All Marketers Tell stories-SethGodin

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All marketers tell stories

Marketing Lesson from the frogs

The weighs of bullfrog’s brain is around 60 grams. Human? Around 60x as much. Clearly we have
significant brain power advantage.

Despite the vast number of brain cells devoted to our eyes and our ability to process it, why human
always having trouble to snatch housefly out of midair, while frogs do it with ease.

How can an animal with 1/60 weigh of our brain able to accurately snatch fly in less than a second?

It turns out that frogs are only able to see anything in motion. A frog surrounded by recently killed bugs
will starve to death. By only focusing on what’s new and ignoring the static environment, they optimize
their brains to catch fly.

Humans use the same strategy without even realizing. Not to catch flies, but to keep up with the huge
influx of data we get every day. We’re constantly scanning the world around us for changes.

Yes, we’re just like frogs.

But, what does it have to do with marketing?

We only notice what’s new.

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