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Leadership Through
Effective Internal
1. Achmad
2. Hendri Pandia
3. Jimmy
4. Victoria Febrina R S

This item's classification is Internal. It was created by and is in property of the Home Credit Group. Do not distribute outside of the organization.
Agenda Style
01 Overview GE, Jack Welch
Selecting an appropriate leadership style

02 Recognizing the strategic and cultural role

03 Using visions and missions to streghten internal


04 Designing an effective change communication


This item's classification is Internal. It was created by and is in property of the Home Credit Group. Do not distribute outside of the organization.
History of General Electric

This item's classification is Internal. It was created by and is in property of the Home Credit Group. Do not distribute outside of the organization.
Jack Welch
1935 Born in Massachusetts
1960 Graduated from the University of Massachusetts, specialist of chemical
Became an engineer at General Electric. But he decided to leave because he
was dissatisfied with the company's bureaucracy. But by Ruben Gutoff, CEO
at the time, he eventually stayed.
1969 Jack becomes CEO of plastics division at GE
1971 Head of chemical and metallurgical division
1973 Replacing Robert Gutoff, as executive director that division

1977 Leading the whole, GE Consumer In 1995

Products Division Six Sigma program. Most
1981 Become CEO of General Electric important management training,
provided to GE employees
In 1989
Jack launches the WorkOut concept. The idea is
to hold a three-day informal meeting with at most
In the 1980s 40-100 GE employees with different positions
GE's business was completely overhauled. Ge's
restructuring, and nearly 20000 employees left the
more than $6 isbillion
classification has
Internal. been
It was saved
created by and is in property of the Home Credit Group. Do not distribute outside of the organization.
Leadership Style of Jack Welch
Visionary Coaching

Jack insisted that every GE business had Jack implement Six Sigma program, and
to be first or second in its market. The workout. The Six Sigma program is the
first: was a dismantling of the management training that leaders provide
bureaucracy. The other, was to improve to GE employees. Meanwhile, Work-Out
Leadership style the overall competitive position of GE by is an effort made by the leadership to
Leaders use their selling the companies he didn’t think encourage employees to be willing to
knowledge and would be profitable enough and buying express their opinions openly to their
understanding of others. superiors about what is wrong in the
the people in their company.
organization to
help them select
the best Affliative Pacesetting
leadership and With work-out program, employees can Calls for employees to be separated into
communication argue about ideas and take decisions the top performing 20%, middle 70%, and
style to use in which were once taken only by bottom 10%, the latter of which, with “no
different management. More informal meetings, sugar coating,” Jack said, “have to go.”.
organizational more ideas counted more than title and
contexts and more people enriched during their work
situations. day
This item's classification is Internal. It was created by and is in property of the Home Credit Group. Do not distribute outside of the organization.
Jack Welch

Mission Vision
It is dedicated to provide good To be Market Leader in every
products and speed service single GE business

Why is Speed So Important? “to make company stronger Welch

“Because you get competitive insisted that every GE Business had
world that you’ve got to get to be first or second in its market
product at the right time at the or to be fix or sold ”
right place to the right person
Fast you’ve got to be able to do “a company that a allowed idea to
it, you’ve got to be able to come from everywhere, where
Strategy Objective
respond” brain power and idea counted
Fix, close or sell more than title and control”,
“Speed service ability to change Less Bureaucracy and More Informal “where more and more people
the fast moving market is Meritocracy were enriched during their work
absolutely critical” “a meritocracy it didn’t look at race or gender or country day to take something home to
of origin and gave a everybody a shot that did as much their life outside the job”
as you possibly could to get Bureaucracy out”

This item's classification is Internal. It was created by and is in property of the Home Credit Group. Do not distribute outside of the organization.
Designing and Implementing Effective Change
Untuk mencapai Perubahan komunikasi yang effective membutuhkan :
1. Strategy komunikasi yang effectif kepada Pekerja
2. Komunikasi kepemimpinan yang terukur

Determining the Scope of Change Communication

• Is the proposed change a major

transformation for the organization
or does it only consist of incremental
• Does the change involve the entire
organization or is it focused on one
group or a narrow process?
• How many people in the
organization will be involved and

This item's classification is Internal. It was created by and is in property of the Home Credit Group. Do not distribute outside of the organization.
Structuring a Communication Program for Major Change

• Phase 1: Design Change

Communication Strategy and Plan

✓ Representative of all levels,

functions, geographic locations (if
✓ Respected and trusted by their
✓ Open and honest communicators.
✓ Skilled at interacting with others
and facilitating discussions.

• Phase 2: Launch Change Communication

and Ensure Employee Understanding

• Phase 3: Monitor Results and Make Adjustments

This item's classification is Internal. It was created by and is in property of the Home Credit Group. Do not distribute outside of the organization.

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