, emotional, and spiritual development of learners.
 Systematic. The syllabus components are functionally interrelated in
achieving competence.
 Consistent. The existence of a consistent relationship (steady, basic)
between basic competencies, indicators, subject matter, learning
experience, learning resources, and assessment system.
 Adequate. Coverage of indicators, subject matter, learning experience,
learning resources, and assessment system is sufficient to support the
achievement of basic competencies.
 Actual and Contextual. Coverage of indicators, subject matter, learning
experience, learning resources, and assessment system takes into account
the latest developments in science, technology, and art in real life, and
events that occur.
 Flexible. The entire syllabus component can accommodate the diversity of
learners, educators, as well as the changing dynamics that occur in schools
and the demands of society.
 Thorough. The syllabus component covers the whole sphere of
competence (cognitive, affective, psychomotor).

C. Unit Time Syllabus

1. The course syllabus is compiled based on the entire time allocation
provided for the subjects during the education organization at the
education unit level.
2. Preparation of the syllabus takes into account the allocation of time
provided per semester, per year, and the allocation of time of other
3. Implementation of learning per semester using syllabus slices in
accordance with the Competency Standards and Basic Competencies
for subjects with the allocation of time available on the curriculum
structure. Especially for SMK / MAK using syllabus based on
competency unit.
D. Syllabus Development

The development of the syllabus can be done by teachers independently or in

groups in a school or several schools, the Teacher Subject Group (MGMP) group
or Teacher Activity Center (PKG), and Dinas Pendidikan.

1. Developed independently by the teacher if the teacher is able to recognize

the characteristics of students, school conditions and environment.
2. If the subject matter teacher has not been able to implement the
development of the syllabus independently, then the school can try to form
a group of subject teachers to develop a syllabus that will be used by the
3. In SD / MI all class teachers, from grade I to class VI, arrange syllabus
together. In junior / MTs for science subjects and integrated IPS are
prepared jointly by related teachers.
4. Schools that have not been able to develop the syllabus independently,
should join other schools through the MGMP / PKG forum to jointly
develop syllabus that will be used by schools within the local MGMP /
PKG scope.
5. The local Education Office can facilitate the preparation of the syllabus by
forming a team of experienced teachers in their respective fields.

E. The Syllabus Components

Syllabus in Education Unit Level Curriculum consists of several components,

as follows.

1. Subject Competency Standards

Subject competence standard is the limit and direction of the ability that
must be possessed and can be done by the learners after following the learning
process of a particular subject, the ability that can be done or displayed by
students for a lesson, competence in certain subject that must be possessed by
students, which must be possessed by graduates in within a particular subject. The
Competency Standards are contained in the Ministerial Regulation No. 22 of 2006
on Content Standards.

2. Basic Competence

Basic competence is the minimal ability in each subject that students must
achieve. Basic competence in the syllabus serves to direct the teacher about the
targets to be achieved in learning. For example, able to solve themselves with the
environment and so on. Basic competence is contained in Minister of National
Education Regulation No. 22 of 2006 on Content Standards.

3. Learning Outcomes

Learning outcomes are the ability of students in fulfilling a stage of

achievement of learning experiences in a basic competence. Learning outcomes in
the syllabus serves as a clue about behavioral changes that will be achieved by
students in relation to learning activities undertaken, in accordance with basic
competencies and standard materials studied. learning can take the form of
knowledge, skills, and attitudes.

4. Indicators of Learning Outcomes

Indicator of learning outcomes is a characteristic marker ketercapain basic

competence. Indicators in the syllabus serves as signs that indicate the occurrence
of changes in student self-pda behavior.This sign is more specific and more
observable in students, the basic competence targets are met or achieved.

5. Basic Material

The subject matter is the subjects that must be studied by the students as a
means of achieving the basic competencies and which will be assessed using the
assessment instruments compiled based on learning achievement indicators. In
general, the main subject matter can be classified into four types: facts, concepts,
principles and procedures .
6. Learning Activities

Learning activities are general forms or patterns of learning activities that

will be implemented. Learning strategies include face-to-face and non-face-to-
face (learning experiences).

7. Time Allocation

Time allocation is the time required to master each of the basic


8. Assessment

Assessment is the type, form, and instrument used to know or measure

student learning success.

9. Facilities and Learning Resources

Facilities and learning resources are the means and learning resources used
in the teaching and learning process.

F. Syllabus Development Steps

As already noted in the preceding syllabus, the syllabus is a lesson plan on a

particular subject and / or group of subjects / themes that includes competency
standards, basic competencies, subject matter / learning, indicators, assessment,
time allocation, and learning resources / tools. Syllabus is the elaboration of
standard competence and basic competence into the subject matter / learning,
learning activities, and indicators of achievement of competence for assessment.
Developing syllabus is done through the following steps

1. Review the Competency Standards and Basic Competencies

Review the competency standards and basic subject competencies as set forth
in the Content Standards, taking into account the following matters:
a. a sequence based on the hierarchy of disciplinary concepts and / or the
degree of material difficulty, does not necessarily conform to the order in
the Content Standards;
b. linkages between competency standards and basic competencies in
c. the relationship between competency standards and basic competencies
among subjects.

2. Identify the Subject Materials / Learning

Identify subject matter / learning that supports the achievement of basic

competencies by considering:

a. potential learners;
b. relevance to regional characteristics,
c. the level of physical, intellectual, emotional, social, and spiritual
development of learners;
d. benefit for learners;
e. scientific structure;
f. actuality, depth, and breadth of learning materials;
g. relevance to the needs of learners and environmental demands; and
h. time allocation.

3. Developing Learning Activities

Learning activities are designed to provide a learning experience that involves

mental and physical processes through the interaction of learners, learners with
teachers, the environment, and other learning resources in the context of achieving
basic competencies. Learning experience in question can be realized through the
use of a variety of learning approaches and centered on learners. The learning
experience contains life skills that students need to master. Things to consider in
developing learning activities are as follows.

a. Learning activities are structured to provide assistance to educators,

especially teachers, in order to implement the learning process
b. The learning activities contain a series of activities that must be done by
the learners in order to achieve basic competencies.
c. The determination of the sequence of learning activities must be in
accordance with the hierarchy of the concept of learning materials.
d. Formulation statement in the learning activity at least contains two
elements of the image that reflects the management of student learning
experiences, namely student activities and materials.

4. Formulating Indicators of Competency Achievement

Indicators are markers of achievement of basic competencies characterized by

measurable behavioral changes that include attitudes, knowledge, and skills.

Indicators are developed in accordance with the characteristics of learners,

subjects, educational units, regional potentials and formulated in operational verbs
that are measurable and / or observable. Indicators are used as a basis for
developing assessment tools.

5. Assessment of Assessment Type

Assessment of the achievement of basic competence of learners is done based

on indicators. Assessment is performed using tests and non-tests in written or oral
form, performance observations, attitude measurement, assessment of work in the
form of tasks, projects and / or products, portfolio use, and self-assessment.
Assessment is a series of activities to obtain, analyze, and interpret data about
the process and learning outcomes learners are done in a systematic and
sustainable, so that becomes meaningful information in decision making. Things
to consider in the assessment.

a. Assessment is directed to measure the achievement of competence.

b. Assessment using reference criteria; namely based on what the learners can do
after following the learning process, and not to determine a person's position
against his group.

c. The planned system is an ongoing assessment system. Continuous in the sense

that all indicators are billed, then the results are analyzed to determine the basic
competencies that have been owned and who have not, as well as to know the
difficulties of students.

d. Assessment results are analyzed to determine follow-up. Follow-up in the form

of improvements to the next learning process, remedial programs for learners who
achieve competence under the criteria mastery, and enrichment programs for
learners who have met the criteria mastery.

e. The assessment system should be tailored to the learning experience pursued in

the learning process. For example, if learning uses a field observation approach
approach then evaluation should be given either on the process (process skills) eg
interview techniques, or product / result of field observation in the form of
required information.

6. Determining Time Allocation

The determination of time allocation for each basic competency is based on

the number of effective weeks and the allocation of time per week by considering
the number of basic competencies, breadth, depth, difficulty level, and level of
importance of basic competencies. The time allocation included in the syllabus is
an approximate average time to master the basic competencies required by diverse

7. Determining Learning Resources

Learning resources are references, objects and / or materials used for learning
activities, in the form of print and electronic media, resource persons, and the
physical, natural, social, and cultural environment.

Determination of learning resources is based on competency standards and

basic competencies as well as subject matter / learning, learning activities, and
indicators of achievement of competence.


G. Conclusion

Lesson plans for a particular subject / theme group that includes

competency standards, basic competencies, subject matter / learning, learning
activities, indicators, assessment, time allocation, and learning resources / tools /
tools. Syllabus is the elaboration of standard competence and basic competence
into the subject matter / learning, learning activities, and indicators of
achievement of competence for assessment.

Mulyasa, E. 2005. Kurikulum Berbasis Kompetensi Konsep, Karakteristik, Dan

Implementas, Bandung: PT. Remaja Rosdakarya

E. Mulyasa, Kurikulum Berbasis Kompetensi Konsep, Karakteristik, Dan

Implementas, Bandung: 2005, hlm. 40.

Masnur Muslich. Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan. Bumi Aksara. Jakarta.

2007. Hal. 10

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