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Learning Task 2

I. Venn diagram. 15 points

II. Reflection Question. 15 points

For 8-10 sentences. With the new normal that we have, what storage technology have
you used or have been using to avoid the crowd? Is it effective? How?

Google Drive is a cloud-based storage solution that allows us to save files online
and access them anywhere from any of our smartphone, tablet, or computer – securely
upload files of all shapes and sizes and edit them online. It has become more prevalent
these days because it has gotten to be the essential mode of record exchange from
students to teachers and vice versa, particularly for teachers who are not subscribed to
any learning management systems. We have also utilized this sort of cloud storage to
submit assessments. Indeed it could be an incredible way to maintain distance from the
crowd given our circumstances where we are not allowed to have face-to-face classes,
and so our submissions of activities have been replaced with online submissions.
Moreover, if we would like to share files with our classmates, family, or friends, we will
now just need to upload them on Google Drive and provide the shareable link for them

ICTE 1013 – Computer Fundamentals and Application | 1

to have access. One example is when we are on task of submitting a video for our
Physical Education subject – this serves as a great option for us to upload the said
video considering that our LMS is not capable of accepting large videos or documents
with its maximum size, which is 100 MB only. Additionally, in storing group documents,
it has the capability to allow all group members to edit the document in real-time. It also
has the optical character recognition technology, which is an easier way of scanning
through documents saved by other users and finding the word you searched for,
wherein this would be a top tier, especially when conducting research. We can search
by file types, such as image, Word document, or video, as well as by keyword.
Therefore, in my own perspective, google drive is the most effective storage technology
I use in this time of hardship and new normal way of education.

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