Harry Potter Book Club 2020

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Harry Potter Book Club

Colegio Bilingüe Neuquén

Harry Potter Book Club 2020

Create your own Mandrake

A bit of History…

Mandrake or Mandragora is a powerful restorative and is a vital component in

restorative potions; as a result, it is necessary in Harry Potter and the Chamber

Harry Potter Book Club
Colegio Bilingüe Neuquén
of Secrets, where it is used to brew a potion that is used to restore those who
have been attacked by the monster of the Chamber. The cry of the uprooted
Mandrake will kill; Harry's class is repotting them on his first day back in year 2,
but these are very young, almost infant mandrakes (their roots look like
wrinkled and ugly babies), and their cry will only knock you out for a couple of
Whenever unearthed, the root screams. The scream of a mature Mandrake
when it is unearthed will kill any person who hears it, but
a young Mandrake's screams will usually only knock a
person out for several hours. When Hogwarts students
study Mandrakes in Herbology class, Pomona Sprout
had the students wear earmuffs to protect their ears from
the Mandrake's cries.

Mandrakes not only resemble humans, but also have

similar behaviours to them. In the 1992-1993 school
year, the Mandrakes, at one point of time, became
moody and secretive, which indicated that they were
reaching adolescence. Later on, they threw a loud and
raucous party, which is comparable to humans when they are teenagers, which
made Pomona Sprout very happy indeed. Rubeus Hagrid also mentioned the
Mandrakes having acne. Mandrakes are fully matured when they start moving
into each other’s pots. When matured, Mandrakes can be cut up to serve as a
prime ingredient for the Mandrake Restorative Draught, which is used to cure
those who have been Petrified.

A Mandrake's scream is very similar to (if not the same as) a banshee's
scream, which is also fatal.

The Dug bog’s favourite food is Mandrakes,

which leads to Mandrake-growers finding
nothing but a bloody mess when pulling their
plants out. Flesh-Eating Slugs are known to
favour eating Mandrakes as well

Stewed Mandrake is used in Potion-making,

forming an essential part of most antidotes.
Their leaves are also used in potions as well.

Harry Potter Book Club
Colegio Bilingüe Neuquén

First, take a chunk of Model Magic and form a root plug at the bottom, 2 arms, and
a head. Gently twist the arms and head to make them appear gnarled and root-like.
Like this:

Use smaller bits of Model dough to create the face. Then push the mandrake’s plug
into a small clear plastic cup. Cut leaves from green construction paper, and gently
pinch the Model dough around the leaves to hold them in place and your mandrake
is ready to scream!

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