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My dreams for the future

Hi all. My name is Jose Carlos-Carlos for short. I am 19 years old.

Right now, I am in my first year of college, and I often dream of my
future, I have big plans and I would like to tell you a little about them.
My most immediate are vacation plans. I am going to visit my family
who lives in Ciudad Valles. I am very excited about that.
In five or ten years I would like to have my video game company and
work. It has its building capacity.
Maybe I will study business after graduating from art school. Of
course, someday I hope to get married and have children.
Ideally before I turn 30, but I can't plan until I meet the right person,
and I have a girlfriend right now, In my dreams I see myself at 40
years old running a successful video game company with various
purchases, I am going to design beautiful games for beautiful people,
I am going to have a beautiful house, in the future beautiful children,
and of course a beautiful wife who is so successful like me.

• Pictonary: phrasal verbs p. 40
• Describing my hometown.
Your Hometown
• Where is it?
This city is located, in the state of San Luis Potosí, in the southwest
area of the state, it is located within the Sierra Madre, which gives
honor to its name since it is within a Valley

• What’s its History?

The city is in the area originally inhabited by the Huasteco people, also

called Huaxteca or Teenek. Founded in the 16th century by the conqueror

Nuño de Guzmán on July 25, 1533 with the name of "Villa de Santiago de

Los Valles de Oxitipa" (near Aquismón, SLP and El Tanute, SLP, but they

had to change the headquarters to current place, due to a fire caused by

the Chichimeca War, unleashed first against the Aztecs who held

Huaxteca regions and then against the Spanish colonizers). The

foundation of this place was carried out with 25 neighbors and the first

commissioner commissioned by the government of the same was

Francisco Barrón. Since the nineteenth century the abbreviated name has

been more widely used, eventually becoming the official name Ciudad

Valles. The indigenous name of the current Ciudad Valles was "Tamtokow

bichou" which in the Teenek language means "People of the place of

clouds"; the Spanish and mestizos (ladinos) used to write "Tantocob" as

a reference to the original name.

The history of Valles in the 16th and 17th centuries is properly the
relationship of the mayors of this Villa. The first mayor was Juan de Trejo
Meraz between the years 1578 to 1581, being at that time when the
Mayor's Office of Santiago de los Valles reached its greatest extension.
During the 19th and early 20th centuries it was the scene of skirmishes
of secondary relevance during the numerous civil wars that ravaged the
country. By decree it was assigned the rank of city, as it was the
jurisdictional seat in the 19th century. With little economic and
demographic importance for centuries, being mainly a place of passage
between the mining capital city of San Luis Potosí and the port of
Tampico. Population growth happened primarily as a result of the
installation of sugar mills in the region, in the mid-1950s. The State
Legislature in its decree No. 60 of October 5, 1827, ordered that all the
heads of the Department and Party should be called Cities. For this
reason, from that date, the old Villa de los Valles, became Ciudad Valles.

• What’s it like now?

Well now the city has grown a bit, although it is still small, now it has
some new things, such as more places to eat, as it also reopened a casino,
it has a DHL office, and it has more people and better infrastructure in
some areas, good with some more modern construction.

• ¿Do you like it?

The truth is I don't like it very much,

• Do you like it?

the city is very small, and there is almost no where to go for a walk, I only
go mostly to see my family, which I miss a lot.

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