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Find the adverbs of frequency. Then use the adverbs to write true sentences.
1-Have a sandwich for breakfast
2-Read magazines at school
3-Play volleyball with my friends
4-Get up at 5 o’clock.
5-Watch sport on TV.
6-Have breakfast in bed.

What’s the position of the adverbs of frequency?

-With the verb “to be”:
I am late for classes (never)
-With a main verb:
I work on Sundays (never)
We go to the movies on Saturday (usually)
He wakes up at 7:00 (always)
She trains sport (hardly ever)
We have classes in the afternoon (often)
-With an auxiliary and a verb:
I don’t work on Sundays (usually)
He hasn’t got free time (often)
I can follow the lesson (always)
I will forgive you (never)
-With a verb to verb construction:
I want to go to the movies (never)
We have to stay home (usually)
She needs to phone home (never)
-With a question structure:
Do you work late? (ever)
Can you follow the lesson? (always)
Will you love me? (always)

Put the following sentences in the right order:

1-never to have Paris been I
2-inherit children from always things parents their will
3-keep fruit have to I for fit breakfast usually
4-I dreamt Caribbean always the about have Sea to going
5-drive a you motorbike helmet never without safety should a
6-Church band in normally the hall the practises
7-can’t but have the we hall always.
8-Go so we to to someone’s sometimes house have
9-kim to are each always other Dan and sarcastic?
10-started always quickly get to wants Dan.

Write these adverbs in the right position:

1-Alison is very quiet (always)
2-I play volleyball (once or twice a week)
3-My friend comes to school by bus (often)
4-We visit our grandparents (every summer)
5-Do you work in the evening? (normally)
6-I go to work by car (sometimes)
7-Mary is at home before nine (never)
8-They play football (once a week)
9-Her brother is telling jokes (always)

Put in always, never, usually, sometimes, often, occasionally, quite often or

hardly ever  :
1-They go dancing.
2-We are free after three o’clock.
3-I iron my own clothes.
4-She has spoken to me about her family.
5-It rains in August in my country.
6-She could remember everyone’s names.
7- I forget faces.
8-I’ve stayed in the Hilton.
9-He will listen to other people’s opinions.
10-I get good ideas in the morning.
11-She travels by air.
12-He was very generous.
13-You can leave early.
14-It could happen.
15-We have been there without our parents.

Choose the correct adverb and put it in the right place:

1-I see him nowadays, last time we met it was ten years ago (never /often/ always)
2-I watch horror films, I don’t like them. (hardly ever/ occasionally/ always)
3-She has been a good student but she passes her exams (often / never/ usually)

Complete the sentences with always or never

1-She ... travels by train because she loves driving.
2-They ... travel by road because they don't live near a station.
3-He ... travels by air because he's frightened of aeroplanes.
4-They .. . travel by bus because they haven't got a car.
5-She ... travels by sea because she loves boats.
6-He ... travels on foot because he doesn't like walking.

.Complete the spaces with always, usually, sometimes, never. Write true
answers about you.
1-I ... wake up at 6 a.m.
2-I ... come to school by car.
3-I ... read books in English.
4-I ... have dinner at home.
5-I ... do my homework.
6-I ... drink coffee in the middle of the morning.

Fill the gaps with fairly / quite / rather. There may be more than one correct
1-He is a … good student.
2-The exam was … more difficult than I expected.
3-Are you … sure you’re coming?
4-I … like reading detective stories.
5-They live in … a big village.
6-The baby speaks … well for his age.
7-I saw a … new film on TV last night.

.Rewrite these sentences with “Only”:

1-I've got 20p.
2-We get French homework on Tuesdays.
3-Terry has worked in London for a month.
4-There were five people at the party.
5-Don't worry. I'm kidding.
6-I bought one thing at the shops
7-Casey's sixteen, so he can't learn to drive yet.
8-Sue sees Kamala on Thursdays and Saturdays.
9-I can stay for ten minutes.
10-In that class students study three subjects.

Write the adverbs:

Quick hard Slow
Sudden Early fast
Careful bad Good

.Choose the correct word:

1-She plays tennis very good / bad / well.
2-He isn't very well / good / badly at football.
3-They're very well / bad / badly at aerobics.
4-He likes squash, but he plays good / bad / badly

Put these adverbs in the right place.

1-We go to the cinema when they put on westerns (never)
2-She does not enjoy eating food from other countries (often)
3-She arrives on time when she hasn’t been to a party the previous night (sometimes)
4-The Smiths go to Benidorm near Alicante (every year)
5-John has started to write a book (already)
6-Her brother hasn’t arrived home (yet)
7-Have you been to Scotland (ever)
8-Janet hasn’t phoned me (still)

Put the adverbs of time into the correct positions.

1-I have worked hard as I did. (yesterday; hardly ever)
2-You would see as fine a specimen of a cedar tree as the one which grows outside
the church. (seldom)
3-There has been a fall in the birth rate. (recently)
4-We have not obtained all the information you requested. (yet; yesterday)
5-You will have heard all about the accident we were involved in. (already, last week,
on Wednesday)
6-That man would have been appointed manager of the company if there had not been
a great shortage of skilled staff. (never, at the time)
7-Mary has spoken of your kindness to her when she was staying in Austria. (some
years ago; often)
8-The floods which swept over the south of England did great damage to the crops.
(last summer)
9-I have heard such an appallingly bad speech as old Mr Blenkinsop made. (never, at
the last meeting' )
10- We get more than three consecutive days off hot weather. (rarely, in summer)

Choose the correct word:

1-I don’t like swimming, so I (rarely / always) go to the beach.
2-Ann likes hunting. She (never /always) wants to go with the other hunter.
3-Jim likes animals, so he (rarely / often) goes to the zoo.
4-They study a lot, so they (sometimes/ never) make mistakes.

Put the adverbs of time into the correct positions.

1. I have worked hard as I did (yesterday ; hardly ever)
2. You will see as fine a specimen of a cedar tree as the one which grows outside
the church (seldom)
3. There has been a fall in the birth rate (recently)
4. We have not obtained all the information you requested (yet; yesterday)
5. You will have heard all about the accident we were involved in (already; last
week; on Wednesday)

6. That man would have been appointed manager of the company if there had not
been a great shortage of skilled staff (never; at the time)
7. Mary has spoken of your kindness to her when she was staying in Austria.
(some years ago; often)
8. The floods which swept over the south of England did great damage to the
crops (last summers)
9. I have heard such an appallingly bad speech as old Mr Blenkinsop made. (never;
at the last meeting)
10. We get more than three consecutive days of hot weather. (rarely; in summer)

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