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What do you think about home schooling? Do you think it's a good idea concerning
socialization and all? Believed to be first introduced in the U.S. decades ago, home schooling is now
mushrooming in the country. This phenomenon seems to be in response to the fact that children's
rights are sidelined in the arena of formal education. As an alternative education system, home
schooling could become a popular choice for children of school age
Home schooling provides kids with educational opportunities that traditional public schooling
has not provided. It offers a refreshing system by which students are encouraged to be creative and
express themselves. Students will discover the thrill and sense of accomplishment that self-initiated
learning can bring.
On the other hand, some people believe that home schooling can be inefficient and
expensive. Students’ social life is, indeed, something to be concerned about in home schooling
education. Most school districts make sincere attempts to keep their home schooled students active
participants in the social, athletic, and extracurricular life of the school.
It is strongly recommended that parents contact home schooling resource that may be able to
put them in touch with kids who have gone through home schooling and those who are currently
being home schooled. Talking with them would be a great way for parents to make a more informed
decision about their kids’ education.

1. .       The text mainly discusses about …

a. kids’ education
b. students’ socialization problem
c. education problem
d. an alternative education system
e. popular public schooling

2.        What
does the writer suggest that parents do before making decision to provide home
schooling for their kids?

a. It's a good idea concerning socialization and all.

b. Parents provide home schooling for their children.
c. Public schooling education offers refreshment system.
d. Parents seek home schooling resource’s information.
e. Parents always keep their home schooled kids active.

3. “… parents contact home schooling resource that may be able to put them in touch with
kids who have gone through home schooling”

The underlined phrase means ….

a. connected d. informed
b. known e. hang out
c. concerned
Apa pendapat Anda tentang home schooling? Apakah Anda pikir itu ide yang baik tentang sosialisasi
dan semua? Diyakini pertama kali diperkenalkan di AS dekade lalu, home schooling sekarang
menjamur di negeri ini. Fenomena ini tampaknya menjadi respon terhadap fakta bahwa hak-hak
anak yang absen di arena pendidikan formal. Sebagai sebuah sistem pendidikan alternatif, home
schooling bisa menjadi pilihan populer untuk anak-anak usia sekolah
Home schooling memberikan anak-anak kesempatan pendidikan yang sekolah umum tradisional
belum tersedia. Ini menawarkan sistem menyegarkan dimana siswa didorong untuk menjadi kreatif
dan mengekspresikan diri. Siswa akan menemukan sensasi dan rasa prestasi yang belajar sendiri
diprakarsai dapat membawa.

 Di sisi lain, beberapa orang percaya bahwa home schooling dapat menjadi tidak efisien dan mahal.
kehidupan sosial siswa adalah, memang, sesuatu yang harus khawatir tentang pendidikan home
schooling. Kebanyakan distrik sekolah membuat upaya tulus untuk menjaga rumah disekolahkan
siswa peserta aktif dalam kehidupan sosial, atletik, dan ekstrakurikuler sekolah.
Hal ini sangat dianjurkan bahwa orang tua menghubungi sekolah sumber daya rumah yang mungkin
dapat menempatkan mereka dalam berhubungan dengan anak-anak yang telah melalui home
schooling dan mereka yang saat ini sedang di rumah schooling. Berbicara dengan mereka akan
menjadi cara yang bagus bagi orang tua untuk membuat keputusan yang lebih tepat tentang
pendidikan anak-anak mereka.

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