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improve cerebellar phenotypes. It is encouraging 8. Y. C. Lam et al., Cell 127, 1335 (2006). mice and the members of the H.Y.Z. laboratory for
that exercise and the accompanying increase in 9. J. Crespo-Barreto, J. D. Fryer, C. A. Shaw, H. T. Orr, comments and discussions on the manuscript. This
H. Y. Zoghbi, PLoS Genet. 6, e1001021 (2010). research was supported by NIH grants NS27699,
neuronal activity and metabolic demands do not 10. M. Kawamura-Saito et al., Hum. Mol. Genet. 15, 2125 NS27699-20S1–ARRA, and HD24064 (Baylor College
seem to exacerbate the disease process in vul- (2006). of Medicine–Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
nerable neuronal populations, which may be im- 11. J. Lim et al., Nature 452, 713 (2008). Research Center) to H.Y.Z.; 1F32NS055545 to J.D.F.;
portant in a variety of neurodegenerative disorders. 12. P. S. Thomas Jr. et al., Hum. Mol. Genet. 15, 2225 (2006). and NS022920 and NS045667 to H.T.O. H.Y.Z. is an
13. J. M. Van Raamsdonk et al., Hum. Mol. Genet. 14, 1379 investigator with the Howard Hughes Medical Institute,
References and Notes (2005). holds a patent on SCA1 diagnostic testing, and is on the
1. H. T. Orr et al., Nat. Genet. 4, 221 (1993). 14. D. V. Vaz et al., Clin. Rehabil. 22, 234 (2008). scientific advisory board of Pfizer Neuroscience Program.
2. H. Y. Zoghbi, H. T. Orr, J. Biol. Chem. 284, 7425 (2009). 15. W. Ilg et al., Neurology 73, 1823 (2009).
3. C. W. Cotman, N. C. Berchtold, L.-A. Christie, Acknowledgments: J.D.F. and H.Y.Z. conceived of the study
Supporting Online Material
and designed experiments. J.D.F., C.M.B., A.N.C., and
Trends Neurosci. 30, 464 (2007).
Y.G. performed behavioral assays and provided input Materials and Methods
4. A. Chiò, G. Benzi, M. Dossena, R. Mutani, G. Mora,
Figs. S1 to S3
Brain 128, 472 (2005). on analysis. J.D.F. and J.C.-B. performed molecular
work and analysis. P.Y., H.K., and C.S. analyzed Tables S1 to S4
5. D. J. Mahoney, C. Rodriguez, M. Devries, N. Yasuda,
References (16–18)
M. A. Tarnopolsky, Muscle Nerve 29, 656 (2004). microarray data. J.D.F. and H.Y.Z. wrote the manuscript
6. K. Watase et al., Neuron 34, 905 (2002). with input from J.C.-.B, A.F., and H.T.O. We are 15 August 2011; accepted 21 September 2011
7. S. Astigarraga et al., EMBO J. 26, 668 (2007). grateful to G. Schuster for the generation of mutant 10.1126/science.1212673

2) Stability over time (2). For stability eval-

Bidirectional Control of Social uation, rank was measured daily for 7 days (Fig.

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1, D and E). Mice adopted the same rank position
Hierarchy by Synaptic Efficacy in as the previous day in 59% (127 out of 216) of
the comparisons. Having a reward for taking the
Medial Prefrontal Cortex tube test (see Methods) did not affect the linearity
or stability of the rank (Fig. 1C and fig. S1A). It
was noteworthy that the time spent in the tube
Fei Wang,1,2 Jun Zhu,1 Hong Zhu,1,2 Qi Zhang,1 Zhanmin Lin,1 Hailan Hu1* was significantly shorter when the mouse of the
lowest rank (rank-4) was involved or as rank dis-
Dominance hierarchy has a profound impact on animals’ survival, health, and reproductive success, tance increased (Fig. 1F). Moreover, rank did not
but its neural circuit mechanism is virtually unknown. We found that dominance ranking in mice correlate with either the weight (when weight
is transitive, relatively stable, and highly correlates among multiple behavior measures. Recording difference is below 15%) (P = 0.96, one-way
from layer V pyramidal neurons of the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) showed higher strength analysis of variance) (fig. S1B) or the locomotive
of excitatory synaptic inputs in mice with higher ranking, as compared with their subordinate cage activity in the open field (P = 0.41) (fig. S1C).
mates. Furthermore, molecular manipulations that resulted in an increase and decrease in the 3) Consistency with results of other domi-
synaptic efficacy in dorsal mPFC neurons caused an upward and downward movement in the social nance measures. To rule out factors unrelated to
rank, respectively. These results provide direct evidence for mPFC’s involvement in social hierarchy dominance, e.g., sensorimotor capacity, learning
and suggest that social rank is plastic and can be tuned by altering synaptic strength in mPFC ability, and persistence, we compared the tube
pyramidal cells. test results with those obtained by five addition-
al dominance assays. First, in the visible burrow
ominance hierarchy is a fundamental To investigate the neural mechanisms under- system (VBS), where food and water are relative-

D organizing mechanism for most animal

societies (1). The dominance status deter-
mines access to resources and profoundly affects
lying social hierarchy, a robust and reliable be-
havioral assay is essential. The tube test, in which
one mouse forces its opponent out backward from
ly difficult to access and weight change reflects
dominance (13), the tube-test ranks correlated
linearly with weight changes (Fig. 2A and fig.
survival, health, reproductive success, and mul- a narrow tube—developed to measure the domi- S2A). Second, tube-test ranks also linearly corre-
tiple behaviors (2–4). Once established, the hier- nance tendency of mice (11) (Fig. 1A)—was pre- lated with the ranks by the agonistic behavior
archy rank is relatively stable and can minimize viously used mostly for comparison between test, in which dominance is determined by scoring
intense fights among group members (5). Dom- mice of different strains (11) or genotypes (12). agonistic behaviors in a novel context (Fig. 2B
inance hierarchy emerges early in development To measure the hierarchical relation of animals and fig. S2B). Third, in the barber assay where
and is present in children as young as 2 years old within the same social group, we applied the tube the most dominant mouse barbers the whiskers
(6). Moreover, dominance has been linked to test to cage groups of four male C57/BL6 mice, of its cage mates (“Dalila effect”) (12, 14), the
heritable traits in animals (7, 8) and humans (9). living together for at least 2 weeks. Mice were barber mouse was ranked first by the tube test in
The ubiquitous, inheritable nature and the early tested pair-wise using a round robin design, and six of seven cages (Fig. 2C). Fourth, in the urine-
developmental emergence suggest that dominance the social rank was assessed on the basis of win- marking assay, where dominant mice mark larger
hierarchy is encoded by innate neural mechanism ning against the other three cage mates (Fig. 1, territories than subordinate ones (15), we found
(10). Yet, current understanding of the neural A and D). We validated the tube test to be a reli- 71% (30 out of 42) consistency with the tube-test
mechanisms associated with social hierarchy—the able measure of dominance ranking by the fol- result (Fig. 2D). Finally, in the test of ultrasonic
neural circuits underlying status-related behav- lowing three criteria: vocalization toward females in which dominant
ioral differences and the mechanism for initiating 1) Transitivity—when mouse A is more dom- males emit more 50- to 70-kHz ultrasonic court-
changes in social status—is surprisingly limited. inant over B and B more dominant over C, ship songs (16), we found rank-1 mice in the tube
then A should be dominant over C (Fig. 1B). We test emitted markedly more ultrasounds toward
Institute of Neuroscience and State Key Laboratory of Neu- analyzed the relation of any three mice from a a female than mice of lower ranks in 9 out of 10
roscience, Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences, Chinese cage group; rank was transitive in 95% (251 out cages (Fig. 2E and fig. S2C). In addition, dom-
Academy of Sciences, Shanghai 200031, China. 2Graduate
School of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai 200031, of 264) cases (Fig. 1B). Consistent with this high inance ranking significantly correlated among
China. transitivity, in 89% (78 out of 88) of the trials, a these five tests themselves (fig. S2). Although
*To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: four-mouse group adopted a linear social diagram the reliability and validity of each assay in mea- among the four possible combinations (Fig. 1C). suring the dominance behavior may be debatable SCIENCE VOL 334 4 NOVEMBER 2011 693

or context-dependent (5, 17), the high consisten- riety of behaviors that use different sensorimotor imaging studies in humans have implicated the
cy of ranking results from these multiple assays skills (fig. S3). dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (dlPFC) and medial
strongly supports the notion that dominance is Where and how is the hierarchical infor- prefrontal cortex (mPFC) in dominance hierarchy–
a common dependable variable underlying a va- mation encoded in the brain? Functional brain related behaviors (18, 19). The functional homo-

A B C 100

Trial percentage
Non- Linear A B C D Reward (n=38)
Transitive transitive No reward (n=88)
A A 50
95% 5% C D D






Non-L-1 Non-L-2 Non-L-3




D E F * **
n=1 n=21 *** ***
* **

Time in the tube

Winning times

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Tube test rank

Tube test rank

1 3 1 6
* *

2 2 2
3 1 3
4 0 4
1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1--2 2--3 1--3 3--4 2--4 1--4
Test trial Test trial Rank pairing

Fig. 1. Tube-test ranking for social hierarchy. (A) Schematic of the tube test. the rank positions of one cage of mice tested daily over 6 days. (E) Summary
(B) Illustration of a transitive and a nontransitive relation (n = 264 cases). (C) graph for 21 cages measured. The average rank positions of animals be-
Four possible social diagrams for a cage of four mice and the percentage of longing to each rank group from the previous day were calculated. (F) Nor-
each diagram observed (n = number of cages). Non-L: non-linear. Histograms: malized time spent in the tube encountering for the six pairing conditions
Percentages of all cases that conformed to various social diagrams in the (n = 10 cages), e.g., 1–2 stands for rank-1 against rank-2. Wilson rank-sum
reward and nonreward conditions (see Materials and Methods). (D) Example of test (*P < 0.05; **P < 0.01; ***P < 0.001). Error bars, SEM.

Fig. 2. Comparison of the tube test A B

with five other dominance tests. (A Visible burrow system Agonistic behavior assay

Rank in agonistic behavior

to E) (Left) schematics of each test. 4 4
Rank in VBS

(A) (Right) Average weight-change

3 3
ranks in VBS plotted against the
tube-test ranks. P = 0.0003, Fisher’s 2 2
exact test, same for (B) to (D). For 1 R2 = 0.97 R2 = 0.91
(A), (B), and (E), n = number of cages. n = 10 n = 16
(B) The agonistic behavior score was Water Food
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
calculated by subtracting the number Rank in tube test Rank in tube test
of offensive behaviors from that of E Ultrasonic test
Rank in ultrasonic test

defensive behaviors during a 20-min Barber test

Barber Non-barber
Number of animals

period in a novel cage. (Right) Av- Barber Non-barber Male Unfamiliar
7 female
erage ranks in agonistic behavior 3
assay plotted against the tube-test 2
ranks. P = 0.003. (C) (Right) Num-
1 R2 = 0.93
ber of animals at each tube-test rank n = 10
position from all the barber and 0
nonbarber mice. P = 0.02. (D) (Left) 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
Rank in tube test Rank in tube test
Representative picture of the urine-
Number of ultrasounds

Ultrasound duration(s)

200 20
marking patterns of a rank-1 to -4 D Urine marking assay Ultrasound events
Dominant Subordinate
In urine marking

mice pair as revealed by ultraviolet Rank-1
light. (Right) Contingency table
Dominant Subordinate 12 .. 30 n = 10

showing number of animals in each .. 100 10

category. n = 42 pairs from eight .. Rank-4

** *** ** ***
cage groups. P = 0.003. (E) (Top right) 30 ..
*** ***
Average ranks in the ultrasound ..
Dominant Subordinate
10 sec
1 2 3 4

test against the tube-test ranks. Rank in tube test

In tube test
P = 2 × 10−7. (Bottom left) Exam-
ple traces of the ultrasound emitted by a pair of rank-1 and rank-4 male The P value is obtained by two-tailed Student’s t test on natural log–
mice when encountering a female. (Bottom right) Summary graph of the transformed data in comparison with rank-1. **P < 0.01; ***P < 0.001. Error
number and duration of ultrasounds evoked by mice of each rank position. bars, SEM.


log of these regions in rodents is the dorsal were significantly larger in rank-1 than rank-4 mice citatory synapses in dorsal mPFC using a Sindbis
mPFC, including the anterior cingulate cortex of the same cage group (P < 0.0001, Kolmogorov- virus–based in vivo recombinant DNA–delivery
(AC) and the prelimbic cortex (PL) (Fig. 3A) Smirnov two-sample test) (Fig. 3, C and D). The technique (22–24) (Fig. 4A). Small guanosine
(20). Moreover, mPFC lesion lowered the social difference was significant for each of the five triphosphatases Ras and Rap potentiate and
rank in rats (21). Therefore, we investigated po- pairs of mice recorded (Fig. 3E). These results depress AMPA receptor–mediated transmission,
tential differences in the synaptic properties in indicate dominant mice have a higher excitatory respectively, in the hippocampus by regulating
this region between dominant and subordinate synaptic strength in layer V pyramidal neurons synaptic trafficking of AMPA receptors (25).
mice. Acute brain slices containing mPFC were than their subordinates, which could result in We verified these effects in the mPFC neurons
made from rank-1 and rank-4 mice, and mini- stronger output of these excitatory neurons to in vivo by localized mPFC injection of Ras- or
ature excitatory synaptic currents (mEPSCs) other brain regions. Consistently, dominant mice Rap-expressing Sindbis viruses and whole-cell
mediated by the a-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl- exhibited significantly higher number of c-Fos– recording of injected neurons (Fig. 4B). Sindbis
4-isoxazolepropionic acid (AMPA) subtype of positive neurons in the PL region of mPFC after virus preferentially infects pyramidal neurons (fig.
glutamate receptors were measured by whole-cell the tube test (Fig. 3, F and G). S4), and the basic electrophysiological proper-
recording from layer V pyramidal neurons, the To determine whether the difference in ties of infected neurons, including the input re-
primary mPFC output neurons (Fig. 3B). The mPFC synaptic efficacy could contribute to the sistance and leak current, were indistinguishable
amplitudes, but not the frequency, of mEPSCs rank status, we manipulated the function of ex- from those of uninfected neurons within 48
hours of infection (fig. S4, see also SOM text
note 1). At 12 to 24 hours postinfection, neurons
infected with Ras virus had higher amplitudes of

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A B Rank-1 14 * AMPA receptor–mediated EPSCs (179 T 24% of

mEPSC amplitude (pA)

AC controls, P = 0.0093, Wilcoxon signed rank test),
PL 12 in comparison with neighboring uninfected con-
IL trol cells (Fig. 4, B and E, and fig. S5A), whereas
Rap-expressing neurons had lower EPSC ampli-
Rank-4 10
tudes (Fig. 4E and fig. S5B, 71 T 9% of controls,
P = 0.025). The behavioral consequences of
20 pA

1 mm 8 these synaptic manipulations were further as-

Bregma +1.94 mm 2s Rank-1 Rank-4 sessed by bilateral high-titer viral injection into
the dorsal mPFC of one mouse from each cage
C D group with stable ranks (persisting for at least
Cumulative percentage

Cumulative percentage

100 100
four continuous daily trials before the injection)
p<0.0001 p=0.231
(fig. S7). Mice infected with Ras virus moved
upward in the rank, starting as early as 12 hours
50 50
after viral injection (Fig. 4, F and G, and fig.
Rank-1 Rank-1
S8A). In contrast, mice infected with Rap virus
Rank-4 Rank-4
moved downward in the rank (Fig. 4, F and G,
0 0 and fig. S8B). Infection of virus expressing
0 20 40 60 0 40 80 120
mEPSC amplitude (pA) Inter-event-interval (s) green fluorescent protein (GFP) alone did not
result in any rank shift (Fig. 4, F and G, and
E Pair1 2 3 4 5
fig. S8E).
Cumulative %

100 As the synaptic effect of Ras may involve

p<0.001 p<0.01 p<0.01 p<0.001 p<0.001
both pre- and postsynaptic changes (25, 26) and
Rank-1 Ras-induced synaptic potentiation was relatively
Rank-4 transient (<3 days) (fig. S6), we then manipulated
0 20 40 0 10 20 30 0 20 40 60 0 20 40 0 20 40 the AMPA receptor–mediated transmission more
specifically by using constructs that express either
F Winner Loser G 100 * Control the AMPA receptor subunit GluR4, which under-
Winner goes synaptic delivery and increases synaptic trans-
c-Fos positive cells

mission under basal conditions (27, 28) (see also
SOM text note 2), or the C terminus of GluR4
(R4Ct), which can block synaptic trafficking of
AMPA receptors (27) (see also SOM text note 3).
200 µm
Recording in acute mPFC slices from virus-infected
0 mice revealed that viral expression of GluR4
potentiated (173 T 22% of controls, P = 0.01),
Fig. 3. Dominant mice have larger synaptic strength than the subordinate ones. (A) Schematic di- whereas R4Ct depressed (24 T 2% of controls, P =
agram of mPFC, as outlined by the red dashed lines. The smaller red box indicates the positions of the 0.0006), AMPA-EPSCs in mPFC (Fig. 4, C to E,
recordings made, mostly in AC and PL. (B) (Left) Representative traces of mEPSCs from mPFC layer V and fig. S5). Correspondingly, GluR4 increased,
pyramidal neurons of a pair of rank-1 and rank-4 mice. (Right) Summary of the results from 60 neurons whereas R4Ct decreased the tube-test rank of
of five pairs of mice (12 neurons from each animal). The P value is obtained by two-tailed Student’s t test injected animals (Fig. 4, F to G, and fig. S8).
on log-transformed data. (C) Cumulative distribution of mEPSC amplitudes of all 60 neurons. (D) Cumu- Analysis of the viral infection sites reveals that
lative distribution of mEPSC inter event intervals (equal to 1 per frequency). (E) Cumulative distribution of the rank change correlated best with the infec-
mEPSC amplitudes from the 12 neurons of each individual pair of animals. (F) Representative images of tion rates in the PL region (fig. S7). Injection
PL slices from a winner and loser mouse stained for c-Fos 120 min after 5 rounds of tube test. (G) Average of the same amount of R4Ct virus into the M1
c-Fos–positive cell counts per 30-mm-thick slice. Two-tailed Student’s t test. *P < 0.05. Error bars, SEM. motor cortex had no effect on the rank (Fig. 4G SCIENCE VOL 334 4 NOVEMBER 2011 695

and fig. S9), which indicated that the effect is a marked decrease in both the frequency and du- The bidirectional modulation suggests that the
mPFC-specific. ration of ultrasound production at 36 to 60 hours effect of mPFC synaptic efficacy on dominance
To confirm that viral manipulations in mPFC after viral injection (Fig. 4H and fig. S10), re- is specific and unlikely to be due to secondary
affected dominance instead of other variables that sulting in a bidirectional shift in ultrasonic test effects.
could alter tube-test behavior (fig. S3), we per- rank (Fig. 4I and fig. S10). How could mPFC contribute to the determi-
formed an additional dominance measure, the Here, we established that the tube test is a nation of social status? Social hierarchy behav-
ultrasonic vocalization test. When tested for ultra- simple and reliable method that provides hierar- ior depends on a collection of cognitive traits
sound vocalizations toward a female, low-rank chical ranking of social groups in mice. Using involving recognition of social status, learning of
mice injected with GluR4-expressing virus dis- this and other dominance measures, we identified social norms, and detection of violation of social
played a significant increase, whereas high-rank the mPFC circuitry, in particular the dorsal mPFC, norms (10). mPFC has been explicitly implicated
mice injected with R4Ct-expressing virus showed as a neural substrate for dominance hierarchy. in social cognition (29). Through its projections

A Bilateral viral B Pair recording of mPFC C Ctrl GluR4 Injected


Rank in tube test

GluR4 Uninjected
injection in mPFC layer V neurons 200

EPSC (%)
500 µm

I 2
100 3

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I AMPA I NMDA -36 -24 -12 12 24 36 48 60 72
V 100 µm Before After injection (hr)
Bregma +2.22 mm
VI 10 µm D Ctrl R4Ct

Rank in tube test

150 *** R4Ct

EPSC (%)
+40 mV 100 2
-60 mV 50 3
20 pA

50 µm
Infected Ctrl 40 ms
I AMPA I NMDA -36 -24 -12 12 24 36 48 60 72

E F Virus injection * *
300 Ctrl *
1 *
Average change

in rank position

** GluR4
** * GluR4 *
* Rap
0 R4Ct
100 GFP
* *** -1 *** * ** **
0 -36 -24 -12 12 24 36 48 60 72
n=19 n=12 n=12 n=16 n=13
motor Before After injection (hr)
mPFC cortex
showing rank change

100 H I
* **
showing rank change

6 GluR4 R4Ct 100

% animals

Ln (Ultrasound
number +1)

% animals

100 ** **
Ras GluR4 Rap R4Ct GFP R4Ct 100 *
0 GluR4 R4Ct
(n=5) (n=9) (n=7) (n=13) (n=6) (n=4)
Before After (n=8) (n=9)

Fig. 4. Modulations of mPFC synaptic efficacy caused bidirectional shift of mediated EPSCs (E) and tube-test rank (F) as induced by injection of each
hierarchical rank. (A) Example of GFP-GluR4 virus injection sites (counter- viral construct. n in (F) is the same as in (G). (G) Summary of percentage of
stained with Hoechst). White dashed lines outline the mPFC. (B) Simultaneous animals showing rank increase (left upward column) or decrease (right down-
whole-cell recording of EPSCs from a pair of layer V pyramidal neurons while ward column) in the tube test. (H) Natural log–transformed number of ultra-
layer II/III was stimulated. (Top left) Illustration of the recording configuration. sonic vocalization events toward a female before and after viral injection.
(Top right) Patching of a pair of infected (by GFP-Ras) and uninfected mPFC Natural log transformation was taken to normalize the data and reduce the
neurons under transmitted and fluorescent light microscopy. (Bottom) Exam- data span. Each line represents data from one mouse. (I) Summary of per-
ple of evoked EPSC recorded at –60 and +40 mV from a neuron pair. Stimu- centage of mice showing rank increase or decrease in ultrasound test induced
lation artifacts are marked by filled circles. (C and D) Effects of virus expressing by GluR4 and R4Ct viruses. (C) to (F) and (I) Wilcoxon signed rank test, in
GFP-GluR4 (C) and red FP (RFP)–R4Ct (D) on the AMPA receptor– and N- comparison with neighboring noninjected control neurons (C) to (E) or with
methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor–mediated EPSCs (left) and the tube-test rank change of animals injected with GFP-expressing virus (F) or noninjected
rank dynamics of a four-mouse group (right). Arrowhead indicates the injection animals (I). (G) Fisher’s exact test, compared with GFP-injected animals. *P <
at 0 hours time point. (E and F) Summary of effects on AMPA receptor– 0.05; **P < 0.01; ***P < 0.001. Error bars, SEM.


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Social Network Size Affects Neural in a research colony (5) to demonstrate that
variation in young adult rhesus macaques’ so-
cial environments changes structure and func-
Circuits in Macaques tion in a distributed neural circuit centered on
mid-STS, anterior cingulate cortex (ACC), and
J. Sallet,1,2*† R. B. Mars,1,2* M. P. Noonan,1,2* J. L. Andersson,2 J. X. O’Reilly,2 S. Jbabdi,2 rostral prefrontal cortex (rPFC).
P. L. Croxson,1,3 M. Jenkinson,2 K. L. Miller,2 M. F. S. Rushworth1,2 First, we conducted a deformation-based
morphometric (DBM) analysis (6) of magnetic
It has been suggested that variation in brain structure correlates with the sizes of individuals’ resonance imaging (MRI) scans of brain struc-
social networks. Whether variation in social network size causes variation in brain structure, ture from 23 young adult [4.33 T 0.52 years
however, is unknown. To address this question, we neuroimaged 23 monkeys that had been (mean T SD)] monkeys (14 males) (5). Scanned
living in social groups set to different sizes. Subject comparison revealed that living in animals were drawn from 34 animals from dif-
larger groups caused increases in gray matter in mid-superior temporal sulcus and rostral ferent groups within a research colony. The ani-
prefrontal cortex and increased coupling of activity in frontal and temporal cortex. Social mals were housed in groups of between one and
network size, therefore, contributes to changes both in brain structure and function. The changes seven individuals. We considered the number of
have potential implications for an animal’s success in a social context; gray matter housemates of each monkey as a measure of
differences in similar areas were also correlated with each animal’s dominance within its social network size.
social network. The organization of monkeys into groups
was not randomized in a conventional sense but
he evolution of primate brains is thought larger in people in regular contact with a larger instead depended on factors that were indepen-

T to be associated with the demands of liv-

ing in a complex social environment (1).
Recent evidence shows that differences in brain
number of relatives, friends, and colleagues.
However, the direction of cause and effect
underlying this phenomenon is unknown. Al-
dent of social characteristics; these included the
requirements of independent programs of neuro-
scientific research and veterinary considerations
structure correlate with variation in individuals’ though this issue has not been directly inves- [full details of housing arrangements are pro-
social network size (2); some brain structures are tigated, sensorimotor experience is known to vided (5)]. A true randomization of animals would
lead to brain structural changes even during have been virtually impossible given numerous
Department of Experimental Psychology, University of Ox- adulthood (3, 4). For instance, learning to use a considerations, including the constraints imposed
ford, Oxford OX1 3UD, UK. 2Oxford Centre for Functional tool increases gray matter density in the intra- by the licensing of experimental procedures, the
Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Brain (FMRIB), University parietal sulcus (IPS), caudal superior temporal cost of such a project, and the potential for dis-
of Oxford, Oxford OX1 3UD, UK. 3Icahn Medical Institute,
Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York, NY 10029, USA. sulcus (STS), and somatosensory cortex in the ruption to other research programs. While some
*These authors contributed equally to this work.
rhesus macaque (Macaca mulatta) (3). Here, unobserved variables might have contributed to
†To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: we exploit the pseudo-randomized assign- the outcomes we report, group assignment was ment of individual animals to social groups not carried out on the basis of social character- SCIENCE VOL 334 4 NOVEMBER 2011 697

Bidirectional Control of Social Hierarchy by Synaptic Efficacy
in Medial Prefrontal Cortex
Fei Wang, Jun Zhu, Hong Zhu, Qi Zhang, Zhanmin Lin and Hailan
Hu (September 29, 2011)
Science 334 (6056), 693-697. [doi: 10.1126/science.1209951]
originally published online September 29, 2011

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