Clan War - Dragon Army Expansion

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Legend of the Five Rings, Clan War, The Emerald Empire of Rokugan and all other related marks are trademarks of Five Rings Publishing
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ffOUSE OF THE DRAGON •••••••••••• 4

THE TOGASHI FAMILY •••••••••••••• 6 Bgcflo11 e"f11t1gg: n11a�1011 Clan
Fot1cgs ................... 2c
THE MIRUMOTO FAMILY •••••••••••• 9
THE AGASHA FAMILY ••••••••••••• 10
Tff[ klTSUKI FAMILY •••••••••••••• II INTER-CLA N RELATIONSHIPS .•••••••• 16
DRAGON CLA N UNITS ••.•••••••••• 48

Becf!on Foul': n1·ago11 Clan I

RULES ADDI TIONS •••••••••••••••• IS e"f11gaf1sg .................. ut
Tattooed Trait and Tattoos ....................15 DRAGON PHILOSOPHY ••••••••••••• 61
Togashi Gaijutsu ........................... 15
Agasha Units .............................. 15 STRUCTURE OF DRAGON ARMIES •••••• 61
Yokuni the Dragon ......................... 16 MIRUMOTO TAO OF WARFARE ••••••• 64
New Spells ................................ 18
New Items ................................ 18
RULES £XPANSIONS •••••••••••••• 10
Unformed ................................ 20
Reforming ................................ 20
Individuals, Lone Personalities and Maneuvers .. 20
Daisho Technique .......................... 21
RULES £ RRATA •••••••••••••••••. lf
Card Corrections ........................... 21
Force Cards ............................... 22
Tactical Cards ............................. 22
Moral Tests ............................... 23
Close Combat ............................. 23
Spells .................................... 23
Despite their pleas, Togashi refused to move, or eat, or drink
Mirumoto and Agasha tried to bring him food and sake, but he
did not move.
\ \
Nine days passed this way, with the sun rising and setting and
Togashi motionless in the center of a circle of food and drink

History a11d
Mirumoto and Agasha begged Shinsei to speak to Togashi but
Shinsei shook his head and said, "When the student is ready, the
teacher is there."
i4 On the morning of the tenth day, Togashi could barely speak

His body was dying and his mind was dim. His vision was
clouded with shadows, but he saw a little man step to the edge
of the circle and kneel beside it. Togashi recognized the little man,
and Togashi told him, '1 will not move until I understand."
Shinsei smiled and nodded "Neither will I," he said and he
stepped over the food and drink and sat down in the circle next
to Togashi.
The armies of the dark brother marched across the world, Togashi's murky eyes filled with astonishment and then, his
killing all who stood in their path. The first Hantei was lost. His dry lips smiled He nodded and a nightingale flew into the circle
brother was using magic he did not understand. Even noble as well, carrying a branch from a plum blossom tree. Togashi ate
Akodo and wise Shiba could not advise him. the sweet fruit from the branch and, together, he and Shinsei sat
He decided to face his dark brother alone. Akodo forbade the quietly and ate the food that encircled them.
Emperor to do so. "That is my duty," he said. But Hantei ignored
Akodo's assertion and prepared to face Fu Leng on his own,
knowing half in his heart that he could not succeed.
But before he could leave, a man dressed in a simple kimono,
er1,a Rousa Of f11a l111a�1011
a wide hat and a long staff approached him and bowed low. "/ TH£ MYST£RJOOS NATVR£ OF TH£ DRAGON (LAN
am Shinsei," he said to the Emperor. by Isawa Kaede, Mistress of Void
"What do you have to bring the Emperor, little man?" asked
Akodo. You wish to know of my three months with the Dragon Clan?
"Only wisdom," answered Shinsei. I can only say that I have less understanding of the Dragon than
"Well, then. Let us see your wisdom," said Akodo and he when I first began my climb of the long road that winds up to
• stepped f01ward, drawing his sword ... their mountain pass. I will not blunt the purpose of this paper
. . . The defeated Akodo rubbed the bruise on his neck as he with minutia, but speak directly on my observations.
listened to the little man's words. All about him, the Children of I held many conversations with the shugenja of the Agasha
Sun and Moon also listened, but Shinsei's words were directed to family, and they may be best summed up with a single
the Emperor Hantei. conversation I had with Agasha Tamori. It was a dark night, a
As he spoke, the Emperor and his brothers and sisters asked cold night, yet somehow, I felt as if droplets of summer sunshine
questions. Shinsei answered them, but more often than not his were always upon me. I could only assume it was some sort of
answers only led to more questions. elemental effect, but I could not see nor sense its origin.
The only one who was silent was the one whom Shinsei called We drank and ate as a wild wind whipped outside the warm
'Togashi.' Togashi listened quietly, showing no sign of chamber. I was asking questions and Tamori was giving answers.
understanding, or even of interest. But then Shinjo asked a I knew of the Togashi and Shinsei story, so I began there.
question and when Shinsei answered,' Togashi stood All of his "I understand there are many interpretations of the tale'.'
brothers and sisters were startled by Togashi's sudden action, but "Yes," he answered.
Shinsei was not. He watched Togashi look at him, and then I waited for him to continue, but apparently, he needed some
watched him walk away into the forest. prodding. ''Well, what do you think of the story:'
As he walked, two men followed Their names were Mirumoto "Shinsei only speaks three words to Togashi, and what I think
and Agasha, and they were loyal to Togashi. When they found he meant is not important. Togashi knows what he meant:'
him alone in the forest, he told them to stay back When they I raised an eyebrow at him. "Did he?"
asked him why he said, '1 will not move until I understand" Tamori's nod was somber. ''Yes'.'
Mirumoto looked at Agasha and the two were perplexed. "My I sipped more sake and resumed. "If you have no thoughts on
lord?," asked Mirumoto. "What do you mean?" the story, what are the thoughts of your kinsmen?"
"/ mean what I say," replied Togashi.·
"fheir thoughts are their own. Speaking for another man is There was one evening in particular that comes to mind. I was
the same as speaking a lie:• watching a tattooed man - whose name I never managed to learn
"I see," I said and tried a different tactic. "What of the collected - standing on a ledge, looking down at the mountain range far
volume of Shinsei's wisdom? Do you use it in your lessons with below us. I did not want to disturb him, so I watched him from
your students?" afar. I watched his perfect stance, his perfect posture, his perfect
''We prescribe no path to our students. We let them choose stillness. His skin glistened in the light and many times I had to
their own:' blink my eyes, for I could swear I saw the tattooed dragons that
I knew that speaking with Dragons was like walking through crept across his back shift in the light.
a maze, but all I could find were dead ends. I learned much about Suddenly, he called to me. Without moving a muscle, he called
mazes when I was a girl, and I decided to attack this maze the to me and asked me to join him at the ledge. I moved forward,
same way. I would solve it from the inside out. wrapping my kimono about me to keep out the chilly wind. He
''You spent a winter with us two years ago, Tamori. What do smiled and I saw the tattoos on his face stretch. ''You are the
you think of our Phoenix training methods?" Phoenix?" he asked.
''The student will always rise to the teacher's level of "I am:•
expectation," he said and sipped more sake. ''You have come to understand our ways:•
''What do you expect of your own students?" I nodded. ''As best I can:'
"Only what they are capable of," he said and slipped a slice of He looked away from the ledge and looked at me. ''You cannot
pickled cucumber onto his chopsticks. I fought down a growl of understand us. You will never understand us:•
frustration. If I allowed him that I would lose all hopes of gaining His words were not cruel. They were spoken with a hint of
his confidence. I felt he was testing me in some way, and that I sadness. ''You cannot understand us until you have been where
was doing poorly. I decided to try again. we have been. Until you are willing to go where we go:•
''Tamori-san," I said in a very level tone, ''You spent those I asked him, ''And where have you been?"
winter months with us, and you were a very gracious guest. I
hope we were gracious hosts:•
''Yes. Yes you were:•
"Did you learn anything while you stayed with us?"
''Yes. Yes I did:'
''What did you learn?"
For the first time, I caught a glimpse of a smile on
his lips as he answered me. "Patience," he said and
swallowed the cucumber.
That singular dinner conversation speaks
much of my three months with the
Dnigons. However, what is truly
difficult to articulate with the clumsy
tool of words are the lessons I
learned by watching them.
His smile never faltered. "I cannot tell you any more than you the mountains, Agasha established schools, shrines, and temples,
can tell me where you have been. You could tell me the names while Yojiro was concerned with maintaining their security. The
and the places, but can you tell me the tastes? Can you tell me two worked closely together, each learning much of the ways of the
the sweet scents? Can you tell me the fear, the exhilaration, the other.Over the years, a fast friendship grew between the bushi and
pain, the joy, the anguish? Can you truly?" shugenja. Mirumoto encouraged his bushi to watch and learn from
I only blinked. "No, I suppose I cannot:' Agasha's students and Agasha did the same.
He shook his head. "No. Not unless you lived it yourself. You This practice continued, even after the deaths of the founders
cannot tell me. Not any more than I can tell you:' of the two schools. Mirumoto bushi - while not able to cast magic
I nodded.'Then I suppose you cannot tell me where you are going?" - are highly attuned to the Five Elements, and Agasha shugenja
He shook his head. "No. I cannot tell you:' Suddenly, his eyes - while not bushi - understand the basics of tactics and strategy.
began to gleam with a mad laughter and his grin turned into a Over a thousand years, the roles of the families have
wide, toothy smile. "But I can show you:' developed. The Agasha family are now responsible for keeping
And with that, he leapt out into the air and fell. I screamed and the knowledge gathered by the Dragon Clan while the members
ran to the edge and saw him plummet into the mists that twirled of the Kitsuki family act as the diplomats for the Dragon. The
about the mountain tops. All the while that he fell, I heard his Mirumoto, on the other hand, are responsible for the defense and
laughter, echoing off the mountainsides, and his voice calling out security of the mountain keeps of the Clan. The Togashj "family"
my name, urging me to follow ... follow their own private edicts, which are so cryptic, that often
times, not even the Agasha or Mirumoto can explain them.
The Clan of the Dragon are unique in Rokugan, in that, they
are not truly a Clan (in the Rokugani sense of the word). All of
the other Clans can trace their ancestry back to a single kami
(and his or her followers), but the samurai of the Dragon Clan The family consists of Togashi Yokuni's students - those who
cannot. Their founder - Togashi - did not establish a bloodline. have risked their lives to find him and who have proven
Those who bear the Togashi name are members of a monastic themselves to be worthy of his teachings. These powerful
order founded by Togashi one thousand years ago. When a individuals shave their heads and join a monastic order called Ise
samurai takes the "Togashi" name, he drops the name he was Zumi In doing so, they leave behind their former lives, family,
born with to show he is no longer the man he once was. He is and affiliations. They are adopted into the Togashi family,
now a Togashi, an Jse zumi, a Tattooed Man. accepting the name and teachings of Yokuni himself.
The other two families - the Agasha and Mirumoto - derive As on everything else, the Togashi have a unique perspective
their names from the two samurai who served Togashi until his on history. There is no such thing as history, only the living
death. Agasha was a highly skilled shugenja who was one of the moment. All that an Ise zumi knows exists in the moment. There
first to see the connections between Shinsei's wisdom and the are no written records in the Togashi libraries and there are no
religion of the Seven Fortunes, and Mirumoto was Togashi's written lineages. The Jse zumi have no ancestors, but they do
yojimbo (bodyguard) and founder of the two-sword style the maintain contact with Togashis of the past. Needless to say, an
Dragon samurai are famous for. The recently-established Kitsuki important part of the training of an Jse zumi involves his memory.
family is an offshoot of the Agasha.
Eight men and women followed Shinsei into the Shadowlands, TOGASHl'S SECRET
and Mirumoto was one of them. When Shinsei told Hantei that Two hundred years after the first Hantei sat on the Emerald
mortal men and women must follow him, Mirumoto was the Throne, the Scorpion spy network put its mind to discovering as
second to step forward, a half-step behind the Lion Thunder.None much as it could about the reclusive Dragon Clan. Bayushi
of Mirumoto's fellow Dragons questioned his claim.
Mirumoto was the founder of a unique style of kenjutsu.
Instead of using just a katana, Mirumoto would use both the
katana and wakizashi. He was recorded as saying. "I have two
swords in my belt, why should I let one of them rest?"
When the news of Fu Leng's defeat reached Togashi, he took
those who had chosen to follow him and went into the mountains
far above Rokugan. He was not interested in politics or courtly
!ife, war or conflict, only a quiet life of contemplation. Those who
followed him also sought a life of tranquility and introspection.
The two most notable followers of Togashi were the first Agasha
and a Mirumoto named Yojiro, the son of the Dragon Thunder. In The Togashi Family Mon
Oshiso, the contemporary daimyo of the Clan, sent his daughter that he has believed to be true, and begins his study at the
to discover as much as she could about the Togashi family. She Togashi school. He reads and ponders the Tao of Shinsei, studies
bowed to her father and lord, stepped into the shadows and did the Fortunes and undergoes rigorous (sometimes torturous)
not return for seven years. physical training.
When she finally returned, her night-black hair bore streaks of
white and her eyes were blind, but she had Togashi's secret. She The Second Step
told Oshiso and the Scorpion's face went pale. She had discovered The second step toward enlightenment comes at his
that the first Togashi was still alive. In fact Togashi Kuzejiro, the gempukku. The Ise zumi gains his first tattoos and he is expected
man reported to be the Dragon Clan daimyo, was in fact the first to go out into the world and experience its truth with his new
Togashi. eyes. This is called the "killing the teacher," for now the Ise zumi
When he asked how she discovered this, she refused to say. must continue to find his own path, making the lessons of the
She only told her father that she had to return to Togashi castle teacher his own.
as soon as possible. She was pregnant with his child. At first her Again, this step follows the "no path" philosophy. A true seeker
father refused to let her go, but he soon realized that he had no of enlightenment cannot follow the path of his teacher, he must
choice. As he watched his daughter walk away, he wondered if he make his own path, following his own heart and making his own
would ever see her again. perceptions. As many teachers have told their students, "I cannot
He never did. tell you where the road to enlightenment ends, but I can help you
For eight hundred years, the Scorpion have been armed with to find where yours begins:•
the knowledge that the first Togashi is still alive, yet they have You cannot truly follow "no path", for you are walking where
been unable to act on it. The Scorpion also believe there is - no man has ever walked before. If you are following another's
somewhere in the Dragon fortresses - a child of both Dragon and footsteps, you are walking down the wrong path. Only by making
Scorpion. The Bayushi family has heard rumors of a "Dragon­ your own way, by going where no other has gone before, can you
Man" that lives in the hidden halls of Togashi castle and find enlightenment.
wonders ...
The current daimyo of the Dragon Clan is the kami Togashi,
founder of the Clan a thousand years ago. As he watches the end
of a thousand years creeping toward Rokugan, he knows that a
time of testing is coming. The Naga faced theirs and they fell into
their deep sleep. Togashi knows that mankind will be tested ...
and he is ready.


The First Step

You cannot forget to breathe, for it is in your deepest mind,
beyond where perception can touch. Act from your deepest mind
when you do even the simplest things, and you will find the
secrets of the universe are not so secret after all.

It is said that the path to enlightenment has three steps, each

of which is said to "kill" an aspect of the student's self. This is not
a physical death, but a spiritual one.
When the future Ise zumi climbs to the top of the mountain
and reaches Togashi castle, he has been torn to pieces by the thick
brambles and thorns that he has had to climb through. This act
symbolizes a kind of "tearing away" of the flesh - the student
must leave behind everything he has learned at the bottom of the
mountain in order to gain what he seeks at the top of the
"The first step kills your parents". When the student reaches
the top of the mountain, his name is left behind. He takes a new
name, a name that reflects his new spiritual quest. Once he has
left behind his family heritage, the student sets aside everything
The Third Step
To "kill yourself" is the final step. Live !ife as a child lives !ife.
Watch a child when he paints. There is nothing else in his heart
but the desire to paint. Watch a child as he plays with the family
hound. There is no other desire in his heart but to play with the
It is not even correct to call it "desire:• The child paints or plays
because that is what is in his heart. To be driven by desire is to
be a slave to emotion. Do not be a slave, be one with your desire,
and you will know such bliss that all the world will be yours and
you will belong to the world.
Finally, the Ise zumi learns that all preconceived notions are
' lies. He learns to expect nothing, to depend on nothing, and to live
!ife spontaneously, at one with all of the elements. By "killing
himself," he has learned that he has no self. He is a part of
everything and everything is a part of him. The egoless !ife is the
final goal; to live life as a child lives life: one moment at a time.

Beyond The Steps

"Only when you are in the grave will you have nothing more
to learn."
- The Tao of Shinsei

The road to enlightenment has no end. It has no beginning. If

an initiate believes his path begins at the foothills of the
mountain, he is wrong. Nor did his path begin the day he was
born. His path can be traced through the life of his father, and his
father's father, and so on until the beginning of time.
Every step is a step on the road to enlightenment.
Enlightenment is a race, but all that matters is how far you go,
not how fast. Some are even unaware that they are in the race,
and that is sad, for they watch as others run, wondering, ''Why are
they running when they could walk?" Perhaps, those that walk
know something we do not. ..

The most obvious method of recognizing the Togashi is their
appearance. Every man and woman in Rokugan knows their
visitor's origin when a hairless man, tattooed head to toe, shows
up at their door. The brotherhood of tattooed men is viewed by
the peasantry of Rokugan with a respect that borders on fear.
When the Ise zumi has proven his worth, he is brought into a
secret chamber deep within Togashi castle where he is told the
history of the Clan and its great secret. Then, the daimyo slices his
own wrist and bleeds into a cauldron. This pool of blood is the
first component in an ancient ritual that binds the prospective Ise
zumi to the Clan. The blood is used to tattoo an image to the
samurai, an image that will draw itself onto his body. As the
tattoo is burned into his skin, the blood burns his veins, his heart,
and his brain.
When the tattoo is finished, the Ise zumi often experiences a
time of raving madness as the blood rushes through his body. If
he is strong enough, his body and mind will be able to join with
the blood, making the Ise zumi something greater, more powerful,
more or possibly even less human. If he is weak, the blood
consumes him and his mind breaks. On some occasions, the mad
tattooed man escapes and goes on a rampage through the castle.
Only occasionally do they escape to the mountains.
In either case, the blood of Togashi is power beyond the ken
of mortal man, and the Ise zumi understand its nature and use.

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The Mirumoto' Family Mon

The history of the Mirumoto family begins with Togashi's the bulk of the populace, and their efforts keep the clan strong. t
yojimbo (bodyguard). While he was also a cunning tactician, he is When war comes, the Mirumoto are there, both in the battlefields
remembered for being a brilliant duelist. His unique style of and in the courts. They serve in all venues, refusing to be
swordsmanship utilized both the wakizashi and katana, which categorized or forced into only one role.
was regarded as cowardly and dishonorable by many Crane and A famous story of a Mirumoto daimyo is the tale of Mirumoto
Lion samurai. It wasn't until Mirumoto's son Hojatsu refuted their Baijin. Baijin, known through the Empire as a great warrior and
claims with his treatise, Niten, that other bushi saw the wisdom a great general, was invited to the Emperor's court at the request
in his technique. Now Niten is studied by all samurai schools, if of the Scorpion. The Scorpion, ever devious, hoped to embarrass
only to gain insight into the philosophy of Rokugan's most the general by playing on his lack of social skills - but they soon
enigmatic Clan. Many bushi still call Niten "the coward's school," found he was as apt in the court as he was on the field.
however. Annoyed, the Scorpion tried again, inviting Baijin to an artistic
Many said that Mirumoto's eagerness for battle (to test his new competition. He honorably agreed, and his exquisite bonsai
'technique') was his greatest flaw, it was also that eagerness that garden won him the Emperor's favor. At last, the Scorpion

made him one of the most feared samurai in history. Mirumoto challenged him to a test of wit - and there, as well, he proved his
was on of the most feared samurai in his day, true, but he was skill.
also one of the most wise. In exasperation, the Scorpion asked Baijin, "Is there any skill,
Mirumoto passed on his technique to his son who made him my lord, that you have not mastered?"
promise only to teach it to his children. Hojatsu devoted his entire Baijin smiled, and replied, "Of course, Shosuro-san. I have not
life to swordplay and his wife gave birth to only one child: a mastered the art of specialization:'
daughter. Hojatsu arranged for his daughter Ujaniko to marry his His statement is true for most Mirumoto. They are renowned
most promising student, Kijome. Kijome and Ujaniko kept the for their ability to do many things, but not for their intense focus
Mirumoto family name out of respect for Hojatsu and the on any one. Where the Crane are undisputed courtly masters, the
Mirumoto family line began in full force. Since that time, there Mirumoto simply do well at court. Where the Lion are the
have been many notable Mirumoto duelists and a few generals. greatest generals in the land, the Mirumoto are simply good
They have remained relatively isolated from the rest of Rokugan, generals. Yet, where the Lion are clumsy and ungainly in court,
but not to the extent of their Togashi cousins. The Mirumoto and the Crane are weak upon the field of battle, the Mirumoto's
family has made its presence known in Rokugan, especially on ability to do all things with skill has saved the clan on numerous
the field of battle. occasions. It is their greatest strength.
The family which has followed him have continued his The current daimyo of the Mirumoto family is Mirumoto
dedicated service to the Togashi. Where the Togashi are Hitomi, daughter of Kuojin. When Kuojin, then the Mirumoto
mysterious and enigmatic, the Mirumoto are often called the family daimyo, reached retirement age, his nephew Yukihira
'defenders of secrets: the guardians at the gates of the Dragon prepared to take command. However, Hitomi contested for
Mountain�. They serve Togashi as the most integrated portion of position of daimyo. Hitomi won the duel and gained the position
the Clan, working with the Emperor's mandates, dealing with the and the ancestral sword of the family.
peasants and commercial interests in their lands (however Although Hitomi is the de facto daimyo, she is obsessive -
distasteful) and managing the day-to-day business of a Great Clan consumed with the desire for revenge against her brother's killer.
of the Empire. Because of this, her uncle, Mirumoto Sukune, is the functioning
Without the Mirumoto, the Togashi would have no time to daimyo, running the clan with adept leadership talents and great
ponder their secret mysteries. The Agasha would have no license dedication.
for their bizarre and esoteric experiments, and the Kitsuki's Hitomi does not see Sukune as a threat to her - quite the
method would have been laughed out of the courts long ago. The opposite, in fact. She is grateful that she does not have to 'waste
Mirumoto are the backbone of the clan - their family makes up
her time' with such things, and can concentrate on avenging her
brother's death.
As for the rest of the Mirumoto, there are many voices who
whisper that Sukune is a magnificent daimyo, and that it was a
poor turn of the Celestial Heavens that allowed Hitomi to take
her father's position. Yet no one dares to challenge the stone-eyed
woman, and so long as Sukune seems content with his role, no
complaint will be offered in his place. The Mirumoto are content
- for now.
The Agasha Family Mon
The training of a bushi begins at a young age. He studies,
practices, learns kata (shadow fighting), and is taught the family would be revealed to those clever enough to break it. Still others
history. The Mirumoto dojo is a simple room with only three considered the symbols to be representative of the spirits of the
words painted on the wall: "Neither will I:' This enigmatic phrase, plants and animals. Those who held this belief worked the
the statement Shinsei made to Togashi after the ten day fast is designs into amulets and charms, and used them as focus points
very important to the Mirumoto family, and its meaning is hotly for meditations on the mysteries of the natural world around
debated between the Mirumoto and the Agasha. A samurai is them.
expected to study this phrase during his many years of training. As the decades passed, Agasha's journals were used with less
At the end of his training, before his gempukku ceremony, he is frequency. Metaphysics became the focus of the Agasha school
expected to write a spontaneous haiku in response to the phrase. teachings, and Agasha's journal faded from the world. So it was
for hundreds of years.
But then, a young shugenja by the name of Kitsuki renewed
interest in the journals of Agasha. His famous (and sometimes
infamous) exploits brought Agasha to the forefront of her school
Of all the Dragon families, the Agasha are the most once again. Ten years after Kitsuki's death, a young shugenja
"traditional:' They are the recorders of history and observers of named Daijoku discovered something that had been overlooked
destiny. While their researches into the metaphysical are their for nearly eight hundred years. The carved post upon which the
chief objective, the Agasha family is also the living memory of the original scroll had been wrapped was hollow. Upon opening the
Dragon Clan. post, he discovered a single page of rice paper. The writing on the
The first Agasha climbed with Mirumoto Yojiro up the rice paper was in code, and he immediately set his mind to
mountains to follow Togashi. When she arrived, she wrote down deciphering it.
all of her observations and experiences for future reference. She When he was done (after one week and little sleep), he had
spent all her waking hours in the forests and wild places, deciphered the code and discovered Agasha's secret. She was
observing the flora and fauna, writing and drawing vivid doing more than just observing ... she was experimenting.
descriptions of all the myriad varieties. What Daijoku had discovered was the secret of the mysterious
Her prolific writings - published and distributed freely symbols. He learned that the marks were symbols for certain
amongst other shugenja schools - expressed her love for nature components of the plants and animals. Agasha understood that
and inspired others who climbed the Dragon peaks to join her each thing in nature was a "little hidden puzzle:' Each plant, rock
school to learn and share in her love for the Sun and Moon's and creature was composed of pieces that were twined together,
creation. combined to form a unique structure. She developed ways of
The pages of Agasha's journals were intriguing works of art. identifying these individual puzzle pieces, of deciphering how
Vivid and poetic descriptions intertwined with detailed drawings they were put together and recombining them.
and sketches that eloquently captured the appearance and nature The symbols throughout her journals were her "alphabet" of
of her subjects. Both precise. and elaborate, the illustrations of the puzzle pieces she had identified. The arrangements of these
exotic plants and reclusive animals seemed to leap off the page, symbols were new combinations - mixtures and compounds that
infused with life. formed new puzzles, new effects, and new substances.
Sprinkled throughout the pages were mysterious symbols and Once this revelation about the ancient text was discovered,
arrangements of characters no one had ever seen before. Some Daijoku gathered together a small school of students devoted to
interpreted these enigmatic combinations of marks to be simply the teachings of Agasha and set to the task of identifying and
Agasha's own more artistic expressions of the things around her: deciphering the symbols. This was an arduous task, and the
a simpler, more stylized representation of the flora and fauna. school learned much from their experimenting and trials.
Others were convinced it was a code, and that great mysteries
Agasha's original set of symbols, which became known as the magistrates for the Dragon Clan, but they are unlike any other in
Nazo Bubun no Agasha (''.Agasha's Puzzle Pieces"), became the Rokugan. Although they are a branch of a shugenja family, they
basis for what would grow into a vast and ever-expanding lexicon have no shugenja school. Instead, the Kitsuki school teaches
of chemical formulae. Amongst the students of Agasha, these "Kitsuki's method," a unique technique that involves perception,
components and combinations became known simply as bubun. awareness and intuition. Like their Agasha cousins, the Kitsuki
This collection of hard-learned secrets is carefully guarded by study nature. Not the nature of vegetables and minerals, but the
the students of Agasha. A shugenja of the Agasha school would nature of the human mind.
take his own life before revealing the specifics of his school's
teachings. AGASHA klTSIJKI
Agasha Kitsuki was born two hundred years ago. Always
TH[ AGASHA SHIJG[NJA fascinated by puzzles and riddles, it was expected he would do
All through the world, the Lady and Lord left us little hidden very well at the family's shugenja school, but - truth be told - he
puzzles. If they did not intend for them to be found, why did they did not. Although he was very talented at the rudimentary level
leave them? of study, his mind would wander whenever "metaphysics" were
- from Agasha's Journals mentioned. While other students moved on from simple
Many shugenja who visit the Agasha schools come away with herbalism to the supernatural, he continued to be intrigued by the
confused looks on their faces. They will tell you that the Agasha natural. He was mocked by the other students for his "mundane"
understand very little about Shintao, but their skills at studies, and was often threatened with expulsion if he did not
spellcasting are impeccable, especially with regard to fire. They keep up with the other students. He reluctantly followed along,
also comment on the very distinct smell that accompanies an but continued his studies of the natural world on his own. Finally,
Agasha shugenja when he walks in to a room. One Phoenix the impatient Kitsuki grew bored studying the puzzles of the
wrote: natural world and he began to seek out new puzzles. He began
'54nd when I stepped into the room, I was immediately to study the world's most complicated puzzle: the human mind.
confronted with the heavy smell of teas, flowers, incense and fish. Kitsuki began studying the behavior of his fellow students.
All during my stay, I never escaped the smell, and soon, I grew so Soon, his skill was so great he could observe a perfect stranger
accustomed to it that when I returned to my homeland, I began and determine aspects of his personality without asking a single
to miss it." question.
The Agasha shugenja have spent the last hundred or so years While Kitsuki's studies fascinated his fellow students, his
trying to understand what Agasha called "Sun and Moon's little teachers frowned on his "peasant magic:· He was admonished
hidden puzzles:' An Agasha shugenja is often seen with herbs, many times for his researches into the mundane. ''.A shugenja
roots, smelly powders and boiling elixirs as well as his personal must elevate his mind, not let it lag behind in banality," one of
scrolls. The shugenja of the other Clans pass the strange trappings his instructors told him. Kitsuki ignored them, and started
off as a curious fascination with herbalism, but the Agasha know traveling the countryside, seeking out swindlers and magicians
better. for their techniques. He became quite adept at sleight-of-hand and
The "magic" of the Agasha shugenja is of a different more what he called ichi miru, or "one look:' He was frequently caught
subtle nature than the types taught at most other schools of sneaking in after late-night excursions and was flogged
magic. The Agasha shugenja's most visually impressive effects repeatedly for his lack of obedience. After repeated offenses,
include great plumes of brightly colored smoke that swallow up Kitsuki's status at the Agasha school was threatened. The sensei
those who are obscured by it sudden explosions and bursts of warned him that one more infringement would mean expulsion.
rainbow fire, and the production of fumes and noxious vapors
that can instantly incapacitate or even kill a foe. Most of their
actions are less spectacular, but no less amazing.
Agasha shugenja are said to be able to change the steel of a
samurai's sword to soft and heavy lead. They can make a bushi's
armor melt right off of him, causing great blisters and red welts
on the flesh beneath. Some say they can turn flames into ice and
set water on fire, without saying a single word.

T11g 1�1tsuk1 Fam1ly,.

Often called "the hospitable Dragons," the Kitsuki family
began as an off-shoot of the Agasha. They serve as diplomats and The Kitsuki Family Mon
Two weeks later, the sensei was found murdered in his room of weapon used, how much force was behind it and what angle it
with Kitsuki's wakizashi. Kitsuki was questioned, but he refused struck, as well as the time that passed after the wound was made.
to admit to the crime. The Agasha family daimyo did not want to Inevitably, the truth that the Kitsuki determined through their
command his favorite nephew to commit seppuku, but it looked investigations clashed with the testimony of those involved, and
as if he had no choice. Kitsuki begged him for one day to prove when those involved were importanL high-ranking people, the
his innocence. The daimyo agreed, and Kitsuki set about to find Kitsuki's truth was often ignored. Sometimes, the Kitsuki are
the true murderer of the sensei. accused of outright lying, creating false evidence and attempting
Exactly one day after his requesL Kitsuki returned to his uncle to twist the truth for their own glory and benefit. The Kitsuki do
with evidence, the murderer, and a confession. Kitsuki was not take these charges lightly, for they know that it is precisely
acquitted of the crime and promoted to yoriki status upon his the people who make these claims who are the ones twisting the
graduation from the school. truth.


After his appointment to yoriki, Kitsuki quickly rose in rank to While the Agasha threw themselves into the study of
karo, and then, after stopping an assassination attempt on metaphysics and bubun, the Kitsuki family was more concerned
Mirumoto Januko, was given full status as daimyo. The Kitsuki with the practical side of Agasha?s experiments. Some Kitsuki
family was born. would go on to become shugenja while some Agasha have
Kitsuki himself passed away one hundred and twenty years climbed down the mountain to join the Kitsuki school. There is a
ago, but his family remains. There are only twenty true living kind of friendly rivalry between the two families, with the Agasha
descendants of Kitsuki, but many others have been sworn to the looking at the Kitsuki as a family of "little brothers and sisters:•
family name. Since that time, the Kitsuki family has served as In facL when an Agasha meets with a Kitsuki, the shugenja often
both diplomatic ambassadors and magistrates to the Dragon calls them oto-oto Oittle brother) or imo-oto Oittle sister).
The Kitsuki diplomat is unlike any other in Rokugan. The
Mirumoto trust them because of their ability to sniff out Scorpion 7t Nota 011 n11a�1011s
and Crane political snares while they use their powers of
deduction and reason to solve and prevent crimes in the Dragon
(f11a c\1aatu\1as)
It's a quite curious phenomenon, for nowhere else in Rokugan Dragons are not entirely of this world. They are creatures who
would the skills of the Kitsuki be found useful. In most courts exist in two worlds at once, sometimes more in one than the
(including the court of the Emerald Champion), only testimony is other. Dragons come from another plane of existence, what the
counted as reliable. The Dragon is the only Clan which can be Rokugani call the "spirit world:' Dragons are shape-shifters, but
counted on to even consider material evidence as relevant in an are often seen as physical embodiments of the elements. For
investigation. instance, the thunder dragon is often seen as a coiling mass of
Kitsuki are not skilled diplomats, at leasL not in the way the dark clouds, rain, lighting as it rolls across the sky bellowing
Crane and Scorpion are able to manipulate the emotions and thunder. The Fire Dragon often appears as a flaming chaotic mass
desires of others to gain favor and influence for their Clan. Kitsuki with blazing eyes and black teeth.
diplomats are more skilled at weeding through sincerity and Dragons are also known to take human form, but they usually
deception to get to the root of the truth. This is a skill highly do this to teach a lesson in virtue - usually humility - to some
valued by the Dragons - as well as the Crab and the Unicorn. vain or vulgar mortal. Their demeanor can be pleasant and
Kitsuki diplomats are treated with respect in the lands of these beautiful, or terrible and ferocious, depending on their intent and
%\ two Clans, while the others keep them at a distance; not because present company. They can take the form of a beautiful woman
they don't trust them, but because they trust them all too well. waiting by a river for someone to help her across, or a shaft of
All Kitsuki seek truth. They believe that all events leave golden light with a silken whispery voice.
behind traces, that all who pass leave a trail, and if you know how Dragons are a part of the celestial order, but they have a
and where to look, these traces can be found and understood. deeper understanding of the universe than mankind will ever
They place their faith in the tangible realities of evidence, and do grasp. Dragons are not shugenja in the technical sense of the
not trust the nebulous nature of human memory and testimony. word, but due to their profound understanding of the universe,
The techniques the Kitsuki family have developed are viewed they have powers that humans can only comprehend as spells,
with suspicion by many who do not understand them. Kitsuki but they do not use any powers that liken to maho.
magistrates can identify the footprints of a single man in the
dusty ground or study the splatter of blood and deduce the type
special tea ceremony before she
crafted jade necklace.
"'- \
For nearly two years Miyoki served in various field units,
where her sense of duty was noted by each of her commandersi
As each post reached the eyes of her father, his pride in his
daughter grew.
Miyoki finally returned to Kyuden Mirumoto, this time as an
officer in the castle's elite guard. Though her mother had died the
PART f year before, the post allowed her to visit often with her fallier.. .. ,
Shortly after Miyoki's return to Kyuden Mirum�c( HitotJli
Fiction by Ken Carpenter hosted a Winter Court. Maneuvered into holding the t b ,rfhe
deceitful manipulations of a sharp Scorpion Clan co
Shosuro Nimuri, she was trapped. Even the �se counter­
maneuvers of Daini, now the Dn)gon Clan's primary political
figure, had been unable to avoid the Scorpion' carefully hi en
Born the only child of Mirumoto Sukune, Miyoki's future was pitfall.
assured - she would be a samurai bushi of the Dragon Clan. Her From around Rokugan, nearly a dozen courtiers 9escended
father's brother, Kuojin, was the family daimyo of the Mirumoto upon Kyuden Mirumoto, each accompanied b� their �ntourage. It'.
family, and the military leader of the Dragon Clan. Sukune, as a created a difficult situation for the castle guar1; includingMiyoki's
general of the Dragon forces, was a trusted advisor and karo to elite unit. They spent long hours ensuring the necessiffy security
Kuojin. for all of the courtiers - they were, after all, Hitomi's guests and
Though typically a stoic man, Sukune felt great joy that his in her care.
child would someday stand at his side, learning to lead troops and The weeks slowly passed and finally only two days remained
earning her own command. In a life of duty and responsibility, until the Winter Court would end and all of the visitors would
she was Sukune's one distraction. return home. Miyoki was looking forward to their departure.
Miyoki grew up idolizing Kuojin's children, her cousins. All There had been many small quarrels, one actual duel (with no
three of her cousins were older than Miyoki - Hitomi and Daini serious injury), and many veiled insults betwe�n courtiers, but
were only a few years older but Satsu was much older and the Daini had informed Miyoki that it was aJI part of th
designated heir to Kuojin's position as daimyo. Miyoki rarely saw
Satsu, as his responsibilities and training required much of his Miyoki walked the long halls of the castle
time. She often played with Hitomi and Daini in the halls of of the night. It was nearing dawn and she was 1
Mirumoto castle and they grew to be very close. being relieved. She had been on watch for nearly
and was ready for a rest.
She was ten when Satsu was killed in a duel. The heir to the The ·halls were lit every thirty feet by a dimmed Jante
family daimyo was dead. She grieved for her slain cousin, but lost providing just enough light to see as she walked the late wat
all three. Her playmates, Hitomi and Daini, had little time for her The only sound that she had heard for the past four hours
after Satsu's death, and the general attitude of Kyuden Mirumoto the muffled tread of her feet plodding alon¥ the carpetefl hall.
became dark and brooding. Ahead, and around a nearby corner, she suddenly heard a d
slam and some quick, harsh-sounding words, She couldn't m
Her father's eyes were bright with pride, and joy filled her out the words, but recognized both of th
heart as her sensei held a beautifully crafted daisho out to her. Nimuri.
Miyoki was close to her father and knew that he had looked AsMiyoki raced around the corner, time
forward to this day. Ten feet away, in the middle of the hall, Hitomi faced 1m
The graduation ceremony from the school of Niten was filled a traditional dueling stance. She watched Hitomi's sword swi
with tradition. It signified an important day for each of the an arc as Shosuro Nimuri's sword clear
graduating students, even moreso than their gempukku, but today was far too late for Nimuri.
it was lightly attended - Kuojin had committed seppuku only Nimuri's body dropped in a heap as IS
days before, shortly after the death of his wife, leaving the clan in carpet and stopped at Miyoki's feet. H
the hands of his daughter Hitomi. whose eyes rose from Nimuri's he
The next week she left for her first training post at the edge Hitomi's eyes radiated anger and
of the Dragon Clan's lands. Her parents honored her with a changed to realization. The headle
rotected g'ti,est. It had been her responsibility to ensure his safety. The procession moved slowly to the main gate of the castle,
There would be a price for his death ... where a large crowd of Mirumoto samurai had gathered in the
Miyoki' s'tood motionless and silent as Hitomi dealt with her chill morning air. Grey clouds veiled the sky and added to the
internal conflict. Finally Hitomi addressed Miyoki, her voice filled dream-like quality of the scene.
with regret but her eyes reflecting resignation and determination. These were Miyoki's friends and companions, yet their eyes
"You killed him, Miyoki:' Hitomi said. The statement was held nothing but contempt, hatred, and embarrassment. They had
resolute - a fact by decree. Miyoki knew in that instant that she come to see her die for her crime.
wollld die for Nimuri's death. Her plans for the future, her father's Miyoki was dressed in a simple kimono and her long hair was
pride, the honor of her ancestors and her very life ... all wiped braided and draped over her left shoulder. The jade necklace that
her parents had given her as she left for her first assignment was
mi-sama;" Miyoki replied with a curt nod of clenched tightly in her right hand. As she followed Yasu toward
the gate, her bleary mind turned to her death. It might be a
release ...
,, Nea· the castle's main audience chamber was the office of the She caught a glimpse of the Scorpion courtier, Bayushi Rishu,
castle'� chief magistrate. It �as sparsely but elegantly decorated out of the corner of her eyes - his enjoyment had converted to
with {painting and a few pieces of hand-painted pottery created anticipation and excitement. He could smell the blood in the air
by the magistrAte who occupied the office. and seemed eager to see his clan avenged.
The r�pm now held a SJllall assembly consisting of half a They reached the gate and Miyoki was motioned to the
doze� coll!tiers� ithe magistrate Kitsuki Yasu, and Sukune, wooden plank where executions were performed. Her feet
Miyo@Mather. &hong the courtiers was Bayushi Rishu, a young scraped against the dried blood of previous criminals as she
Scorptpn �ourl1er who had attended the court so that Nimuri moved to the center of the plank. Previous criminals? But she was
could further his training. There was a look of interest, possibly no criminal - had committed no crime - yet she had become so
e�en enjoyment, on his face. in the minds of everyone that was important to her.
ecause of the Winter Court, Kitsuki Yasu had been invited to Her eyes scanned the crowd, desperate to find the eyes of her
yu e Mirumoto, and he had been appointed the chief father ... to tell him that she was not a criminal. He was nowhere
investigator in Nimuri's death. to be seen. The last vestiges of hope drained from her into the
"Mirumoto Miyoki. I act as chief magistrate of the Dragon blood stained planks at her feet.
Clan, in the nan;ie of its d,aimyo, Togashi Yokuni. You are guilty of She was asked to kneel and lean forward. Without a sound or
the mur�1i.of Shosuro Nimuri, a protected guest of your daimyo, nod of assent, she did as she was told, leaning forward until her
Mirumoto,Hitomi:' Stated Yasu, beginning Miyoki's sentence. forehead brushed the stained wood. Her fist tightened around the
-;MiyQRi J mihd returned to the present. She'd had no sleep for jade necklace until the sharp edges of the stones bit into her
the !!1st fcfur days - from the moment the body had been hand.
,discovered with her bloody sword nearby. Days had begun to run Her nearing death brought a heightened measure of alertness
together, lost in a haze of b,lurred thought and memories. Too to her senses. She heard the slight scrape of metal as Yasu drew
Y"Rlans, too many words'. Her world was crumbling ... his katana ... heard the shuffle of his sandals as he positioned
Aie you anythirtg to say?" himself for the strike ...
"I apologize to/my family and mistress Hitomi-sama. The "Hold!" A voice boomed from nearby. Miyoki immediately
Scorpion slandered tny ancestors and I acted without thought. I recognized the voice, but was focused on the moment - she held
ask permission1to commit.seppukU:' perfectly still, waiting for the blow.
"D1mied. You wili be taken to the castle gate, where you will Yasu's voice answered, "Hitomi-sama. Did you wish to strike
killed as a c'omn1on murderer:' Kitsuki Yasu was a hard man, the blow?"
and entirely predictable. Things were going exactly as Hitomi had "No, Yasu-san. My aides have explained your sentence and it is
d,tHey would. not satisfactory:' she replied. "I wish Miyoki to live long with her
i turned her head slightly and saw her father. She shame. She will be stripped of rank and position and freed - as
flinc e a{l> the hurt she s11w in his eyes... he didn't know - a ronin:'
couldn't kui>w, accotqifig,to Hitomi. Miyoki's hold on the necklace slackened. She turned her head
Frgm wliat MiyoJi had been able to piece together, the slightly and saw the look of outrage on Bayushi Rishu's face. She
Scorpion coqr,tier nad discJvered the presence of someone or also saw looks of confusion on the faces of her former friends. A
somethi gJhat:0 Hitomi referred to as Hoshi Miyoki did not know slight murmur passed through the assembly.
tlie il1}pOr:J!lJ1Ce o Jhis Hoshi, but Hitomi had killed Nimuri and Though Hitomi had worded it in such a way as to make her
was '; ilrgJo·sacrifice Miyoki's future to cover that secret. sentence sound worse than death, the usual price for a death was
another death. For Miyoki to become ronin would be even harder
on Sukune than her death. Her heart ached.
The Tattoo Master of the Dragon clan, Gaijutsu's force card
says specifically that he may attach tattoos (at the noted cost).
\ \
Though he can't activate the tattoos normally (since the tattoos
say "the unit may activate this tattoo ..."), one of his Special
Orders allows him to activate an attached tattoo on behalf of a
unit in his LOS, treating the tattoo as if the unit had activated it
on their own. Note that LOS in this case is really Gaijutsu's ability
to sense his students presence, since he is blind. Nevertheless,
treat his keen senses as normal vision for determining LOS to a
tattooed unit.

The Agasha family has long been fascinated with alchemy and
'natural' magics - seemingly magical effects that are generated
via chemistry. Their experiments have led to the creation of
fireworks, explosive chemical compounds and even to the
following Dragon clan specialty units:
Though isolationists, the Dragon clan's tattooed men are
famous across the Emerald Empire. They are rarely seen, but AGASHA ROCKET T£AMS
many stories and fantastic tales are told of their deeds and Through experimentation with their fireworks, the Agasha
. magical powers. They are an enigma, a mystery that none outside have developed rockets that can be used in war. Because the
the Dragon clan can fathom - they are Jse Zumi As is true of rockets are not entirely dependable, the Dragon forces do not use
anything that man does not understand, an aura of fear surrounds them in great numbers - they have been known to deviate from
them. their intended target... frequently.
Though they defy understanding, there are a few things that Each rocket team model includes two soldiers on a single
the most studious historians have uncovered. cavalry base. The base is considered a single model with 2
The Togashi family is not truly a family, so there is no Wounds.
continuous bloodline. Rather, the family adopts members from all The forward team-member carries a rocket on his or her back,
walks of Rokugani !ife. Togashi family members receive powerful strapped into a wooden guide to help aim the rocket. When ready
tattoos, with ink created from the blood of the original Togashi, to launch, this Agasha-trained soldier crouches and aims at the
the kami. These tattoos imbue the recipient with special powers. target enemy unit. The rear team-member carries extra rockets,
These rules introduce the Tattooed trait to Clan War and verifies the aim, and lights the rocket on his partner's back.
present a new method for the use of tattoos in the game. This The rockets provide a special Ranged Attack that has certain
expansion also replaces the original Ise Zumi unit and adds two limitations. The unit must use a special Deviation template (one
more tattooed units for use with these new rules. template is provided in this boxed set and a copy is on the back
Rather than tattoos appearing on unit cards, leaving precious cover of the Dragon Army Expansion book). The template is
little room for explanation, the Tattooed trait has been added to centered on the midpoint of the unit's front row (centering either •
units that may bear tattoos, while the tattoos themselves have in front of the center model or between the two center-most
become Special Items with a more complete description of their models). It is placed with the flat side flush with the forward edge
effects. Units with the Tattooed trait may attach one or more of the unit so that the template's center line points straight to the
Tattoo item cards, as noted in the unit's text and to activate them unit's front.
to generate an effect as described in the tattoo text. The deviation template is designed to provide an increased
Personalities with the Tattooed trait may not attach tattoos. chance of firing directly forward. If the unit does not wish to fire
Generally, tattooed personalities possess specific tattoos which forward, it must wheel or turn during the movement phase.
appear on their Force card. However, personalities often benefit Rockets are highly unreliable so it would be reckless in the
from the tattoos of the units they lead or associate with, as many extreme to intentionally fire at a 45 ° angle from front.
tattoos apply to 'all models in this unit'. This represents the Consequently, the unit fires forward and hopes for the best.
tattoos' ambient magic when activated, so that even personalities Once the template is placed, the Rocket Team unit nominates
without the Tattooed trait are swept up in the powers swirling a target within range and the template's arc of fire. The target unit
about the unit. must meet normal targeting restrictions. Roll a die and compare
the result to the numbered direction lines on the template to the second Wound to the smaller, then 3 more Wounds to the
determine the direction that the bulk of the rockets travel. The larger to complete the ratio (4 to 1 results in 4 Wounds to the
rockets hit the first unit along that path, whether the unit is a larger force for each Wound done to the smaller). At this point 5
friend, enemy, or an engagement. Wounds have been accounted for, 4 to the larger force and 1 to
the smaller. This is repeated, accounting for 10 Wounds, 8 of
which have been applied to the larger force and 2 to the smaller.
UnitB There are only 2 Wounds left. One goes to the larger force and the
next to the smaller. If there had been more wounds, the next three
would have gone to the la,ger force before beginning the process
Agasha Rocket Teams may not fire during a turn in which they
moved and may not perform reactionary fire. They, also, may not
adopt the Archer's Row formation.
A personality placed in command of an Agasha Rocket Team
unit may not be equipped with rockets or any other Ranged
If the Rocket Team If they roll an 8 or 9,
Attack weapon that is not provided in the equipment listed on
rolls a 1, 2, or 3 for they'll make Allack rolls their card. Leader packages are always equipped as the unit.
deviation, they'll make against Unit 8. Any other
Allack rolls against result will miss, so no
Unit A. Allack rolls wimm be AGASHA FutEBLOSSOMS
made. True to the nature of their clan, the contents of the Agasha
family's dragon eggs are a mystery. All that anyone outside of the
Agasha family knows about them is that they explode when they
Once the direction of the attack has been determined, check to impact hard against any surface.
make sure that all models in the unit's front rank have LOS along Their range is limited because they are hurled, but Damage
the rockets' path. Some models may be blocked by terrain from the dragon eggs is rounded up to the nearest multiple of 10,
� features. Attack dice are rolled only for those teams that have rather than down, improving the potential damage caused by
LOS to the rockets' target. their Ranged Attack (and making them slightly more effective
If an interposing unit blocks the LOS of some rocket team than conventional attacks). Due to the short range, however, these
models (even if it's only one model), roll an Attack die for each troops must also be prepared to defend their clan in Close
blocked model against the interposing unit resolving the Ranged Combat.
Attack normally. A personality leading this unit may be equipped with dragon
Rockets may target an airborne unit but if the rocket eggs (see the Equipment Rules in this book), using the same
deviation causes it to miss the target the rockets do not strike any range as the unit. When equipping the eggs, this personality may
other unit - even another airborne unit. pay for them multiple times in order to gain any Ranged Attack
If the Rockets hit an unengaged unit resolve hits and damage ATT and DAM modifiers that their profile may provide. Eggs do
normally, noting that the unit rolls two Damage dice for each hit not replace the personality's existing Close Combat weapon(s).
as described on the Force card. Note that each unit of Fireblossoms in an army allows the
If the Rockets hit an engagement determine damage ratios inclusion of one Trap! Tactical Cards in the army's Tactical deck.
normally, counting a large infantry base as 4 models and a Trap! cards will soon be available in blister-packs, making them
monster base (3" x S" ) as 15 models. Round the resulting ratio more widely available.
to the nearest of the following choices: 1 to 1, 2 to 1, 3 to 1, or 4
to 1. One model against 30 would still use the 4 to 1 ratio.
Example: A Fire Dragon (considered 15 models) is engaged
, with two enemy units - a unit of five Ogre Warriors (considered
20 models) and a unit of.18 Skeletal Troops - when rockets hit Togashi Yokuni is a central figure in the Legend of the Five
the engagement. The damage ratio for the rockets attack would Rings storyline. As a personality in Clan War, he has a grea�
be 38 to 15, which simplifies as 3 to 1. many abilities - none of which is considered to be magical in
Apply Wounds using that damage ratio, applying the first nature or an innate ability. To avoid any conflicts with the effec
Wound to the larger force, the next to the smaller, and then the s, uses, or limitations of his abilities, they are fully defined here
rest of the ratio to the larger, repeating until all wounds are His card has been broken down in sections below, each sectio
accounted for. led by the card text and followed with any additional informatio
Example: A rocket team does 12 Wounds into an engagement required in order to understand the intent.
with a 4 to 1 ratio. The first Wound is applied to the larger force,
Card text:
When using a spell that spend the caster, Yokuni does not
become spent, but is unable to issue a Special Order or cast spells
durin g the time that he would normally have been spent.

Though Yokuni does not become spent as a result of casting a

spell, his player must keep track of the time that he would have
been spent. During that period, he is not allowed to use Special
Orders (including his own) or cast additional spells.
This does not prevent Yokuni from becoming spent when
targeted with spells, such as Earthquake, or other Special Actions,
such as the use of Superior Tactics.

Card text:
Yokuni's unit may attach and use up to two Tattoos, adding
Tattoo costs to the per-model cost of the unit. If Yokuni is
removed from the unit, and they are not normally able to use
Tattoos, all attached Tattoos are discarded.

Normally a unit must have the Tattooed trait in order to attach

or activate Tattoos. However, any unit led by Yokuni is treated as
if it were tattooed, and may attach and activate up to two tattoos.
If Yokuni is removed from the unit for any reason (including his
transformation into the Earth Dragon, see below) and the unit
does not bear the Tattooed trait then all tattoos attached to the
unit are immediately discarded. If a tattoo is active when Yokuni
is removed from the unit its effects end immediately and it is
discarded. The cost of the unit is not reduced as a result of
tattoo(s) being discarded and there is no reduction in the Victory
Point value of the unit.

Card text:
Special Order: The Earth Dragon appears and joins this army.
It is placed within 2" of Yokuni's unit. Yokuni's spells and other
lasting effects (Wounds received, spent Void, etc.) transfer to the
Earth Dragon. The Dragon becomes spent. Yokuni is removed
from play - his weapon and armor items are discarded.

Togashi Yokuni is able, as a Special Order, to transform into

the Earth Dragon. This is a fairly complicated effect - following
are all of the rules/limitations of Yokuni's transformation:
Yokuni may perform this Special Order when broken, but not
when routing. He may perform the action when engaged or even
in a duel, but may not use it while spent.
The Earth Dragon is a unique creature. As long as there is an
Earth Dragon in Yokuni's army, he may not perform this Special
Order, though he may do so if the Dragon is removed as a
The Earth Dragon may be placed anywhere within 2" of the
unit that Yokuni is in and with any facing. It may not be placed
Within l" of an enemy unit unless there is no placement area
around Yokuni's unit that allows for at least a l" space. If there is
no other choice, the Dragon may be placed in base-to-base contact
with an enemy unit. In this case, the enemy unit ignores the
Dragon's Fear effect and is allowed to use overlap and rank
advantages as if the engagement had been initiated the previous
Lasting effects are transferred to the Earth Dragon. Lasting
effects includes; expended Void, Wounds received, etc. This also
includes the number of times that spells have been cast - if
Yokuni has cast a Fire spell 4 times during the game, then once
he becomes the Earth Dragon, he can no longer cast the spell (the
Earth Dragon has a Fire of 4).
When Yokuni is removed from his former unit the gap left by
his model is automatically filled, moving a model forward from
the last rank. No test is required and the unit is not treated as if
their leader had been removed as a casualty. If Yokuni was
engaged, the replacement model takes his place in the combat. If
he was involved in a duel, the duel ends immediately with no
resolution (no winner or loser).
The earth Dragon may not be the army general since it has
the individual trait, and another personality may not be
appointed to be the general. Therefore, once Yokuni takes Dragon
form the army loses the special bonuses of having a general. The
Earth Dragon may not change back into Yokuni during the battle.
If you are playing a multi-battle scenario, or a campaign game,
the Earth Dragon may transform back into Yokuni between
Note: Yokuni may not transform when part of a Command widely known and thus available to the general population of
Group. shugenja across the empire.
Unless otherwise noted, spells are available to all shugenja,
regardless of Clan or affiliation.

The shugenja of Rokugan are extremely secretive with their

arcane knowledge and mastery of the elements, as is their way.
Despite their best attempts to the contrary, however, the Enchanted Items, or nemuranai, are usually unique artifacts
occasional spell slips beyond their veil of secrecy, becoming more with a presence all their own. Some nemuranai are the resting
place - or prisons - of powerful ancestors, spirits, or kami. Others
have just gained a measure of sentience or purpose through
centuries of heroic deeds and events. Some Special Items are the
result of spells being cast on or at the item, or are the repository
of temporary magic, such as the magic in a Writ.
As described in the Crab Army Expansion, the cost of an item
must be paid during army construction and attached to a specific
Target a unit that you control as it is engaged by an enemy unit. Instead personality, adding to that personality's cost. Leadership packages
of playing defensive cards (cards Uial require your unit to be the and creatures may not equip special items, unless the item
defender), you may use card effects as if your unit had initialed the description specifically says otherwise. Items may not be moved
engagement. This applies lo card effects only, not lo skills, abilities,
etc. Your unil remains !he defender throughout the engagement. between personalities during the game. Items that are weapons
replace the personality's weapon as discussed in the Equipment
Rules, and a personality may only be equipped with one such
item, unless otherwise specified.
An army may include only one of any item with the Unique
trait and up to two of a non-unique item. There in no limit to the
number or Writs that an army may include, but no personality
may have more than one of each type of Writ.
Attach to a unit with the Tattooed trait. Once per battle, as a Special Attach to a unit with the Tattooed trait. Once per battle, as a
Order, the unit may activate this tattoo (no leader is required). Special Order, the unit may activate this tattoo (no leader is
When activated, all models in this unit gain: Movement 6" and the
cavalry trait. This Movement rate may not be multiplied by any effect, When Activated, all models in this unit gain: +2 modifier to
but may gain additive increases. Effects that have movement and all Morale tests. This tattoo has a duration of two turns and
combat modifiers may target the unit, but movement multipliers are cannot be extended by any means or effect.
ignored. This tattoo has a duration of two turns.

Attach to a unit with the Tattooed trait. Once per battle, as a Attach to a unit with the Tattooed trait. Once per battle, as a Special
Special Order, the unit may activate the tattoo (no leader is Order, the unit may activate this tattoo (no leader is required).
When activated, all models in this unit gain: + 1 ATT and + 1 DAM, and
When activated, all models in this unit gain: TN 8. This tattoo may move an additional 4" when performing an engaging movement.
has a duration of two turns.
This tattoo has a duration of two turns.

Allach lo a uni! with !he Tallooed trail. Once per ballle, as a Special Order, the unit may Attach to a unit with the Tattooed trait. Once per battle, as a
activale !his talloo (no leader is required).
Special Order, the unit may activate this tattoo (no leader is
When aclivated, all tattooed models in !his unit gain: Once during !he next two !urns !his required).
uni! may become spcnl to breathe fire at an enemy uni! during the Ranged Attack phase
(!his is an elemenlal allack). This allack may be also performed against an enemy wilh When activated, all models in this unit gain: May not be affected
which !his unit is engaged. The large! mus! be wilhin the 90" forward ar� LOS, and 9" by spells, innate abilities, or elemental attacks. This tattoo has a
of each breathing model - determined individually for each lallooed model. No Allack
roll is required. The Ranged Allack docs one Damage die for each model in !he front
duration of two turns.
rank Iha! meets the largcting restriclions, no Attack roll is required.

Attach to a unit with the Tattooed trait. Once per battle, as a Attach to a unit with the Tattooed trait. Once per battle, as a
Special Order, the unit may activate this tattoo (no leader is Special Order, the unit may activate this tattoo (no leader is
required). required).
When activated, all models in this unit gain: All Ranged Attacks When activated, all models in this unit gain: -1 ATT and
targeting this unit suffer the following penalties: -1 ATT and +3 DAM. This tattoo has a duration of two turns.
-2 DAM. This tattoo has a duration of two turns.
such maneuver requires a test with the -1 modifier (see above for
modifier). The unit may not attempt any complex maneuvers.
\ If the unit was in a special formation prior to becoming
\ unformed, the formation is losL along with all benefits/penalties
of that formation.
The unit may not make Ranged Attacks, and must make an
immediate Morale test if becoming engaged (applying the -1
The unformed uniL and models within the uniL may not be
targeted by beneficial Tactical Cards, use special abilities, or use
any of their commander's skills or abilities. They may not perform
Charges, Counter-Charges, modify Initiative, use any Focus value
rules, use Go Master or Stalwart Defender, etc. This also precludes
the use of spells by shugenja within the unit. The exception is the
use of the commander's Leadership for the purposes of Maneuver
and Morale tests. Additional exceptions may appear on various
Force or Tactical Cards.

An Unformed unit or model may reform during any
Unformed would have been more appropriately addressed in Movement phase during which it could normally move. The unit
Chapter 7 - Forces Leaders, and Morale in the Clan War remains stationary and declares that it is reforming. If the unit is
rulebook, under Unit Conditions. Being unformed can be looked not within difficult terrain (terrain that imposes a movement
at in two ways: penalty) and is unengaged, it reforms automatically - this
From a unit's perspective, being unformed represents a supersedes the requirement for a Maneuver test in the Clan War
temporary failure of structure and organization, causing troops to rulebook.
lose confidence and cohesiveness, seeding doubt and reducing If the unit or Model is engaged, it may only attempt to reform
effectiveness. The unit needs a few minutes to return to formation if it outnumbers all engaged enemy forces. The Maneuver test
and regain their discipline or they will remain in a less-than­ may be contested. by any and all engaged enemy units. There is
effective state. always an additional -1 modifier to the Maneuver test when
From an individual's perspective, it represents becoming engaged, (-2, including unformed modifier) to reflect the difficulty
disoriented or off-balance as a result of unexpected events. of reforming while in combat.
Though an individual does not have a formation to return to, he If the unit is attempting to reform while within difficult
must take a moment to recover his composure and become terrain, it suffers an additional -2 modifier to the maneuver test.
reoriented. While we could use a separate term for individuals, All modifiers to the test are cumulative.
the effects are the same so there's nothing to be gained, except If the Maneuver test to reform succeeds, the unit immediately
added confusion. reforms with any facing and in any standard formation. The unit
There are numerous means by which a unit may become remains centered on the same point (find the center of the unit
unformed: failing to engage an enemy when performing a Charge before the reformation; the new formation should center on that
or Banzai Charge, failing a maneuver test when moving down a point). An unengaged unit may not become engaged as a result
hill at full movemenL performing a Full Retreat or Retreat in of a reformation (no model may be placed in base-to-base contact
Good Order, or even intentionally becoming unformed via a with a nearby enemy unit). If the unit was engaged, it must
Maneuver test. Regardless of how a unit becomes unformed, the remain engaged with the enemy unit and must be facing the
following are expanded rules for its effects: engaged enemy (choose one if engaged with multiple enemy
To represent the fact that a unit is unformed, the front rank of units).
the unit is disorganized slightly.
All rolls made by the uniL or any model within the uniL INDIVIDUALS AND LON£ PERSONALITIES AND
receive a -1 modifier. MANEUVER TESTS
The unit no longer receives any free maneuvers, regardless the Any time that an Individual or lone personality must make a
source of the free maneuver(s) (card effect, leader, spell, special Maneuver tesL use the following formula to determine the TN for
ability, or Command Group). the test: [10 - (Glory + Air bonus')]. ,:, Air bonus is + 1 for every
The unit may only perform Simple or Automatic maneuvers, two points of Air value above 1 (+ 1 at Air 3, +2 at Air 5, +3 at
such as Expand/ContracL Full RetreaL Turns, and Wheel. Each Air 7, +4 at Air 9).

In the basic set the Daisho technique was given an overall + 1
TN which was in error. Essentially, the advantage of the daisho
technique is realized only in Close Combat. An arrow is no
respecter of blades, nor are blades a likely counter for the
effectiveness of an arrow. Consequently, this expansion corrects
the TN for all affected Dragon personalities and units.
Using the same notation as used for split ATI and DAM
modifiers, a model's TN is now split with its Close Combat TN
first and its Ranged Attack TN following. Example: Mirumoto
Daini's TN was 9. Using the new modifier for daisho technique,
his new TN is 9/8 (9 in Close Combat, and 8 versus Ranged
If a model does not have a split TN, then the TN is the same
for either Close Combat or Ranged Attacks.

Following is an accumulation of errata. This section will be

printed in all expansions until they have been incorporated into
the main rule set or the corrected cards have been printed and
released. In the meantime, AEG hereby grants permission to
photocopy and distribute or publicly post the errata section of this
game expansion.

Beginning with the Lion Expansion and the second printing of

the Clan War boxed set cards, we introduced a kanji (a Japanese
writing character) that appears on cards which have had
significant corrections made to them (such as cost changes or
wording changes which make them easier to understand. The
New kanji ( ffi is the first character in the Japanese spelling of
"new') appears in the title of affected cards. This symbol lets you
know that it's the latest version of the card and that it supersedes
the original version (which has no kanji). All cards are played as
if they have the most current wording.
FORC£ CARDS Light Cavalry ffi: This unit has +1 DAM (for the yari, which
Doji Reju: A shift in data caused errors in some of his values. was not added into their values).
These are the correct values: TN 7, Wounds 3, AIT +2, DAM +1. Lion Elite Spearmen ffi: Lion Expansion reduced their cost to
Hida Kisada: His card states "His unit is immune to the effects 15 koku per model and changes ML to 6.
of spells and innate abilities:' Since the rules do not define Lion Medium Elite ffi: Lion Expansion reduced their cost to
'immune: this should more properly be defined as "Spells and 17 koku per model.
innate abilities may not target Hida Kisada nor any model in his Morita Tokei: Tokei has Magic 4, and the blister packed card
unit:' should have included a kanji to note the change.
Kisada's ability does not prevent the use of spells on models Matsu Lion's Pride ffi: Lion Expansion replaced wording of
that are engaged with him or his uniL nor does it prevent his unit Special with - Special: During an engagemenL Tactical Cards
from being targeted by effects such as the Firestorm's Ranged may not be used against this unit or to benefit a unit with which
Attack, which are actual balls of fire, and thus elemental in it is engaged. Enemy Tactical Cards used upon any unit (including
nature. this one) prior to engagement are negated upon entering an
The Hooded Ronin: The Hooded Ronin becomes spent after engagement with this unit.
the resolution of the duel when using his Special Order. Medium Infantry wlkatana: The unit should also list light
Kakita Shura: This isn't errata, but explicit definition - Shura armor as equipment.
may perform origami magic once per battle but may choose Shiba House Guard: Their cost is 21, their TL is 6.
which form from the list on her card. The effects last for two Yasuki Nakatsu: He may use his ability on his own unit when
turns. routing.
Kenshinzen ffi: They have 1 wound per model, not 2
Kuni Yori: Yori has Magic 4, and the Crab expansion should TACTICAL CARDS
have included a kanji to note the change. Frenzy ffi: Added text - When the engagement is over, the
unit becomes spent.
Superior Tactics ffi: New wording - Superior Tactics negates
any one Tactical Card which affects either your unit or your
enemy's unit. It may be used from the moment that one has
declared an engaging move until the engagement is over. It may Earthquake ffi: Add ''This shugenja becomes spent:'
also negate cards played during a Ranged Attack. Your unit's Jade Strike. Jade Strike may not target into an engagement.
commander becomes spent. It may affect: an enemy's Charge or Fiery Wrath ffi: Add ''This shugenja becomes spent:'
Frenzy, Turtle Shell, Defensive Position, All or Nothing, etc. It The Path to Inner Peace. This spell heals one Wounds for every
cannot affect skills, abilities, or cards that affect personalities only 3 Water (Ring value) of the caster (round up).
(such as Focus). Strength of Osano Wo: This spell must be used during the
The Waves Break: The test takes place immediately following Special Orders phase. It may not be used as a reaction to a
the resolution of all Close Combat for the turn. If the test fails, the personality/unit becoming spent.
unit immediately performs the movement and becomes spent. Looking to the Void ffi: Remove ''The scroll is destroyed after
A Pause in the Fury ffi: Remove ''This scroll is destroyed:'

Unless a Morale test indicates that it must be taken

immediately, all Morale tests occur at the end of a phase and each
unit makes only one Morale test. If a unit has taken its Morale
test and then a friendly unit within 8 11 becomes broken with the
next test, the first unit does not test again during the same phase.
The following conditions should be added to the list of
"Conditions for a Morale Test" on page 45 of the Clan War
• When a unit that began the turn with 4 or more models, or
an individual of glory 5 or greater, is slaughtered (casualties cause
the entire unit to be removed from play), all friendly units within
8" must make a Morale test at the end of that phase.
• Any time that a unit makes a Morale test while engaged with
a unit that causes Fear, the Morale test has a negative modifier
equal to the Fear rating of the enemy unit plus one
[modifier= -(Fear rating + 1)].

Closg Com6af
The following change should be made to the Rank Advantage
section on page 54 of the Clan War Rulebook:
Remove the portion of the rule in the first sentence which
states "have at least four models engaged and", so that the
sentence now reads - "During the second and successive turns of
an engagement units which have a standard formation may roll
two additional Attack dice for ..."
The following change should be made to the Overlap
Advantage section on page 54-55 of the Clan War Rulebook:
Remove the portion of the rule in the first sentence which
states ",and has at least four models engaged,': so that the
sentence now reads - "During the second and successive turns of
an engagement, a unit which has more models in its front rank
than its enemy unit may roll an additional Attack die for ..."
The four model requirement was a condition used during
playtest that became obsolete due to other conditions.
life was saved by the quick reflexes of her escort. It was nearing
nightfall before they reached the bottom of the mountain.
\ At the base of the trail was a small clearing surrounded by
rocks and shrubs. The samurai released Miyoki and turned to
begin their return to Mirumoto castle. She collapsed in a heap,
barely conscious that the journey had come to an end.
She had no plans or hopes for the future, but her immediate
need was rest. However, within a heartbeat she was surrounded
by five Ise zum� their tattoos rippling and curling about their skin
PART 1 even in the twilight. The retreating samurai turned and hesitated.
One of the five stepped forward. He was covered almost head
Fiction by Ken Carpenter to toe with the inked images that identified the Ise zumi.
J "Lord Yokuni sends Hitomi-sama his regards and his thanks.
We shall care for your charge from here:'
The Mirumoto samurai seemed even more confused, but
turned and headed toward the trail as two of the tattooed men
Yasu's voice filled with outrage. "I act in the name of lifted Miyoki to her feet.
Yokuni-sama in this and her sentence is death:' "No time for rest now, young one," one of them said quietly,
Hitomi's eyesJ harrowed, and a hardness entered her voice. his eyes turned toward the mountains in the east. "We've a long
'"Then you "�y take your grievance to Yokuni-sama. In the way to go before the next setting of the sun:'
meantime, Ihy sentence will be carried out as directed:' She Without a moment to settle her confused inquiries or care for
turned to a group of samurai. "Take her to the base of the western her protesting muscles, they set an aggressive pace along a trail
trail and leave her:' 'The samurai leapt to obey. that moved eastward along the mountain's base. After what
? As Miyoki ;,,Was helped to her feeL her eyes distant and seemed like mere moments, they were climbing an imperceptible
confused, Bayushi Rishu stepped forward to address Hitomi. He path up a rock-strewn incline.
was frenzie'd with indignation and frustration.. Miyoki was lost. Her mind dimmed, and cleared, then
"Hitomi-sama) must warn you that my clan will never accept wandered anew. The night passed, with Miyoki sometimes
this sente1_1ce as, just payment for Shosuru Niml!ri's life:' scrambling over rocks and climbing near-vertical hillsides, other
Hitomi slowly turned to the Scorpion courtier-in-training. times times being carried.
Where her eyes had been hard before, Rishu now looked directly At one point she fell, her back landing hard against something
into the eyes of death. "Warn, Rishu-san? You ... warn me?" Her sharp - probably a broken boulder, but the darkness was
voice wa& as cold and hard as the edge of a katana. impenetrable in the moonless night. She felt blood flowing freely
Rishif's mood changed immediately. The color drained from down her left side.
his face and his eyes fost their fire. Rather than indignanL he One of the Dragon monks crouched over her, his outline
suddenly looked very
\ ' uncomfortable. His eyes darted quickly barely discernible against the dim stars. He muttered something
about the crowd, looking for any hint of supporL but none was to the others, but she wasn't able to understand. Suddenly a glow

offered\He was alone. surrounded one of the Ise zumi's tattoos. Miyoki stared at it in
He liad inadvertently threatened the daimyo of the Dragon fascination - she'd seen the shape before, it was an arrowroot.
Clan - in public. He had only one chance to live. A moment passed, then she was overwhelmed with a feeling
He bowed, respectfully, and spoke again. "My apologies, of warmth. The pain of her wound subsided and she felt infused
Mirumoto Hitomi-sama. I misspoke. I will relay your decision, as with strength. She thanked the tattooed monk and they continued
well as your belief that life as a ronin will, in this case, be far their journey up the mountain.
worse than the criminal's death:' Though a great support through most of the nighL the strength
Hitomi remained motionless for a moment, causing Rishu to provided by the monk's tattoo had faded by the time the sun's
wonder if his, attempt was destined to fail, then turned and orange glow touched the obsidian horizon, and Miyoki again
disappeared into the castle. Rishu visibly relaxed. plodded listlessly along the path determined by the Ise zumi.. The
tattooed men seemed concerned, but were determined to reach
The hike clown the mountain was difficult under the best of their destination by nightfall.
circumstances;' Sheer drops and washed-out sections made the As the sun rose above the horizon, the panoramic beauty and
trail dangerous, requiring travelers to be both alert and agile. In majesty of the view cut through even the murky depths of
her current state, Miyoki was neither. In a befuddled haze, she Miyoki's clouded mind. The rolling blankets of trees flowing
followed fhe Dragon samurai down the mountain. More than down the mountain into the distant, wide valley below provided
once, when Her muscles collapsed or her mind drifted, Miyoki's a stunning perspective - her mind groped for a way to define her
feeling, but was overwhelmed by a lack of rest. The 1;{:Umi h�{
to drag her away from the unfolding vista to continue.
The day stretched on and the miles passed, thouglfshe-dldn't
quite know how. At the edge of her consciousness was the
embarrassing knowledge that the men had carried her quit�
some distance. As the sun declined to a point just over the
western horizon, she caught a glimpse of a huge castle on a1 -

nearby hillside. The tattooed men also noticed and their pace
quickened. ·
Within an hour they entered the gre�t castle. The e9t,117 �asJ
huge and great stone columns rose high above, t�A1 ceiling
beyond the reach of the nearby torches. Miyoki was vague)
aware of an Ise zumi bidding her welcome to Kyuden '.fogilshi.
After they entered the great hall, Miyoki was surro�ded by
another group of monks and her Ise zumi escort \lisappeared
before she could think to thank them. The new monks hustled
her down ancient hallways to a large bath room and provided her
with a change of clothes - but was not allowed time ·to rest or
even relax in the steaming water of the qath. . ,
Her head still invigorated by the near scalding, w�r and -the
steam filled air, she was dressed and rush�a. 'to"'yet: another
portion of the palace. Though she tried to keep track of the.
hallways they traveled, she was soon lost in a maze of h,�isting
corridors that defied her sense of direction.
Suddenly, her escort of nearly a dozen monks de?,osited'her at
a doorway, motioned for her to enter, and stepped back.
She reached for the handle and pulled it open. Beyond was a
small, stone walled room. It was lit by two sputtering,
wall-mounted torches and a single brazier nea�the aepfer of the
room. Sitting in two neat rows on each side of the loom were
approximately a dozen monks. Each was stripped 'a; except
for a loin-cloth, and appeared i'l a state of meditatio . 0n some
Miyoki noticed many tattoos, while others bore not a one.
Near the brazier in the center of the room was an old man
holding a highly decorated bowl of etched•gold. He was dressed
the same as the younger monks, but his bod:v. was so coveted wilh

tattoos that Miyoki could not see any bare skin. His finge�s toyed
with a sharpened quill.
Miyoki felt a hand on her back and was pushed forward a step1
then she was aware of the door closing behind ner.'S't1dde'nly: ;,
there was a huge man beside her. She spun in sm:prise':ang J s
immediately overwhelmed by a sense of a�. _ _ . , . .;
It was Togashi Yokuni - it had to be! He stood nearly orte and
a half men in height and was hugely muscled - but even more
staggering was the aura of power and complete peace that
surrounded him. He wore a complete suit of heavy ar- or,
including a full, closed helmet. Looking into the eye-slits
' of the
helmet, she could see a yellow glow.
Then he spoke to her. She heard ... or felt. .. or ungerstood
him to say, ''I thank you for your sacfifice on behal£�the cla:
What has been done, is done. I now adopt you into
Come. Sit with my students and learn of the u
"They also play a dangerous game with the division of power
within the Empire. They will soon realize that rage is the beast's

n11ago11 C1'm
\ natural response to fi·ustration.
\ "We wait and watch. . . "
Long have the Crane helped to provide for the needs of the
Dragon clan, always expecting that it was buying them an ally.
The Crane believe that money or goods can buy anything ... but
they do not understand the Dragon. Yes, the Dragon clan needed

help to ensure that its people were fed and clothed - the
mountains of the Dragon clan are harsh and do not support their
people with necessities - but they feel no obligation beyond the
mission of the clan, which only they understand.

"War is what they know ... all they know.After all is said and
done, after the final hero is rewarded and glorified, the truth
remains, like a haunting ghost on the rotting battlefields of
Rokugan. War succeeds only in one thing - the destruction of
knowledge and understanding. How can we allow their
ignorance such sweeping authority and power? It is their place,
The Clans book allows for an army to recruit units from other and we know ours.
clans for a cost increase of twenty percent (20%) over the model's "We wait and watch .. . "
printed cost. For simplicity in the rules' original release, that was The Dragon Clan has never made war against the other clans
fine. However, as we detail each clan involved in the great war and only once has it been attacked by another clan - the Lion.
that now rages across Rokugan, we feel compelled to more fully The Dragon fight only when given no alternative, when their
describe the relationships between the clans and to quantify those choices are limited and combat is the only viable option left.
relationships in the cost of recruiting units across clan lines. Though not pacifistic, as the Phoenix who value peace above all,
the Dragon Clan does not enjoy war and would rather spend their
CRAB time in more productive pursuits. Consequently, they neither
"We all fill our role in both the Empire and the Celestial order appreciate nor understand the Lion clan's seeming lust for battle.
- and the Crab have done an admirable job of fulfilling their role.
Who are we to question their methods, motives, or etiquette? We PHO£NIX
can only hope that the Crab will tend their duty as well during "They covet our knowledge and secrets, and say that we have
the coming war, so the Empire will not become the banquet hall abandoned the Empire. Yet we do not see them enlighten the
for a Shadow/ands feast. Empire - only themselves.
"We wait and watch .. . " "They will make any sacrifice for peace - pay any price. That
While seemingly unconcerned with the affairs of the Empire, is their way. But would it remain so if they knew the coming
the Dragon do not forget the price once paid to the forces of Fu price? We also will pay a price for our way, but not until the
Leng and his twisted minions. They are aware of the value of the proper time and place.
Crab clan and, like them, put less emphasis on social acceptance "We wait and watch. . . "
than most of the other clans. Though the Dragon respect the Many times have the Phoenix come among the Dragon, and
Crab's place and performance, they pity them at a certain level - many times have the Dragon attempted to guide the Phoenix
the Crab seem unable to perceive the path toward growth. They along their path, but the two clans are so divergent that the
are so focused on surviving the day that they do not seem capable Dragon path is unfathomable to the Phoenix. The Dragon resent
of planning for a future. the general feelings of the Phoenix toward them, but appreciate
the friendships of many individuals among the Phoenix clan. The
CRAN£ clans are not so different after all, and they will someday grow
"They have been generous with us in the past, but always closer still.
expecting that they were paying for our loyalty or support. That
which is given with such an expectation is not given, it is sold - SCORPION
and we refuse to pay that price. "To what ends do the Scmpion manipulate friend and foe
alike? Can it all be a simple game to them? Do they really think
that divisiveness is the key to a strong Empire, or only a strong
scorpion clan? Do they know the difference? Only time will tell, the return had been expected. It may be no accident or
but our interests will not be served in associating with them. coincidence that the Unicorn lands border on the Dragon. Though
"We wait and watch . . . " the Unicorn do not know what to make of the Dragon, whose
One of the few times that the Dragon army mobilized, it did disturbing silence sometimes grates, they prefer a quiet peaceful
so to defend a daimyo of the Scorpion clan against a greater Lion neighbor to an acquisitive, combative one. For their part the
army. It is said that the daughter of the Scorpion Daimyo was the Dragon clan has no reason to embrace or contend with the
Dragon daimyo's love, and even carried his child. Other than that Unicorn.
one instance, the contact between these two clans is tenuous at
times and non-existent at others. Though not distant in TH£ MINOR CLANS (OTH[R)
geography, they are certainly distant in philosophy - one avoids "Will they someday prove useful? That remains to be seen, but
even contact with the other clans, while the other goes far beyond certainly their amassed forces are formidable and, left to their
contact meddling at every opportunity, even if they have to create own devices, dangerous. Still, such a catalyst may be needed to
the opportunity themselves. exercise change.
We wait and watch. . . but soon we will act, setting our feet
UNICORN upon the path that was our destiny before the stars rose into the
"The famity of bright Shinjo, we celebrate their return to sky."
Rokugan - they have been missed. We are happy to welcome While the Dragon clan has virtually no contact with the minor
them back to the Empire, but worry that they're presence is far clans, they do not insult or belittle them in their quest for
from a stabilizing influence. Still, the future is written and their recognition. If the leaders of the minor clans choose to interpret
part in the play has already been penned into the Celestial the Dragon silence as approval, so be it. The Dragon silence has
pattern. been interpreted in many different even contradictory ways, the
"We wait and watch . . . " minor clans may never know whether they are in the right. .. or
The return of the Unicorn is among the few times that the whether it matters.
Dragon reacted immediately to an event. It almost seemed as if
Rac\ 1U1fma11f Cost l11c\1aasa 2. Determine the cost of the unit (model cost x number of
models + cost of personality, if any).The normal cost of the unit
When a Dragon army recruits units or personalities from other would be 327 koku (11 x 14 koku + 173 koku).
clans, consult the following table to determine the cost increase. 3. Multiply that cost total by the percentage increase for the
unit's clan and add the result (rounding to the nearest koku) to
the normal unit cost to determine a final cost. The Phoenix would
Clan Cost Increase have to add 66 koku (327 x 20%) to the normal price of the unit,
for a final cost of 393 koku, because of the existing relations with
Crab .............20% the Crab clan.
Crane ............25%
Lion ..............30% Until their specific Clan Army Expansion has been released, a
Phoenix ........... 25% clan army wishing to recruit one or more Phoenix
Scorpion ..........30% units/personalities should look at the above table and pay the
Unicorn ...........25% same % Cost Increase as the Phoenix would be required to pay
Other .............20% when recruiting from that clan.Once a Clan's Expansion has been
released, with,their recruiting costs, that book takes precedence.
Apply the increase to cost as follows: Note that the percentage increase for recruiting may not be
1. Construct the unit that you wish to recruit from another equivalent both ways between clans: for instance, a Phoenix army
clan. A Phoenix player wants to recruit a unit of 11 Crab pays a 30% increase when recruiting Lion troops but the Lion
Berserkers led by Hida Amaro. clan pays only a 25% increase when recruiting from Phoenix.This
is not an error - feelings between two people or organizations are
not always equivalent.
To the Right is the list of ranged weapons, and their modifiers,
that a Dragon personality is able to equip for use during battle,
Units, regardless of cost or affiliation, may not alter their when matching their unit.
equipment in any way. They remain as they are described on Personalities that acquire a new Ranged Attack weapon gain
their force card. Units train with their equipment for years and no modifiers for their Rings. However, by repeating the payment
are accustomed to it - changing their equipment would negate for the Ranged Attack weapon, they may gain a measure of the
much of their training and experience, reducing their modifiers that their rings would provide. Each additional
effectiveness and worth. No daimyo would allow that to happen. payment of the weapon's cost allows the personality to use a + 1
Unlike units, bushi (warrior) personalities generally study the ATI and + 1 DAM provided by their Air and Water rings. The
use of many weapons, so directed by the teachings of their school personality cannot gain bonuses that are not provided by their
instructors. Because of this training and experience, personalities rings.
are allowed to adjust their weapons to match those of the units to Example: If Kiza had been purchasing a yumi at a cost of 6,
which they have been assigned as leaders. Associated he would be able to make Ranged Attacks, but without any
personalities do not gain this benefit - they are only traveling modifiers. Kiza has an Air of 3 and a Water of 2. Those Ring
with the unit and are not a part of it. values would allow a maximum bonus of+1 ATT and+0 DAM.
Personalities serving as unit commanders are allowed to By paying an additional 7 koku, Kisu gains a + 1 AIT.
replace their weapon(s) in order to match the weaponry used by Note that all Clan shugenja are treated as samurai when
their unit. Check the list below and replace the weapon by adding adding a weapon.
the listed cost of the new weapon to the personality's normal cost.
The cost of the personality's original weapon is not deducted from
his or her cost.
Example: Jim places Mirumoto Kiza in command of a unit of
Mirumoto Medium Infantry, so he wants to have Kiza equipped The Dragon clan is the only clan to have the full secrets of
with a yari.. Jim adds the cost of the ymi to Kiza's cost and he now Niten, the use of two swords in combat. This allows them to use
has the same weapon as his unit. their daisho to both defend and attack at the same time, providing
In addition to the increased cost, the modifiers of the original a considerable advantage in close combat. To reflect their use of
weapon (as listed below) must be subtracted from the Niten, all Dragon samurai trained in the use of the two swords
personality's profile and the modifiers for the new weapon are have had their Close Combat TN raised by one (+ 1 TN), noted by
then added in. split TNs (Close Combat TN/Ranged Attack TN), which is
Example: Mirumoto Kiza was previously equipped with a no­ represented in their profiles.
dachi, but received a yari to match his new unit
(above). The no-dachi has a + 1 DAM so that will be
Close Combat Weapons Cost Table
removed from Kiza's profile while he is equipped with
the yari (until the end of the battle). Weapon Cost Requirements ATT DAM
To the Right is the list of Close Combat weapons, Naginata 6 None +O +1
and their modifiers, that a Dragon personality can No-dachi 4 Earth and Water 3+ +O +1
change to in order to match his or her unit. Wakizashi 0 None +O -1
Where the table says "Earth and Water 3+': it YarF' 4 None +o +O
means that the personality's Earth and Water rings
must both be 3 or higher in order to use the weapon
in combat. '"Yari attacks occur first during the first combat phase of an engagement
and casualties are removed before enemy attacks are rolled.
* Infantry gain: Yari attacks occur first during the
first combat phase of an engagement and casualties
are removed before enemy attacks are rolled. Ranged Combat Weapons Cost Table
* Mounted models gain: Mounted models
equipped with yari gain + 1 DAM. Weapon Cost Ranges ATT DAM
Dragon Eggs 5 5" close, 10" extended +O +O
Yumi (Samurai) 6 15" close, 30" extended +O +O
Though a carefully protected secret for the last thousand
years the daimyo of the Dragon Clan has been the first Togashi,
the son of Lord Moon and Lady Sun, who fell from heaven with Skills: Magic 6, Battle 3, Leadership 4, Defense 3, laijutsu 4,
Daisho Technique, Double Chi, Fearless 3
his brothers and sisters. Yokuni is the name he currently goes by, Spcdal: Unique. Will only serve in a Dragon Clan army.
Fire: 5
but has gone by many others; every fifty years, his name Water: 5
When using a spell that spends the caster, \'okuni does not become spcnL but
is unable to use Special Orders or spells during 1hr lime that he would
changes, thus giving the impression that the Dragon Clan has Void: 6
normally have been spent.
Yokuni's unil may altach and uSf up to two tauoos, adding tal\oo costs to the
been ruled by many different daimyo over the years. TN: 10/9
JXHnodcl cost of the unit If Yokuni is removed from the unit. and they
arc not normally able to use Tauoos. all auached Talloos are discarded.
When Fu Leng was defeated, the first Hantei Emperor Special Order: The Earth Dragon appears and joins this army. ll is placed
within 2" of Yokuni's unit. Yokuni's spells and other lasting effects
charged Togashi with witnessing the great cycle which was (Wounds recei\'ed, spent Void, etc.) transfer 10 the Earth Dragon. The
Dragon becomes spenL Yokuni is remo\'ed from pla�• - his wrapon and
beginning in Rokugan. "Watch the Emerald Empire, my brother," armor items are discarded.
Yokuni uses the large infantry base.
the Emperor told him. 'Through your eyes, the truth of history
shall be known:'
Togashi knew, however, that the truth could not be
maintained without separation from the mundane, so he and his
followers retreated from the remainder of the Empire. In the
mountains, he contemplated the teachings of Shinsei, communed
with the spirits of the Elements, and - as his Emperor had
ordered - watched the world of men below him as it grew and
The few times he has appeared outside the Dragon lands
have marked tremendous changes in the Emerald Empire. Four
times in recorded history, he has participated directly in Rokugan
events: each time, the Empire's destiny has hung in the balance.
Lately, his appearances in Rokugan have increased in frequency,
leading scholars to speculate whether some important event is
looming on the horizon.
He is cryptic, enigmatic and never answers a question with a
straight answer. He speaks in phrases rather than sentences,
hinting at knowledge that is known ·but unspoken. He appears
as a huge, muscular man dressed in Dragon Clan armor
carrying an ancient set of swords. His face is
always hidden by a helmet and his eyes
glow yellow behind the slits. No one ever ��
hears him speak; they have a memory of
what he says, but never hear the voice itself. It leaves those in
contact with him confuse·d and slightly disturbed. Which, of
course, is exactly what Yokuni wants.
In the past ten centuries, Yokuni has permitted himself a
single luxury, one lone interaction with the world he is
charged with chronicling, and the result was his son, Skills: Battle 2, Leadership 2, Defense 3, laijutsu 2,
Togashi Hoshi. Hoshi is the son of Togashi and a Scorpion Charge, Counter-charge, Daisho Technique, Fear,
Fire: 5 Fearless 2
shugenja/spy. Born of a union with the craftiest mortal in Water: 5 Special: Cavalry, Dragon, Flight, Individual, Unique.
Rokugan, Hoshi is the fusion of dragon wisdom and human Void: 5 Hoshi rolls 2 Damage dice for each successful Attack.
practicality. TN: 8/8 Hoshi has TN 8 against Ranged Attacks.
Yokuni knows that he is not immortal, and that one day Like other dragons, Hoshi uses a 3" x 5" base. Hoshi
he will pass on as his brothers and sisters have done. He may not equip any armor.
sees dark things in the future for his Clan, and is depending DAM: +2 Equipment: Daisho
#S: 4
upon Hoshi to maintain vigilance when he is gone. Though
no mortal would suspect it Yokuni is secretly proud of the
progress his son has made.
Yokuni has used Hoshi as a link to the outside world,
observing important events and delivering messages to
specific people at key times. When not running errands for
his father, Hoshi remains hidden away in the Togashi castle.
Sometimes he stays there for centuries; other times, years
go by between his visits. In any case, his missions are
known only to his father, and no one dares question him
about them.
Over seven centuries old, Hoshi has long learned to
accept himself and his unique place in the Celestial Pattern.
Humanity remains a constant fascination to him - their
mercurial hfespan and bewildering changes are far more
interesting than the static eternity of his dragon cousins.
Hoshi's existence is known by only a handful of
Rokugani. Currently, that number includes the Bayushi
leadership and a few Togashi monks. In this time of war,
however, he will be seen more and more, accompanying his
father in the defense of his clan or the Empire.
Skills: Battle 3, Leadership 4, Defense 2, laijutsu 2,
Charge, Daisho Technique, Fearless
Fire: 5
Water: s Special:Unique.
Void: s Each point of Void expended by Hitomi is counted as
TN: 918 two points. When expending Void, any points in
excess of those required for the Void effect are

Equipment: Daisho, Heavy Armor

Hitomi has been the daimyo of the Mirumoto family since her father's
death, but any who didn't know would assume that the daimyo was
actually her brother, Daini. Her brother is better suited to the task, so she
lets him handle it. Occasionally, she makes appearances in the cour� but
they are so sporadic, some of the courtiers have begun calling her
'Togashi Hitomi:'
She has a singular objective, and that is revenge for her family. Her
brother was killed by Hida Yakamo, an event that brought ill health to
both her mother and her father. She has sworn to herself that the last
thing Yakamo sees is her eyes as she plunges her family's sword into his
Hitomi often seems two-dimensional because she is single-minded.
Anything and everyone that isn't a part of her destiny is in its way. She
has no problem with cutting down those who stand in her way.
Her eyes are always angry and her voice always sounds as if she is on
the edge of erupting. She moves gracefully, but alertly - like a snake
ready to strike. She disdains Scorpions, tolerates Lions, scorns Cranes,
ignores Phoenixes and despises Crabs. Unicorns are inconsequential to
the point that she doesn't even know how she feels about them.
Her uncle, Mirumoto Sukune, worries about her - constant immersion
in her anger and hatred can help neither her nor her clan. Sukune spends
a great deal of time handling the daily operations of the Mirumoto
Hitomi is one of the greatest samurai of her time and, with the current
war, she will have many opportunities to vent her rage upon those foolish
enough to oppose her. The question remains - as her passions explode,
releasing her pent fury, will any part of what was once Hitomi survive, or
will she be forever reduced to a charred cinder of hatred and loathing?
Skills: Battle 4, Leadership 3, Defense 2, Counter-charge,
Daisho Technique, Horsemanship, Stalwart Defender
Fire: s
Special: Cavalry, Mounted, Unique.
Water: 5 Dai-kyu range: 12" close, 24"extended (-2 ATI), 36" extreme
Void: 4 (-4 ATI). Damage for Sukune's Ranged Attack is always
rounded up to the nearest multiple of 10.
TN: 817 Mounted models gain + 1 AIT when engaged against infantry
models. When initiating an engagemen� mounted
models gain + 1 AIT and + 1 DAM until the end of the
Equipment: Daisho, Dai-kyu, Light Armor, Horse

Sukune is the uncle of Daini and Hitomi. When Hitomi
chased vengeance madly to the horizon, and Daini played
political games in the Emperor's court Sukune took the
thankless job of handling the day-to-day affairs of his
When his brother died, it became apparent that Hitomi
was unwilling to engage in the mundane activities that
come with being a daimyo. It fell to Sukune to administer
things while his niece prepared for revenge. He keeps close
tabs on the Mirumoto family units, and makes time at least
once a week to drill with his troops. He understands how
vital it is for soldiers to know their commander.
Sukune ensures that his Clan puts up a united front and
does his best to turn their foggy enigmas into Something
resembling a policy. Of all the Dragons, he is by far the
most clear; his position demands it. He is a stern, serious
man, but rarely loses his temper. He ponders things deeply,
as all Dragons do; when he speaks, he speaks slowly and
carefully, as if weighing every word. He does not resent his
niece and nephew their niceties, and is in fact quite satisfied
With his lot.
His greatest passion is archery, and he often practices his
marksmanship while on horseback. He travels south to the
Wasp Clan fortress every year to participate in their archery
contest which draws the greatest bowmen in the Empire.
He is quite proud to have won the championship three
times in the fifteen years he has competed.
Having grown up first in the shadow of his brother,
Satsu, and then his sister Hitomi, Daini had to find a place
to shine; that place was in the court. He trained with Kitsuki
magistrates to learn the intricacies of court. Soon, the young
Dragon found himself representing his Clan in all political
matters, while his sister continued her military training.
Perhaps the most important day of Daini's life occurred
on the road to the Crane provinces. His entourage
encountered the Lion daimyo's caravan and he met Akodo
Toturi for the first time. The two spent many hours on· the
road, trading stories of the court and the battlefield.
Listening to Toturi's tales, Daini had a flash of insight
into the art of war, seeing parallels - in its positioning,
attacks and retreats - with the stratagems that he used in
the courts. He became fascinated by the study of war as
applied to politics. Daini spent a great deal of time in the
Lion provinces with Toturi, discussing battle, strategy and
tactics, before the coup attempt that resulted in Toturi's loss
of rank and position. While visiting the former Lion clan
daimyo, Daini also found himself charmed by Toturi's
young studen� the lovely Ikoma Tsanuri, though he has
never allowed his feelings to show.
With the start of war, Daini has been required to develop
a greater variety of skills, but his blood is Mirumoto and
centuries of purpose cannot be hidden beneath the fine
robes of a courtier - his command and combat skills are
growing quickly, as if he had spent years in the Mirumoto
bushi school. His recent exploits bode well for his
effectiveness as a leader, and his sister is learning to trust
his military insights as well as his political instincts.

Skills: Battle 4, Leadership 3, laijutsu 3, Counter­

charge, Daisho Technique
Fire: s
Water: 3 Special: Unique.
Void: s Daini may lead Naga troops without skill or combat
9/8 penalties. When recruiting Naga troops for his
s unit, Daini pays their standard price.
ATI: +2
#S: 2 Equipment: Daisho, Heavy Armor
Although he is the best known member of the Ise zumi,
Togashi Mitsu has little in common with his brethren. When
they are mysterious, he is open; when they are solemn, he
is jovial; when they speak in riddles, he speaks with clarity.
Fire: 4
An anomaly of the Togashi family, Mitsu has always longed Water: 4
Special: Experienced, Tattooed, Unique.
Special Order (Dragonny Tattoo): Once per battle, every model in
to travel. He is nothing like the other members of his order, Void: 4
Milsu's unit gains + I TN versus Ranged Attacks for two full turns.
Elemental Attack (Dragon Tattoo): Once per battle, Milsu breathes fire
yet no one else so well embodies the tenets and TN: 7
at an engaged enemy unit (as Close Combat) or an enemy unit
within 6" (as Ranged Attack) following normal targeting
philosophies to which they adhere. Wounds: 6 restrictions No Attack roll is required - roll 6 Damage dice (apply
He spent years in study and devout preparation for his ATT: +2 no DAM modifiers). Mitsu does not become spent, but may not
roll Close Combat Attacks during the same turn. This attack
role, embracing the philosophy of the Ise zumi with a zeal DAM: +2 cannot be used as reactionary fire.
#S: 2
few had seen before. But as soon as he received his tattoos, Equipment: None
he climbed down the mountaintop and began traveling the
length and breadth of the Emerald Empire.
Some of his teachers were outraged and confronted his
sensei with what they felt was a gross failure of duty. The
sensei merely laughed. "Do not expect the crow to swim just
because you tell him he is a goldfish," he said with a
The peasantry hold a special place in his hear� and he
spends more time among them than he does the nobility.
While some are frightened by his fearsome appearance,
most are soon disarmed by his engaging style and quick
laughter. He dispenses wisdom with clarity and concern and
is not above helping with daily chores if he is able.
In comba� he moves with dizzying speed, relying on his
lack of armor to outmaneuver his opponents. He carries no
weapons, preferring to use his devastating tattoo abilities to
decimate his opponents. Almost all of Mitsu's body has been
covered with tattoos. He is a tall man (nearly 6'), completely
bald and heavily scarred on his face - acquired from
numerous close calls over the years. His thick body frame
seems accentuated by his tattoos. He never wears any
clothing beyond leggings and sandals.
One of the few true descendants of Agasha Kitsuki,
Hakada is an oddity among his family. While as a youth, he
demonstrated great skills in observation and deduction,
Skills: Batlle 3, Leadership 2, laijutsu 2, Daisho critical skills to the Kitsuki. However, he also bore a
Technique, Fearless fascination for the Mirumoto military. At the request of his
Fire: 4
Water: 3
Special: Unique. father, and to bring honor to his family, he put aside foolish
Models in a unit led by Hakada may not be targeted
Void: s by Assassin, Kolat, or Ninja actions or effects. thoughts' of a military career.
TN: 9/8
After a successful Assassin, Kolat, or Ninja His talents as a magistrate reached full bloom and he
action/effect targeting a personality or unit within
Wounds: 3 18" o[ Hakada, she may become spent to require was soon Kitsuki Yasu's karo, aiding in dispensing justice
ATT: +I a re-roll o[ any applicable test for the action. throughout the Dragon lands. But he was unhappy. Be
DAM: +1
Equipment: Daisho, Light Armor spent most of his free time in various bushi dojo and even
#S: 2
Glory: 5 Honor: 2 arranged for some tutoring, to provide tactical training.
When the war began, he took leave of is post as a
magistrate and offered his services to Mirumoto Sukune,
who had watched the young Kitsuki's pursuit of bushi skills
for some time. Sukune allowed Hakada to demonstrate his
command skills and found him worthy of a small
command. Sukune also believes that Hakada's past
experience will also provide defense against many forms of

The consummate Mirumoto duelist Miyaki has studied

at the feet of the Niten swordmasters since he was old
enough to walk. Until he was nearly twenty years of age, he
ate, slept and dreamt dueling. He had little experience with
life, love, or anything else outside of the dojo.
At a practice, his sensei asked him to display his abilities Skills: Battle 2, Leadership 3, Defense 1, laijutsu 3,
Daisho Technique
for a visiting Ise zumi. His swords dropped five consecutive Fire: 5 Special: Unique.
students in practice duels, one even knocked unconscious Water: 3 Miyaki cannot be reduced below 1 Wound during a
from the force of his blow. He was very proud of his ability Void: 4 duel (additional Wounds received during the duel
are ignored). When Miyak.i reaches one remaining
and did not believe in false modesty. TN: 817 Wound during a duel, the duel ends. The winner
The monk approached him and his sensei and simply o[ the duel is the personality that caused the most
Wounds, or the survivor i[ only one survives. The
said, "Let him travel with me ... and I will return more than duel may end in a tie.
a fast blade:• Miyaki traveled. with Togashi Mitsu for over a
Equipment: Daisho, Light Armor
year before returning to her dojo, and he had changed.
Where his only obsession had previously been the duel and
the sword, he now seems possessed of a deep love and
understanding for all of Rokugan.
The war has required his skills on the field, but he hopes
for a quick end, so that peace may return to the Empire.
As the initial conflicts rose to battles, and battles rose to
war, Taki led units of Dragon troops into the fray in service
Skills: Battle 3, Leadership 3, Defense 3, laijutsu 3, of his leaders. As a master of the Mirumoto bushi art of
Counter-charge, Daisho Technique Niten, the Way of Two Swords, great things were expected
Fire: 3
, Water: 5 Special: Experienced, Unique. of Taki. Though he lacked combat experience and self­
Void: 4 Taki may lead any Dragon Clan uni� ignoring Glory confidence when first sent to battle, his easy style of
and Honor requirements. leadership and natural instinct on the battlefield earned
TN: 9/8 When Taki equips a Special Item that is also a
Wounds: 5 weapon, its cost is reduced by 10 koku. him a reputation with the troops of his clan.
ATT: +1 In addition, the experience of battle opened his eyes to
DAM: +2
Equipment: Daisho, Heavy Armor
many of the details presented by his early sensei as to the
#S: 2
nature of war. In a recent discussion with a former sensei,
he was overheard to say, ''The only way for the seeds of
certain truths to grow is to bathe them in blood:'
As a former instructor, there have been numerous times
that Taki has faced former students in battle. Though dark
thoughts disturb his dreams, and the shadows of regret
haunt his eyes, he does his duty and looks forward to a day
when peace allows him to return to the dojo, where he can
instruct his students rather than kill them.
A tradition-bound Ise Zumi, Rinjin resisted
leaving the monastic environs of the order as long
as possible, but the need of the clan called to his
tattoo-tainted blood. As he left Togashi castle,
Yokuni stood atop the battlements and watched
Rinjin and his group of Ise zumi followers descend
the mountain.
Rinjin's Dragon tattoo, a creation of Togashi
Gaijutsu, allows his fiery breath to immolate
enemies at twice the normal range of such tattoos,
and the magic of the tattoo has much more
endurance, enabling him to use it as often as
necessary. His powers, and his abilities, will be
crucial to the Empire, as he advances to the mouth
of Beiden Pass to aid in its defense.

Skills: Battle 3, Leadership 2, laijutsu 2, Fearless,

Revered Sensei.
Fire: 4 Special: lse Zumi, Tattooed, Unique.
Water: 5 Elemental Ranged Attack (Modified Dragon Tattoo): Once per
Void: 4 turn, Rinjin may breathe fire at an enemy unit within
12" using normal targeting restrictions. No Attack roll is
TN: 7 required - roll 3 Damage dice (apply no DAM modifier).
Wounds: 4 This may be used for reactionary fire but he may not
ATI: +I perform close combat attacks during a turn in which he
DAM: +2 used his tattoo.
#S: 2 Equipment: None
When Kuojin, the former daimyo of the Mirumoto family,
reached retirement age, he was prepared to turn the position
over to his nephew, Yukihira. Kuojin's daughter Hitomi Skills: Battle 3, Leadership 3, Defense 2, laijutsu 2,
contested for the position, however, and defeated Yukihira in a Counter-charge, Daisho Technique, Go Master
Fire: 5
duel. Though he still carries a scar from the duel, he bears no Water: 5 Special: Unique.
other scar from the incident - Hitomi has his full support as the Void: 3 When Yukihira is equipped with a Special Item that is
Mirumoto family daimyo. TN: 817 also a weapon, he gains + 1 AT T and + 1 DAM in
The Dragon clan weaponmaster, Yukihira has trained with addition to any modifiers provided by the item.
and taught virtually every Rokugani weapon. Favoring the Equipment: Daisho, Heavy Armor
Niten style, he usually carries his grandfather's daisho. His
natural ability with a variety of weapons makes him a Profession: Dragon Weaponmaster, Glory: 5 Honor: 3
formidable opponent.
Lacking any latent magical ability or talenL Daido
turned to military pursuits at a young age. Though
welcomed at the Mirumoto bushi school, Daido found few Skills: Battle 2, Leadership 3, Defense 4, Daisho
true friends. After a few years at the school, he turned away Technique
Fire: 3
from all studies for a time and walked the lonely paths of Water: 3 Special: Unique.
Rokugan, learning the ways of its people and searching for Void: 5 When leading unaligned troops, Daido is treated as
a focus for his life. TN: 8/7 having the ability Revered Sensei (giving him a
He finally found it in a small village. Brigands had beset Wounds: 4 command limit of 45). Daido may not lead a unit
the village on many occasions but the local samurai seemed ATI: +I that has a greater than 6" Ranged Attack.
unconcerned because the village didn't provide large DAM: +2
#S: 2 Equipment: No-dachi, Light Armor
enough harvests to risk the lives of their bushi.
Daido trained the peasantry to fight with whatever tools
they had at their disposal and when the bandits returned,
the villagers defeated them. Among peasants, Daido's name
spread across Rokugan, making him a popular hero. Upon
returning to the Dragon clan, many ashigaru units
volunteered for service in Daido's command.

The shugenja families of the Dragon and Phoenix clans
have always maintained close ties, and nowhere is that
more apparent then in this young apprentice to the Isawa
Master of Earth, Isawa Tadaka. The he only spent one
summer in Phoenix lands, Heizo continued detailed
Fire: 2 correspondence with his mentor throughout his training. He
Water: 4 Special: Unique. wields earth magic with the confidence of Tadaka himself
Void: 4 Special Order: Target a unit which you control. Heizo and performs a similar support function in the Dragon
TN: 6 becomes spent and the target unit gains +1 TN army.
until the end of the turn.
Unlike the Phoenix, Heizo understands where the
+o boundaries lie and, though he fights for the betterment of
I Equipment: Scrolls, Wakizashi his clan and in defense of the Empire, he would never step
beyond them. He understands the drive of his sensei, that
his motivations are pure, but believes that the lengths to
which Tadaka will go are dangerous and jeopardize not only
himself, but his clan, and all of Rokugan.

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A large and powerfully built samurai, Bujun was born a
peasant. As a youth, he became a student of kaze-do and
developed incredible skill in unarmed combat. With the
Skills: Battle 2, Leadership 2, Defense 3, laijutsu 2,
additional advantage of his physique, few could stand Stalwart Defender
before him -- even when armed. Fire: 4
Special: Unique.
Mirumoto Sukune was impressed with the youth after Water: 3 Bujun strikes first during each combat phase of an
seeing him defeat three armed samurai in what he Void: 4 engagement and casualties are removed before
enemy attacks are rolled. He strikes
considered an unprovoked attack. Sukune presented the TN: 817 simultaneously with yari during the first combat
young man to the Dragon clan daimyo and recommended a Wounds: phase only.
post as a lower officer in the Mirumoto family forces. DAM: +I
He's since become a student of Yukihira's, and gained #S: 2 Equipment: Daisho, Light Armor
skills with many different weapons. After numerous
examples of heroic bravery, he was taken into the Mirumoto
family and is now samurai. Though still inexperienced in
the ways of war, he will learn quickly in the tutelage of

Try as he might Sakiro could never develop better than
adequate skills with any weapon, including the daisho
Skills: Battle 2, Leadership 2, Defense 4, Daisho technique, until he began to practice with the yari. Suddenly
Technique, Go Master he was totally in his element. The long haft of the yari
Fire: 5 allowed Sakiro to use the balance of his body in ways that
Water: 3 Special: When leading a unit equipped with yari,
Void: 4 Sakiro's unit strikes even before other yari
were wasted with swords.
TN: 817 equipped units during the first combat phase of As his schooling progressed, he developed his own
Wounds: 3 an engagemen� and casualties are removed technique that allowed him to strike with such speed that
ATI: +I before enemy attacks are rolled. even other yari-trained bushi were taken off guard. Though
DAM: +I many have attempted to decipher the secrets of his ·
#S: Equipment: Yari, Daisho, Light Armor
2 technique, he insists that it cannot be mastered by anyone
that is unwilling to dedicate all of their time and talents to
its philosophy.
Plagued with self-doubt and a lack of self-worth, Agasha
Suman was brought to the Ise Zumi by Togashi Mitsu.. At
Skills: Battle 2, Leadership 2, Defense 2, laijutsu 1, the time, he was a failure of a shugenja, with problems
Counter-charge, Daisho Technique, Double Chi understanding even the basic tenets of Agasha's journal.
Fire: 4
Water: 5 Special: lse Zumi, Tattooed, Unique. Many of his brethren believed that Mitsu had finally lost his
Void: 4 Special Order (Ocean Tattoo): Once per battle, Suman mind.
refreshes his Void, regaining any Void points
TN: 716 previously expended.
"Jade is mere rock, until carved by the hands of a master.
Suman may not become spent as a result of any card Do you lack the master's hands?" Mitsu asked them. Then
effect, spell, or ability. he turned and left.
DAM: +2 When Mitsu returned nearly two years later, Suman had
#S: 2 Equipment: Daisho
abandoned his aura of defeat and truly embraced the
teachings of the order. Mitsu was present as Suman _
experienced his gempukku. Suman was honored by having
Gaijutsu as the master to present his first tattoo - the
Ocean. Receiving that tattoo burned a power into Suman's
soul, fueled his spirit to great expectations. Mitsu simply
smiled, before leaving yet again.

One of the few Dragon samurai to spend time in the

Crab lands, K.iza spent three years at the Kaiu Wall and
returned to the Dragon with many ideas about the nature Skills: Battle 2, Leadership 2, Defense I, laijutsu I,
Daisho Technique, Fearless
of the Shadowlands undead and how to combat them. He Fire: 5
studied and practiced until hi� sensei and family worried at Water: 2 Special: Kiza gains + I #S, +I ATT and +2 DAM
his obsession. Finally he announced that he would return to Void: 3 when engaged against any Undead troop type.
the Crab lands - but it was too late, for the war had begun. TN: 817
K.iza hungers for an opportunity to try his newly Wounds: 3
developed technique against an undead enemy, but must ATT: +2
first look to his responsibilities to his Clan. He feels certain, #S: 2 Equipment: No-dachi, Daisho, Light Armor
however, that this conflict will eventually present him with
the opportunity he craves.
Agasha Tamori is the daimyo of the Agasha family and
the keeper of the clan's library. From an early ages, Tamori
had a fascination with the elements and the way they Skills: Magic 4, Battle 2, Leadership 2
combine in earthly form. He studied nature and the world
Fire: 3
around him, connecting the teachings of Shinsei with the Water: 2 Special: None.
intricate patterns of life in Rokugan. Void: 4
When he came of age, Tamori became a shugenja in the TN: 6
Agasha school, but his passion for knowledge never left Wounds: 3
him. He began conducting experiments in his chambers, ATI: +I
designed to unlock the mysteries of the spiritual and the DAM: -1
#S: 1 Equipment: Scrolls, Wakizashi
mundane. He spends most of his time indoors now, caring
for the library or conducting his strange experiments.
Ironically, his understanding of the natural world has
caused him to grow more spiritual, seeing the pattern of the
universe in everything new he discovers.
Tamori is a small man, a quiet man. He does not like
engaging in conversation and often, to quiet a talkative host
will pretend to be insulted by probing questions. He much
prefers the solace of his libraries to the banter of the courts.
While Tamori is dedicated to keeping the tradition of
Agasha's journals alive, he is less interested in their
mundane applications than the metaphysical. He is a
brilliant shugenja and a good man. His training has taught
him to trust character rather than position. However, he is
also very aware of Rokugan's rules and will not break them
without a good excuse.

One of the few Agasha shugenja to train with combat
units, Nogata has only served with the specialized troops of
the Agasha: the Agasha Rocket Teams, and the Agasha
Fire: 3 Fireblossoms. While still young and inexperienced, he has
Water: 2 Special: May lead a combat unit. developed excellent skills with both of these specialty
Void: 3 Once per battle, if Nogata is leading a unit of Agasha
Fireblossoms, he may add one Damage die to a troops.
TN: 6 Trap! Tactical Card as it is played. Though far from the skills of a Mirumoto bushi, Nogata's
Wounds: 2 If leading a unit of Agasha Rocket Teams, Nogata combat and leadership skills are growing. He is sure that
ATI: +1 may modify their roll for deviation by 1.
DAM: -1 the future holds great opportunities, but he has yet to prove
Equipment: Scrolls, Wakizashi himself in battle, and his Mirumoto leaders don't seem
#S: 1
Glory: 2 Honor: 2 possessed of the same confidence ...
TOGASffl GAllllTSll
Gaijutsu has been blind his entire life. Born under a bad sign, his blindness was considered a curse by those attending his birth.
As they discussed what to do with the newborn infan� the daimyo Togashi (then calling himself Togashi Nariako) appeared in his
birthing chamber.
He motioned the midwife aside, and hovered over the child and his comatose mother. He then drew his wakizashi and stabbed it
through his open palm, spilling blood across the chamber. "My power is yours," he whispered, pouring hot crimson into the infant's
open mouth. Gaijutsu's cries fell silent as he tasted the daimyo's blood, his unseeing eyes opening wide for the first and last time.
Then, as quickly as he had come, Togashi vanished, leaving a stunned assemblage in his wake.
Throughout his childhood, Gaijutsu displayed an uncanny skill for drawing and painting. His images seemed to come alive, moving
across the canvas with a will and a spirit of their own. When he came of age, he was entrusted with the secret of tattooing, and the
bodies of the Dragon Clan became his canvases. At any one time, only a handful of Dragons know the secrets of true tattooing; their
secrets are passed from generation to generation. Gaijutsu has been administering tattoos for over forty years, applying the mystical
etchings onto hundreds of Ise zumi in that time. No tattoo artist has ever been as skilled as he is - his tattoos are imbued with magic
so powerful that only the bravest and most worthy can accept them without going mad.
Each of his tattoos reflect some profound truth about the person it is inscribed upon. He's had the blood of Togashi running through
him all of his life, and its effect on him is profound. He rarely speaks and his eyes never so much as squint open. The visions in his
head seem to make up for any sights "reality" could show him. When
asked about his creations, he replies that he simply brings out what
was always there. It has never occurred to anyone that Gaijutsu has
never seen any of his subjects, or that he could not possibly know
what his tattoos are supposed to look like (having never seen a bird,
or a dragon, or anything else he has drawn). The perfection of his work
speaks for itself.

Skills: Battle 1, Leadership 1, Iaijutsu 3, Counter-charge,

Daisho Technique, Go Master
Fire: 3 Special: Tattooed, Unique. Hatamoto (same cost for Command Group).
Water: 3 Galjutsu may attach any number of Tattoos at a cost of 25 koku each.
He may only activate tattoos via the following Special Order.
Void: 3 Special Order: Gaijutsu targets a friendly tattooed unit within his LOS
and becomes spenl to activate an attached tattoo. The target unit is
TN: 817 treated, In all respects, as if it were activating lhe tattoo. Gaijutsu
Wounds: 3 may only activate each aitached taitoo once during a battle.
When a unit within his LOS activales a tattoo, Gaijutsu may
ATI: +I Immediately become spent to extend the duration of the lattoo's
DAM: +I effecl by one turn. This only affects tattoos with a duration.

#S: I Equipment: Dai�ho

Profession: Dragon Tattoo Master, Glory: 3 Honor: 2
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As described in the Clan War Rulebook, a leadership package is not a personality. Rather, it represents a measure of leadership
training provided to a soldier who has demonstrated command potential. The lowest rank of these lesser officers is Nikutai (corporal).
Those nikutai that demonstrate greater potential are often promoted to a Gunso (sergeant) and receive further training and experience.
Those who have demonstrated an even greater ability are promoted to Chui Qieutenants).
· These lower officers allow daimyo to position their troops with more confidence when they are unable to assign more renown
leaders to each of their units. Leadership packages could never reduce the importance of powerful leaders such as Mirumoto Sukune
or Togashi Mitsu, but they provide a measure of leadership at a much reduced cost and are a vast improvement over sending leaderless
units into battle.
Leadership packages are treated as a personality in some respects: they are not normally removed as a casualty until all standard
troops have been removed, and they may be challenged to a duel (treat all rings as a 2 when the necessity arises). However, such a
leader may NOT attach Tactical cards and does not affect any rolls, in any way, that their listed set of skills or special abilities does
not specify. In addition, they may not use cards that affect personalities only (such as Focus), though they are affected by cards that
affect their unit.
After creating a unit select and pay for a leadership package that fits the needs of the unit. This does not add another model to the
unit it merely represents the training and ability of an existing model in that unit.
The following leadership packages are available only to a Dragon army (they cannot be placed in a Dragon unit recruited by a
non-Dragon army), and may only be provided to a Dragon affiliated troop type. None of the leader packages may be added to an
unaligned or non-Dragon unit within a Dragon army - such units are restricted to the more generic leadership packages.


Though uncommon on the battlefields, the Kitsuki do '
Fire: - make contributions to the military forces of the Dragon in the
Water: Special: As per unit
Void: form of leadership. Though not exceptional in any one ability,
the Kitsuki nikutai bears a number of valuable skills that will
TN: -
Wounds: - aid his or her unit in battle.
ATI: -
#S: Equipment: As per unit
:Ufdg\1S11f£· Packag�s
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The Mirumoto have always concentrated their efforts on fine
leadership and the training of their young officers are no
Fire: -
Water: - Special: As per unit
exception. Not at all uncommon in the Dragon ranks, the
Void: - Mirumoto nikutai is trusted to follow through with orders and
TN: -
ensure that their charges do the same.
ATT: -
DAM: -
#S: - Equipment: As per unit


Once the young Mirumoto officer has proven him or herself, Fire: -
they often receive additional training with their swords and Water: - Special: As per unit
Void: -
specialized tutoring designed to give them greater confidence
on the battlefield. Critical to the success of any army, the TN: -
Wounds: -
Mirumoto understand the value of well trained officers. -
DAM: -
#S: Equipment: As per unit


Fire: Though the Togashi family leaders lack the traditions and
Water: Special: As per unit
Void: - discipline of the Mirumoto trained officers, their approach is
nearly as effective, and their quick reflexes often have the
TN: -
Wounds: - ability to steal an enemy's advantage when they least expect it
ATT: -
DAM: -
#S: - Equipment: As per unit
The highest of the single unit command ranks, this
Mirumoto officer is highly trusted. In addition, this officer has
Water: - Special: When a personality in this unit is entering a
been taught the necessary skills to ensure the safety of any
Void: duel, the Mirumoto Family Chui may accept the other personality in his or her care.
duel on that personality's behalf.
TN: -
ATI: -
#S: Equipment: As per unit


Though highly skilled as a unit leader, and an inspiration to
his or her troops, the Togashi family chui uses unorthodox Fire: -
tactics and often takes extreme risks. Despite the possible risks, Water: - Special: As per unit
Void: -
they are highly prized when fighting Shadowlands armies -
their training provides a sturdy defense against the fearful TN: -
appearance of Fu Leng's foul minions.
ATI: -
DAM: -
#S: Equipment: As per unit
Many of the house units of the Dragon clan have also received instruction in the use of Niten to provide daisho technique bonuses.
Therefore, most combat oriented Dragon units also gain a + 1 TN in Close Combat to reflect the advantage of the two-sword combat·
style, which has been included in their profiles. Note that many units have split TN, noting that the unit has different TNs for Close
Combat and Ranged Attacks (see Daisho Technique in the New Rules section for more information).

Strike like the storm, and our opponents will scatter like
leaves. Strike with a savagery that they do not understand,
and they cannot stand before us.
The single most formidable of the Dragon heavy troops,
Special: When initiating an engagement the the Dragon's Talons are used as shock troops against the
Wounds: 2 Talons may become enraged, gaining +2
ATI: +I ATT, +2 DAM, and -2 TN until the end of enemy's toughest defenders. It is said that the Agasha
DAM: +I the turn. The unit becomes spent at the end shugenja provide these troops with a brew that inures them
#S: I of the engagement. against pain, allowing them to fight far beyond the point
TL: 8 Maximum of one unit, 16 models total. where other troops would have fallen back in self.
Morale: 7
Equipment: No-dachi, Daisho, Heavy Armor Few troops can withstand an assault by this hard-hitting
unit. It is fortunate for the enemies of the Dragon clan that
the training for these troops is so rigorous and dangerous
that their numbers are very limited, meaning that few can
be committed to any single army.

They move through the woods with such speed that our
Special: Skirmishers. Must stay within 4" of the fastest cavalry had trouble keeping pace, and they 'd gladly
Wounds: shugenja they are assigned to protect. Agasha sacrifice themselves to safeguard the shugenja they escort.
yojimbo may accept challenges made to shugenja
ATI: +I Trained to serve the needs of the Agasha family, these
in their uni� rolling two Damage dice. The yojimbo
DAM: +I leave play if their shugenja are removed. The yojimbo are particularly adept at navigating battlefield
#S: I Agasha yojimbo must be assigned to protect at
TL: 8 least one Agasha shugenja or they may not be terrain. Having spent years mastering the difficult terrains of
Morale: 6 recruited. The unit may contain I to 3 yojimbo per the Dragon lands, they are seemingly unaffected by the
shugenja in the unit All models in the Agasha
yojimbo unit ignore terrain movement penalties. simple terrains found about most battles, allowing them to
better aid in the escape of their charges, should enemy
Equipment: Katana, Heavy Armor
forces threaten.
Special: Duels may not be initiated against
Wounds: personalities in this unit. This unit will not
ATI: +I rout while their leader is alive and
DAM: +I honorable. They will only serve in a Dragon
#S: I army and may only be led by a personality
TL: 6 with a Glory of at least 6.
Maximum of one uni� 12 models total.

Equipment: Daisho, Heavy Armor


They appear as a mere few, but strike with a force of
many times their numbers. ,
Every member of this elite unit must have mastered
not only the practice, but the philosophy of Niten, the Way
of 1\vo Swords. So harsh are the requirements to become
member of the House Guard, that there are never more
than a hundred at a time and rarely are more than a
handful found at any given battle.
Never will the Guard allow a personality in their unit
to step forward into an enemy duel - they close ranks like
a gate of steel, protecting the personality with or without
When they saw what appeared to be fireworks on the.
battlefield, they laughed It wasn't until spirals of smoke
ended in fiery blasts that the laughter changed into
6 Special: Rocket range: 32" close. Rocket teams may not move
and fire, use reactionary fire, or use special formations. something very different.
Wounds: 2 Use the rocket deviation template, placed in the center of the
The Agasha have experimented for many years with
ATI: -1/+0 uni\ to determine the direction of attack. The rockets hit the
DAM: -1/+0
first unit along the path within range. Roll one Attack die
for each team. Roll two damage dice for each hit. II at least
various pyrotechnics, using their strengths to aid in the
#S: 1 one Wound is caused to the target uni� the unit must make Dragon's ability to wage a war that no one wanted. It wasn't
TL: 8
an immediate Maneuver test. If the lest succeeds. there is
no effect - failure indicates that the unit becomes until recently that the Agasha gained enough confidence
Morale: 7 unformed.
Cost is per profile/team - two figures using a cavalry base.
with their control of the incendiaries that they volunteered
Maximum of two units, 10 teams total. to equip combat units with rockets. The Mirumoto refused
Equipment: Rockets, Katana, Light Armor
to risk valuable resources on learning to use such a
dangerous tool, but agreed to the Agasha's request to field
such units. Whether the rocket teams prove more dangerous
than useful remains to be seen.

We are the heart of the riddle - you cannot destroy

that which you do not understand ...
The tattooed men of the Dragon Clan are a mystery - 6 Special: Ise Zumi, Tattooed.
they are rarely seen beyond the borders of their clan and Wounds: This unit may attach up to three tattoos, adding
tattoo costs to the per-model cost of this unit.
ATI: +l
even then most refuse to interact with the people of DAM: +I
This unit may not adopt special formations
' Rokugan. Suddenly, they appeared in force to participate in #S: I
{column, archer's row, etc.), though they may
become unformed.
the greatest war ever waged between the clans of the TL: 8 Maximum of one unit, 16 models total.
Empire. None know their motivation, method, or purpose,
but they must respect their power. The magical abilities Equipment: None
derived from their arcane tattoos perplex even the most
learned shugenja of other clans.

·tt:a· n st as Pi SI
---� -- -- --

1he Lion army moved into the battle with confidence -
the Dragon numbers were few... It was the rumble of
cavalry approaching from behind that caused the Lion Special: Cavalry, Mounted.
Mounted models gain + 1 ATI when engaged
leadership to have second thoughts. +o against infantry models. When initialing an
After the return of the Unicorn Clan, Togashi knew that +1
engagemen� mounted models gain + 1 ATI
and + 1 DAM until the end of the turn.
the Dragon would someday have need of greater mobility 1 Mounted units with yari gain + 1 DAM (included
and greater speed, but it wasn't until a hundred years ago n: 6 in profile).
Morale: Maximum o( one unit, 16 models total.
that the Dragon Storm were actually trained and placed 6

within the organization of the combined Mirumoto military. Equipment: Yari, Light Armor
Presently answering to Mirumoto Sukune, the Dragon
Storm are a highly trained cavalry unit worthy of the
Dragon Clan mon.


Both flanks of their army had collapsed, but the Heavy
Veterans held the center, allowing their brethren to retreat
Special: When broken, the Heavy Veterans may
make always make a Rally test during the - buying time with their own blood
+1 End phase of the turn, regardless of normal Assembled from the Dragon's most experienced troops,
+1 test restrictions. This test has a + 1 modifier the heavy veterans have seen the darkest that war can •
I if there are no enemy models within 8". produce and will not flinch. They are an elite unit that holds
6 Maximum of two units, 30 models total.
a position like no other unit in Rokugan. Those who would
assault the bastion of mountains that protect the Dragon
Equipment: Naginata, Heavy Armor lands would not only contend with the forces of nature, but
the dangerous naginata of these experienced bushi.
Stand firm like the mountain, and only time itself may do you
Heavily armored and equipped with the favored weapon of
the Mirumoto, the Dragonscales are among the heaviest troops
in Rokugan. Between their armor and their skill in Niten, these
troops are difficult to harm and even harder to kill. Though some
troops are more capable than they are in offense, the
Dragonscales are highly skilled in that regard as well.
The Dragonscales are often the first Dragon forces committed
to a confrontation, so they see frequent action. As a result, their
numbers never seem to grow above roster minimums.

Special: Maximum of two units, 20 models total.

Equipment: Daisho, Heavy Armor

We knew they were there, among the cracked boulders
TN: 716 Special: Skirmishers.
above us, but they moved among the rocks like lizards.
Wounds: I Yumi range: 12" close, 24" extended (-2 ATI). Excellent hunters and survival experts, the Mountaineers
ATI: +O/+O Whether skirmishing or in standard formation, of the Dragon Clan are familiar with terrain and are able to ,
DAM: this unit ignores movement penalties for
hills. No unit may claim the advantage of use the restrictions of difficult environs to their advantage.
#S: I higher ground against the Mountaineers. Though many clans boast more competent archers, few can
n: s Maximum of two units, 40 models total.
Morale: 6 boast of their survival rate ...
The Mountaineers were never used in time of war until
Equipment: Yumi, Daisho, Light Armor
recently, when the Dragon daimyo,Yokuni, told Mirumoto
Sukune to make the best use of every possible force the
clan could muster.

Dragon Eggs, they called them - but the sound and fury
of their impact reeked of death, not birth.
Another Agasha creation, the contents of their Dragon Special: Dragon Egg range: 5" close, 10'' extended ( 2- AT!).
Dragon Eggs round Damage up lo the nearest multiple ol
Wounds: I
Eggs are unknown to any but the Agasha shugenja. The ATI: +Oi+I
10 when calculating Wounds caused.
For each Fircblossom unit in your army, you may place a Trap!
eggs explode on impact and hurl thousands of ceramic DAM: +0/+2 card In your Tactical Deck. For an additional 15 koku per
shards and metal shavings into nearby troops. Even those #S: card, paid during army conslruction, each Trap! will cause
one additional die ol Damage. II not paying for increased
not killed by the tearing of flying debris are often stunned TL: Damage on all Trap! card� this player may decide which
Trap(s) generates increased Damage when played.
by the concussion alone. Morale: 6 Minimum of 12 models per unit Maximum of two units. 40
models toial.
Again, the Mirumoto were willing to allow the Agasha to
field combat units equipped with these incendiaries, but Equipment: Katana, Dragon Eggs, Light Armor
were not wiling to risk trained bushi with such
experimental and unreliable equipment.

The dragon's claws are sharp, but its flaming venom has
Special: Yumi Range: 15" close, 30" extended (-2
ATI). Maximum of two units, 20 models total.
greater range and strikes with incredible speed
These highly skilled archers represent the dragon's fiery
DAM: -1/+l ranged attack and provide excellent cover to advancing
#S: I Dragon troops. With ancient roots in the clan's shadowed
TL: 7
past, the Dragon Flame is one of the few truly traditional
ML: 7
units in the Mirumoto roster, and one of the few that have
Equipment: Yumi, Light Armor no training in Niten.
Do not consider them ordinary troops - in the
mountains of the Dragon, there is no such thing as 'Just
a man''.
Lightly armored but equipped with naginata and
daisho, the medium elite have excellent morale, a high
degree of training, and are driven by an intense loyalty to
their clan and its teachings. A highly capable unit, these
troops wield their naginata with a speed that belies the
weapon's size and weight They've been known to cut
through as many as three men with a single sweep of
their heavy blades.

TN: 716 Special: Maximum of two units, 30 models total.

'. Wounds: I
DAM: +2
#S: I
TL: 6

Equipment: Naginata, Daisho, Light Armor



Their yari blades, held high above their heads, shone
bright in the sun's light - then they lowered and moved as
TN: 716 Special: Yari attacks occur first during the first a wall toward our exposed flank
Wounds: I combat phase of an engagement and An oddity for the Dragon forces, which is already a
ATT: +I casualties are removed before enemy attacks variety of irregularly equipped and trained units, the
DAM: +O are rolled. medium infantry is the only unit type on the Mirumoto
#S: Maximum of two units, 50 models total.
roster that are equipped with yari, which is fairly common
Morale: 6 in most other Rokugani forces. It is assumed that the
mountains of the Dragon lands make the use of hafted
Equipment: Yari, Light Armor
weapons difficult, but assumptions are rarely correct when
they involve the Dragon Clan.
Their colorful tattoos moved in ripples across their skin
and a madness burned in their eyes.
Despite years of training and preparation, it is not 6 Spe<iol: Tattooed.
uncommon that Ise zumi are driven mad by the power of ' Wounds:
This unit must attach at least three tattoo� adding tattoo costs to
the per-model cost of this unil
their tattoos. Those who go mad with their first tattoo often ATI: +I Special Order: Activate any number of attached tattoos No
personality is required for this Special Order.
die as a result. The more tattoos that an Ise zumi has, the DAM: +I For eacl, tattoo the Madmen activate, add +2 to their ML
more likely that a form of madness will descend, but the #S: I (increasing Morale lest TNs) until the end of the battle.
Madmen may only be led by a personality with the tattooed trail
TL: 8
, madness is less likely to result in total madness than a 3
or a leadership package. The Madmen may not adopt
special formations (column, archer's row, etc), though they
wildness that is difficult to harness. may become unformed.
These troops include only those tattooed men who have Maximum of one unil 20 models total.

a moderate amount of control over their actions, but the Equipment: Various Weapons
flow of magical energies from activating their tattoos often
shakes their control and leaves them at the mercy of their
kA%£-1)0 ADEPTS
They wear neither weapons nor armor, but rarely will
you see even samurai fight with such devastating effect.
The kaze-do adepts fight using an unarmed style of Special: This unit strikes first during each
Wounds: I combat phase of an engagement and
fighting created by Togashi Kaze during the time of the third m: +o casualties are removed before enemy attacks
Hantei. The Hantei forbid the use of weaponry by peasants, DAM: +o are rolled. They strike simultaneously with
so Kaze took it upon himself to teach his style of unarmed #S: I yari during the first combat phase only.
TL: 7 Maximum of two units, 30 models total.
combat to the peasantry so they could defend themselves.
Morale: 6
For centuries it was kept out of the hands of the samurai
caste, but it recently came to be taught in bushi dojos. Equipment: None
Nonetheless, this Dragon unit does not limit its membership
to either samurai or peasant - the ability of the combatant
is more important than caste.
Special: This unit may not be targeted by
. Wounds: I Assassin, Kola� or Ninja actions or effects.
ATI: +o Trap! cards may not target this uni� nor any
DAM: +o friendly unit with models within 6" of this
#S: I unit.
TL: 7 Minimum of 10 models per unit. Maximum of
Morale: 5 two units, 30 models total.

Equipment: Daisho, Light Armor

Sabotage and subversion are ineffective
with such perceptive troops on the field of
Trained in the perception and
investigative techniques of the Kitsuki, these
magistrates are more comfortable
investigating a murder than on the
battlefield, but when the clan has a need, its
subjects heed the call. Though inexperienced
in battle, these troops know how to use their
swords and can spot subterfuge and
sabotage before the effects are felt.
First their tattoo glowed, then their eyes - finally, they
Special: Tattooed.
opened their mouths and fiery blasts engulfed our entire
Wounds: I This unit may attach up to two tattoos, adding front rank
ATI: +I tattoo costs to the per-model cost of this unit.
This unit may not adopt special formations
These tattooed men are neither as experienced as the lse
DAM: +I zumi nor as wild as the Tattooed Madmen, but their
(column, archer's row, etc.), though they may
#S: I become unformed.
TL: 8 Maximum of two units, 40 models total.
discipline and magical abilities make them an important
and integral part of the Dragon forces. Though untrained in
the way of war, they know how to survive and how to cause
Equipment: None
damage when necessary. If other clans choose to defy the
will of the Dragon, they will pay a price.
Far from being the clan's premier troops, they still
TN: 7/6 Special: II led by a Dragon personality with understand the power of Niten and use it to great effect.
• Wounds: I Glory of at least 4, this unit will not rout These are as close to a "standard" troop as the Mirumoto
ATI: +O while their unit commander is alive, military can field, and even these troops have extensive
DAM: +o honorable, and unspent
#S: I Maximum of two units, 50 models total.
training with the daisho technique, making them highly
TL: 6 effective in close combat. In addition, like most of the
Morale: 6 Dragon troops, they are highly motivated and prone to sti,ty
Equipment: Daisho, Light Armor
to the last man rather than break or rout. When led by a
known commander of their clan, their pride and resolve will
to allow them to rout.

They moved through the terrain as easily as squirrels Special: All models in this unit ignore
climb a tree - beware your flank, commander. Wounds: I movement penalties for the following
Masters of terrain, the scouts glide effortlessly through ATI: +O terrain: hills, woods, brush and shrubs.
virtually every possible terrain they are likely to encounter DAM: +O Maximum of two units, 40 models total.
on the battlefield. Though not the clan's most forceful
troops, their abilities allow them to capture difficult
positions and hold them until more powerful troops can
Equipment: Daisho, Light Armor
reinforce them. They also pose a palpable threat to enemy
forces using difficult terrain as a deterrent to a flank attack.
"Power is knowing righ� acting in a way that is righ� and
being willing to die in support of the act. It is conviction.
"I would choose one man with conviction over an army of
servants who merely follow orders - for the one man may be
killed, but he may never be defeated. Such is the true nature of

�fl1UCfUl1'1 Of f11'1 n11agon

For a thousand years, the Mirumoto family have protected the
Dragon Clan from attack and assassination.While Togashi Yokuni
is technically the daimyo of the Clan, the daimyo of the Mirumoto
family is in charge of all matters military.
Because they are the Clan's military migh� the Mirumoto's
structure is much more regimental than the Togashi family. While
the Togashi pay little attention to such things as rank, the
Mirumoto find it absolutely necessary to know who stands where
To those outside of the clan, the Dragon philosophy seems one in the social order.
of paradox - seeking knowledge only to refute the solidity of the
answer, then questioning their question. They seem impenetrable DRAGON MILITARY 1£AD£RSHIP
and resolute - like the mountains in which they are hidden. The Mirumoto daimyo is the leader of the Clan. All follow her
To the Dragon, however, they see only a journey in which they orders without question. The only two voices with more authority
seek to understand. the nature of things... all things. In than his own are the daimyo of the Togashi family and the ·
understanding a single elemen� one may gain understanding of Emperor (and the Emerald Champion, who is the voice of the
the whole, and in understanding the whole, one becomes an Emperor).
element of that whole. Thus, one may understand the nature of While the Mirumoto daimyo is only a Family daimyo in status,
one's self. she usually performs all the duties of a Clan daimyo. The Togashi
The teachings of Shinsei perplexed Togashi, and he desired to daimyo is rarely (if ever) seen, and it has been the tradition of a
understand Shinsei's words. The last thousand years, the Dragon thousand years for the Mirumoto to carry out the mundane duties
clan has pursued that goal - understanding. of the Clan to allow the Togashi family to deal with more
"sublime matters:•
R£SPONSIBILIT Y While it may seem that this situation is an obvious breeding ,
A man is the sum of his actions. How a man deals with his ground for contempt between the two families, because the
responsibilities is the greatest indication as to the nature of the Mirumoto daimyo also gains all the privileges of these duties
man. (taxation among them), there is little room for complaint.
Responsibility is duty, and duty is the soul of a man. A man The Mirumoto daimyo is in command of any ready troops, all
who puts his responsibility even before his own life is worthy of of which are considered to be at his beck and call. The Mirumoto
any station. A man who puts self-interest before responsibility is daimyo usually has contingents of samurai from other Dragon
not even worthy of a place among eta, who at least fulfill their families at hand as well (on a "tour of duty'' as it were). These 1
responsibilities to society, regardless their lowly station. samurai are usually on a quarterly rotation, replacing samurai
from other families. The total number of samurai that can be
Pow£R found in Mirumoto castle at any one time usually number
Many clans claim various forms of power. The Crane claim between three and five thousand.
financial migh� the Lion claim military force, the Hantei claims The total sum of the Dragon army amounts to approximately
the power of position ... 200,000 fighting men. The military command staff of the Dragon
The following passage was written in an ancient scroll found clan include: the Mirumoto family Daimyo, 3 rikugunshokan
in the library of the Dragon. Many of the Agasha believe that it (senior advisors - often generals), and 10 shireikan 0unior
was said by Shinsei, but they cannot find any support for their advisors).
are often rewarded for their command with a small amount of
The Dragon army is divided into approximately 280 "units:' A land where their unit is posted.
Standard Unit is comprised of approximately 700 men. Each unit Taisa are put in command of units. They are usually - but not
includes: always - sons and daughters of ranking samurai. Taisa usually
The unit commander, usually a Taisa. A Taisa is usually the have a small holding, possibly even a small castle.
son or daughter of a high ranking samurai in the clan, and has A shireikan is a member of the daimyo's personal staff, but a
usually spent a considerable amount of time in command low ranking member. He has a few units of his own as a personal
positions learning how to lead units in combat. The responsibility guard along with a large castle. He has a number of taisa under
of the unit commander is to ensure that the unit follows the his command, and their units serve as his own personal army.
orders of the command group, regardless the cost. The rikugunshokan is among the daimyo's chief military
Seven division commanders, each division being advisors. One is also often the karo, but not always. When there
approximately 100 men. Division commanders are often is both a rikugunshokan and a karo, there is often great
experienced Chui that have demonstrated superior skills in competition between the two of them for the daimyo's favor. His
leadership. Each Chui is responsible to see that their division authority is second only to the daimyo himself in regards to
successfully performs detailed commands from the unit's Taisa. military matters. He often holds two or three large castles, each
Three divisions of samurai infantry, mostly Mirumoto bushi, staffed with a -shireikan and many units.
but some Agasha and Togashi troops as well. Each division
includes approximately 100 men. Though some of their units are
not technically samurai bushi, many of the Agasha and Togashi
units serve an important role in the function of the unit.
One division of cavalry, including approximately 50 mounted
troops. Though not as skilled as the cavalry units of the Unicorn,
the Dragon cavalry is competitive with traditional cavalry from
the other clans.
One division of spear and nage-yari troops. Numbering
approximately 100 men, this division sometimes includes
ashigaru troops as well as samurai.
One division of about 100 archers, which is also comprised of
both samurai and ashigaru troops.
The last division includes assorted support groups, including
shugenja, yojimbo, the supply train, etc.


The lowliest element of the Dragon forces are the ashigaru.
These are peasants which have been provided with some training
and armed with inexpensive weapons, which the clan
quartermaster can acquire in great numbers. They often stand at
the front of the army to absorb the shock of the first contact with
enemy forces or to serve as a shield against enemy ranged
Next up the Glory ladder are hohei. These are the unproven
samurai who will demonstrate their worth in the coming battle.
They are usually only used during charges and as archers. Hohei
rarely have land or title.
Gunso are samurai who are usually in direct command of
, hohei. They are the equivale'nt of the western "sergeants:' They
are fighting men who have proven themselves and are now the
teachers and commanders of the army's newest samurai. Gunso
, rarely have land or title, and are sworn to the chui above them.
Chui are division commanders, but many also directly lead
various samurai units in the division. They are gunso who have
proven to have a firm understanding of tactics and strategy. Chui
Do not try to specialize unless you are sure you can predict
your opponent's army composition. If you specialize, you limit
your options and may fall into some easily placed traps.
The Dragon sit at the edge of the Empire and watch time pass
by. They are not interested in the rich and productive lands of the
Crane, nor are they impressed by the highly trained Lion Army.
The Dragon Clan seems satisfied with its possessions and its place
within Rokugani society.
However, that mere fact is enough to incense certain other
clans. Not understanding the Dragon, they see them as a threat.
Consequently it is necessary for the Dragon to maintain a
defensive military force - knowing that the best defense often lies
in a fearsome offense.
Even in their military, the Dragon Clan is an enigma. They do
not have the overwhelming might of the Crab, the strategy and
force of the Lion, the maneuverability of the Unicorn, the magical
prowess of the Phoenix, nor the trickery of the Crane or Scorpion.
Though the Dragon Clan has mastered none of these methods
of warfare, their forces include elements of each Clan's strength.
In this way, their diversity gives them greater flexibility and,
therefore, strength.
Though most armies are tempted to specialize, the Dragons
• must avoid that. By selecting a well-balanced force composition,
the Dragon daimyo exposes no weakness to be exploited. In
addition, it will be more difficult for an opponent to know what
they will do because their greater diversity allows many options.
One or two well-conceived units of tattooed man can provide
either swift and dangerous support to endangered units or serve
. as the center unit of a powerful offensive. The right combination
of tattoos is critical to their success. For a reasonable price,
; Tattooed Madmen can prove a lethal blow even to an enemy's
heaviest units, but not unsupported - these troops, more-so than
any other unit the Dragon may field, need support to prevent
them from breaking once they've activated their tattoo(s).
Dragon armies may also make good use of magic. With a
selection of capable shugenja, they have a healthy assortment of
support options and the right sorts of spells can ensure that the
Dragon clan gains the necessary advantage early during play. Use
the magic to blunt the enemy strength - spells can slow a Lion
army's advance, negate a Crane army's Ranged Attacks, or block
a Phoenix army's spell effects.
The Tactical deck is important to the army, but is not as critical
to the function of the army as in most other armies. For the
Dragon, the Tactical deck is a way to aid in negating enemy
advantages, with cards like Another Time and Resist Magic, as
well as filling in where skills fail them through the use of Charge,
Frenzy, and Banzai Charge. It is not required to support the army
, in its various failings, for the Dragon have few.
Using Banzai Charge to move a unit of Tattooed Madmen into
an engagement allows them to, during the next Special Orders
phase, activate their Tiger and Crab tattoo. Suddenly they become
a devastating unit with combat benefits that lasts for two turns.

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