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Every effort has been 3 am thinking

4 Take a 2
made to make the answer
5 runs b 4
key as all-inclusive as c 5
6 is going out
possible. 7 seem
8 knows Grammar 2
Where students provide 9 fancies
1 1 will be relaxing
10 happen
their own answers, verbs 2 will be
11 dislikes
are given in the fuli form 3 will have left
12 stop
4 will be
or contracted fołlowing 13 is deceiving
5 are you doing/are you going to
their use in the ąuestion. 14 is seeing
15 are currently going on
6 will have decided
Grammar 1 16 are experiencing
7 w o n tb e
17 realize
1 1 Im thinking 8 fm ish/have finished
18 upsets
2 Ih o p e 9 am going to faint
19 am also trying
3 Ivisit 10 are you giving/are you going
20 suspect
4 It s getting to give
5 I recognize 5 1 looks just/exactly like
6 Itlasts 2 1 will have been
2 that belongs to you
2 hes finally retiring
7 do you do 3 am really enjoying working
8 d o esn tfit 3 w ere going to take
4 m eans I take
9 happens 4 W eil be leaving
5 cycling group consists of
10 are you looking 5 We re flying
6 you think is going to
6 w ell be stopping over
7 am m easuring (the width of)
all the time 7 W eilp ro b ab ly sp en d
8 never rem embers
currendy 8 w ere thinking
9 survival depends on its abihty
these days 9 W eil know
10 are you thinking about
now 10 we’11 be researching.
N ormally 11 we’llhave
6 1/
now 12 won’t be
2 Does this total include the new
at present 13 w ell really have to
until 14 we’11 be travelling
3 are you waiting
forever 15 you w on t recognize
4 taste
10 now
5 /
3 1 B 6 A
6 / 2 A 7 C
3 1 hear
7 is going/is
2 are drinking 3 C 8 A
8 / 4 A 9 A
3 am depending
9 D o you hear
4 are forever interrupting 5 B 10 B
10 /
5 d o y o u th in k
6 want 1 wońt have heard
' 1 trying
7 is handling 2 believes his party will win
2 shooting
8 doubt 3 I will have been
3 listening
4 I will have w ritten/fm ished
9 are you getting on
4 talking
10 isju stb ein g 5 about to make
5 asking
6 going to have/having another
6 com ing
4 1 know 7 w on t be hom e until
7 taking
2 spend 8 who is going to win
8 making
3 13

9 will be here on 10 O: didnt always use to look

10 are getting m arried l Text 1: 1 / 2 / 3 /
4 got 5 waited 7 1 spent
5 1 B ,C 6 A ,C 6 turned up 2 would
2 A, B 7 B ,C Text 2: 1 / 2 had received/ 3 used
3 A, B 8 A ,B received 4 was
4 A, C 9 A ,C 3 / 5 happened
5 B ,C 10 A ,B 4 was considering 6 was
5 had discovered 7 cam e
I 1 in a fe w minutes 6 / 8 wondering
2 in the end 9 had
3 the m om ent t 1 was cyding 10 was
4 by the tim e 2 had decided 11 had
5 before long 3 h ad b een 12 took
6 b yth en 4 knew 13 got
7 This tim e tom orrow 5 h adm anaged 14 seen/noticed
8 soon 6 were wondering 15 had
9 from now on 7 h ad m ad e
10 in two weeks’ time 8 hadplanned 8 1 was stealing, felt
9 h adforgotten 2 phoned, was washing
' 1 see 10 had rained/had been raining 3 offered, had had
2 have 11 ended up 4 was watching, took, put
3 give 12 were riding/rode 5 did not realize, had left, started
4 lat 13 skidded 6 disliked, was always picking/
5 go 14 felloff always picked
6 go 15 realized 7 found, knew, had gone/been
7 see 16 had broken 8 found out, had been w riting/
8 be 17 caught had written, had been opening
9 be 18 were not expecting/did not 9 did n ot understand, was going
10 com e expect on, were shouting/shouted,
19 h ad g o n e was waving/waved
a 1 10 knew, had done, received
2 0 spent
b 6
c 7 i 1 w asgoingto Grammar 4
2 me m ore pudding I said I had
1 1 has heen stealing
Grammar 3 had
2 have you been doing, left
1 1 did you notice 3 to have sung the solo
3 d id nt you tell, tripped
2 were shouting 4 d id n o tu s e to b e s o /th a t
4 saw, has he been doing
3 did you use to travel 5 were intending to go to Rome
5 have eaten, only brought
4 were dancing but
6 h avent seen, has been waiting
5 h ad n t eaten 6 used to cycle to w ork every
7 did you think, D id you stay
6 went 7 was w ondering about
8 have been weeding, haven’t
7 was staring 8 was passing your house
8 had decided 9 the tim e the bus (finally)
9 has been calling, telling
9 was trying arriyed there were
10 have you been having, have
10 d id n t realize 10 the expIosion occurred
you taken

2 1 Once 2 l e,h
2 before O: was waiting
2 i
3 as O: would always have
3 b ,h
4 until B
O: used to own
5 whenever 5 c
6 at the time O: d id nt mean
6 g ,h ,i
7 later B, but ate is colloąuial in this
7 a
8 in his day context
8 c ,d ,f ,h
9 the m om ent 9 h
10 by 9B
10 d


14 have chosen 7 is the first tim e Cathy has

1 havent noticed, have not been 15 have secretly been hoping been
paying 8 appointm ent to see the dentist
2 have not com e/have not been 7 1 sińce on/next
com ing 2 lately 9 tim e the team has played (a
3 have been working 3 already match)
4 has reached, left 4 for years 10 attended the fair than we had
5 has announced, escaped, have 5 now 11 a m onth before I received
given themselves up 6 sińce then 12 have not returned their
6 Have you made up, have you 7 so far
decided 8 atlast 3 1 /
7 left, have not heard 9 ever sińce 2 time
8 has shown, did not discover, 10 yet 3 do
landed 4 him self
9 have becom e, have improved/ 8 1 d 5 will
have been improving 2 g 6 it
10 Has something happened, 3 i 7 is
4 a 8 /
have been trying
11 got, has been complaining 5 c 9 had
6 h 10 that
1 have lived here/in this house 7 e 11 never
2 have never eaten Korean food 8 j 12 m uch
3 the first tim e Tony has been 9 b 13 /
4 ages sińce we went/we have 10 f 14 was
been 15 /
5 has been learning French for Consolidation 1 16 /
6 have written ten pages 1 1 know 17 been
7 been m arried for m orę 2 have been having/have had 18 /
8 seen Dick sińce 3 have been turning/have 19 having
9 your work has definitely turned/are turning 20 /
10 second tim e 1 have Yisited 4 involves
5 did hear/heard
4 1 ages j
1 has risen 2 recently
6 holds
2 have been eating 3 sińce
7 have turned up
3 IVe been reading 4 ago
8 was passing
4 IVe put 5 yet
9 thought
5 IVe been counting 6 m om ent/m inute
10 didn’t beheve
6 Have you taken it? 7 by/for
11 has already studied
7 has been wearing 8 had
12 has heard
8 Its been making 9 before
13 find
9 has asked 10 soon/directly/presently/
14 stayed
10 lVe been phoning shortly
15 found
16 race
6 1 moved 1 do you think
17 is waiting
2 arrived 2 live
18 run
3 have been wondering 3 have you done/did you do
19 have not eaten
4 heard/had heard 4 meant/w as m eaning/have
20 were obviously enjoying/
5 h asm ad e been meaning
obviously enjoyed
6 have spent/have been spending 5 do you do
7 grew up 6 depends
l 1 is o f no concern to/does not
8 have not been 7 felt
9 always wanted/have always 8 were talking
2 we will have compłeted
wanted 9 have been expecting
3 tim e is the train supposed to
10 offered
4 day 30 years ago, Liz and John
11 jum ped 1 plan/are planning
got/ were
12 have actually started 2 will be
5 m eans getting up
13 cam e across 3 ask
6 does this watch belong


4 belong 5 will be brought (to you) 5 The m atch was abandoned

5 died 6 was opened with after half an hour.
6 have m et/have been meeting 7 has been dealt with 6 Traffic was banned from
7 love/loved 8 was announced (using) the centre.
8 hasvisited 9 was ever heard of 7 Chris was prosecuted for
9 suffered 10 was paid to dangerous driving.
10 borrowed 8 This fish is usually served with
11 was not working 3 1 The phone was left o jf the hook a white sauce.
12 got all night. 9 We have not been introduced.
13 have worked/have been 2 It has been announced
working that petrol prices will rise 6 1 has heen seen, was found

14 went tom orrow. 2 is being/is going to be

15 are thinking 3 O ur house was broken into delivered, has not been/was

16 have always wanted last week. n ot damaged

17 perform ed 4 I was asked the way three 3 is (being) sold, is fitted

18 has been times. 4 have been working, is being

19 was 5 The apples are picked early in redecorated

2 0 owns the m orning. 5 has been announced, will not

6 It s tim e som ething was done now be built
7 1 hadnt received, spoke about this problem. 6 has been discovered, is
2 was considering/had been 7 Lots of cars had been parked thought
considering, have changed on the pavement. 7 were received, was launched
3 feel/are feeling, will bring 8 The governm ent agreed with 8 was raised, has still not been
4 found, had lost the report and so the law was reached
5 was, have been dying changed. 9 will be made, have been
6 have had, will send 9 An application form has to be interviewed
7 happens, will meet filled in.
8 have finished/finish, will have 10 It is not known what 7 \ by a thief
missed happened to the ship. 2 by the authorities
9 was not expecting/did not 11 The groups leader has not 3 by som eone standi

expect, are you doing been seen sińce his arrest last him

m onth. 4 /
8 1 / 5 by someone
2 rented, went 4 1 have not heen packed 6 by the selectors
3 / 2 is stiU being prepared 7 by post
4 / 3 will be launched/is being 8 y
5 explored, went launched 9 by everyone
6 built 4 had not been sold 10 /
7 / 5 was being decorated
8 finds 6 has been cancelled/is cancelled 8 1 have been selected

9 tastes really 7 will have been sold/will be 2 answered

sold 3 was entered
4 has chosen
Grammar 5 8 are served
9 w asscored 5 are invited
1 1 have heen broken into 6 is made
10 was built
2 was being rebuilt 7 have been offered
11 is being repaired
3 / 8 are asked
12 would be delivered
4 being interrupted 9 are interested
5 was given/has been given 10 detach
5 1 Unfortunately your letter has
6 had/has disappeared/
been mislaid.
2 H arry is being ąuestioned at 9 1 has been announced
7 / 2 have been discovered
the police station.
8 has been decided 3 has been called
3 The remains o f an old Rom an
villa have been discovered 4 have been taken
2 1 was slowly beingfilled 5 have been/will be displayed
2 was invented, has been 6 was written
4 A fter six m onths your salary
3 has been suggested 7 was printed
wiU be raised.
4 was advised to


8 was assum ed/had been 9 with 6 1 is known to have experienced

assumed 10 with 2 is thought to have been
9 had been destroyed 3 is not known
10 is offered 4 was seen
5 w asbrought
3 1 is thought to date
10 1 It has heen decided to adopt 6 was obUged to
2 need to get your hair
aflexi-tim e system fo r a trial 7 are believed to have been
3 is being m ade to study hard by
period ofthree months. 8 was packed
4 appears n ot to have sustained
2 The details are here below, 9 were made to
5 are thought to have been
and a form al docum ent will be 10 are thought to be
sent out in due course.
6 is rum oured to be 7 It is not known exactly when
3 AU m em bers o f Staff will be
7 been agreed that we wiU gunpowder was invented. It is
consulted through their line
8 decided that we would known for a fact that rockets
9 confirm ed that M r Jackson and fireworks were m ade by the
4 and feedback will be sought.
intends Chinese long before gunpowder
5 Com m ents will be collected
10 not to be a viable solution was used in Europę, which
and analysed
6 before a decision is made occurred at about the beginning
4 1 Our company has been taken
o f the thirteenth century. It
7 as to w hether the system will
over. is generally believed that the
be adopted permanently or
2 Your complaint is being dealt ‘A ge of Chivalry was brought
8 It is also possible that the trial to an end by gunpowder, sińce
3 N ot aU the missing passengers
period m ay be extended for a a m ounted knight could be
have been accounted for./The
further month. brought down by anyone with
missing passengers have not
9 AU employees will be reąuired a firearm . In fact, efficient
aU been accounted for.
to arrive between the hours firearm s were not developed
4 The lock of the front d oor had
of 8.00 and 10.00, and to until the sixteenth century.
been tam pered with.
leave after their contractual W hen it was first introduced,
5 W e d on t know how the body
obligations o f eight hours have gunpowder was used mainly
was disposed o£
been fulfilled. in siege cannon. Later it was
6 I m ust insist that the rules are
10 It is hoped that this used in engineering work
kept to.
arrangem ent m eets with your and mining, but it was found
7 This allegation is being looked
approval. to be extrem ely dangerous.
Gunpowder has now been
8 Any attempts to cheat in the
replaced by m odern explosives,
Grammar 6 exam will be frowned upon.
but it is still used for making
1 1 I ’ve just had my hair cut. 9 The youngest student
fireworks, just as it was by the
2 We are having our house complained that he was being
painted. picked on.
3 same 10 The second pizza h asnt been
4 same paid for.
Grammar 7
5 same 1 1 1 think the whole story has 1 1 had written down, would not
6 r i l have this wrapped for you./ been made up. have happened
rU have som eone wrap this for 2 lived, would be
you. 5 1 with 3 do not punish, wUl only
7 same 2 in com m it

8 W ere having a new water- 3 in/with 4 had not been/were not/was

heater put in next week. 4 with not, would be

9 same 5 with 5 had, would lend

6 by 6 touch, won t bite
1 with 7 by 7 had, were
2 by 8 with 8 decide, calls
3 in 9 in 9 had not missed, would have
4 by 10 with been killed
5 with 11 in 10 have finished, will elear away
6 by 12 by
7 by 2 1 /

8 with 2 If it wasn t for David, we


would have missed the bus. 8 would

3 / 5 r il lend you the money, 9 m ay/m ight
4 If you h ad n t lent us the provided (that) you pay it back 10 so
m oney ... next week.
5 / r i l lend you the money, as
Grammar 8
6 / long as you pay it back next
1 1 hope
7 / week.
2 hope
8 If I had known you were r il only lend you the m oney if
3 wish
Corning ... you pay it back n ext week.
4 wish
9 But for your help/If you h adn t
6 1 condition 5 wish
helped us ...
2 do 6 hope
10 /
3 in 7 wish

1 B 5 B 4 Unless 8 hope
5 find/land 9 hope
2 A 6 C
6 unable 10 wish
3 C 7 A
4 A 7 but
2 1 would stop
8 have
2 did not turn/sw itch
4 1 to say I 9 not
3 I paid/gave you (back)
2 had not rained/had not been 10 have
4 you d on t/w o n t
7 1 had had the money, I would 5 had gone/could go
3 would not have said
have bought 6 essential/imperative that
4 could not have done it
2 happen to be in London 7 started
5 would have had
3 will do everything yourself 8 m ade/got/prepared/cooked
6 Unless you p ay/If you do not
4 will (just) take a seat 9 was/went
5 do the shopping and 10 not to
7 had not had
8 I would not touch them 6 for Paulines interest
3 1 didn’t watch
9 it was not/w ere not for/it had 7 been for the night-watchm an,
2 started
not been for the fire would have
3 had spent
8 be in prison if a detective had
4 owned/owns
5 1 Weil go away unless the not
5 did/would not keep
weather is bad./We worit 9 was/were (a bit) taller I could/
6 left
go away unless the weather would be able to
7 had gone/had not gone
improves. 10 was/were not for Heleris
8 sat/did not sit
W e will only go away if the wonderful acting
9 (should) be
weather improves. 11 will (still) win, even if
10 was/were going/could go
We will stay at hom e if the 12 I get up early it
weather is bad.
4 1 high
2 If you don t h urry up, you will 8 1 hadfallen
2 have finished with m y pen
2 would
be late.
3 would
H urry up, or you will be late. 3 tries harder
4 Be
If you do not want to be late, 4 w ouldnt make
5 could
h urry up. 5 would have drowned
6 were
3 If they were to offer you the 6 would have bought
7 look
job, would you accept? 7 had not been
8 Suppose/Supposing
If they should offer you the 8 I am
9 were
job, would you accept? 9 would not have gone
10 hope
If they happened to offer you 10 Finish the painting
the job, would you accept?
5 1 J wish 1 had bought that old
4 If it h adn t been for your help, 9 1 if
I would have given up years 2 unless
3 not
2 rd rather you d id nt eat all the
But for your help, I would 4 Should
3 Its tim e I went.
have given up years ago. 5 Providing/Provided
4 I wish I owned a motorbike.
If you h ad n t helped (m e), I 6 be
5 I wish we were not leaving in
would have given up years 7 will
the m orning.


6 Sue would rather read than 8 are affected 5 1 Be

watch television. 9 knew 2 had
7 C om e what may, TU be on 10 been made 3 unless
your side. 11 has been made 4 started/began
8 I hope it (will) stop(s) 12 ąuestioned 5 were
raining./I wish it would stop 13 were not told/had not been 6 hope
raining. told 7 Suppose

9 I’d prefer you not to w ait./I’d 14 was prom ised/had been 8 could
rather you didn’t w ait./I’d promised 9 would
prefer it if you didn’t wait. 15 (had) decided 10 thought/considered

10 I wish I h ad n t listened to you

2 1 gets 6 1 had gone
2 having/taking 2 was done
6 1 wish you had gone 3 by 3 to have been
2 tim e I was going/went 4 gave 4 had not caught, would not

3 prefer not to 5 only have m et

4 acts as if/though he knows/ 6 Even 5 is being dealt
knew 7 did/does 6 would n ot have passed

5 wish I could 8 But 7 are served

6 a pity I sold 9 would 8 have been sold

7 would be better if you didn’t 10 happened/w ere/decided 9 had studied

8 insisted on our w earing/that 10 to tell
we wear 3 1 thought to have been

9 wish you would stop/wouldn’t

2 was being bent 7 1 was directed/had heen directed
3 being interrogated about 2 had known, would arrive/were
4 help I won t be able arriving, would have com e
10 wish I was/were sitting
5 if the salary is doubled 3 had not eaten

7 1 put your things away 6 wish you were going 4 tease, will scratch

2 take/show m ore interest in 7 you were to find the m oney 5 had not helped, would not

your school work which has have finished

3 speak m ore languages 8 was banned from playing 6 will have been taken/will be
4 afford to buy a car 9 you will com e this way taken

5 get/buy (som e) m ore chess 10 is being helped by the 7 has been decided/was decided

books discovery of 8 had been/got m arried

6 put som e soap in the 9 w as/w ere/had not been, would

bathroom 4 1 Mushrooms are usually still be

7 be a bit m ore rom antic

gathered in the early morning. 10 has been/is called off
2 It is tim e the econom y was
8 1 he brought under control. 8 1 have/get your trousers pressed

2 had 3 Several coats were stolen from 2 is known to be

3 enjoy the cloakroom . 3 has been suggested that

4 didnt 4 It has been decided to reduce 4 have been asked to

5 sleep the workforce by 10%. 5 have been successfully

6 w erent 5 O ur house was decorated in accounted
7 can t only a day. 6 been seen o f Sue sińce

8 been 6 It is not known what caused 7 it if you sat

9 met the accident. The cause o f the 8 sh o w n th ew ay

10 may accident is n ot known. 9 is being m ade to

7 An application for a visa has 10 (high) tim e I was
to be made in advance.
Consolidation 2
8 Tickets are collected on the Grammar 9
1 1 was revealed train on this line.
2 are employed should
9 L otso flu gg ag e had been left
3 is being transferred couldnt
on the platform.
4 are expected can t
10 Sally was directed to the
5 were we not informed can
w rong address.
6 were only told could

7 started shouldnt


7 may 2 would 9 shouldnt

8 might 3 carit/can not 10 would/should
9 would 4 must
10 shall 5 could/m ight/m ay 5 1 carit
6 m ay/m ight 2 /
2 1 must 7 have 3 /
2 better 8 m ay/m ight 4 /
3 m ight/m ay 9 can 5 could/m ight have won
4 need/have 10 if 6 should/could have told
5 can’t/w on’t 11 rather 7 n eedn t have gone
6 could 12 than 8 shouldnt have been
7 w ouldnt 13 can/m ay/m ight 9 /
8 need 14 must 10 could/m ight have been
9 would/should 15 w ouldnt
10 should 6 1 cań th av e
11 can 2 could/should have
Grammar 10 3 cou ld nt have
12 bound/got
1 1 cant have been 4 m ight/m ay not have
13 shall/can
2 m ight have given 5 could/m ight have been
14 have/need
3 had to see 6 d id nt have to
15 couldnt
4 might have lost 7 m ight/could have
3 1 happy as (1) could be 5 would have been 8 m ust have been
2 as I might 6 could have been 9 should have
3 is bound to be 7 should have bought 10 n eedn t have
4 (that) you and I should have 8 w ouldnt

5 were you, I would/should 9 could have helped 7 1 obviously

6 could be one of 10 shouldnt have 2 easily

7 w o n tle ty o u 3 well
2 1 shouldnt have 4 really
8 ca n t (possibly) be the
2 ought to have 5 simply
9 m ay asw ell
3 can t have 6 just
10 m ay be summer, but
4 m usthave 7 Surely
4 1 A 5 can th av e 8 simply
2 B 6 shouldnt have 9 still
3 B 7 m ay have 10 well
4 B 8 shouldnt have

5 A 9 didnt need to 8 1 might have heard

6 B 10 m ay not have 2 would have m eant
7 A 3 would have had
3 1 couldnt have left you to do 4 should have resigned
8 A
2 m ight n ot have noticed (that) 5 m ight have found
9 B
3 n eedn t have gone to 6 must have thought
10 B
4 seems to have borrow ed 7 n eedn t have worried
11 A
5 m ight have backed 8 ca n t have been
12 B
6 n eedn t have worried 9 m ust be
5 1 don t have to 7 ca n t possibly haveopened 10 m ight have known
2 cou ld nt possibly 8 could have given
9 to leave m ight have left
3 cou ld nt be Grammar 11
4 m ustlike 10 didnt have to wear
1 1 That pudding was so
5 m ay be
4 1 could nice th a t...
6 m ight as well
2 should 2 /
7 w ouldrftbe
3 couldnt 3 /
8 m ust be
4 could/m ight/should 4 Ify o u f a n c y a p iz z a ...
9 need to
5 should/could 5 IVe never seen this film/I
10 I might
6 m ight/could haven’t seen this film before.

7 should/must 6 /
6 1 might/may
8 couldnt 7 If I had the tim e ...


8 W e had scarcely been 6 Scarcely 3 because

introduced w h e n ... 7 Such 4 So I am!
9 / 8 Had 5 even
10 / 9 under no circum stances 6 W hatever
10 as 7 quite
2 1 the office phoned me did 1fin d 8 very own
out 7 1 am 1 (ever) to be interrupted 9 do expect
2 later were the facts 2 has anyone from this school 10 nothing whatsoever
3 was the response 3 was SC great
4 did H arry break his leg but be 4 no circum stances is the money 5 1 B
5 did the pohce suspect the 5 three days had passed did we 2 A

judge arrive 3 C
6 no way can the bus driver be 6 had no idea 4 c
held 7 when I stopped did I realize 5 A
7 the governm ent to raise 8 no tim e did the accused 6 B
8 had I got hom e than express 7 A
9 I asked a passer-by, did I reaUze 9 exhausted were the runners 8 C
10 had the m inister started his that none 9 B
speech when 10 do we see/does one see 10 A

1 6 1 d
1 Hardly had Grammar 12
2 U nder no circum stances ara 2 i
1 1 do think 3 5Q
3 Little did
2 by no means
4 Were you 4 e
3 n o n e a ta ll 5 b
5 as do
4 tim e and tim e again
6 Rarelyhave 6 j
5 th eleastb it 7 a
7 N o to n ly d id
6 as it m ay seem
8 U nder no circum stances will 8 h
7 what we did Q
9 No sooner had y f
8 waited and waited
10 Rarelyhave 10 c
9 n o ta ta ll
10 ca n t have been 7 1 own
4 1 you need
2 to have taken off 2 So
2 1 at
3 I studied 3 do
2 utter
4 you be 4 m eans
3 W hy
5 you g o n e 5 W hat
4 W hat
6 has/had she spent 6 searched
5 is
7 youfeel 7 W here
6 whatever
8 we to offer 8 did
7 AU
9 you/w e/they/the government 9 AU
8 again
taken 10 least
9 as
10 had we got
10 whatsoever
Consolidation 3
he would never
3 1 the car needs is 1 1 must
did I rem em ber
2 least bit worried 2 should
3 was Keith who 3 can
was I
4 absolutely no m oney left 4 must
was I aware
5 though it m ay seem 5 had
6 cannot stand is 6 m ight
Pete has arrived
7 did was go 7 should
8 must have been a ghost that 8 had
9 was the very last car 9 could
1 No sooner
10 carelessness caused the 10 need/would
2 Seldom
accident to 11 can
3 along
12 would
4 N ot only
4 1 n o ta ta ll 13 m ight/could/m ay
5 Little
2 utter 14 should


15 ought/need 3 had Bob denied that he had taken

4 Little Sues calculator.
2 1 better 5 him self 3 Clare rem inded Andy to buy
2 Rarely/Never/Seldom 6 would som e milk.
3 may 7 whatsoever Clare said (that) Andy should
4 m ight/could/should 8 should not forget to buy som e milk.
5 until 9 least Clare rem inded Andy that
6 W hat 10 only they needed/he needed to buy
7 must 11 sooner som e milk.
8 very 12 when 4 David said he was so rry (that)
9 Little 13 should he cou ld nt com e on Saturday.
10 bound 14 must David said he was sorry (that)
15 m ight/m ay he had not been able to com e
3 1 no circumstances are you to on Saturday.
2 two weeks had passed did 8 1 cant have finished David apologized for not
3 was her popularity 2 m ight have been being able to com e on
4 did not need to re-take/re-sit 3 as it m ay seem Saturday.
5 I could do was 4 have I seen 5 I asked Brian why he d id nt go
6 was midnight before 5 should have left back to Singapore.
7 did Paul smash a window but 6 you should have I suggested that Brian should
he ais o 7 as I might go back to Singapore.
8 have to be w orn by 8 does snow fali I suggested going back to
9 over and over 9 n eedn t have taken /d id nt need Singapore./I suggested that
10 a s itm a y s e e m 10 ca n t have been Brian go back to Singapore.
11 shouldnt have brought 6 Jack said Tim should not leave
12 m ay asw ell 9 1 have too late.
2 it Jack warned Tim not to leave
4 1 should have 3 had too late.
2 bound 4 really/quite Jack warned Tim against
3 may be 5 needs/needed leaving too late.
4 n ot have been 6 as
5 m ight/m ay be 7 the 3 1 asked Helen if she wanted/
6 should not 8 very would like
7 ca n t be 9 when 2 forbade him from smoking
8 was sure/m ight have known 10 down 3 adyised me to
9 would not 4 suggested that the com m ittee
10 doubt
Grammar 13 5 that the poUce do
6 said I could
5 1A 1 1 denied
7 on not staying
2 told me
2 B 8 threatened to cali off the
3 persuaded me
3 A football m atch unless
4 advisedm e
4 B 9 prom ised (her m other) that
5 warned me
5 B she would
6 rem ind edu s
10 congratulated Sue on her
6 1 came three policemen 7 answered them
2/ 8 announced
3 Hardly had I sat down 9 accepted
rem arked
4 / 10 confirm ed
5 under any circum stances
6 / 2 1 The customer decided to take
7 Strange as it m ay seem, I enjoy
the brown pair.
rum oured
The custom er decided (that)
8 / claimed
he/she would take the brown
9 / 8 ordered
10 / 9 suggested
The custom er said (that) he/
10 gave
7 1 would she would take the brown pair.

2 did 2 Bob denied taking Sues

5 1 could

3 22

2 to 21 - 9 The, the
3 accused 2 2 the 10 The, the, the
4 tim e 23 -
5 was 2 4 a /- the, the, a
6 suffering 25 the t h e ,-

7 had 26 a the, the

8 him 2 7 the
28 the the, a, - , the
9 about
10 that 29 a The, a, -

30 - a, the
6 1 Tom not to stay out in the cold 8 the, a
fo r too long 2 1 the, the 9 the, a
2 Andy to buy som e milk 2 - a 10 a, the
3 Jack not to go back into the 3 the, -
4 a, a 6 W ord Processing and the
4 to stay near the airport 5 a, the calculator are without a shadow

5 m e that I would make a 6 the, an of doubt here to stay, and in

complete recovery 7 T h e ,- the m any respects our lives

8 The, the are the m uch richer for them.
6 that he was getting m arried to
9 the, the But the teachers and other
A nn Jones
10 the, - academ ics are claiming that we
7 m e round to his house for a
are now starting to feel the first
3 1 It’s notfirst-class significant wave o f their effects
8 that she was expecting a baby
accommodation unless it has a on a generation of the users. It
7 1 apologize prw ate bathroom. seems nobody under the age
2 assure 2 On this record the twins play a o f 20 can spell or add up any
3 anticipate/estim ate piano duet. m ore. Even several professors
4 estim ate/anticipate 3 Halfway through the meal we at leading universities have
5 reporting realized what the waiter had com m ented on the detrim ental
6 announce said. effect the digital revolution
7 m ention/m entioned 4 If a / - M rs Hillier phones, say has had on the m ost intelligent
8 confirm I’m away on a trip. young minds in the co u n try
9 reąuest 5 There is wonderful scenery in At the root o f one p art o f the
10 advlsed the eastern part o f Turkey. problem, evidently, lies the
6 The cocker spaniel is one of autom atic spellcheck now
widely available on the word
Grammar 14 the m ost popular pet dogs.
7 There is going to be fog and Processing software. Professor
1 the
cold weather all next week. John Silver o f the Sydney
8 I spent a very interesting University, Australia, said: ‘W hy
holiday at Lake Coniston in should we bother to learn how
England. to spell correctly, or for that
9 We are against w ar in generał, m atter to learn even the m ost
6 The
so o f course we are against basie of the m athem atical sums,
7 th e /-
a war like this between a when at the press o f a button
8 -
superpower and a deveIoping we have our problem answered
9 a
country. for us? The implications are
10 the
10 Burglaries are definitely on the enorm ous. W ill the adults o f the
11 -
increase. futurę look to the Computer to
12 the
make the decisions for them , to
13 the
4 1 the tell them who to m arry or what
14 -
2 the, a/the, a, a kind of the house to buy? Are we
15 -
3 a ,- heading for a futurę individual
16 the
4 The, - incapable of the independent
17 -
5 - , the, the, t h e /-, the hum an thought?’
18 -
6 the, the
19 the 7 1 the, the, the
7 t h e /-,-
20 the 2 - ,t h e
8 a, a, the


3 a, a respectable. I did have to rest my expected to win the election,

4 a, - weary limbs at the weekends, has announced that she will
5 the, the though, which enabled me to cut incom e tax by 10% if
6 a, The recharge m y batteries, by which elected.
7 the, the I m ean m y bodily ones, not the 7 I listened to George patiently
8 - ,t h e ones that inside m y bike lights. until he started insulting me,
9 an, the I am pleased to say that after at which point I told him a few
10 the, the three tortuous weeks which I hom e truths he didnt like.
ended up in Marseilles, but what 8 Pauline asked m e a ąuestion
8 1 - the, a, - pleased m e all the m ore is that I to which I had no reply.
2 - , -^,a managed to raise over £2 ,0 0 0 for 9 Shouting at the top of his
3 The, the Help the Aged. voice, which was typical, he
4 the, the rushed out the room .
5 - , - , the 2 1 which 10 By the end o f the week,
6 a, - 2 w hom which was the deadline.
7 an, a, - 3 which everyone who wanted travel
8 The, - a 4 W hoever scholarships had applied (for
9 - , -,a,- 5 which them ).
10 T h e , - , - 6 which
7 who 5 1 Taking my life in
Grammar 15 8 when 2 who to address
9 whose 3 which took us
1 Having just spent three
10 who 4 W h oever he spoke
weeks o f m y hfe sitting on
5 is one which
an uncom fortable saddle,
3 1 at which point 1 6 in which case FU
pounding the roads of France,
2 we suggested was 7 person everyone looks
I am in no fit State that to do
3 who can understand this 8 gang whose identity has
anything except sit and write,
application form is
w hich suits me fine. For I have
4 is the last tim e I will 6 1 planet, which
cycled som e 1,500 kilom etres,
5 which m ade a 2 m an I
a figurę which includes some
6 whaL he is 3 rem em ber which
extrem ely hilly routes, and
7 the person who (had) 4 party was
frankly the thought o f m ounting
com m itted 5 friends who
a bicycle again which is not one
8 one o f her books that/one 6 bali must
that I can face for a good few
book o fh ers that
days yet. The journey, which
I undertook alone for m ost of
9 when it last rained Grammar 16
10 the person who
the way, was all in the nam e of 1 1 to do
charity - Help the Aged, a cause 2 to be
4 1 The train we eventually caught
w hich I support whenever that 3 to wake me
was one that stops at every
I can. Having organized m y 4 to tell you
sponsorship, which I arrived 5 to fmd
2 Slamming the door, Carol
in France arm ad oniy with a 6 to take/taking
drove off in the car her father
tiny map of the Tour de France 7 telling
had given her as a present.
route, which hastily removed 8 buying
3 At the end of the Street, which
from last m onth’s ‘Cycling 9 to p ick u p
was crowded with shoppers,
W orld’ magazine. My intention 10 to be
(there) was a building Tom
which was to try and follow the
had not noticed before.
route that the professionals take, 1 1 do
4 The people who have just
but after three days in which I 2 dare
moved in next d oor have the
pushed m y body to extrem es 3 considered
same surnam e as the people
that it had never experienced 4 grew
who have just moved out.
before, that I rapidly abandoned 5 intend
5 N oticing the d oor was open, I
this plan and returned to flatter 6 looking forward to
decided to go in, which turned
ground. On the fiat which I 7 arranged
out to be a mistake.
was able to keep to about 120 8 appears
6 Flora Benstead, the Popular
kilometres a day, which is 9 dying
Party candidate, who is
10 face


3 1 appreciate you gm ng 8 to do the job 17 the

2 the job will mean without leaying 18 the
3 not permitted/allowed to park 9 is no point (in) 19 -
4 offered to carry Pauhnes w orrying 20 -

5 enabied us to 10 to be related
6 risks missing the piane ) 1 whom
7 led me to beheve 2 1 the, a 2 whose
8 pay (extra) to use 2 the, a 3 W hoever
9 appears to be 3 a, the 4 try
10 managed to finish 4 a, the 5 fancy
5 The, the, the 6 would
4 1 im ited me to 6 The, T h e , - , - 7 m ade/had
2 use calling Jim 7 a, a, - , - 8 sh ou ld /-
3 are reąuired to 8 The, t h e , - 9 forward
4 waste tim e copying 9 the, the, the, the 10 who
5 you to ask David if he will 10 The, the, the
com e/go ^ 1 party, which was good o f them

6 not to leave him on his 3 1 to send 2 refused to say

7 resents being treated 2 not try /d o n t you try 3 I regret to say

8 to bring the m atter 3 h adw on 4 whose Yoices could be clearly

9 n ot to use 4 would mean heard

10 involves a lot 5 do you fancy 5 I d on t suppose you’d hke

6 seeing 6 the custom ers should be
5 1 to tell you 7 made me searched
2 hope to 8 is (being)/has been denied 7 is take a long hohday
3 will mean 9 to be 8 W hatever happens
4 you feel like 10 tobelieve 9 congratulated me on passlng
5 s a id to b e 10 at which time
6 would n ot keep 4 1 to pay fo r parking/to park 11 m ade the m anager hand over/
7 can/could you suggest 2 managed to find forced the manager to hand
3 agreed (that) she could/ over
6 1 to be agreed to let her 12 looking forward to seeing you
2 to talk 4 spent a long tim e looking for
3 to have the book 8 1 that/which
4 to combine 5 those who visit the town 2 the
5 making 6 threatened Tom with 3 where
6 to appear 7 the last place I expected 4 in
7 trayelling 8 seeing each other a long time 5 means
8 doing 9 did the washing up didn t do a 6 that/w hich
9 to have 10 was surprised when 7 risk/are
10 to exploit 8 the
11 to tell 5 1 The 9 to
12 to confess 2 - 10 consider
13 to b eco m e 3 -
14 standing 4 the Grammar 17
15 to learn 5 -
1 to
6 -
7 -
Consolidation 4 against
8 the
1 1 happen to have seen from
9 the
2 o f things, all of at
10 -
3 is reported to be for
11 -
4 enabied her to with
12 the
5 which was a stupid 8 ab out
13 the
6 warned (that) we 9 with
14 -
should 10 from
15 the
7 smoking you risk
16 the
becom ing 2 1 sujfering


2 attributed 4 was acąuainted with 7 the solution was/is to

3 blamed 5 resulted in over fifty people 8 within (easy) walking
4 subjected being distance
5 discussed 6 have been provided with 9 in recognition of
6 suggested 7 the wedding coincides with 10 are liable for
7 benefit our holiday
8 resign 8 does n ot realiy account for the 5 1 of
9 account disappearance 2 out
10 referred 9 are/have been attributed to 3 without
11 specialized 10 to taking care of 4 under
12 refrain 5 to
13 hinted Grammar 18 6 in
14 suspected 7 beyond
1 1 on (very) good terms with
15 m et 8 for
2 is (m uch) in demand
9 of
3 in good/high spirits
> 1 always confides in 10 for
4 was conscious of
2 is based on 11 in
5 out of luck
3 marvelled at Janes abillty 12 on
6 no access to
4 was packed with 13 of
7 in all probability
5 dream ed/dream t about you 14 to
8 the tim e being
6 expelled from the school 15 for
9 way or another
7 rem lnds m e of
10 cover of darkness 6 1 fo r
8 translated the book from
French 2 by
2 1 fo r
9 is associated with 3 at
2 with
10 would benefit from 4 under
3 in
5 on
4 under
appeal 6 of
5 to
succeeded 7 for
6 for
resort 8 to
7 with
accounted 9 at
8 to
confronted/faced 10 by
9 in
10 with
11 without
Grammar 19
8 distracted
12 in 1 1 story
9 apologize
13 out 2 m eeting
10 paid
14 on 3 problem
15 under 4 six o’clock
5 1 of
5 what Peter had said
2 with
3 1 capable 6 m yh om ew ork
3 of
2 serious 7 pian
4 to
3 regular 8 standard
5 for
4 stages 9 at 11.30
6 from
5 view 10 laughing
7 of
6 attempt
8 in
7 afraid 2 1 carried
9 from
8 time 2 down
10 to
9 different 3 com e
11 with
10 room 4 add
12 from
5 get
13 to
4 1 b eh a lfo f my colleagues 6 com es
14 on
2 under the impression 7 asking
15 for
3 the exception of Sally 8 dropping
4 be out o f doors/be 9 bring
6 1 w henfaced with
outdoors 10 foiiow
2 derive a lot of pleasure from
5 serious about
3 answer to the description of
6 of the ordinary 3 1 A


2 C 4 D 6 wears off after/in

3 C 5 A 7 would stand by
4 B 6 C 8 taken out a
5 D 9 tracked down the thief
6 D 5 1 ^0 m /o r 10 w ork out the total without
2 back for being rude
4 1 C 3 put you up Consolidation 5
2 A 4 let off with a
1 1 Clt
3 C 5 pointed out (that) the
2 to
4 B 6 was given away by
3 After
5 D 7 be put down to A to
6 B 8 gave off a faint smell
5 under
9 has (got) it in for
o of
5 1 got ojfw ith 10 live up to our
7 up
2 you getting on
8 tor
3 ended up walking
Grammar 21 Q
y up
4 than I bargained for
1 1 turned him down 10 in
5 fallen out with
2 Initially 11 in
6 brokedow n
3 it 12 from
7 cam e up with
4 a com m ittee 13 under
8 getting on for
5 the pace 14 for
9 was borne out
6 its naw owner 15 without
10 getting/putting her ideas
7 The good news
8 told her off 2 1 with
Grammar 20 2 in
9 difficulties
1 1 it 10 you off 3 to/for
2 th em atter 4 of
3 this kind o f thing 2 1 D 5 in
4 we 11 need them later 2 C 6 of
5 thepressure 3 B 7 for
6 put it in the fridge 4 A 8 for
7 the second paragraph 5 D
8 to Tom s report 6 D 3 1 confusing m e with
9 confessed 2 him self on always
10 b eh in d m y b ack 3 1 D 3 no access to
2 B 4 does nuclear fission differ
2 1 playing 3 A from
2 grow 4 D 5 blamed the fire on
3 laid 5 D 6 com es down to money
4 picking 6 B 7 not taken in by
5 put 8 worked out at
6 gave 4 1 down 9 sunk in yet that I (have)
7 mada 2 on/upon 10 ended up having to walk
8 go 3 up
9 make 4 over/through 4 1 tampered
10 look 5 up 2 about
6 up 3 grateful
3 1 B 7 out 4 charged
2 A 8 about 5 com m it
3 D 9 by 6 cater
4 A 10 out 7 refrain
5 C 8 benefit
6 A 5 1 stand in fo r m e
2 turned out to 5 1 colUded with
4 1 C 3 sending up 2 it out on me
2 B 4 talked me out o f selling 3 m e out of selling
3 C 5 takes off 4 is based on


5 blamed the accident on 6 Anyway P o rto fin o a n d C a m o g li w ere

6 is on (very) good term s 7 Even so o n ly a tra in rid e away.
7 out of the ordinary 8 whereas
8 out of work 9 O n th ew h o le Text2
10 On the contrary W a te r is b e c o m in g a
) 1 away
m o r e a n d m o r e p re cio u s
2 off l 1 Nevertheless
co m m o d ity , so save as m u c h
3 up 2 In contrast
4 down 3 For one thing as y o u ca n . F lu sh in g th e to ilet

5 off 4 as opposed to a c c o u n ts fo r a th ird o f all

6 on 5 as well as h o u se h o ld w a te r u se, so d o n t
7 out 6 to a large extent flu sh w astefully. I f y o u are
8 off 7 as opposed to o n ly g e ttin g rid o f a tissu e,
9 off 8 however
fo r exa m p le , re sist th e h ab it
10 off 9 despite the fact that
o f re a c h in g fo r th e h a n d le o r
10 Even so
7 1 D ch a in . T ak e a sh o w e r ra th e r
2 A c 6 C th a n a b a th ; it u ses a b o u t a
3 C A 7 A th ird o f th e w ater. A n d d o n t
4 B C 8 B k eep th e w a te r ru n n in g all
5 D B 9 C th e tim e w h e n y o u w ash
6 C B 10 C
o r cle a n y o u r te e th . I f y o u
7 A
6 C h ave a g a rd e n , t r y to fin d
8 B B
A 7 C w ays o f sav in g w a te r o u tsid e,
9 D
10 A C 8 A su ch as u sin g a w a te r b u tt to
B 9 B c o lle c t ra in w ater, r a th e r th an
8 1 comes A 10 B u sin g a h o se p ip e to w a te r
2 get y o u r flo w ers. A sim p le p ip ę
3 let mmar 23 c o n n e c tin g e x te rn a l g u tte rs to
4 put
Text 1 a w a te r b u tt c a n save an aw ful
5 go
I’ve b e e n to th e fo llow in g lo t o f w ater.
6 set
Italian cities: R o m e , F lo re n c e ,
7 fallen
G e n o a (,) an d P isa. I th o u g h t 2 1 hear, hare
8 make
2 sight, site
9 given R o m e w as in cre d ib le : th e
3 waist, Waste
10 run fo o d w as g re a t, th e view s
4 sees, seize
w ere fa n ta s tic (,) a n d I will
9 1 rejected 5 pastę, paced
n e v e r fo rg e t th e v iv a cio u s
2 compensates
p eo p le. T h e Italian s 3 1 /
3 disappointed
le g e n d a ry h o sp ita lity w as 2 hetter than
4 established
n o w h e re m o r e e v id e n t th a n 3 naturally
5 resigning
4 cent
6 specialize in in th e ca p ital city. B u t m y
5 /
7 cołncides with a ll-tim e fav o u rite is p ro b ab ly
6 w hether
8 was under the impression G e n o a , w ith its fab u lo u s
7 piece
9 take place
h ill-to p h o u se s a n d its d u sty 8 cutting it, instead of
10 abolished
m o u n ta in s , re v e rb e ra tin g to 9 /
11 are under no obligation to
th e s o u n d o f g ra ss h o p p e rs. 10 you; otherwise ...
12 draw your attention
I sp e n t m a n y a h ap p y 11 business

h o u r lo o k in g d o w n o n th e 12 know whether
Grammar 22 13 /
se e th in g c ity b e lo w a n d th e
1 1 to be honest 14 todays
sea b ey o n d . B e s t o f all, th e
2 For that reason 15 juice
3 By and large, Having said that c ity s lo c a tio n at th e h e a rt
16 /
4 As a result o f th e Italian R iv ie ra m e a n t 17 forgotten
5 To start with th a t fab u lo u s re s o rts like 18 m uch upon


19 / 16 designed ... by the way, are you familiar

20 shoppers 17 borne with PowerPoint?
21 There 18 pessimistic M artin: Weil, to be perfectly
22 by 19 / honest, no. IVe never really
23 foods 20 population had needed it up to now.
21 / Tina: You really need to spend
4 1 ąffecting 22 sightings a few hours in studying this
2/ 23 widespread book, then, if you dorit mind.
3 recom m ended I’m sure it’ll explain you how
4 /
Consolidation 6 the system works.
5 counsellor M artin: May I ask who that man
1 1 which 9 For
6 / was who was leaving the office
2 whose 10 sińce
7 guarantee when we cam e in?
3 like 11 when
8 separate Tina: Oh thats Mika. Fm
4 they 12 instead
9 disappeared surprised he w asnt at your
5 or 13 their
10 / interview. H es probably the
6 For 14 all
nicest one o f the managers.
7 why 15 what
5 1 technically
M artin: He looks like very
2/ 8 so
3 suggests,
2 1 sooner had I arrived home Tina: As I say it, hes a very nice
4 / guy. H es my im m ediate boss.
5 know The only thing is, he does tend
2 you do, dorft
6 others, to make m e to do m ore jobs
3 p u ty o u u p
7 Shaking
4 known to have been than I can cope with. Still, hes
8 believed letting m e to go hom e early
5 had read the book, he
9 Yiruses, today, so Fm not complaining!
6 said there should be
10 bodys M artin: A nd on to the subject
7 you would benefit from
11 resistance o f leaying, I d id nt really
8 need to get/have
12 whose understand what they were
9 knew who Miss Rutherford
13 susceptible saying about this ‘finish your
10 w orried/w orrying about
14 / task’ system.
som ething
15 soaked Tina: Oh, well its just one of
16 perm it
3 Tina: Weil M artin, pleased the systems you can choose.
17 / Basically, it m eans that the
to m eet with you, and
18 / sooner you do fmish the
congratulations on getting the
19 studies sooner you can go to home.
job. Tm going to show you
20 colds But if you finish your task, say,
round the departm ent, so that
21 their
you know a bit m ore before three hours over norm al time,
22 produce
you wiU start w ork next week. you can com e in three hours
23 effectiye
I gather you’re com ing with o f late the next day.
m e to the Paris conference.
6 1/ 4 1 can
M artin: Yes, in two weeks’ time.
Otter’, has 2 in
Is the job going to be involve a
losing 3 with
lot of travel to abroad?
/ 4 looking
Tina: A fair bit - Korea mainly.
W illiam sons 5 against
You’d better to get yourself a
/ 6 could
Korean phrasebook!
M artin: IVe ever been to Korea 7 did
8 has, however,
once before, so I know a few 8 Can
9 pesticides
words. 9 on
10 led 10 should
Tina: Good. We have contacts
11 eighties
with m ost of Asian countries
12 yalleys
in fact. Weil, here’s the office
5 1 of
13 eliminated
you’11 be working in. As you
14 effects 3 so
can see in this room has a
15 / 4 both
photocopier, your Computer


5 family 11 B 6 1 cant have been

6 / 12 C 2 wouldn t have won
7 as 13 A 3 will have been m arried
8 m uch 14 C 4 have I seen
9 and 15 B 5 as it may
10 either 6 would have gone to
11 thus 3 1 no circumstances am I 7 as I might
12 up 2 the (very) last person I 8 sh ouldn th ave
13 / expected 9 did I reahze
14 to 3 doesnt concern you 10 go through with
15 / 4 tim e for m e to
16 a 5 which was a foohsh thing 7 1 say
17 on 6 what to do 2 for
18 of 7 did I notice (that) I had 3 and
19 the 8 is no instant solution to 4 some
20 from 9 talked m e into going 5 W hat
21 / 10 the weather picks up 6 these/such
2 2 there 7 which
23 as 4 l to 8 be
2 / 9 into
3 of
Grammar 24 10 as
4 / 11 a
1 1 of
5 she 12 another
2 they
6 / 13 to
3 /
7 / 14 does/should
4 and
8 that (second) 15 have
5 the
9 to
6 which
10 with
7 /
11 than
8 as
12 is
9 they
13 a
10 to
14 for
11 are
15 /
12 make
16 the (first)
13 once
17 is
14 not
18 not
15 of
19 rather
16 /
20 /
17 if
21 it
18 are
22 did
19 as
20 / 5 1 which
21 not 2 these
22 it 3 under
23 the 4 who
5 no
2 1 C
6 who
2 B
7 it
3 B
8 in
4 A
9 despite
5 D
10 from
6 D
11 are
7 A
12 However
8 B
13 own
9 A
14 for
10 C
15 that


Vocabulary 1 6 D I 1 ahead o f
7 B 2 broke
1 1 c 3 single
8 D
2 A
9 B 4 collided, injured
3 C
10 C 5 opposition
4 D
6 skidded
5 D 6 1 oar 7 room
6 B 2 draw 8 goods
7 A 3 łap 9 limit
8 C 4 fan 10 flying
5 dive
2 1 horse, bars
6 whistle D
2 flippers, mask
7 board C
3 rod, bait
8 round A
4 rucksack, compass
9 referee C
5 tripod, lens
10 runner-up A
6 ham m er, spanner
7 goggles, armbands 7 1 took D
8 helmet, pump 2 board B
3 Iow
3 1 took part in
4 tread 6 1 dismounted
2 appeal to me
5 turn 2 accelerated
3 cut out for
3 reversed
4 beneficial
Vocabulary 2 4 disembark
5 raise
1 1 C 5 alight
6 sponsor
2 D 6 fasten
7 gasping
3 A 7 endanger
8 stragglers
4 B 8 ascended
9 crossed
5 A 9 collided
10 suffering from
6 C 10 board
11 personalbest
12 broke 7 B
7 1 /ioW
13 on standby 8 C
2 save
14 stations 3 set
2 1 rambler
15 catch up with 4 line
2 steward
3 hitchhiker 5 track
4 1 expectations
2 handful 4 passer-by
5 driver
Vocabulary 3
3 remarkable
4 inyariably 6 cyclist 1 1 c
7 traffic warden 2 D
5 exception
8 pedestrian 3 A
6 eąuipment
9 passenger 4 A
7 accessible
10 com m uter 5 B
8 distinguish
6 C
9 increasing
3 1 outward 7 D
10 foreseeable
2 package 8 A
5 1 C 3 flight 9 C
4 m aintenance 10 D
2 D
5 assistance 11 A
3 D
4 A 6 unacceptable 12 C
5 A 7 com pensation 13 B
8 operator(s)

14 D 5 assurances 5 1 e
15 A 6 unthinkable 2 i
7 political 3 a
2 1 disguised 8 downfall 4 d
2 sole 9 criticism 5 j
3 extensively 10 disastrous 6 g
4 critical 11 failure 7 b
5 com m ent on 12 unemployment 8 h
6 detained 13 unity 9 f
7 fmdings 14 divisions 10 c
8 tackled 15 justification
9 sensitive 6 1 scenery
10 baffled Vocabulary 4 2 architecture
3 sum m it
3 1 prospect 1 1 c 4 desert
2 conditions 2 C
5 valley
3 knowledge 3 B
6 shore
4 incident 4 A
7 site
5 place 5 D
8 rangę
6 verge 6 C
9 estuary
7 opinion 7 D
10 sąuare
8 confidence 8 A
9 evidence 9 B 7 1 large number
10 responsibility 10 C 2 was m uch taller than
11 A 3 undecided
4 1/ 12 A 4 gathering o f national leaders
2 c 13 D 5 alo n g w a y
3 j 14 D 6 puzzled
4 h 15 A 7 reach the highest point
5 a 8 focus exclusively on
6 e 2 1 summit
9 m an ag ed to g et
7 i 2 key
10 situation has changed
8 d 3 State
9 b 4 view
Vocabulary 5
10 g 5 press
6 wind 1 1 booklet
5 1 have no intention 2 novel
2 It is com m on knowledge 3 1 sparsely 3 forecast

3 b rough tab out 2 tenancy 4 broadcast

4 raisedfears 3 household 5 buUetin

5 little prospect o f success 4 rights 6 coyerage
6 say for certain 5 property 7 edition
7 argue that there should be 6 storey 8 media

8 explained the causa as 7 entrance 9 cam paign

8 sharp 10 brochure
6 1 vows 9 barely
2 boost 10 sheer
2 1 D

3 set 2 B

4 cleared 4 1 spring 3 A

5 bid 2 horizon 4 C

6 held 3 tide 5 D

7 toll 4 cliff 6 A

8 loom s 5 strait
3 1 C
9 clash 6 pass
2 C
7 bay
7 1 speculation 3 D
8 slope
2 announcem ent 4 A
9 landscape
3 analysts 5 B
10 plain
4 survival 6 C
3 32

4 1 fiction 2 1 draught 7 job description

2 illegible 2 downpour 8 trial period
3 gist 3 prey 9 sickp ay
4 unprintable 4 extinct 10 pension scheme
5 literature 5 peel
6 shorthand 6 tame
7 illiterate 7 resources
8 prose 8 issues
9 manuscript 9 off-shore
10 outline 10 breed

5 1 C 3 1 hoof, saddle, stable 7 C

2 A 2 hive, buzz, sting 8 D
3 D 3 cub, stripe, roar 9 D
4 C 4 whine, net, spray 10 A
5 A 5 bark, kennel, lead
6 D
3 1 pro d u ctm ty
6 flock, lamb, wool
7 D
2 inyestments
7 ivory, trunk, tusks
3 ąualifications
8 B 8 sąueak, hole, trap
4 expertise
9 C 9 blind, nocturnal, yampire
5 action
10 A 10 purr, kitten, scratch
6 representatives
11 A
7 econom ize
12 C 4 1 captivity
8 consultants
13 D 2 survival/surviving
9 streamlined
14 B 3 Yolunteers
10 clarified
15 C 4 endangered
5 Environm entalists
4 1 executive
6 1 coverage 6 m aternal/m othering
2 foreman
2 out of print
7 abundant
3 manufacturer
3 correspondent
8 m aturity
4 trainee
4 circulation
9 handful
5 agent
5 edition
10 diyersity
6 industrialist
6 censorship
7 com petitor
7 target 5 1 change
8 labourer
8 projects 2 occupy
9 dealer
9 public 3 lump
10 blankly
10 Client
4 drowned
5 straight
7 1 spoonful
5 1e
2 i
2 headlong 6 1 lightning
3 terrifying 2 blossom 3g
4 c
4 controyersial 3 wildlife
5 h
5 unacceptable 4 the countryside
6 implication 5 the land 6j
7 interpretation 7 a
6 horizon
8 d
8 intended 7 young
9 f
9 subconscious 8 species
10 b
10 encouragem ent 9 downpour
10 stone
6 1 eligible
Vocabulary 6 2 entitled
1 1 c Vocabulary 7 3 negotiable
2 D 1 1 covering letter 4 dressed
3 A 2 careerp ath 5 working
4 C 3 prom otion prospects 6 overtim e
5 D 4 claims form 7 absence(s), certificate/letter/
6 B 5 travel expenses note
6 working conditions 8 term inated, notice


7 1 work 5 1 value 9 lad

2 earned 2 fortxine 10 relation
3 conditions 3 redundant
3 1 conscientious
4 satisfaction 4 retirem ent
2 solitary
5 achievem ent 5 boom ing
3 devoted
6 case 6 bankrupt
4 prejudiced
7 congratulate 7 investment
5 apathetic
8 contributed 8 m arket
6 aggressive
9 employs 9 credit
7 m aturę
10 bonus 10 charge
8 attentive
11 provides
12 busy
6 1 s/jflres 9 extrovert
2 currency 10 insensitiye

Vocabulary 8 3 enterprise
4 1g
4 price
1 1 B 2 b
5 fund
2 C 3j
6 claim
3 A 4 h
7 figures
4 C 5 f
8 credit
5 C 6 c
9 com pany
6 D 7 a
10 financial
7 D 8 e
8 D 7 1 concerning 9 d
9 B 2 inconvenience 10 i
10 C 3 endeavour
11 D 5 1 neglected
4 delayed
12 A 2 scolded
5 dispatching
3 offended
6 maintain
4 adopted
7 deducting
5 separated
8 enclosed
6 ąuarrelled
9 appreciate
7 retired
10 trust
8 criticized

Vocabulary 9 9 abandoned
g 8 humiliated
1 1 spoilt
2 dom ineering 6 1 turned him down
3 !ive up to 2 kept in touch
current account 4 follow 3 grew up
household bills 5 pushy 4 went out together
savings account 6 pressure 5 fell out
earns interest 7 interests 6 got on well with
down payment 8 rebelled 7 ran away from
m onthly instalments 9 stru ck o u t 8 stood him up
stock market 10 sheltered 9 m o v ed in w ith
business venture 11 hit it off 10 got to know
raise Capital 12 plucked up
tax return 13 com m itm ent 7 1 took
14 patch 2 close
gets, makes 15 trial 3 shook
grant, scholarship 4 steady
give, pay 2 1 alien 5 leading
fetched, sold for 2 fiancee
taka out, withdraw 3 an acąuaintance Vocabulary 10
receipts, takings 4 Toddlers
1 1 D
prosperous, wealthy 5 elderly
2 D
costly, expensive 6 ancestors
3 A
valueless, worthless 7 bachelor
4 C
settle, pay 8 best man
5 B

6 C 7 offence 7 conductor
7 A 8 speeding 8 stuntman
8 D 9 evidence 9 ballerina
9 B 10 yerdict
5 1 concert
10 C
6 1 into 2 string
11 B
2 on 3 woodwind
12 D
3 from 4 lyrics
13 D
4 into 5 organist
14 A
5 on 6 brass
15 C
6 out 7 opera
2 1 collapsed 7 into 8 chorus
2 evacuated 8 of 9 percussion
3 met 9 on
10 with 6 1 rehearsal
4 sustained
2 energetically
5 blocked
7 1 dispersed 3 thoughts
6 failed
2 neglected 4 speakers
7 held
3 swindled 5 laughter
8 spread
4 rioted 6 background
9 used
5 pardoned 7 nationalities
10 sealed
6 deported 8 overnight
3 1 worrying 7 sąuatted 9 creatiye
2 addiction 8 cheated 10 appearances
3 offenders 9 abolished
10 swerved 7 1 on
4 beggars
2 with
5 Homeless
6 theft Vocabulary 11 3 for
4 over/through
7 hardened 1 1 B
5 for
8 enforced 2 A
6 in
9 illegal 3 D
7 for
10 deterrent 4 B
c D 8 on
4 1 Potter, 9 off/from
6 A
2 / 10 to
3 driven 2 1 C
8 1 jigsaw puzzle
4 abandoned 2 D
3 C 2 cards
5 swerve
6 proving 4 A 3 pool

7 successful 4 draughts
5 B
8 / 6 B 5 television

9 drunken 6 board game

10 / 3 1 stage 7 darts

11 occasions 2 perform ance 8 table tennis

12 known as 3 interyal 9 chess

13 offenders 4 dram atic 10 Computer game

14 co-operate 5 seat
6 dress 9 1 record
15 trial
2 attention
16 approval 7 scenery
8 reviews 3 presence
17 considerably
4 scenę
18 indeedthe 9 horror
5 release

5 1 custody 4 1 down

2 death 2 Yocalist Vocabulary 12

3 inąuiries 3 cast 1 1 B
4 wig 4 juggler 2 C
5 acrobat 3 B
5 assault
6 innocent 6 understudy 4 D


5 C 3 ringleader 2 porter, surgery, operation,

6 D 4 ambassador w ard(s)
7 A 5 patriot 3 stung, allergic, sling, plaster
8 C 6 delegate 4 flabby, overweight, figurę.
9 D 7 traitor dieting/diets
10 C 8 sovereign 5 filling, extracted, injection,
11 A 9 terrorist agony
12 B 10 chairperson
6 1 i
13 B
14 D
7 1 following 2 d
15 D
2 retains 3 f
3 swing 4 g
2 1 vote 4 m otion 5 h
2 election 5 control 6 b
3 asylum 7 e
4 retirem ent Vocabulary 13 8 a
5 candidate 1 1 D 9 j
6 linę 2 B 10 c
7 cam paign 3 C
7 1 rambling
8 poll 4 A
2 crawling
9 majority 5 B
3 tiptoeing
10 manifesto 6 D
4 limping
3 1 diplomatic 2 1 awake 5 staggering
2 1 drowsy
3 courteous 3 worn out 7 strolling
4 radical 4 run down 8 dashing
5 oppressed 5 immobile 9 wandering
6 conventional 6 sore 10 hobbling
7 rebellious 7 stress
8 privileged 8 abuse
Vocabuiary 14
9 notorious 9 gasping 1 1 B
10 progressive 10 an attack 2 A
3 D
4 1 mayor 3 1 highlight 4 C
2 bill 2 differentiate 5 B
3 survey 3 content 6 D
4 poll 4 products 7 B
5 power 5 unscientific 8 C
6 council 6 relaxation 9 B
7 reign 7 prescription 10 A
8 authorities 8 ineffective/ineffectual 11 B
9 m otion 9 practitioner 12 B
10 cabinet 10 illnesses
2 1 negotiation
5 1 Ucensed 4 1 heeł 2 self-sufficiency
2 restricted 2 throat 3 imm unization
3 com pulsory 3 knee 4 organie
4 barred 4 elbow 5 recycling
5 abolished 5 wrist 6 subsidy
6 binding 6 thigh 7 irrigation
7 reąuired 7 thumb 8 charity
8 perm itted 8 shoulder
9 Yoluntary 9 chin 3 1 consumption, renewable
10 illegal 10 neck 2 rainfall, shortages
3 ecological, wildlife
6 1 president 5 1 stretcher, casualty, plaster, 4 extinction, deforestation
2 minister crutches 5 endangered, intervention

3 36

6 household, harmful 11 A 10 reproached

7 pesticide(s), production 12 C
7 1 spot
8 poisonous, d im atic 13 B
14 B
2 mind
4 1 overpopulated 3 m atter
15 D
2 oyerrated 4 dear
3 overjoyed 2 1 resigned 5 hand
4 underestimated 2 convince 6 upset
5 oversimplified 3 regard
6 undernourished 4 view Vocabulary 16
7 overburdened 5 aware 1 1 D
8 underpriyileged 6 notion 2 C
9 oyercrowded 7 fayouritism 3 D
10 underlying 8 reminds 4 A
9 obsessed 5 B
5 1 rural 10 mentality 6 C
2 illiterate
3 essential 3 1 e 2 1 contraption
4 Wealthy 2 i 2 appliance
5 sparsely 3 h 3 com ponent
6 impoverished 4 j 4 m achinery
7 urban 5 a 5 system
8 densely 6 c 6 experim ent
9 inadeąuate 7 g 7 automation
10 traditional 8 d 8 gadget
9 b 9 oyerhaul
6 1 humanitarian 10 f 10 eąuipment
2 existence
3 resistance 4 1 put 3 1 technological
4 stabilize 2 follow 2 react in
5 devalued 3 appreciate
3 /
6 intervention 4 utter
4 /
7 diplomatic 5 imply 5 w onder how
8 deansing 6 express
6 example. For
9 disproportionate 7 plead 7 /
10 slayery 8 wonder
8 frightening
9 mislead 9 mysterious
7 1 washed away
10 spot 10 people what
2 erosion
11 vague
3 buried 5 1 /
12 com puters and
4 sm ouldering 2 c
13 daily
5 drought 3 g
14 work. But
6 eyacuated 4 a
15 business
7 m alnutrition 5 i
16 apparent
8 cut off 6 h
17 widespread
9 epidemie 7 j
18 /
10 levels 8 e
19 made
9 b
20 /
Vocabulary 15 10 d
21 cuts, there
1 1 B
6 1 regretted 22 coal
2 D 23 d on t
2 deplored
3 B
3 resented
4 D 4 1 d
4 dreaded
5 A 2 f
5 cherished
6 C 3 g
6 m ourned
7 D 4 b
7 offended
8 B 5 h
8 loathed
9 D 6 i
9 stressed
10 C

7 j 6 spread 1 1 problematic
8 a 7 diminished 2 involvement
9 c 8 declined 3 bureaucratic
10 e 9 contracted 4 disenchanted
10 dwindled 5 aggression, aggressiveness
5 1 Installation 6 rudeness
2 m aintenance 4 1 d 7 powerless
3 adjustable 2 c 8 boredom
4 electrical 3 f 9 reduction
5 appliance 4 b 10 respectful
6 cylindrical 5 i
7 tighten 6 j 2 1 core
8 safety 7 h 2 academ ic
9 protectiye 8 e 3 corporal
10 procedura 9 a 4 support
10 g 5 trainee
6 1 pług 6 continuous
2 live 5 1 comparison 7
3 runs 2 youth 8
4 connection 3 abundant 9 teenage
5 lead 4 Unem ployment 10
6 a shock 5 sizeable
7 fuse 6 pursuits 3 1
8 record 7 collection 2 A
9 m otor 8 prosperity 3 C
10 electrical 9 tendency 4 D

11 pliers 10 critical 5 B
12 grinder 6
6 1 nothing exactly the sam e as 7
13 blade
2 is not as good as we had 0Q
14 spanner
15 bulbs
3 similar 4 1
4 completely different scholarship
Vocabuiary 17 2 sent, detention, tutor
5 are not alike
1 1 c 6 calculated in relation to (teacher), m ark(s)
2 A 3 ąualifications, prospects,
3 C 7 1 lavish evening, further
4 D 2 abundant 4 revised, grades, retake/resit,
5 B 3 potential prize
6 B 4 middling 5 m aturę, correspondence,
7 A 5 excessive assignments, specialize
8 B 6 ample
5 11 effort
7 superior
2 1 handful
8 negligible
2 m aturę
2 partial 2 applies
9 m ajor
3 adeąuate 4 contributes
10 inferior
4 bulk 5 respect
5 minutę 8 1 practically 6 insolent
6 sizeable 2 especially 7 half-hearted
7 dearth 3 altogether 8 distracted
8 fair 4 barely 9 concentrate
9 limited 5 thoroughly 10
10 vast 6 respectively
6 1
7 m oderately
3 1 extended 2 applies
8 effectiyely
2 reduced 3 dropped
9 considerably
3 faded 4 ruled
10 specifically
4 supplemented 5 support
5 enlarged Yocabulary 18
3 38

Vocabulary 19 6 1 makeshift 2 1 pass/give

2 nightm are 2 /
1 1 underlying
3 earthąuake 3 /
2 overrated
4 downpour 4 recorded/w ritten
3 overbalanced
5 beforehand 5 /
4 undercoat
6 theatregoer 6 be
5 oyerflowed
7 hom esick 7 pinch/push
6 oversimplifying
8 sawdust 8 fact
7 understaffed
9 snowflake 9 /
8 underpass
10 ceasefire 10 /
9 overgrown
10 overdone 7 1 drawbacks 3 1 panel
2 breathtaking 2 secret
2 1 remarkable
3 windfall 3 stock
2 likeable
4 safeguard 4 time
3 digestible
5 hardback 5 child
4 contemptible
6 lifestyle
5 preferable 4A 1^ / /
7 earm arked
6 collapsible 2 more
8 runway
7 comfortable 3 ✓
9 standpoint
8 sensible 4 not compatible
10 widespread
9 responsible 5 cold
10 disagreeable 8 1 commercialization 6 /
2 fashionable 7 /
3 1 disconnected 8 index
3 priceless
2 enforced 9 awkward/difficult
4 traditional
3 reintroduce
5 remarkable 10 /
4 overdone
6 confirm ation
5 unfounded 5 1 retain, keep
7 hazardous
6 disability 2 stay, stand
8 relentless
7 indebted 3 part, program m e
9 consultation
8 devalued 4 mild, slight
10 neglectful
9 misleading 5 purpose, direction
10 sublet 9 1 forthcoming 6 cheek, nerve
2 noticeboard 7 swelled, grew
4 1 annually
3 withdraw 8 very, bitter
2 considerably
4 replacement 9 pushed, pressed
3 Coincidentally
5 Yolunteers 10 turn, go
4 directly
6 refreshm ent
5 identically O i tuKe
7 adm ittance
6 absolutely 2 stretched
8 recognition
7 vaguely 3 propose
9 presentation
8 totally 4 SpaCc
10 contribution(s)
9 merely 5 m om ent
10 barely
Vocabulary 20
insensitive 1 1 started moving
uneąual 2 damaged
unjustified 3 produced
injustice 4 opened
inyalid 5 extracted
invaluable 6 succeeded
untenable 7 withdrew
8 inaction 8 to ld o ff
9 insufficient 9 dragged
10 unprintable 10 stopped


Words and phrases 1 5 is unbearable 8 i

6 undoubtedly the best skier 9 b
1 1 expectation
around at the m om ent 10 e
2 strike
7 is unmistakable
3 pressure
8 unjustifiable 4 1 it through
4 fortunę
9 is unprecedented 2 better days
5 light
10 unąualified teacher 3 th elast
6 undone
4 eye to eye
7 useful
6 1 staggering 5 the funny side
8 world
2 dashed 6 red
9 realize
3 cross 7 m y way
10 force
4 aUght 8 a lot
5 limped 9 the light
2 1 detention
6 strolling 10 things
2 earnest
7 tiptoed
3 advance
8 slipped 5 1 was a dutiful son
4 sympathy
9 creep 2 were not very tactful, were you
5 com parison
10 Ungered 3 is fanciful
6 way
4 a meaningful relationship
7 charge
Words and phrases 2 5 am doubtful about this plan
8 practice
6 was pitiful, I’m afraid
9 doubt 1 1 get the sack
7 is defmitely harmful to the
10 response 2 get you down
3 theres no getting away from it
8 useful to know what they
3 1g 4 get your own back
intend to do
2 i 5 get up speed
9 is disrespectful towards his
3 h 6 get the idea across
4 b 7 get hołd of
10 your directions weren’t very
5 a 8 get it straight
6 j 9 get away with m urder
7 e 10 get rid of
6 1 and about
8 d
o f character
9 f green
o f the way
10 c blue
of rangę
4 1 twig browned
of all proportion
2 girder blue
o f order
3 trunk white
on strike
4 plank 7 red
o f m y control
5 wand 8 green
10 ofsight
6 beam 9 blue
7 rod 10 red
8 post Words and phrases 3
9 stick ‘ 1/ its own merits
10 pole 2 j his retirem ent
3 c a perm anent basis
5 1 is unem iable 4 h the m arket
2 unaccom panied 5 d loan
3 uninhibited 6 g the premises
4 is unfounded 7 a 7 good terms


8 the verge of 6 abandoned 5 This restaurant is self-seryice.

9 average 7 an inopportune 6 Our neighbours are certainly
10 purpose 8 a discrepancy troublesome.
9 lucrative 7 The people upstairs have a
1 fo r one 10 beneficial five-year-old child.
2 one-sided 8 I stood on the back doorstep,
3 one-time 2 1 choice 9 The sight o f the waterfall was
4 one in three 2 tracę breathtaking.
5 one-off 3 use 10 Tony bas contracted a life-
6 one at a time 4 wonder threatening disease.
7 all in one 5 point
8 One by one 6 concern
Words and phrases 5
9 one-way 7 means
1 1 sheer
10 one another 8 knowing
2 well oyer
9 matter
3 1 i 3 minor
10 likelihood
2 e
i 1 5 considerable/good/substantial
3 j
4 c 2 6 slight
3 7 substantial/considerable
5 g
6 a 4 8 mere/minor/slight
7 d 5 9 bare/mere
8 b 6 10 widespread
9 h 7
\ 1 bribery
10 f 8
2 childlike
4 1 buzzing 3 fashionable
2 booed 4 senseless
3 screech l 1 character 5 apprenticeship
4 sąueaking 2 toddler 6 resignation
5 thud 3 relatiyes 7 expectations
6 whirring 4 grown up 8 employee
7 crash 5 indiyidual 9 cleanliness
8 hissing 6 person 10 foreseeable
9 tinkllng 7 figurę
10 clatter 8 adolescence
9 humans
5 1 reminds me o f swoop
10 personality
2 memory is a lot worse than puzzle
3 remember me > 1 sense go-ahead
4 had no memory of 2 effort coup
5 your name bas slipped 3 Inąuiries ban
6 forget to tell me to/let me 4 an offer 8 jobless
forget to 5 point 9 probe
7 brings to mind 6 difference 10 Num berTen
8 very forgetful in 7 proyision 11 city
9 Nureyey dance was an 8 way 12 hits out

unforgettable 9 an impression 13 held

10 learning/remembering phone 10 time 14 deathtoll
numbers by heart 15 ousted
» 1 A fair-haired girl answered the 16 riddle
door. 17 re-wed
Words and phrases 4
2 You knew the risks at the 18 blaze
1 1 dismissed 19 PM
outset o f this project.
2 rudimentary 20 stays
3 Jack is short-tempered.
3 inyestigated 21 scare
4 I am not sure what your
4 commensurate 22 rethink
yiewpoint on this problem is.
5 scrutinized 23 split

2 4 arm s 3 1 fast Words and phrases 7

25 official 2 bare
1 i fa r
26 royal 3 dead
2 rights
2 7 back 4 run
3 profession
5 clean
4 no means
4 1 clutched 6 rare
5 chance
2 shook 7 late
6 and larga
3 shivering 8 live
7 myself
4 snatched 9 even
8 th ew ay
5 hand 10 sound
9 all means
6 clench 11 light
10 the time
7 stretch 12 slim
8 lean
9 crouched 4 1 utter
10 twitching 2 m ention
3 chat
5 1 AU at once there was a knock at 4 butt
the door. 5 lectured
2 at a glance that Sam was ill 6 muttering
3 at sea (at the m om ent in the 7 say
8 cheek
middle o f the Atlantic) 8 pronounced
9 neck
4 very good at tennis 9 implied
10 chest
5 this book was rather duli at 10 arguing
first, but IVe changed m y 11 declared 3 1 sole
mind 12 called 2 scattered
6 will cost at least £500
3 standing
7 at the duck, but missed it 5 1 power 4 com m on
8 up the stairs three at a time Enąuire
5 heavy
9 the 100 metres gold medal at means
6 high
the second attempt the law
7 sound
10 At any rate, whatever happens reach
8 blunt
the governm ent will have to sight
9 calculated
resign. reason
10 significant
8 the hour

Words and phrases 6 4 1 have a few days left

6 1 There was an overpowering
2 has difficult)?
1 1^ smell comingfrom the lab.
2 d 3 hadenoughof
2 Oh dear, there seems to have
4 have no intention of
3 e
been a misunderstanding.
4 b 5 have no wish/desire
3 I found that h orror film
5 f 6 have no idea
6 a 7 have a go
4 The underlying cause of the
7 i 8 have no recollection/m em ory
problem is econom ic.
8 j 5 Building the hydro-electric
9 h 9 had my hair cut
dam is of over-riding
10 c 10 has it (that)
im portance.
6 The piane appears to be 5 1 eyed
2 1 whereabouts
disintegrating in mid-air. 2 stared
2 posłtion/spot
7 The operation will leave no/ 3 view
3 haunt
not leave any disfiguring 4 spotted
4 location
marks. 5 glanced
5 plot/site/spot
8 The goyernm ent is intent on 6 face
6 site/w hereabouts/location/
industrializing the country. 7 noticed
9 They will be disconnecting the 8 scanning
7 spot
electricity in the m orning. 9 glimpsed
8 point
10 Ith in k y o u a re 10 gazing
9 venue
oversimplifying this problem.
10 post

3 42

6 1 c 2 saw word that the m oney will be

2 i 3 ease paid

3 g 4 wits 3 gives you the right to think/

4 a 5 butterflies the idea that you can just

5 j 6 sorts com e in here hke that

6 e 7 punch 4 gave m e the impression
7 d 8 collar 5 I worft give you any trouble
8 h 9 aback 6 did you give for that car
9 b 10 go-lucky 7 gave way under their weight
10 f 8 to leave/give up this job, you
5 1 informed have to give (us) two weeks’
7 1 any minutę now 2 meaning notice
2 n o w an d ag ain 3 advised 9 m e old-fashioned dance musie
3 as o f today 4 worn any day
4 b yth en 5 groom ed 10 gave birth last week
5 shortly 6 chosen
6 for the tim e being 7 founded 4 1 by no means
7 this minutę 8 nigh 2 purposes
8 n o tlo n g 9 done 3 m anner
9 before too long 10 to-do 4 apparently
10 while 5 fact
6 1 6 actually
2 m em ory 7 goes
Words and phrases 8
3 another 8 m ora or less
1 1 lapse
4 scratch 9 respects
2 fact
5 exhaustion 10 doubt
3 difference
6 head
4 term
7 now 5 1 deal
5 price
8 today 2 drop
6 offer
9 hom e 3 bay
7 waste
10 appearance 4 set
8 m atter
5 blow
9 right
Words and phrases 9 6 post
10 slip
7 hand
1 1 literally
8 plain
2 1 negligible 2 largely/effectiyely/practically
9 burst
2 miniaturę 3 widely
10 minutes
3 sizeable 4 invariably
4 astronom ical 5 Broadly/Relatively
6 1 Jf
5 m edium - 6 practically/Iargely
2 i
6 vast 7 extensively
3 b
7 m edium 8 relatively
4 d
8 considerable 9 effectively
5 j
9 minutę 10 considerably
6 O
10 substantial
7 a
2 1 thinkers
o c
3 1 / 2 thoughtful
9 h
2 i 3 unthinkable
10 c
3 c 4 thinking
4 a 5 thoughtless
6 rethink
Words and phrases 10
5 j
6 b 7 thought 1 1 blame
7 e 8 thoughts 2 foot
8 h 9 thoughtfully 3 test
9 d 10 thoughtlessly 4 stop
10 g 5 flight
3 1 give me a cali/ring tomorrow 6 m arket
4 1 weather 2 give m e an assurance/your 7 expense


8 vote
9 bed 4 1 initial
10 ease 2 Ms
3 pseudonym
2 1 police 4 titles
2 riot 5 identity
3 bank 6 maiden
4 eye 7 nicknam es
5 family 8 alias
6 luck 9 answers
7 house 10 name
8 money
9 feeling 5 1 names
10 play 2 halt
3 box
3 1 We underestimated our 4 bar
opponents. 5 ąuestion
2 Fiona is undergoing treatm ent 6 close
for a back condition. 7 Duty
3 This hotel is understaffed. 8 mind
4 H arry’s father is an 9 blame
undertaker. 10 attention
5 The shop undercharged me.
6 I m anaged to hide in the 6 1 take
undergrowth. 2 hang
7 Edward got his prom otion in 3 dig
rather an underhand fashion. 4 and
8 The children were clearly 5 slip
undernourished/had clearly 6 link
been underfed. 7 dream
9 The planes undercarriage fell 8 tot
off as it was about to land. 9 cheer
10 We have n ot yet discovered 10 sell
the underlying cause of the


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