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SEGMENT 18+000-21+000, SEGMENT 21+000-24+000 &
SEGMENT 45+000-49+000
Ethiopian Construction Works Corporation
Edosa Itana General Contractor
Table of Content

July, 2020
Content of the Contract Document

Contract Document: Volume I

Section I: Contract Agreement………………………………………………………….I
Section II: Letter of Acceptance…………………………………………………………II
Section III: Special Conditions of Contract ………………………………………………III
Section IV: General Conditions Contract………………………………………………….IV
Section V: ERA’s Standard Technical Specifications ……………………………………V
Section VI: Priced Bill of Quantity ………………………………………………………..VI
Section VII: Contract Forms:……………………………………………………………….VII
Contract document: Volume II

Section VIII: Drawings

Contract Agreement

Contract Agreement

Contract Agreement

The Contract Agreement

Procurement Reference No: ECWC-43/2012
THIS AGREEMENT made the ________ day of ________________________, _____, between
Ethiopian Construction Works Corporation of mailing address P. O. Box 21952/1000, Tel +251-
11-667-54-73, Fax +251-11-667-60-90 having its principal place in Addis Ababa (hereinafter
“client”), of the other part.


Edosa Itana General Contractor having its principal place of business at:,Region:Addis Ababa
City:Addis Ababa, Sub City:Bole,House No new/07 P. O. Box: ……., mailing address Tel.: 251911211677/251924248424, Fax: ….. (hereinafter “the
Employee/The sub contractor”), of the one part. Whereas;

The Employer is desirous that the Contractor execute Sub contract works at Jinka Mender Road
Construction Project series 3000 Drainage segment 18+000-21+000, Segment 21+000-24+000
& Segment 45+000-49+000 called the Works and the Employer has accepted the Bid after
Negotiation by the Contractor for the execution and completion of such Works and the remedying of
any defects there in for the Contract Price of the equivalent of 19,009,613.34 ( Nineteen Million
Nine Thousand Six Hundred Thirteen ETB and & 34/100) including and 15% VAT.


1. In this Agreement, words and expressions shall have the same meanings as are
respectively assigned to them in the Contract referred to.
2. The Following documents shall constitute the contract between the Employer and
the Contractor, and each shall be read and construed as an integral part of the
 This Agreement,
 The Letter of Acceptance,
 Special Conditions of Contract,
 General Conditions of Contract,
 Particular Technical Specifications

Contract Agreement

 The Standard Technical Specifications

 The Priced Bill of Quantities,
 Anti -Bribery Pledge Form,
 Performance Security,
 Advance Payment Security
 The Drawings,
3. In consideration of the payments to be made by the Employer to the Contractor as
hereinafter mentioned, the Contractor hereby covenants with the Employer to
execute and complete the Works and remedy any defects therein in conformity in all
respects with the provisions of the Contract.
4. The Employer hereby covenants to pay the Contractor in consideration of the
execution and completion of the Works and the remedying of defects therein the
Contract Price or such other sum as may become payable under the provisions of the
Contract at the times and in the manner prescribed by the Contract.
5. The Contract Price or such other sum as may be payable shall be paid 100% in
Ethiopian Birr.
6. Any decrease or increase in the quantity on the BoQ due to the deign modification
before completing handling over of the contract of the sub contract shall be accepted
and executed by the sub-contractor with the unit rate

IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties thereto have caused this Agreement to be executed in
accordance with the law specified in the Special Conditions of Contract on the day, month and year
indicated above.

SIGNED for and on behalf of the Employer WITNESSES to sign on behalf of the Employer
(Ethiopian Construction Works Corporation- (Ethiopian Construction Works Corporation-
Transport Infrastructure Construction) Employer Transport Infrastructure Construction)
Signature: _________________________ Signature: _____________________
Name: ___________________________ Name: _______________________
Position ___________________________ Position: _______________________
Date: _____________________________ Date: __________________________

Contract Agreement

SIGNED for and on behalf of the contractor WITNESSES to sign on behalf of the contractor

Signature: ________________________ Signature: _____________________

Name: __________________________ Name: ________________________
Position ___________________________ Position: _______________________
Date: ______________________________ Date: __________________________

Letter of Acceptance

Letter of Acceptance

Special Conditions of Contract

Special Conditions of Contract

Special Conditions of Contract

SECTION III. Special Conditions of Contract

The following Special Conditions of Contract (SCC) shall supplement the General
Conditions of Contract (GCC). Whenever there is a conflict, the provisions herein shall
prevail over those in the GCC.

Clause Section 8. Special Conditions of Contract
A. General Provisions
Procurement Reference Number is: ECWC-43/2012
GCC 1.2(dd) The Public Body is: Ethiopian Construction Works Corporation(ECWC)

GCC 1.2 (g) The Contractor is: Edosa Itana General Contractor

B. The Contract
In addition to documents listed in GCC Clause 7.1 the following documents shall
GCC 7.1 (i)
form the Contract:
 ERA’s Standard Technical Specifications
 Anti-Bribery Pledge Form
 The Performance Bond
 Advance Bond
GCC 8.1 The governing law shall be the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia.
GCC 9.1 Language of the Contract shall be English
GCC 10.2 For notices, the Public Body’s address shall be:
Public Body: Ethiopian Construction Works Corporation,
Project Development Centre (ECWC-PDC)
Attention: Ato Wegen Solomon
Floor/Room ECWC New building block near to the play ground
P.O. Box: 21952/1000
Salite Miheret Road Guard Shola Area
Town/City: Addis Ababa
Country: Ethiopia
Telephone: 251-11-667-54-73
Facsimile: 251-11-667-60-90

For notices, the Contractor’s address shall be:

Special Conditions of Contract

Clause Section 8. Special Conditions of Contract
Contractor: Edosa Itana General Contractor
P.O. Box:
Town/City: Addis Ababa
Post Code:
Country: Ethiopia
Telephone: 251911211677/251924248424
GCC 12.1 The Public Body’s Engineer shall be:
Engineer: Authorized representative
P.O. Box:
Street Address:
Post Code:
Country: Ethiopia
Telephone: 251-11-667-54-73
Facsimile: 251-11-667-60-90
E-mail address
The Contractor’s authorized officer shall be:
Authorized Authorized representative
P.O. Box:
Street Address:
Post Code:
Country: Ethiopia
E-mail address

In case of change of laws and regulation after the deadline for submission
GCC 16.1
of the Bid Contract Price shall be correspondingly increased or decreased
and/or the Delivery Date shall be reasonably adjusted to the extent that
Special Conditions of Contract

Clause Section 8. Special Conditions of Contract
Contractor has thereby been affected in the performance of any of its
obligations under the Contract.
The Contractor, Sub-Contractors, and their Personnel :
GCC 17.1
(i) Shall not be exempted from duties and indirect taxes levied by the
Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, or
(ii) Shall be exempted from duties and indirect taxes levied by the Federal
Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, or
(iii) Shall be reimbursed by the Public Body for any such
duties and indirect taxes levied by the Federal Democratic Republic of
Ethiopia they might have to pay (or that the Public Body would pay such
levies on behalf of the Contractor and the Personnel).
The Public Body warrants that the Contractor, the Sub-Contractors and
the Personnel shall be exempt from (or that the Public Body shall pay on
behalf of the Contractor, the Sub-Contractors and the Personnel, or shall
reimburse the Contractor, the Sub-Contractors and the Personnel for) any
indirect taxes, duties, fees, levies and other impositions imposed, under
the Applicable Law, on the Contractor, the Sub-Contractors and the
Personnel in respect of:
(a). any payments whatsoever made to the Contractor, Sub-Contractors and
the Personnel (other than nationals or permanent residents of the Federal
Democratic Republic of Ethiopia), in connection with the carrying out of
the Works;
(b). any equipment, materials and supplies brought into the Federal
Democratic Republic of Ethiopia by the Contractor or Sub-Contractors
for the purpose of carrying out the Works and which, after having been
brought into such territories, will be subsequently withdrawn there from
by them;
(c). any equipment imported for the purpose of carrying out the Works and
paid for out of funds provided by the Public Body and which is treated as
property of the Public Body;
(d). any property brought into the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia
by the Contractor, any Sub-Contractors or the Personnel (other than
nationals or permanent residents of the Federal Democratic Republic of
Ethiopia), or the eligible dependents of such Personnel for their personal
use and which will subsequently be withdrawn there from by them upon
their respective departure from the Federal Democratic Republic of
Ethiopia, provided that:
(i) the Contractor, Sub-Contractors and Personnel, and their eligible
dependents, shall follow the usual customs procedures of the Federal
Democratic Republic of Ethiopia in importing property into the Federal

Special Conditions of Contract

Clause Section 8. Special Conditions of Contract
Democratic Republic of Ethiopia; and
(ii) if the Contractor, Sub-Contractors or Personnel, or their eligible
dependents, do not withdraw but dispose of any property in the Federal
Democratic Republic of Ethiopia upon which customs duties and taxes
have been exempted, the Contractor, Sub-Contractors or Personnel, as the
case may be, (i) shall bear such customs duties and taxes in conformity
with the regulations of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, or
(ii) shall reimburse them to the Public Body if they were paid by the
Public Body at the time the property in question was brought into the
Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia
GCC 22.1 The percentage to apply to the value of the work not completed, representing the
public Body's additional cost for completing the Works, is 15%.
C. Obligations of the Public Body
GCC 30.2 The Public Body shall provide the following further assistance to the Contractor:
Up on the Contractor requests, ECWC may provide the following items if
available in the construction site and deemed necessary for the contract:
 Aggregates
 fuel
The cost of the above items shall be reimbursable from the interim payments of
the sub-contractor
If those items are not obtained in the project site, the sub-contractor shall find
other alternatives in the local market to get the above items

The documents to be provided by the Public Body and the Engineer are the
GCC 30.3
following: Specification and Design Drawings
D. Obligations of the Contractor
GCC 34.5(b) The Public Body's prior approval is also required for:
 Design change
 Variation Exceeding 10 % of the Contract value
 Claims approval
 Issuing any taking over certificate
 Fixing rates or prices
 Termination of the contract
 Final payment certificate

Special Conditions of Contract

Clause Section 8. Special Conditions of Contract
GCC 38.3 The Schedule of Key Personnel shall form part of the Contract.

GCC 39.2 (b) The amount of aggregate liability shall be: Equivalent to the Contract Price

The minimum insurance cover and deductibles shall be:

a) The minimum cover for insurance of the Works, Plant and Materials is the
full replacement cost including profit.
b) The maximum deductible for insurance of the Works, Plant and Materials
is full replacement cost including profit and an additional sum of such
replacement work.
c) The minimum cover for insurance of Equipment is for the sum sufficient
to provide their replacement at the site.
GCC 40.1 d) The maximum deductible for insurance of Equipment is a total of full
replacement cost at the site plus an additional sum of 10% of such
replacement cost.
e) The minimum cover for insurance of property is a total full replacement
f) The maximum deductible for insurance of property is a total full
replacement cost plus an additional sum of 15% of such replacement cost.
g) The minimum cover for personal injury or death insurance is 100,000.00
ETB with no deductible.
The Contractor shall submit a Program of implementation of the tasks within 15
days of delivery of the Notice of Acceptance.
GCC 41.1
The specific requirements of the Program of implementation of tasks are the
following: To finish the work within the contract period

GCC 41.4 The period between Program updates is 30 (Thirty) days.

The amount to be withheld for late submission of an updated Program is 100,000
(Hundred Thousand) ETB.
The amount of the Performance Security shall be: 10% of the Contract Price
GCC 58.1

The types of acceptable Performance Securities are: Insurance bond or Bank

GCC 58.4 Guarantees.
The currency shall be: ETB
Discharge of the Performance Security shall take place: within 28(twenty eight)
GCC 58.8
days following the date of issuance the final statement of account.
E. Payments to the Contractor

Special Conditions of Contract

Clause Section 8. Special Conditions of Contract
All payment to the Contractor under this Contract shall be made in Ethiopian
GCC 59.1
GCC 60.1 Advance payment will be granted to the Contractor :at his own request

GCC 60.2 The amount of the advance payment shall be:10% of the contract Amount
The following provisions shall apply to the advance payment and the
GCC 60.9
advance payment security:

(b) An advance payment security shall be required.

(c) The advance payment shall be made within 15 days after the effective date.
(d) The advance payment will be set off by the Public Body in equal
installments against the statements for the first months of the Works until the
advance payment has been fully set off.
(e) The Advance Payment Security shall be in the amount and in the currency of
the currency portion of the advance payment.
(f) The repayment of the advance payments shall take the form of deductions
based on the monthly claims
i.The advance payment shall be repaid by means of deductions from the
installments and, if necessary, the balance due to the Contractor. This
repayment shall begin with the first installment and be completed, at
the very latest; by the time 80% of the amount of the contract has been
ii.Repayment shall be made in the same currency as the advance payment.
iii.The amount to be deducted from each installment shall be calculated using
the following formula:
Vt×0 .8
R = the amount to be repaid
Va = the total amount of the advance payment
Vt = the initial contract amount
D = the amount of the installment

GCC 61.1 The proportion of payments to be retained is 5% of the total value of the

Special Conditions of Contract

Clause Section 8. Special Conditions of Contract
executed Works excluding any deductions if there is any. This amount will be
reduced to 2.5% after the issuance of provisional acceptance certificate pursuant
to Clause 87 of the General Conditions of Contract.
GCC 62.7, The Contract shall not be subject to price adjustment in accordance with clause
62.13 62 of the general conditions of Contract.

The following methods shall apply to the valuation of works:

(i) The amounts due in case of unit-price contract shall be
GCC 63.1 admeasurement Contract:
(ii) The amounts due in case of lump sum contract shall be
determined' as follows:
Ownership of the plant and materials referred to in GCC Clause 83 shall be
GCC 64.2(e)
deemed to be vested in the Public Body.
GCC 64.7 The frequency of interim payment shall be: Monthly

The draft Final Statement of Account shall be submitted at the latest at the
GCC 65.1
moment of the Contractor's application for the provisional acceptance certificate.
The Engineer shall prepare and sign the Final Statement of Account within 30
GCC 65.2 days from the issue of the certificate of final acceptance referred to in GCC
Clause 89.

Special Conditions of Contract

F. Performance of the Contract

The Scope of Works shall be defined in:
GCC 70.1
 Excavation and back fill
 Concrete pipe culverts
 Steel reinforcement
 Piching,stone work and erosion protection
The Contractor shall carry out the Works at following Sites: Jinka Mender.
GCC 70.2

GCC 71.1 The Start Date shall be 15 days after Signing of the Contract Agreement
The Intended Completion Date for the whole of the Works shall be 150
GCC 72.1
Calander days (including mobilization)
GCC 79.1 The work register shall be Required in accordance with GCC 79.1
The technical rules for drawing up the statements shall be:
GCC 79.2 a) Statements should be labeled and dated,
b) Statements should be signed and sealed.
The works, components, equipment and materials used in their
GCC 80.2 construction must comply with: Technical Specifications and method of
measurements, working drawings and Bill of Quantities.
Preliminary test acceptance is necessary for all construction materials and
GCC 80.3
G. Acceptance and Defects Liability
GCC 86.3 As specified over the GCC

GCC 87 As specified over the GCC

GCC 88.6 As specified over the GCC

GCC 88.7 As specified over the GCC

General Conditions of Contract

General Conditions of Contract

General Conditions of Contract

General Conditions of Contract

Refer PPA, 2011

Standard Technical Specifications

Section V: ERA’s Standard Technical


Part I – ERA Standard Technical Specifications for Road and Bridge Works


The Standard Technical Specifications, for this contract shall be those forming part of the series
of the “Design Manuals, Standard Contract Documents and Specifications”, prepared by the
Ethiopian Roads Authority “Standard Technical Specification”

Priced Bill of Quantity

Section VI: Priced Bill of Quantity

Contract Forms:

Section VII: Contract Forms:

Contract Forms:

Performance Security
(Bank Guarantee)
Procurement Reference No:

WHEREAS (hereinafter “the Contractor”) has undertaken, pursuant to Contract No. dated , to
supply (hereinafter “the Contract”).
AND WHEREAS it has been stipulated by you in the aforementioned Contract that the
Contractor shall furnish you with a security issued by a reputable guarantor for the sum
specified therein as security for compliance with the Contractor’s performance obligations in
accordance with the Contract.
AND WHEREAS the undersigned , legally domiciled in [insert complete address of Guarantor],
(hereinafter the” Guarantor”), have agreed to give the Contractor a security:

THEREFORE WE hereby affirm that we are Guarantors and responsible to you, on behalf of the
Contractor, up to a total of and we undertake to pay you, upon your first written demand
declaring the Contractor to be in default under the Contract, without cavil or argument, any sum
or sums within the limits of as aforesaid, without your needing to prove or to show grounds or
reasons for your demand or the sum specified therein.
This security is valid until the day of , .

This guarantee is subject to the Uniform Rules for Demand Guarantees, ICC Publication No 458.

In the capacity of


Duly authorized to sign the Security for and on behalf of:

Dated on ____________ day of __________________, _______

Contract Forms:

Advance Payment Security

(Bank Guarantee)

Procurement Reference No:


In accordance with the payment provision included in the Contract, in relation to advance
payments, (hereinafter called “the Contractor”) shall deposit with the Public Body a security
consisting of , to guarantee its proper and faithful performance of the obligations imposed by
said Clause of the Contract, in the amount of .

We, the undersigned , legally domiciled in (hereinafter “the Guarantor”), as instructed by the
Contractor, agree unconditionally and irrevocably to guarantee as primary obligor and not as
surety merely, the payment to the Public Body on its first demand without whatsoever right of
objection on our part and without its first claim to the Contractor, in the amount not exceeding .

This security shall remain valid and in full effect from the date of the advance payment received
by the Contractor under the Contract until , [insert year].

In the capacity of


Duly authorized to sign the Security for and on behalf of:

Dated on ____________ day of __________________, ______

Contract Forms:


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