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.1'..~J..J I!J.KftL 1 '41 L ~ . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ..-.


13th Year No. 36

I h-'tO hlJll - ~n...,. !. <n !.~ :e Jt f/Ohlrl\YCf tT-nl\.h ADDIS ABABA-18th May 2007
rDhC o.:r-mCtct'1:r-rmfJ1

l11JlD-6l>l CONTENTS
Council Of Ministers Regulation No 135/2007
fO'f.'i.h-rC'r 9"hC n.-r ~'Hl ~'rC lifc]jl;lIf!fj~
1111\ '1':"9" fl}lA 0 O',.:,. 00 ts.:
ment of 'Comp~nsation forProperty Situated nn

Ministers Regulations : Page 3622

..1'" J
~ .
- -- - -- - --- -- - - - - - - .. Council of Ministers Regulations No. 135.12007
1111\ '1':"9" fl.cIA 0 O',.:,. 00 ts.-r I\f. It rP &.1. 11 -:OUNCIL OF MINISTERS REGULATIONS ON THE
hltO'f.h&.A r(])lI1 fO'f. 'i.h-rC'r 9"hC n.-r ~ 11 PAYMENT OF COMPENSATION FOR PROPERTY
'Lra:r-c:"f ?"hC o.:r- r 0.:r-r-*' y &;.~lrj FOR PUBLIC PURPOSES

. u- ~~-b-.-"~uu -
+'"lOr. "oom()'} OmtTJm-

-n Si n-. IIV II-II I TT ', 1 U~(O-' p" es of the Executive Organs of the Federal Democratic
t\+:"O:r-1CJ t\1-nl:r- tJUf rD'J.h&.Ao:r-1 rr'" Iblic of Ethiopia Proclamation No. 471/2005 and
mln Omll)m- hCP'J!-~1'C Qf:l(;/njfj~ h1~
4(1) of the Expropriation of Landholdings for
0 OOlPl'} t\Ul1-n 1':"?" I\CtA OD1l.t\<j

Proclamation No. 455/2005 with a pUrpose of not only

OTlJd.DIlt T'1itm-1 ooA(t I\.y<):",
paying compensation but also to assist displaced persons
yra"fA roo&.CJ+Y tJ"JrD'J.Y1~o:r-1 LJ.."
to restore their Ii ' ."
1.11'1 .eU11 1.100 hm-1':1::A::

hCj:A h11: PART ONE

r:.TlllTTlD,1 T
(i. n6f}'C ct'Jra 1 ,C;:hnrt Titlte>

'\~ 006.1. "'111.T OO""l.n6.i )mpensation for Property Situated on Landholdmgs

,propriated for Public Purposes Council of Ministers
r.TC:"f ?"hC o.:r- 1.100 ~1'C lifc]jl;/nn.

1)t Ci'i.Utl'r~~1r1A ";Jt.T ;Jtl.1lJcft'l'C~I '7,M. I +, IlIfjj! ~.9'". Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 36 18 thMay, 2007 Page 3623

6: "h",1:" OYl\r I\U1l1l If.}>?" I\flA roo&or f,tI;I' 1) ''Proclamation'' means the Expropriation of
rOWZ,I\.,..}>nr1(j" 1\111lr iJUf rOWZ,hLAnr1 lJ-'1.;I'
Landholdings for P~blic Purposes and Payment of
l\ooro(\1 rrotl)(I)o h'P1: cklfC 2r:llt/!i!!'11. '1(1)0i
Compensation Proclamation No. 455/2005;
I. "tJOWZ,1;"OYl\r nh'P~ oolPlr rowz'**?" r1 2) "committee" means a property valuation committee
lIlr 1oy"f tJOWZ,
i; '1(1)0i
established p'!lfsuant to the Proclamation;
r. "(\flA" OYl\r nh1.« rh1l00&. ro.}>r rOWZ,"&. 3) "crops" means any plant sown or planted and
rof,?" rOWZ,i-hA(j"rOWZ,(\n(\lIOY1~(I)o?" 6~ 'Pr
harvested in one season;

2. "r1.l(\ (\11A" OYl\r I\lh1l1l If.}>?" I\f!A 4) "ripe crops" means plant sown or planted on a land
nOWZ,I\.,..)>00 &or Itf, i- tiC rof,?" i-i- hfto holding to be expropriated for public purpose and
r0wz'1~(j" nh'P~ h1"'~ 2 oolPlr nOWZ,(\
that could be harvested within the notice period
rOYhm 1.,.4:f 'UL (I)ohlf l\.(\n(\l1 rOWZ,
"f A
given under Article 4 of the Proclamation;
(\lIA 'Iffl. i

l;. "*OWZ,i-hA" OYl\r I\hoo;l'r nr1.tL(I)o ?"cr. 5) '''perennial crops" means species of crops harvested

r OWZ,
(\ If i- h A '1(1)0i regularly for years;
~. "l1r" OYl\r nhi-OY rof,?" n1mC 1\00 'itf: 6) ''b~ilding'' means any structure constructed or under
I\OY?"l~ : In"J .« : I\OYun&.If rof,?" 1\1\'" construction in an urban center or a rural area for
h1A"Jftor ri-lP&. rof,?" noolP&.r Itf, fl\ residential, manufacturing, commercial, social or any
OY1~(I)o?" "J1f1;1' '1(1)0i other service;

7) "formula" means the methodology used for 'valuating

1. ""'ooC" OYl\r nh'P~ oolPlr nOWZ,I\.,..)>oo&or .
compensation in accordance with these Regulations
Itf, I\lPLl 111lr nfl.u 1.111 oolPlr
for Properties Situated on Landholdings Expropriat-
rOWZ,hLA iJUfrOWZ,lPltnr "Y.. '1(1)0i ed in Accordance with the Proclamation;
~. "hAA"i "iJUf": "rU1I1I If.}>?,,": "rh 1A"Jftor 8) the terms "region", "compensation", "public purpose",
oohooC" 'h(j" !'hhL~owz' oo!»t", I1r rOWZ,l\-r "utility lines" and "implementing agency" shall have
nh"'~ ri-(\tl)T(I)o rC:JIPI. f,'it-T'PA i the m~anings given to them under the Proclamation;

i!. (\(1)0 OYl\r' ri-LIfC' (\(1)0 rof,?" nU"J r(\ 9) "person" means any naturaJ or juridical person.
(I)o'1r oollr ri-(\m(l)o hhA '1(1)0::

h~A lJ-l\r PART TWO


r. rl1r iJUf hi-oy001 3. Compensation for Buildings

6, rl1r iJUf rOWZ,(\It(l)o

i-ootl)tl)~ 1.l;Q fl\(I)o1 I1r
1. The amount of compensation for a building shall be
I\ooh&.r rOWZ,fhLA1(1)o1rro.}>1:1 riJ&o IPI.rC
determined on the basis of the current cost per square
rof,?" r'1mlt 'P;J nOY(l)otl)r f,(f(j" A::
meter or unit for constructing a comparable building.
I. rl1r iJUf i-001
2. the compensation for a building shall include:
lJ) hl11: ;JC i- f f1f'1r fltT(I)o1 r"Jn. 1tl)~:
(a) the current cost for constructing floor tiles of the
(\.Ti:h ;l'1h(j" tbfto"f hr&.hT C':f
I\oo!»&.r rOWZ,fhLA1(1)o1 fro.)> 1:1 'P;J: compound, septic tank and other structures

'h(j" attached to the building; and

~r1i.~ft!g ~I..~A '1;J6"" ;JtLlllcJr1'C 01,"")(1"" I 4>1 Ii!fjj! ~.?",. FederalNegarit Gazeta No. 3618 titMay, 200TPage 3624

fa) 0.1: 000'11\1: 9"h'}fr f"'"~(F rh1tX.,ftor (b) the estimated cost for demolishing, lifting,
ooi'looe""f1 ":AOIJ~li'l -: AOIJ'}l}r OPtX(I
reconstructing, installing and, cotmecting utility
faoo1'}Qr -:: AdDrhtXlJ A0IJ1c;" 1r
lines of the buildmg.
f"'ll.tX~:"'} (D'iFPJ"f .,rr' .e~9"
3) T4~ owner of abuilding shall have the right to claim
compensation for the entirei\building by surrounding
r. 0.1: fOlJ.I.C"'ro- nh4tX') fn.1: QAfl.r
the total land in. hi$ possession where, part of the
(I:1"ro-') AootX.,.:,. h(1Dlm Afl.1: iJUf~fOlJ., 1r
building is ordered to be removed.
oo11T. ."'Aro-::

4) Compensation shall be paid only for the demolished

fl. 0.1: fOlJ..t.Ctu& OhktX Atf'}lJ fo.1: QAfl.r
O.,.&ro- (1:1'" It.e AOocffr hoolm Al.l"'ro- part of a building where the 'owner prefers to use the

fo.r i1iJA fI:f ., A.,. iJUf .ehI.A'PtX:: tffi9" unwanted part of the' land; provided, however, that
fo.1: QAfl.r O"'&ro- ffl.1: i1iJA foocffr such prefeIence shall be .acceptable only where the
9"C6liI. i1.,Ql1 :QA(Do.fh.,.DI1ro- Tit') .,..,.Q.e'1r " condition of the partly demolished building conforms
fAro- ootf'} i1AOT:: with the requirements of the appropriate city plan.

"fl. fi1'fC iJUf i1.,.0IJ00'} 4. Compe~sation for Fences

"fi1'fC iJUff01J
ltro- hOlJ.I.C"'ro- i1'fC:JC
" The amount of compensation for a fence shall be ""

0~.e'11: ",oollJll}=1 ftf'1 i1'fC faooi'l&or

determined. .by calculllting the current cost per square'lI.A'1ro-'} f m:"1: '} riJ &. O1J.rC (JJ.e9"
meterbr the unit cost required for constructing a similar
f'1mlt tp;J OOliro-llJr .etflJ A::
~. f"'l1A iJUf i1.,.0Jf00')
5. Compensation for Crops
~. f"'l1A \iJUf fOlJ ltro- "'11ft- Aoo"'l1...l1 ~C(I

0. tf'}: fie" 1t."''ffOlJ. "fAro-'} 9"Cr oom '}lJ l) "

The amount of compensation for crops shall be

9"C1: It.fmllJ.e"fA; f'10lro-'}'} calculated by multiplying the amount of yield that
fm:"1:f10flp j oolPlr OD1J.('l., f,tfc;A:: would have been collected from tJ;1eland at maturity

by the current market price of the crops.

r. "'11ft- A00'" 11'"11 f.f.l'" htf'1QA,}l1l1: OiJUf
h~f 4.'};r 0i1'P~ i1'}.,.1\ fl oolPlr O"''''mro- 2) the owner of ripe crops may, in lieu of compensation,
f'lJL 'l..f.11 ro-i'l'f ...11ft-'} "'l1i'1(1 ooro-"'1:
harvest and collect the crops withi~ the period fixed
.e"fltA: :
pursuant to Article 4 of the Proclamation.
~. f*D'l. .,.hA iJUf i1.,.0IJ00'}
6.' Compensation for Perennial Crops
~. f*OIJ. .,.hA iJUf fOlJ.lPltro- .,.hft- ~&. ooi'lmr
l) The amount of compensation for unripe perennial
fA1.ool 1t.1f'} .,.hft- 00lJ.1=10r .f.l:q faOlJ1: li'l
crops shall 'be determined by calculating the'll.A1ro-1 m6L" "9"r OOlii'lltr .etflJA::
estimated cost for growing the plant.
r. .
*«'i. .HU1' ~&. Aooi'lm-r fJ!ool htf'1 iJUfro-
2) The amount of compensation for ripe perennial crops
fOlJ."ltmo +hft- 0i1'}.f: ~oor'l11ro-1
9"C+ {1(v.,1: f10f 'P;J OOlJQflr shall be determitied on the basis of the average annual
h '}.It 0-9" f oo&.r *OIJ. OIJ7i7if mal. '} yield, the current local market price of the crops and
Ooo.f.ooC .etflJA:: the cost of permanent improvement on land.
'1~ G.~:r:yt;~t,,~&'1A~;JtT :JtLflI.4f'l'C ~I "'I'(lT I .,., .:::f'JB '}.~. th
FederalNegmt G8i\':ta No. 36 18 M~;.:?OO7 P'&# 3625

~. r'1~ I-J~ orl7l1oo1 7. Compensation for Trees

Ii. r'1~ h~ rDIJ.Il"m- 0'1~ rlJf:1f. ~ot ,,~ 1 The amount of compensation for trees shall be de'
rooPCT rm:t>1:1r~m" m~9" rl-J&.O'1,f.c tetfuined on the basis of the level of growth of the trees
CP;J Ol7l1m-ll)f. ~1fC;A:: and the current local price per square meter or per unit

2) The owner of trees may, in lieu of compensation, cut and

~. fJ"'rfll1: OI-J~ h~f 4.1;1' OoCP~ 01.,.1\ g
collect the trees within the period fixed plirsuant. to
tWlPlf.' .0.,.Ilmm- r'UL 1~rfl m-il1' '1~1 .
Article'4 Of the Proclamation.
hoo&.1: ,,~ 01i1T dDm-Ilf: ~T"A::
. .
8. Compensqtion for Protected Grass
~. rTrfl:t> ~C 1-J~J.rl7l1oo1
1) The amount of compensation for protected grass shall
li. rTll:t> ~C I-J~ rDIJ.IP"m- roo&.1:1 r~c be determined on the basis of the productivity of the
9"C;1'l7I1~f.c; r~?1 rm:t>1:1 rl-J&. Dll.f.c r'1Of land and the current market price of the grass per
CP;J oolPlf. Ol7l1.e:l'?~IfC;A:: . square meter.
2) The owner of protected grass may, in lieu of
~. fJ"'rfll1: OI-J~ h~f4.1;1' {}oCP)t 0,.,.1\ g cotnpensation, cut and gather the grass Within the
oolP l f. Orllmm- r'UL 1~rfl m-ilT ~?1 period fixed pursuant to Article 4 of the
hoot-1: ,,~ 01i1T dDm-Ilf: ~T"A:: Proclamation.
9. Compensation for Permanent Improvement on Rural Land
ii. 01mC oo&.f. ,,~ rr~l1 <J:DIJ.
The amount of compensation for permanent improvement
01mc oot-f. "r~l1,,~ <J:DIJ.O1J1i7if I-J~
Inade on a rural lalld shall be detetIIliiiedby computmg
rDIJ.rdD~O>- "9"11l)C' i "f:A~"C; hCh"} "ooilt-.f.
the machinery; material ahd labor costs mcUtied for
hVtlJ-9" m-;) "oohrCC; M"/toT r"1rflct; ootPlr clearing, leveling and terracing the land, including the
Al7I1f. rmm-f.1 r1-Aof.c; rlJ:I>P'T costS of water reservoir and other agricultUral
rm:t>1: CP;J Ol7l1i1"f. ~1fC;A:: infrastrucfure works.

X. r'1m-C' rOlJ.rhA 1rfllf. I-J~ orl7l1oo"} 10. Compensation for Relocated Property
The amoUittof compensation for a telocated property
r'1m-C' "DIJ.r hA 1rfll f. rD1J.h&."m-11"1 "'-fll1:
l7I117ii l7I1'1mt.fC; ooA(a oof.hf rdrJ.filLl\ 1-
shall be detefiIritiedby computing the estiIIlat~dcosts of
labor~material and transport to be incurred at market.
rfJ"i7D'fi rl7l11:t.fAC; r08J:}=1'lf m~ji1T1 '?'I"f.
value fOr' removing; transfemng and installing the
Om:t>1: r10f CP;J oolPlf. Ol7l1i1".}--f,tfC;A::

Xli. "l7I1lJf:1 fJ"&.:I>f: iI"DlJ.h&.A I-J~ nrl7l1dD1 11. compensation Payable to a Mining Licensee
"l7I1lJf:1 Plr Ol7l1lJ~1 fJ"&.:I>f: rr fli dD&.f. Where a I11inifigsite is expropriated plirsuant.. to the
OoCP~ oolPlf. rOlJ.".,.:t> t't1f1 I]~ provisions of the Ptoclaflla.tion, the compensation due to

o'?fJrfl fJ"m- rl7l1lJf:1 tJ'? oolPlf., rD'f.l.O'l" the licensee shall be detetI11inedby the relevant milling
~1fC;A:: law.

12. CompensatiQn for Burial-ground

X~. "oDl-J~ oo:l>lIC iI"DlJ.h&.A I-J~
1) The amOunt of compensation for a bUrial-ground
Ii. "ool)~ dDJ>rflC rDIJ.h&.hm- I-J~ dDl-J~oo:l>rfl?1
shall be determined on the basis of the estimated
"l7I11ltf.i rhCP~t7?l&.f (J;1' "08J";J~f.i
costs to be incurred for removing the grave stones,
01\00-1 ht7?litJJmCC; "lIIJftl~ hj.&tU.9" htllJ-
preparing otherbUrial'-ground, transferring and
;JC "'f~tI "D1J.~l'? 'I f,t7?'f,:r11C; OtJ"'f relocating the corpse and for conducting religious
/PC'}:" t7?ilL?D1J.f rD'f.fil&.l\ "':'-'1 mi1l' pi¥
and cultural ceremonies in relation thereto.
12t rlllffi '~"'~A";7&q. tiu.rlj 4I~C: ~I ".,W,. I .,.., IHf1i1 t},r, tit
. ,- . Fed~ Negarit GaZem No.36 18 May, QOO7 Page,3626
'. .- ~ . .-.,~ -

, 2. The amou.nt of costs stipulated under Sub~Article (1) of

f lULU h1.,.)f 100/i t".,.?\ (~) fT{f\"';'fT
roalpi:F rhitl111.dF1 rb#: f+i ,hTCr this Article shall be deteI1nii1edon the basis of the current
local market prices of materials, transport services and
h1t:t,?i\O:,.i; f'Ft:tnT rro:"rt:, r1nf 'P;J labor. '

tiDfjJ~r 1l000~i'? ~lPI\I\-::

13; Formula
If;. ,,1]Uj(U\P ,+tilJC
The fOrIIlula for calculating' the amount of compensation
Ilhip:4:Q ntto ,('11 tiDrP~r rDthA.A payable in accord!illce with ,the Proclamation and' these
RegUlations shall be as follows:
"'-nll -1-1)'1 00{f\' "Ot""llf .,.iiDG 1) Compensation for building = cost of construction (cUrrent
>'1~oIJ.h+"m- j,rrc;t:t! value).
. + co'st" of permahent
li. rfLr 1)'1 - f'11t1tf'dJ"J1-(IlW:'>rt:
tp;:J) improvement on land
+ the amount of
+ root,r *Ot t1IJ?i7if refundabl~" money for
{jj~ '
the remaining term of
+ ,,,.,.t "00' roo&>.}- lease contract
t\ 11 TOO"'Ii h~f
2) C6mpensati6n for crops,:= the total area of the

rt1trdJo h4.f land (in ,"", square

f. riHll\ ftUj = (11ft&>
x rOl1l\ finf 'P;:J x value of the crops
per kilo gram
Otli\O "1lrtjO
x Ilh'~ ta&> OiJ.TC
x the amount of crops
to be obtained per
h4.T I\j, f,l17.i' square meter
9BCrnh.i\O ,?t,.PO
+ r oot.T wiiiJ. i:lij1t
?if + cost of permanent
. improvement
on land
r. ~t. iiOnm+ = r+hi:t l1"r (nh"1t) 3) Compensation for unripe
ft:t1.i70l Perennial Cr9Ps = number of plants
*"*1. Tht:t, I)Uj x 0011: h'7C r'ro"] (J)'T' (legs)
"jtjOft. x cost incurred to grow
+ roo&'r *OIJ. OiJ7i7if .
an indiv:idual plant
ro~ + cost of permanent
9~. tJ1t. uonm+ -+ftlf I1n11: ~iiD:" improvement on land
rr:\~tiDit . rOtrh1"1w. rCr
*itY. +hr:\ taUf -hij+ (IUt."" "'&-90) 4) Compensation for ripe = the annual yield of the
x r\lluy. fohfto ,..Cr Perennial Crops Pere~ial crops (in Kilo
foo:"1': f'lllr"tJ grams)
X the current price of the
+ roo&.}- ti:i#J. ayi'iril produce of the perennial
rom. crops

11; +iJm-tr rO\+hr:\ == f'HIl1: lfiI111 tD~ + cost of permanent im-

provement on land
111~T ftUj
rOijijrotr ro~ 5) Compehsation for = cost of removal
+ r oPt:tft oofftf W"J1- relocated Properly + cOst of transferring
+ cost of reinstallation
.,., Ii!f1i! q.sro. Fedeml Negarit G~eta No. 36 18111
May, 2007 Page3627
'IX' ri'i.ift)?;~~Ir/.\ ., .1'Cl!Ji ""JI:" I
i. f1'l1.}> UjC iJUj Uj?, fi'i~ ~m- n;rOiJ&. 6) Compensation for , area covered by the grass
. D'£rC protecte~ grass per square meter
X r~ool."'m- fUjC~Cr X the current market
a>.}>;rCJ! price of the grass per
square meter
f10f P;J OiJ&.D'£rC
h~A Y'lir
9"rh n;r'i foo/..'i4> f, iJUjlll1~lImr
Ifl.l1h.,.dIi n;r 9"rh 1Il1oolli11r COMPENSATION
I1Ul111 ~.}>~ f\I1A f,Jf;rm-1 h1-'t11.}> 14. Provision of Replacement Urban Land
11.,.1.1.1fh.,.D'I ~Pt, fD'l.(}mm- 9"rh n;r The provision of replacement land to an urban
Onp:q: n14>)t Iu (I) oowl.r hAI1-:f dweller whose landholding has been expropriated
OD'l.fa>m-r .dotiot,f OOWI.r f,a>(}'iA: : for public purpose shall be governed by directives
issued by Regional States in accordance with Article
Il;. 111mC oo&.r 9"rh 1I11001lmr
14 (2) of the PI:o~lamation.
l1ul111 ~.}>9" f\I1A f(}l1A: f~l1.}> UjC
IS. Provision of Replacement Rural Land
a>f,9" f"1(07i oo&.r lt1-'t11+.}> f\Y..I."1
11"'00,",,",f, n 1A"1l1-r fD'l.m-A 9"rh oo&.r Where land used for growing crops or a protected
0.,.:f11 oom1f,(}fTlA:: grass or pastoral land is expropriated for public ..

purpose, the possessor of such land shall, as much as

Ii. .11(}l1A'i *D'I. .,.hA oo&.r 1II1D'1.h~A - possible, be provided with a plot of land capable of
foo~'i4>f iJUj serving a similar purpose. .

Ii. h1-'t114>.}> f.,.Y.1.1 f(}l1A a>f,9" f*D'I. 16. Displacement Compensation for Land Used for
.,.hA 00&.r1 O.,.ool1h.,. nttu Y.111 CropsandPerennwlCrops
n 14>)t I l; oow I.r 9"rh oo&.r f "'(}m I) Where a replacement land has been provided in
htf~: accordance with Article IS of these Regulations
lJ) h(}l1l1- fD'l.11m-1 nD'liJf, l}oo;r'l! with respect to expropriated land used for crops
1n. fD'l.fUA: a>f,9" or perennial crops, displacement compensation
equivalent to the following amounts, shall be
11) h*D'I.
\ .,.hl1- fD'l.11m-1 nOtJiJf, paid:
l}00;rCJ! 1n. .,.hl1- fY.I.(}Or ftJY:1r
(<i)the price of the annual average yield of crops
Y.1.:q 11D'1
Y:l.fI OD'l.a>lIY.m-l}oo;rr
from the land; or
cJ!~C .,.1111 fD'l.11m-1 oom1 -
fD'l.fUA: foo~'i4>f iJUj f,hM\A:: (b) the price of the annual average yield of
perennial crops multiplied by the number of
I. h 1-'t11"',.}> f+ Y.1.1 f(}l1A a>f,9" f*D'I. years required tQ attain the level of growth
.,.hA 00&.r1 O"'ool1h.,. nttu Y.111 of the perennial crops.
n14>)t I l; oow I.r 9"rh oo&.r
2) the amount of displacement compensation
oollmr iJA"':f11 fD'l.h~l1m- 'foolS4> f ,
payable with respect to land used for growing
iJUj (}1111-a>f,9" .,.hl1- f1l11m- nDlliJf,
crops or perennial crops shall, where it is
ndo;r'l! 1n. 01 .,.1111 fD'l.11m- oom 1 impossible to provide replacement land in
f,tf'iA:: accordance' with Article IS of these
r. f(}l1A a>f,9" f*D'I. .,.hA nDlliJf, l}00;rCJ! Regulations,. be ten times the price of the
1n. f D'I.(}"rro- :
average yield of crops or perennial crops
obtained from the land.
lJ) 00&.-1: hool14>cJ! O~.} OW?r
3. The average annual yield of crops or perennial
n9"lIr, noo;rr 0"'11m- 1n.. I\f,: crops shall be calculated on the basis of:
a) the yield obtained from the land for the

11) (}1111- a>f, 9" *D'I. .,. h 11- 1n. last five years; or
f1l11m- hn9"lIr noor I\~(}. '
htf~ mH.rrnoo;rr 0.,. 11m-
b) where the land was used for les than five
years, the yield obtained for the actual
1n. 1\f,: a>f, 9"
years the land was used; or
- th n,- --
Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 36 18 May, 2007 Pa~~3628
. 1'/; Eit~U,~ t..Fot-t\ ";JtT :>H.tTJ~1'C q}J '1')(lT I .,.') liwm '}.?".
--~.- - - ..

m) O11lt- mf,lJD i'hlt- a,oo;r'l! 1n. c) where the crops or perennial crops have not
oollmr YIA1.004 hlf~ (1hiJCIn.m- yet started giving annual yield, the yield of
CIltm- i'oo''''''f, f' f,fI ;r oom J similar crops or perennial crops 'obtained
hi'oDltltf, 0111A mf,lJD 'kDlf. i'hlA from a similar area of land in the locality for
(1hlJDlIr a,00 ;rr (1D1f.1~ 1n. Itf,-:
the last five years.
i'oo/»Cf. f,(fC;IA::
I't. lt1'11:" VJC mf,lJD f''1(117i oo&.r 17. Displacement Compensation for Protected Grass or
f'00t.C;ef> Y iJ'.;J Grazing Land
Ii. hVlltef>:" f'i'1.l.1 f'1'11:" ItC mf,lJD f''1(117i 1) where a replacement land is provided in
oo&.rJ (1i'oolthi' lULU 1.J11 hJef>?\ Il; accord~nce with Article 15 of these regulations
ooiPl.r lJDrh oo&.r f'i'om hlf~-: with respect to expropriated protected grass or
grazing land, displacement compensation
h1'11:" VJ~ mf,~ f''1(117i oo&.~
equivalent to the annual average income obtained
f'i'1"'im-J hOlJiJf, hoo;r'l! 1n. f'Dlf.yulA
from the land shall be paid.
f'oot.C;ef>Y iJVJ f,ht.ltlA::
2) The amount of displacement compensation
~. hVlltef>:" f'i'1.l.1 f'1'11:" Itt mf,lJD f''1(117i payable with respect to the protected grass or
oo&.rJ (11'oolth1' ntlU 1.J11 hJef>?\ Il; grazing land shall, where it is impossible to
(!JJlPl.r lJDrh oo&.r oollmr iJlAi':flt provide replacement hind in accordance with
# f' f'00t.C;ef>Y iJVJ 1'11:" VJ~. Article 15 of these Regulations, be ten times the
mf,lJD f''1(117i oo&.~ YlI1"'im- hOlJiJf, annual average income obtained from the land.
3) The provisions of Sub-Article (3) of Article 16 of
hoo;r'l! 'In. (11 i'CIl1f. f'Dlf.1"'im- oomJ
these Regulations shall, mutatis mutandis, be
f,1fC; A::
applicabie with respect to calculating the average
r. f'tlU 1.Jl1 hJef>~ n J(}lI hJef>?\ r annual income derived from a protected grass or
Y:J ;J~PJ"f f'1'11.}> VJC mf,lJD f''1(117i grazing land.
oo&.r hOlJiJf, hoo;r'l! 1n.J ltOlJlIltr 18. Displacement Compensation for Provisional
(1i'ooltltf, rr'l.;r i't.~DIf. f,1fC;/r:: Expropriation of Rural Land
I~. It-rmo~ ltDlf.ltef>:"f'1mC oo&.r Where a rural land is expropriatedonly for a limited period f'oot.C;ef>Y iJVJ of time, the multiplication factor for calculating the
f'1mC 00&.+ hJ.rtltef>:" f'-r1.l.1m- lt1'mo~ displacementcompensationshall be the number of years for
'l.tI. h If 'I f' oot. C;ef>
Y iJVJm- lilt. r OIJWlf which the land is cleared; provided, however, that the
oo&.~ hllh.ooltll Y:l.lI Ylt-r a,oo;rr 4:1'C compensationobtained by such calculation shall not exceed
f,1fC;1A:: lf~lJD (1tlu ooJ1Y: i'olAf. the amount payable under Article 16 or 17 of these
fDlf.1"'im- iJVJ lltlu 1.J11 hJef>?\ mf,lJD n . regulations
I't oolPl.r oomJ oo11lt1' PART FOUR
h~1A h~r
A~ IA~ Y:J:n.PJ"f
19. Properties for which Compensation is not Payable
If!. iJVJ rOlJf,h4.IACITm- Jl1l.f.:y.
(1hq>~ oolPl.:" OD&.~ f'Dlf.ltef>:" lIlt(!JJlf~ There shall be no payment of compensation with respect to
any construction or improvement of a building, any crops
f'1'(tmm- m-VJ'I. ltCIltf,fI;r~ h1.l.O (11.It
sown, perennial crops planted or any permanent
lt1'l)J~ mf,lJD lt1'1i1ilt l1.r -: lt1'tI~ 0111Ai
improvement on land, where such activity is done after the
lt1'1' hI) 'kDlf. l' hlA (JJf,lJD (1(!JJ&.r Itf,
possessor of the land is served with the expropriation order.
1)1'1.41 *DIf. OIJ1i1iy iJVJ hf,h&.lAlJD::
th May, 2007 Page 3629
11, r.itlfi!!! t..~t,.i:\ ";JtT ;Jl1.flJ<~'1'C 01 <nnT I <1>1H!f'lf! <},IJu. Federal NegaritQazeta No. 36 18

t!. ool;q ilftooilmr

Ii.. '1'1D1l.1;m- flh'P~' mt.u .\'.'Hl oolPlr 20. furnishing of Data
111lr ftoo-t 001 hilt.l\? rU"rr1 1) ThJcommittee shall request the relevant federal,
ool;qPJ"f h°l'll1 11IVfm- rt..9-0t-A-: regional or other bodies to furnish any data
rhAA ro~?" fbfto"f hl-Jl\r oomr<'l>
necessary for detennining the value of a property
in accordance with the Procla~ation and these
f. mt.u h1<1>?\ 1cril h1<1>?\ (li) oolPlr Regulations.
'f' f4: r<l>lflftr hl-JA r-tmr~r1 2) Any body requested under Sub-Article (1) of this
ool;qPJ"f ,ro.\'.fm-'r ftl'1D1l.1;m-ooilmr
hftflr:: Article shall hand over the data immediately to
the Committee.
E. fl-tmr~r hl-Jl\r "1~ ool;qPJ~
3) where the data is not available with the requested
hftoo'j t-rm- t't.l;J1'f' 1'1D1l.1;m-
rhl-JCln.m-1 r111li:1 'P;J <'I>:tj:J'lJ!
'f''r bodies, the committee shall conduct its own
t-~ fl-JlJAA:: survey on the local market price of the property.
21. Records of Property
t!1i. r111lr lIClIC ilftoofll
A woreda or a city administration shall, for the purpose
fth'P~' fttlu .\'.111 ht.~~?" rrol~m- ro~?" of the implementation of the Proclamation and these
r h-tOlJm- hil-t~.\'.C h '}.'tft<l>.}> flD1l.rof\
Regulations, record properties situated on a
oo&.r I\~ rD1l.11-r1 111lf."f flD1l.ooi\hr
ool;q roofll '?9-0:J' hftflr:: landholding subjected to an expropriation order.
. 22. Evidence of Possession and Ownership
t!f. Clft~tI:r~r1'1 Clft111lr~r1 ilftOlJl;J1'f'
Any person who claims for payment of compensation
flh'P~'I fltlu .\'.111 oolPlr l-J~ h1.1tht. in accordance with the Proclamation and these
ftm- rD1l.m~.}> f\ m- rD1l.ft<l><I>m-00&.r
Regulations ~hall produce proof of legitimate
fh;JlJ! Clft~tI:J'' l-J~ 111lr Clft
possession of the expropriated landholding and
fl.r 001f'r1 rD1l.f l;J"}'f' OIJill;q OIJ.}>ll1
hftflr: : ownership of the property entitling compensation.
23. Valuation Costs
t!E. ilft,,}?"r Pt- ro~PJ"f
1) W oreda and city administrations shall cover the
Ii. h,,}Cll1 Cll\rm- u1"f oolPl:'" ftl'1D1l.1;m- costs of valuation of properties in accordance with
hCll\r hflA 1 Q;l,?"C> fltlu
these regulations, including payment of per diem
.\'.111 oolPlr 111lr ft00100r hilt.l\?
to members of the Committee in accordance with
rlf'r ro~ PJ"f1 rrol~' rh-tOlJ
hil-t~.\'.~"f ~i'i~'"':: the relevant laws.
2) The costs referred to Sub-Article (1) of this Article
f. oo&.rrD1l.ft<l><I>m- flhilt.~D1l. ooPtf
shall be covered by the concerned implementing
fl.:'" 'f' f4: oolPlr hlf~ fltlU n1<1>?\
1cril n1<1>?\ (Ii) r-tm<l>f\m- ro~ agency where the expropriation is made upon its
flD1l.oofth-tm- nilt.~D1l. ooPtf fl.r request.
~i'it. 'I A: : 24. Effective Date
2. .\'.1fl. rD1l.fJ'Ifl'r ?H. These Regulations shall enter into force on the date of
,e.U .\'.111 flt..9-0t-A ~;Jt:'" :JH.lTJ :J':,..qo their publication in the Federal Negarit Gazeta.
h(IJlTJflr <1>1)!?"c> rfJ'I ~1f'lA::
Done at Addis Ababa this 4th day of July 2007
it.ltil hflCl f\'z. t!?;/Iilfjil ~.9u.

ooftil H.'lJ! MELES ZENA WI

rh rr-*' f t..9-0t-I\lJ!.Itqoht-t't.flJ! tTl1ft.h PRIME MINISTER OF THE FEDERAL DEMOCRATIC

m .}>I\~ D1l.'z.ilrC

1ICY'}'," fill?" "'1.,."'1.)' ,r.'CJ>:'};""'OD

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