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our things in bags on our backs which was hard work but we never got bored because we

all chatted the whole time. We had a rock climbing lesson just before our picnic lunch
and later that afternoon we arrived at a lake where we camped for the night. Three of the
others tried to fish, without success! I helped build the fire instead. The teachers and two
of the older students made supper, then we sat in our blankets around the fire and sang
songs and made wishes in the dark.
We decided not to sleep inside the tents, but outdoors because we wanted to look at the
stars. Some of the boys made ‘bear’ noises trying to make us afraid, but we were still
laughing at midnight because we were having so much fun. I’ll never forget that day.
1.Tessa felt happy on the first day because she was with her family.
A. Wright B. Wrong C. Doesn’t say
2.It snowed on Tessa’s favorite day in the mountains.
A. Wright B. Wrong C. Doesn’t say
3.Tessa talked a lot with other people on the walk.
A. Wright B. Wrong C. Doesn’t say
4. After their picnic lunch, the group had a lesson in rock climbing
A. Wright B. Wrong C. Doesn’t say
5.Some of the other students caught the fish in the lake.
A. Wright B. Wrong C. Doesn’t say
6.The group slept outside so they could look up in the sky.
A. Wright B. Wrong C. Doesn’t say
7.The boys were very good at making bear nises.
A. Wright B. Wrong C. Doesn’t say
III рівень 56
III Read the text. Match choices (A-H) to (1-6). There is one choice you don’t need to 12
Cornelia Funke is a German writer. Her famous story “Inkheart” is a rich story centered
around a 12year old book lover 1.___ for bringing the world of books to life. “Inkheart”
was the first in a trilogy and Funke followed with “Inkspell” (2005) and “Inkdeath”
(2008). Before writing “Inkheart”, she learns about booksellers, book collectors, book
thieves and even book murderers 2.___. She then imagines the characters and the places
they might go, 3.___ the first 20 chapters. Then, and only then – 4.___ - she writes the
first sentence. A novel will take her about a year to write. She always does her own
sketches – 5. ___, she creates a picture of her own characters to help her write about
them. She married printer Rolf Funke in 1981. They have two children, Anna and Ben.
Up until 2005 The Funke family lived in Hamburge, Germany, 6.___. Sadly, in March
2006, Rolf died of cancer.
A. born in Germany
B. after about six months
C. whose father has a unique gift
D. when they moved to Los Angeles
E. writes down lines for
F. as well as reading about martens and fire-eaters
G. in pen and ink
IV Complete the text. Wright your answer in the answer sheet. 14
1.___ 2005, the city of Las Vegas celebrated 2___ 100th birthday. There was an
enormous party, and, 3___ course, a birthday cake. But this wasn’t 4____ ordinary cake
– it was 5____ world’s largest birthday cake! A thousand people worked 6____ three
days 7____ make it.
V Complete the text with the correct form of the words given. Wright your answer in 14
the answer sheet.
If your 1____ (apply) for a place at university is 2____ (success), you’ll need
somewhere to live. You should 3____ (immediate) contact the university and ask 4____
(inform) about their “halls of residence”, which are rooms for students. Most universities
don’t have enough 5____ (accommodate) for all their students. If you are 6____ (luck)
and the university doesn’t offer you a room, it’s your 7____ (responsible) to find
somewhere. Start looking for a room in shared house or flat.
VI Read the text. Choose one of the variants A, B, C or D. 16
The dolphin population in the Moray Firth area of Scotland is very special. They are the
most northerly bottlenose dolphins in the world with 1… 130 animals recorded so far.
These 2… dolphins are different from their relations living in warmer 3… such as the
Indian or Pacific oceans. They are a lot bigger and fatter (4mm rather than 2,5m) – this is
due to the large 4… of fat (known as blubber) that their bodies 5… to keep them warm
in colder waters of the North Sea.
Dolphins, unlike sharks, 6… not automatically replace their teeth when lost – they only
have one set which has to 7… for their whole life! They eat 8-15kg of fish a day, feeding
largely on inshore 8… that live on the sea bed.
1 Abetween B among C over D towards
2 A proper B particular C obvious D usual
3 A atmospheres B spaces C seasons D environments
4 A size B amount C pile D load
5 A want Bdemand C wish D need
6 A do B should C have D ought
7 Astay B hold C last D stop
8 A varieties B sorts C types D ranges
IV рівень
VII You have just received a letter from your English friend. In the letter, he 20
says that he has just failed his driving test. He also invites you to visit him
in England next summer. Write a reply at least 100 words. Remember to
include the information on all the points and use informal expressions.
• Express sympathy about the driving test
• Accept or decline the invitation to visit
• Say what book you’ve been reading and whether you’d recommend it
• Invite your friend to come and visit you next year

Total: 100

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