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1. What is story-telling? Choose one technique in story-telling.

Story telling is the art of telling story that gives the person imagery of what it is
being told. It is also a task between story teller and story listener to make the
story come alive.
Techniques 1. RFTS(read first then speak)
2. Interactive technique
3. Say then Act
4. Act then say
5. Say and Act
2. ___A__ Seek to lead for a Higher Purpose Ego exalting God only or
Ego edging God out.
3. Songs, Psalms wisdoms and Prophets are what type of literary style?

a. Narrative b. Poetry

4. What are the habits to prevent blurry of vision. Give at least 1 habit.

1. Have at least 1 meter or 3ft distance when watching TV with open lights
2. Avoid staying long time in front of the computer
3. Wear corrective lens or eyeglasses

5. Does having a blurry vision hereditary? True or False.

Ans. True.
6. How did the mother treat the dog's bite after she found out that her
daughter was bitten?
Ans. Washed the wound with soap and running water and bandage it
7. Are you fortunate and blessed if someone take good care of you while you
are sick? I agree or I disagree

Answer: I agree

8. Where did Bolet Bulate hide so he can enter Joshua’s body?

a. Joshua’s long and dirty fingernails

b. Joshua’s dirty ear

c. Joshua’s pocket

9. Joshua is known as what inside the classroom?

a. Joshua Panda or sleepy head
b. Joshua sicko
c. Joshua nerd
10.The two important functions of prefrontal cortex in our brain except?

a. We use cognition to control our critical thinking

b. We use cognition to control our behaviour

c. It sends signal to our brain when we are stress

11.What has heads and tails but no body?

Answer: Coin
12.How did the mother treat the dog's bite after she found out that her
daughter was bitten?

Answer: Washed the wound with soap and running water and bandage it.

13.How will you use your money wisely?

To use the money wisely is to share the blessings to the poor. Or buy things that
what is only needed. Don’t waste your money to unnecessary things

14.How does one knows the food is clean to be sold?

Answer: The food and drinks is carefully prepared and handled.

15.If Mr. Smith`s peacock lays an egg in Mr. Jones Yard, who owns the egg?
Answer: Peacocks don`t laid eggs, just peahens

E a s y r o u n d
1. The particular programs from the LDP benefit you the most?
a. Daily mission, book report, taking notes, lecturing, testimonial, and fieldtrip.
b. Daily mission, book report, taking notes, mentoring, testimonial, and fieldtrip .
c. Daily mission, book report, taking notes, mentioning, testimonial, and fieldtrip

2. Is worldview about a certain subject like ghost, shamanism and money

depends on where you resides? Why?
a. Yes, because it depends on their culture, belief and folk tales heresy of each
b. Yes, because it depends on their culture, belief and folk tales of each
c. No, because this depend on your own belief

3. Did the Israelites dedicate their victory of war to God? What happened
a. Yes, God gave blessings to them
b. No, God took their lives
c. No, God let them escape
4. From the 10 basic rules to have a better conversation. Write at least three
that you seem fit.
10 basic rules to have a better conversation
1. Don’t multi task
2. Don’t pontificate-
3. Every one you will ever meet knows something you don’t.
4. Go with the flow
5. If you don’t know say you don’t know
6. Don’t equate your experience to them
7. Try not to repeat yourself
8. Rephrase it over and over
9. Stay out of the weeds
10. Listen
5. Studying properly are the positive effects except?

a. Sitting Idle by and being a couch potato

b. Landing to be a professionals and assertive
c. Makes your family and yourself proud

(A) Ego exalting God only and Put an (B) on Ego edging God out. Easy

6. __B__. When we lose intimacy with his unconditional love, we fear

intimacy of others.
7. __A__ Instead of Pride and Fear; health and relationship and acts of
8. In Lesson 16 What is a Bible?

a. Small collection of different books that emerge in the history of the people of
ancient Egypt.

b. huge collection of different books that emerge in the history of the people of
ancient Egypt.

c. Small collection of Antic books passed by from generation to generation

9. In Lesson 17 Real Power comes from what? Answer in complete sentence

a. Real Power comes from Serving themselves

b. Real Power comes from Serving others
c. Real power comes from enforcing law

10. In lesson Seventeen Who are the movement leaders in the Bible?

a. Apostles b. Hebrew c. Medianites

11. In Lesson 18 This speaks through a dense creative language to help us

envision the world, it uses different languages, metaphors to invoke your
imaginations and emotions, what do you call this Literary styles?
a. Poetry b. Narrative c. Psalm

12. History, Parable and Biography are what type of literary style?
a. Narrative b. Poetry c. Songs

13. This is to matter or to speak quietly?

a. Blabber b. meditation c. sign language
14. A truck driver is going down a one way street the wrong way, and passes at
least 10 cops .Why is he not caught?
Answer: Because he was not driving, He’s walking only on the side walk
15. Does having a blurry vision hereditary? True or False.
Answer: True
A V E r a g e r o u n d

1. What does Susie dreamt off whenever her birthday is getting close?

a. She dreamt off beautiful pair of ear rings and other designer’s ear rings
b. She dreamt off beautiful pair of shoes and other designer’s shoes
c. he dreamt off beautiful pair of handbag and wallet

2. Is screaming while pointing out to his/her flaws is the way to show your
love to someone who is disabled? I Agree or I Disagree
I Disagree

3. What were the reminders of Jaycee's mother regarding chicken pox? Give
at least 2 reminders

Be sure not to burst for they will scar

Don’t rub against your skin
Rub anti-allergy lotion to soothe her skin

4. What is the formula of Great wealth?

a. True Godliness + contentment = Great wealth.

b. Contentment + True Godliness = Great wealth.
c. Contentment + contentment = Great wealth

5 Who is Duglit in the story? Answer in complete description. the Pesky red blood cell

6. Why is Em scared to take a bath? Give at least 3 reasons.

1 He won’t be able to play inside the bathroom

2. He will slip because of the soap

3. He will hurt his eyes because of the soap

4. The water is so cold

7. In the story Ang malaking kahon ng Supresa. What were the items found
inside the box? Give at least 5 items
1. Chocolates
2. Canned goods
3. Soap bars
4. Clothes
5. Shoes
8. What is the primary reason why Miguel can’t fly a kite?

a. There seems to be a storm or looks stormy

b. There is a heavy rain pour
c. The sun is up and no wind
9. How does the ORESOL function inside the body?

a. Keeps you from supplying to much liquid

b. Keeps you from losing to much liquid and waste
c. Keeps you from giving much salt and sugar

10.Joshua wants to join what district games?

Basketball b.Track and field c. Volleyball

11.From the story Ang Kati ng Ulo ko. What is the English term of Puyo?
Answer: Cowlick

12.What do you mean by worldview?

a. World view is a set of assumptions held consciously or unconsciously in faith

about the basic make-up of the world and how the world works. It your own mind
set or perspective way on how you see things around you.
b. World view is a set of assumptions held unconsciously or unconsciously in faith
about the basic make-up of the world and how the world works. It your own mind
set or perspective way on how you see things around you.
c. World view is a set of conclusions held unconsciously or unconsciously in faith
about the basic make-up of the world and how the world works. It your own mind
set or perspective way on how you see things around you

13. If a doctor gives you 3 pills and tells you to take one pill every half an
hour, how long would it take before all the pills had been taken?

Answer: 1 hour. Take the first pill right away, half an hour later take the 2 nd pill
and half an hour after that take the 3rd pill. Total time spent only 1 hour.

14.How does” Life Boat Ethics” works? Is it good for the society? Why?

It is all about Passenger in the cruise ship that is sinking then there is a life boat
unfortunately some will stay on the cruise ship and some will be save using the
life boat. It is one way how the nature controls the population through natural

15. Give at least 1 advice from Dr. Bungi to the family of Janella?
The advices are:

1. When the dog bit someone often the dog is confined and observed 10 days.
2. If the dog immediately gone mad or depressed immediately give her shot of

D I ffI c u l t R ound

1. From the lesson’s man’s basic question. What does it mean to be human?
What‘s the difference between Biblical worldview perspective from
Animism perspective?

a. Biblical worldview perspective- Man is made in the image of God, Man has
dominion over the creation and Man is desperately broken. While
Animism perspective- Man is a spirit part of universal consciousness.
Human has no significance, Fatalism reigns
b. Animism perspective- Man is a spirit part of universal unconsciousness.
Human has significance, Fatalism reigns, while Biblical worldview
perspective- Man has dominion over the spiritual creation and Man is
desperately broken

c. Animism perspective- Man is made in the image of God. Human has

significance, Fatalism reigns, while Biblical worldview perspective- Man
has dominion over the spiritual creation and Man is desperately broken

2. We cannot serve two masters at one time. Why?

a. Because we have to choose over heart and soul in serving God with all our
might and faith.
b. Because we only have one heart and soul in serving God with all our might
and faith.
c. Because serving two masters means pleasing them both.

3. Give the cycle of” Positive Reinforcement” with examples.

Trigger --------Behaviour------Reward
e.g. see food------eat food-------feel good

4. What is the outcome if you commit sin and disobedience based on Genesis

a. The outcome when they commit sin and disobedience based on Genesis 3:7
is the happening wherein they experience hunger.

b. The outcome when they commit sin and disobedience based on Genesis 3:7
is the happening wherein they experience drought.
c. The outcome when they commit sin and disobedience based on Genesis 3:7
is the happening wherein they experience envy.

5. Differentiate between self –serving leader from servant leader?

Self –serving leader is afraid of losing their power and position to control, that is
why they don’t want to train others because they don’t want to impart their
knowledge, while
Servant Leader- Looking at leadership by giving service, embracing comments,
and feedback as useful information for the development and good service.

6. In Lesson 16 What does TaNaK stands for and its counter meaning in lay
man term? Give the complete answer.
Ta (Torrah) = Law Ne (Neviim) = Prophet K (Ketuuvim) = Writings

7. Complete the sentence:

A good story comes with CONFLICT ends with a RESOLUTION of the character.

8. In the Story about Gideon and the Oppressed Israelites who are the

a. Medianites
b. Hebrew
c. Israelites

9. How do you call the eye specialist?

a. Optometrist.
b. Ophthalmologist
c. Entomologist
10. Is red blood cell important to you? Why? Answer in complete sentence.

a. Yes, red blood cell is important because it supplies nutrients to all part of the
b. Yes, red blood cell is important because it supplies oxygen to all part of the
c. No, red blood cell is a bad blood in our body.

11. The stuff /things in the box don’t really give us real happiness. What
makes the story Mga Saranggola sa Tag-ulan unique it uses what?

Answer: You use your power of Imagination

12. Every time Em touches something it becomes what?

a. Filthy b. Spick and span/ clean c. gold

13. What was the Main Idea in the story, TUTULI?

a. The Life struggles of Lili inside the ear of the main character

b. The life struggles of the mother to the main character

c. Freedom of Lili from the Life struggles.

14. -15. What is the Main Theme of The Leadership Development Program Event
today? Answer: “LEAD THE WORLD

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