Reflection Conw 6 Blind Men - MIDTERM

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Globalization has truly made the world smaller through its definition of

interconnectedness, however perspective about its mere existence and effects varies from every
individual or nation due to the different scale and circumstances of which globalization has been
seen or felt.
As we can relate on the story of “The Six Blind Men and The Elephant,” there we can
view a perfect representation of how notions about globalization is perceived. The Elephant as
globalization, the Elephant’s body parts as the different effects and branches, and the six blind
men as the representation of different nations and people who’ve come across globalization – as
each blind man touches them, they then describe the different parts as if they’ve seen the whole
elephant as a whole, debating whether the other is being dishonest just because what they have
touched is simply different from the other.
With this story, we can learn that people tend to presume or claim certain truth without
even realizing the bigger picture such when we think and assess about how vast does
globalization envelops
Moreover, we can also indicate other meaning such as diversity of resources, or the
advantage and disadvantages of countries in connect with globalization, which is interpreted at
the part when one blind men touched the side and declared the elephant as smooth and solid like
a wall or the other that touched the elephant's limber trunk and presumed that an elephant is like
a giant snake.
To be true, event like this in the story happens naturally in real life because after all,
judgement is based from experiences, and inequality is experienced mostly by all.

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