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Scenario: Mr Rajiv has complaints of Left ear pain for past two days, on
medical advice he has been prescribed Oflaxacin ear drops twice a day.
Perform instillation of ear drops.

S.No. Steps of Procedure Score 1/0 Remarks

1 Verifies the physician order and the
patient details

2 Checks for the allergies/ redness,


3 Identifies the patient and Explains the


4 Provides the side lying position to the

patient with ear being treated
uppermost (Right Lateral)
5 Cleans the meatus of the ear canal
using cotton tipped applicators. (Use
normal saline if necessary)

6 Warms the medicine container in hand.

7 Fills ear dropper partially with


8 Straightens the auditory canal by

pulling the pinna upward and
9 Instills the correct number of drops
alongside of ear canal by holding the
dropper one centi meter above ear
10 Presses gently and firmly a few minutes
on the tragus of the ear.

11 Instructs the patient to remain in side

lying position for about 5 minutes.

12 Inserts a small piece of cotton fluff

loosely at the meatus of auditory canal
for 15 to 20 minutes.

13 Assesses the patient' comfort,

response and check the discharge /
drainage from the ear.

14 Documents the medication


Student Score

Feedback to the Student : ...............................................................


Signature of the Supervisor : ...............................................................

Competency pass Score 80% : ...............................................................

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