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National Institutes of Health • Department of Health and Human Services •

Positive Parenting
Building Healthy Relationships
With Your Kids
Parents have an important job. “Being a sensitive
Raising kids is both rewarding and parent and responding
challenging. You’re likely to get a to your kids cuts across
lot of advice along the way, from all areas of parenting,”
doctors, family, friends, and even says Arizona State
strangers. But every parent and University’s Dr. Keith
child is unique. Being sensitive Crnic, a parent-child
and responsive to your kids can relationship expert.
help you build positive, healthy “What it means is
relationships together. recognizing what
your child needs in
the moment and
providing that in an
Special Issue effective way.”
This can be especially
Healthy critical for infants and toddlers, A recent analysis shows that
he adds. Strong emotional bonds about 6 out of 10 children in the
Parenting often develop through sensitive, U.S. develop secure attachments to
responsive, and consistent parenting their parents. The 4 out of 10 kids
in the first years of life. For instance, who lack such bonds may avoid
1 Positive Parenting
Building Healthy Relationships
holding your baby lovingly and their parents when they are upset
responding to their cries helps or resist their parents if they cause
With Your Kids
build strong bonds. them more distress. Studies suggest
Shape Your that this can make kids more prone
3 Family’s Habits Building Bonds to serious behavior problems.
Helping Kids Make Healthy Researchers have been testing
Choices Strong emotional bonds help programs to help parents develop
children learn how to manage behaviors that encourage secure
It’s a Kid’s Job their own feelings and behaviors
5 Playing Helps Kids Learn and develop self-confidence. They
and Grow
help create a safe base from which
they can explore, learn, and relate Being Available
See, Hear, Speak
7 Are Kids’ Senses Ready to others. Modern life is full of things that can
for School? Experts call this type of strong influence your ability to be sensitive
Keeping Up in School? connection between children and and responsive to your child. These
9 Identifying Learning Problems their caregivers “secure attachment.” include competing priorities, extra
Securely attached children are work, lack of sleep, and things like
Safeguarding Our Health more likely to be able to cope with mobile devices. Some experts are
11 Vaccines Protect Us All challenges like poverty, family concerned about the effects that
instability, parental stress, and distracted parenting may have on
depression. emotional bonding and children’s

language development, social times with your kids. “If parents learn how to solve the problems
interaction, and safety. respond by being irritable or that emerge. Talk through the
If parents are inconsistently aggressive themselves, children can situation and their feelings. Then
available, kids can get distressed and mimic that behavior, and a negative work with them to find solutions
feel hurt, rejected, or ignored. They cycle then continues to escalate,” to put into practice.
may have more emotional outbursts explains Dr. Carol Metzler, who
and feel alone. They may even stop studies parenting at the Oregon Meeting Needs
Research Institute.
According to Crnic, kids start to As children grow up, it’s important
If parents are regulate their own emotions and to remember that giving them what
inconsistently available, behavior around age 3. Up until they need doesn’t mean giving them
then, they depend more on you to everything they want. “These two
kids can get distressed things are very different,” Crnic
and feel hurt, rejected, help them regulate their emotions,
whether to calm them or help get explains. “Really hone in on exactly
or ignored. them excited. “They’re watching you what’s going on with your kid in
to see how you do it and listening the moment. This is an incredibly
trying to compete for their parents’ important parenting skill and it’s
attention and start to lose emotional linked to so many great outcomes
connections to their parents. Make some time to spend for kids.”
“There are times when kids really Think about where a child is in life
with your child that isn’t and what skills they need to learn at
do need your attention and want
your recognition,” Crnic explains.
highly directive, where that time. Perhaps they need help
Parents need to communicate your child leads the play. managing emotions, learning how
that their kids are valuable and to behave in a certain situation,
important, and children need to thinking through a new task, or
know that parents care what they’re to how you talk to them about it,” relating to friends.
doing, he says. he explains. “Parents need to be “You want to help kids become
It can be tough to respond with good self-regulators. You’re not confident,” Crnic says. “You don’t
sensitivity during tantrums, only trying to regulate your own want to aim too high where they
arguments, or other challenging emotions in the moment, but helping can’t get there or too low where
your child learn to manage their they have already mastered the
emotions and behavior.” skill.” Another way to boost
As kids become better at confidence while strengthening your
NIH News in Health managing their feelings and relationship is to let your kid take
ISSN 2375-6993 (Print) ISSN 1556-3898 (Online) behavior, it’s important to help them the lead.
Editor Harrison Wein, Ph.D. develop coping skills, like active “Make some time to spend with
Managing Editor Tianna Hicklin, Ph.D. problem solving. Such skills can help your child that isn’t highly directive,
Graphics Alan Defibaugh (illustrations), them feel confident in handling what where your child leads the play,”
Bryan Ewsichek (design) comes their way. advises Dr. John Bates, who studies
This special issue is a collection of previously “When parents engage positively children’s behavior problems at
published articles. However, articles were with their children, teaching them Indiana University Bloomington.
updated and re-reviewed by NIH experts
prior to inclusion. Published July 2018.
the behaviors and skills that they “Kids come to expect it and they
need to cope with the world, children love it, and it really improves the
Use our articles and illustrations in your own
publication. Our material is not copyrighted. learn to follow rules and regulate relationship.”
Please acknowledge NIH News in Health as the their own feelings,” Metzler says. Bates also encourages parents to
source and send us a copy. “As parents, we try really hard to focus on their child’s actual needs
protect our kids from the experience instead of sticking to any specific of bad things,” Crnic explains. “But parenting principles.
if you protect them all the time and It’s never too late to start
they are not in situations where building a healthier, more positive
they deal with difficult or adverse relationship with your child, even
NIH…Turning Discovery Into Health®

Office of Communications & Public Liaison circumstances, they aren’t able to if things have gotten strained and
Building 31, Room 5B52
develop healthy coping skills.” stressful. “Most importantly, make
Bethesda, MD 20892-2094
email: He encourages you to allow sure that your child knows that you
phone: 301-451-8224 your kids to have more of those love them and are on their side,”
experiences and then help them Metzler says. “For older children, 3

let them know that you are genuinely

committed to building a stronger Shape Your Family’s Habits
relationship with them and helping Helping Kids Make Healthy Choices
them be successful.”
By being a sensitive and Many things can influence
responsive parent, you can help a child, including friends,
set your kids on a positive path, teachers, and the things
teach them self-control, reduce the they see when they sit in
likelihood of troublesome behaviors, front of the TV or computer.
and build a warm, caring parent- If you’re a parent, know
child relationship. that your everyday behavior
plays a big part in shaping
your child’s behavior, too.
With your help, kids can
Wise Choices learn to develop healthy
Tips for Connecting eating and physical activity
with Your Kids habits that last throughout
their lives.
Catch kids showing good behavior Healthy eating and
and offer specific praise.
physical activity are
Give children meaningful jobs at essential for children of any
home and positive recognition age. “They can have many
afterward. Don’t be overly critical; health benefits for children,
instead, help them improve their including promoting heart bring foods into the house. They
skills one step at a time.
health and improving mood,” says control how much time a child
Use kind words, tones, and ges- Dr. Voula Osganian, a child obesity can watch TV. They control what
tures when giving instructions or specialist at NIH. kinds of social activities are paired
making requests. Getting active and eating right with foods. And kids learn a huge
Spend some time every day in may also prevent excess weight amount about eating and physical
warm, positive, loving interaction and childhood obesity, a growing activity from watching
with your kids. Look for opportu- concern in this country. Today, and imitating their parents.”
nities to spend time as a family, nearly 1 in 3 children in the United Epstein’s research shows
like taking after-dinner walks or States is overweight or obese. “If how important parents can be.
reading books together. someone develops obesity as a child In NIH-funded work, his team
Brainstorm solutions to problems or adolescent, there’s a very high assigned obese children, ages 8
at home or school together. likelihood that they’ll remain obese to 12, to different types of weight
Set rules for yourself for mobile or overweight as an adult,” Osganian loss programs. All the groups
device use and other distractions. explains. “But studies also show that were taught about healthy diet,
For instance, check your phone if you start eating healthy and being behaviors, and exercise. For some
after your child goes active early, you tend to maintain groups, positive feedback and
to bed. those habits over time.” encouragement for weight loss
Ask about your child’s concerns, Although most of us know that it’s and behavior changes were given
worries, goals, and ideas. a good idea to eat healthy food and only to the child. Other groups
move more, it isn’t always easy to do. focused on both the child and an
Participate in activities that your
child enjoys. Help out with and at- Children aren’t likely to change their obese parent. Comparison groups
tend their events, games, activities, diet and activity habits on their own. received little feedback.
and performances. It’s up to you to make it easier for The researchers found that when
your family to make healthy choices. obese parents and children worked
“Parents are very important in together, both were more successful
terms of arranging an environment at losing weight and making healthy
and setting a model for healthy changes. “Our studies suggest that
Web Links or unhealthy behavior,” says getting the whole family working
For more about positive parenting, Dr. Leonard H. Epstein, an expert together really benefits the child,”
go to: on childhood obesity at the Epstein says. “Even after 10 years,
issues/parenting/positive-parenting University of Buffalo. “Parents when these kids were 18 to 22

years old, the ones who had the Dr. Julie Lumeng, a pediatrician at
parent working with them had lost the University of Michigan, focuses Getting young ones
more weight and maintained more her NIH-funded research on the to accept fruits and
weight loss than the ones treated by factors that affect eating behaviors
themselves, and obviously more than in young children—especially vegetables can be a
the comparison groups.” preschoolers and infants. That’s an challenge, but some
Over time, most parents gradually ideal time to start exposing your parents give up too
began to regain their lost weight, children to a variety of healthy quickly if a child rejects
the researchers found. But after 10 foods, such as fruits and vegetables,
years, more than 40% of the kids so they develop a liking for them. a new food.
who worked with their parents had Getting young ones to accept
maintained a weight reduction of at fruits and vegetables can be a altogether. “Instead of telling your
least 20%. “The finding suggests that challenge, but some parents give up children, ‘No, you can’t have any
even if the parents go back to their too quickly if a child rejects a new more cookies,’ just keep cookies
old behaviors, many of the kids will food. Research suggests that the out of the house altogether,” says
not,” says Epstein. more times you offer a food, the more Lumeng.
While it’s never too late to start likely a child will be to warm up to it. When you bring unhealthy food
making healthy changes in your “Kids typically have to taste a new and sugary drinks into the house,
family, research suggests that the food 9 to 15 times to begin to like it,” “parents essentially become the food
earlier your kids learn healthy Lumeng says. police,” adds Epstein. “It’s easier to
behaviors, the better. If your child doesn’t like a new create an environment in the home
food right away, stay positive and where there’s limited access to
keep trying over time. Encouraging unhealthy foods and lots of access to
kids to take just one bite of a new healthy foods.”
Wise Choices food can help. But avoid creating Experts recommend that most
Help Kids Form conflicts and stress over it. “Trying kids get at least an hour of moderate
Healthy Habits a new food can be exciting and also to vigorous physical activity each
stressful in general,” Lumeng says. day. Parents can help by limiting TV
Be a role model. Eat healthy family “Several studies show that kids and computer time to no more than
meals together. Walk or ride bikes are more likely to try a new food one or two hours per day.
instead of watching TV or surfing if they’re eating in a setting that’s “Small changes in the home
the Web. relaxing and pleasant.” environment can also have a huge
Make healthy choices easy. Put Children under the age of three effect on physical activity,” says
nutritious food where it’s easy to tend to stop eating on their own Epstein. You can make sports
see. Keep balls and other sports when they’re full. “But after age equipment like balls and jump
gear handy. three,” Lumeng says, “the more you ropes more accessible by putting
Focus on fun. Play in the park, put on their plate, the more they’ll them next to the door. Walking fast,
or walk through the zoo or on a eat.” So make sure to give your kids bicycling, jumping rope, and playing
nature trail. Cook a healthy meal child-size portions. basketball, soccer, or hopscotch are
together. Take opportunities to teach all good ways for kids to be active.
Limit screen time. Don’t put a TV young children about feelings of When it comes to food and
in your child’s bedroom. Avoid fullness. “If your child asks for physical activity, what you say and
snacks and meals in front of another helping, instead of saying, do around your children can have
the TV. ‘No, honey, you’ve had enough,’ try a lasting effect. Work together as a
Check with caregivers or schools. saying something like, ‘You must family to make healthy habits easy
Make sure they offer healthy really be hungry tonight,’ to raise and fun.
foods, active playtime, and limited their awareness of their feelings,”
TV or video games. Lumeng suggests. “Or when they
Change a little at a time. stop eating, say, ‘Oh, you must feel
full now,’ to help teach about hunger
Web Links
If you drink whole milk, switch For more about healthy eating and
to 2% milk for a while, then try and feeling satisfied.”
physical activity, go to:
even lower fat milks. If you drive Several studies show that parents
everywhere, try walking to a can effectively influence healthy parenting/shape-your-familys-habits
nearby friend’s house, then later behaviors by talking in a positive
try walking a little farther. way or avoiding certain situations 5

It’s a Kid’s Job

Playing Helps Kids Learn and Grow
What would childhood be without
time to play? Play, it turns out, is
essential to growing up healthy.
Research shows that active, creative
play benefits just about every aspect
of child development.

Play can help lay a

foundation for learning the
skills we need for social

“Play is behavior that looks as

if it has no purpose,” says NIH
psychologist Dr. Stephen Suomi.
“It looks like fun, but it actually
prepares [kids] for a complex
social world.” Evidence suggests
that play can help boost brain
function, increase fitness, improve
coordination, and teach cooperation.
Suomi notes that all mammals— Play may have similar effects in Unstructured, creative, physical
from mice to humans—engage in the human brain. Play can help lay play also lets children burn calories
some sort of play. His research a foundation for learning the skills and develop all kinds of strengths,
focuses on rhesus monkeys. While we need for social interactions. If such as learning how the world
he’s cautious about drawing parallels human youngsters lack playtime, works. In free play, children choose
between monkeys and people, his says Dr. Roberta Golinkoff, an infant the games, make the rules, learn
studies offer some general insights language expert at the University of to negotiate, and release stress.
into the benefits of play. Delaware, “social skills will likely Free play often involves fantasy. If
Active, vigorous social play during suffer. You will lack the ability to children, say, want to learn about
development helps to sculpt the inhibit impulses, to switch tasks being a fireman, they can imagine
monkey brain. The brain grows easily, and to play on your own.”
larger. Connections between brain Play helps young children master
their emotions and make their own Play helps young children
areas may strengthen. Play also
helps monkey youngsters learn how decisions. It also teaches flexibility, master their emotions
to fit into their social group, which motivation, and confidence. and make their own
may range from 30 to 200 monkeys Kids don’t need expensive toys to
get a lot out of playtime. “Parents
decisions. It also teaches
in 3 or 4 extended families.
Both monkeys and humans live are children’s most enriching play- flexibility, motivation, and
in highly complex social structures, thing,” says Golinkoff. Playing and confidence.
Suomi says. “Through play, rhesus talking to babies and children are
monkeys learn to negotiate, to deal vital for their language development.
with strangers, to lose gracefully, Golinkoff says that kids who talk and act out what a fireman does. And
to stop before things get out of with their parents tend to acquire a if something scary happens, free
hand, and to follow rules,” he says. vocabulary that will later help them play can help defuse emotions by
These lessons prepare monkey in school. Let kids guide the con- working them out.
youngsters for life after they leave versation. When you take over the “Sports are a kind of play,”
their mothers. conversation, you may shut it down. Golinkoff says, “but it’s not the kids

calling the shots.” It’s important Hirsh-Pasek of Temple University. Older children, including teens, also
to engage in a variety of activities, “Lack of recess has important need to play and daydream, which
including physical play, social play, consequences for young children helps their problem-solving and
and solitary play. “The key is that who concentrate better when they creative imagination. Adults, too,
in free play, kids are making the come inside after a break from the need their breaks, physical activity,
schoolwork.” and social interaction.
Many kids, especially those in Play can also be important for
As media screens draw low-income areas, lack access to medical care. At the NIH Clinical
kids indoors, hours of safe places to play. This makes Center in Bethesda, Maryland,
sitting raise the risk their school recess time even
more precious. In response to
for obesity and related these changes, some educators Older children, including
diseases. are now insisting that preschool
and elementary school children teens, also need to play
have regular periods of active, free and daydream, which
decisions,” says Golinkoff. You can’t play with other children. The type helps their problem-
learn to make decisions if you’re of learning that happens during solving and creative
always told what to do. playtime is not always possible in
Some experts fear that free play the classroom. School recess is also imagination.
is becoming endangered. In the last
two decades, children have lost an
average of eight hours of free play per Unstructured, creative, “Recreation therapy services are
week. As media screens draw kids physical play lets seen as essential to the patients’
indoors, hours of sitting raise the children burn calories recovery,” says Donna Gregory, chief
risk for obesity and related diseases. of recreational therapy. She and
When it comes to video games and and develops all kinds her team tailor activities for both
other media, parents should monitor of strengths, such as children and adults. Games can
content, especially violent content, learning how the world get patients moving, even for just
and limit the amount of time works. minutes at a time, which improves
children sit. their functioning.
There’s also been a national Medical play helps children cope
trend toward eliminating school important because of the growing with invasive procedures. A 2-year-
recess. “Thousands of children have number of obese children in the old can be distracted with blowing
lost recess altogether,” says child United States. Running around bubbles; older kids can place their
development expert Dr. Kathryn during recess can help kids stay teddy bear in the MRI machine or
at a healthy weight. give their doll a shot before they
Play also may offer advantages themselves get an injection. It gives
within the classroom. In an kids a sense of control and supports
Wise Choices NIH-funded study, Hirsh-Pasek, their understanding in an age-
Golinkoff, and their colleagues appropriate, meaningful way.
Play To Learn
found a link between preschoolers’ Without play and recreation,
and Grow people can become isolated and
math skills and their ability to
Kids don’t need expensive copy models of two- and three- depressed. “There’s therapeutic
toys and games to engage in dimensional building-block value in helping patients maintain
enriching play. constructions. Play with building what’s important to them,” says
blocks—and block play alongside Gregory. “When you are physically
Let children lead.
adults—can help build children’s and socially active, it gives life
Monitor screen time (computer, spatial skills so they can get an meaning.”
TV, video games). Encourage early start toward the later study of
more active play. science, technology, engineering,
Get involved with your or math. Web Links
community to make playtime “In a way, a child is becoming a For more about play,
and play space available for all young scientist, checking out how go to:
children. the world works,” says Hirsh-Pasek. special-issues/parenting/its-kids-job
”We never outgrow our need to play.” 7

See, Hear, Speak

Are Kids’ Senses Ready for School?
When setting off for kindergarten and language development at Boys
or first grade, a child may feel pre- Town National Research Hospital
pared with a backpack loaded with in Nebraska. Head injuries, menin-
crayons, pencils, and paper. But a gitis, and chronic fluid behind the
good start in the classroom depends eardrum from repeated bouts of ear
on more than just school supplies. infections are just a few con-
Healthy hearing, vision, speech, ditions that can lead to later
and language are key to success at hearing loss.
school. If a child has problems in “We rely on normal hear-
these areas, the sooner they’re spot- ing to pick up concepts and
ted, the better they can be treated. learn new words,” Moeller
says. But a noisy class-
A good start in the room can be tough for
classroom depends on kids who can’t hear well.
“Children with undetected
more than just school hearing loss may look like
supplies. Healthy hearing, they have attention deficits.
vision, speech, and They may miss what they’ve
been told because they’re just not
language are key to hearing clearly,” she says.
success at school. Screening for hearing loss in
school-age kids is a familiar pro-
Sometimes problems with senses, cess. Children wear headphones
speech, or language fly under the and raise their hands as they hear Children learn language
radar. A child with a lazy eye or a lit- a series of tones. Some 5% to 10% of by listening to others
tle hearing loss might get along just school-age children don’t pass these
fine at home or in daycare. But when tests. Kids with hearing loss can be
and engaging in
children get to school, minor diffi- fitted with hearing aids or benefit conversations. But kids
culties may start to catch up with from cochlear implants or assistive with hearing loss can
them. They may have trouble focus- devices. For example, teachers can miss out on some of this
ing and flourishing in the classroom. wear microphones that send their
NIH-funded scientists are searching voices directly to the children’s ears. experience.
for better ways to recognize and Even children with minimal hearing
treat these types of problems as early loss can benefit from this type of specific language impairment, or
as possible. technology. developmental language disorder.
Nearly all newborns are screened Children learn language by listen- This condition affects an estimated
for hearing loss before leaving the ing to others and engaging in conver- 7% of children in kindergarten. Kids
hospital. For newborns diagnosed sations. But kids with hearing loss with specific language impairment
with hearing loss, interventions can miss out on some of this experi- have trouble learning new words
such as hearing aids or cochlear ence. Moeller and her colleagues are and engaging in conversation. They
implants should begin no later than studying how children with hearing might produce grammatically
6 months of age. When interventions loss develop language. Results from incorrect sentences like “What he
begin early, children with hearing this NIH-funded research point to want for dinner?” or they might have
loss can develop language skills that several factors that can help. These a small vocabulary.
help them communicate. include the quality and fit of hearing “Both of those are fundamental
Hearing problems can also arise aids, how often kids get speech and to being able to communicate with
in older kids. “Some children are language training, and how often the teacher, to understanding what
born with normal hearing and de- parents have conversations with the teacher is saying to them, and to
velop hearing loss later for various their children. forming social relationships with
reasons,” says Dr. Mary Pat Moeller, A different source of language their peers,” says Dr. Mabel Rice, an
who studies childhood deafness problems is a disorder called NIH-funded researcher who studies

childhood language disorders at the In the past, parents were some- Some children are nearsighted,
University of Kansas. times blamed for a child’s language with problems focusing on faraway
For example, a child with specific disability. They might have been objects like the chalkboard. It’s less
language impairment might not un- faulted for not reading enough to common for youngsters to be far-
their children. But research suggests sighted, with trouble focusing on up-
Vision problems are that specific language impairment close items. Both can be corrected
common in preschoolers, has other roots. The disorder tends with eyeglasses or contact lenses.
to run in families, which hints that To catch problems early, NIH
but kids don’t always genes play a role. Rice led a study of funded a study of thousands of
tell others about their over 300 people, including children preschoolers to find the best ways
symptoms. with specific language impairment to screen for impaired vision. “How
and their families. The scientists often screening is done and what
derstand that “It’s time to put your identified a gene that’s also linked to screening is done varies widely from
things away now” means “Put your dyslexia and other learning disabil- state to state,” says Dr. Marjean
things away.” Children who don’t ities. The finding might eventually Kulp, a vision researcher at Ohio
understand complicated sentences lead to better understanding and State University.
can seem like they’re disobedient, treatment of these disorders.
Rice says. More complicated gram- Kids don’t usually grow out of Early detection and
mar is also good for making friends. specific language impairment. Their
Saying “I would like it if you’d come language improves, but they can treatment of hearing,
play with me” might attract more continue to struggle with subtleties vision, and language
playmates than “Come over here.” even after they enter the workforce. problems can give
“It is very important to identify these
kids, particularly at school entry or
kids a better learning
Wise Choices before school entry,” Rice says. Many experience.
school districts screen children for
Signs of Eye, Ear, or
specific language impairment before The study evaluated different
Language Problems kindergarten. Language therapy can tests and identified a few that could
help children catch up. best detect vision problems—even
Talk with a health care provider if Poor vision can also cause trouble when performed by people who
your child: in school, and the problems may aren’t vision specialists.
doesn’t respond consistently to go unnoticed. Vision problems are Screenings only identify potential
sounds or to his or her name. common in preschoolers, but kids problems, and they don’t catch
asks for things to be repeated or don’t always tell others about their everything. Children should have
says “huh?” a lot. symptoms. Children might even regular exams by an eye care
think it’s normal to see double or professional.
turns the volume up on the TV for things to be blurry. But poor Early detection and treatment
and other electronic devices.
eyesight can cause headaches and of hearing, vision, and language
speaks unclearly. hinder reading. Some children with problems can give kids a better
has trouble following spoken vision problems might seem to have learning experience.
directions. attention difficulties, since eyestrain
leaves words out of sentences and headaches can make it hard to
stay on task.
when talking.
The most common cause of vision Definitions
uses tenses (past, present, and impairment in children is amblyo-
future) improperly. Genes
pia, or lazy eye. It often arises if the
Stretches of DNA, a substance you
has trouble catching balls or eyes point in different directions, or inherit from your parents, that affect
seeing distant objects. if one eye produces a better image many aspects of human development
has eyes that cross or point than the other. The brain starts to and health.
outward. shut down signals from the weaker
avoids close work or holds books eye. Treatment encourages use of the
weaker eye, sometimes by putting a Web Links
unusually close when reading.
patch over the other eye. NIH-fund- For more about senses, speech, and
complains of eye discomfort, ed research has found that treatment language, go to:
headaches, or blurred vision. special-issues/parenting/see-hear-
for amblyopia is more effective if
begun when a child is young. 9

Keeping Up in School?
Identifying Learning Problems
Reading, writing, and math are opportunities to
the building blocks of learning. intervene early.”
Mastering these subjects early Each learning
on can affect many areas of life, disability has its own
including school, work, and even signs. A child with
overall health. It’s normal to make a reading disability
mistakes and even struggle a little may be a poor speller
when learning new things. But or have trouble
repeated, long-lasting problems may reading quickly or
be a sign of a learning disability. recognizing common
Learning disabilities aren’t words. A child with
related to how smart a child is. a writing disability
They’re caused by differences in may write very
the brain that are present from slowly, have poor
birth, or shortly after. These handwriting, or have
differences affect how the brain trouble expressing
handles information and can create ideas in writing and
difficulties with reading, writing, organizing text. A
and math. math disability can
“Typically, in the first few years of make it hard for
elementary school, some children, in a child to understand basic math
spite of adequate instruction, have a concepts (like multiplication), make The earlier a learning
hard time and can’t master the skills change in cash transactions, or do disability is recognized
of reading and writing as efficiently math-related word problems.
as their peers,” says Dr. Benedetto Learning difficulties can affect
and addressed, the
Vitiello, a child mental health expert more than school performance. If greater the likelihood for
at NIH. “So the issue is usually not addressed, they can also affect success in school and
brought up as a learning problem.” health. A learning disability can later in life.
In general, the earlier a learning make it hard to understand written
disability is recognized and health information, follow a doctor’s
directions, or take the proper an evaluation for a learning
amount of medication at the right disability. The U.S. Individuals with
Learning disabilities times. Learning disabilities can also Disabilities Education Improvement
aren’t related to how smart lead to a poor understanding of the Act requires that public schools
a child is. They’re caused benefits of healthy behaviors, such as provide free special education
by differences in the brain exercise, and of health risks, such as support to children, including
obesity. This lack of knowledge can children with specific learning
that are present from result in unhealthy behaviors and disabilities, who need such services.
birth, or shortly after. increased risk of disease. To qualify for these services, a child
Not all struggling learners have a must be evaluated by the school
disability. Many factors affect a per- and meet specific federal and state
addressed, the greater the likelihood son’s ability to learn. Some students requirements. An evaluation may
for success in school and later in may learn more slowly or need more include a medical exam, a discussion
life. “Initial screening and then practice than their classmates. Poor of family history, and intellectual
ongoing monitoring of children’s vision or hearing can cause a child and school performance testing.
performance is important for being to miss what’s being taught. Poor Many people with learning
able to tell quickly when they start to nutrition or exposure to toxins early disabilities can develop strategies to
struggle,” explains Dr. Brett Miller, in life can also contribute to learning cope with their disorder. A teacher
a reading and writing disabilities difficulties. or other learning specialist can help
expert at NIH. “If you’re not If a child is struggling in school, kids learn skills that build on their
actively looking for it, you can miss parents or teachers can request strengths to counter-balance their

weaknesses. Educators may provide “ADHD can be confused with a “Early exposure to a rich
special teaching methods, make learning problem,” Vitiello says. environment is important for brain
changes to the classroom, or use ADHD makes it difficult for a child development,” Mann Koepke says.
technologies that can assist a child’s to pay attention, stay focused, Engage your child in different
learning needs. organize information, and learning activities from the start.
A child with a learning disability finish tasks. This can interfere Before they’re even speaking,
may also struggle with low self- with schoolwork, home life, and kids are learning. “Even if it’s just
esteem, lack of confidence, and friendships. But ADHD is not listening and watching as you talk
frustration. In the case of a math considered a learning disability. It about what you’re doing in your daily
learning disability, math anxiety tasks,” she says.
may play a role in worsening math Point out and talk with children
abilities. A counselor can help Parents and teachers about the names, colors, shapes,
children use coping skills and build should be aware that their sizes, and numbers of objects in
healthy attitudes about their ability own words and behavior their environment. Try to use
to learn. comparison words like “more than”
“If appropriate interventions are around learning and or “less than.” This will help teach
provided, many of these challenges doing math are implicitly your child about the relationships
can be minimized,” explains Dr. learned by the young between things, which is important
Kathy Mann Koepke, a math for learning math concepts, says
learning disability expert at NIH.
people around them and Mann Koepke. Even basic things,
“Parents and teachers should be may lessen or worsen like getting enough sleep and eating
aware that their own words and math anxiety. a healthy diet, can help children’s
behavior around learning and doing brain development and their ability
math are implicitly learned by the to learn.
young people around them and may requires its own treatments, which NIH is continuing to invest in
lessen or worsen math anxiety.” may include behavior therapy and research centers that study learning
“We often talk about these condi- medications. challenges and their treatments,
tions in isolation, but some people “Parents play an important role with a special focus on understudied
have more than one challenge,” Mill- in treatment, especially for children and high-risk groups.
er says. Sometimes children with in elementary school,” Vitiello Although there are no “cures,”
learning disabilities have another says. Medications and behavioral early interventions offer essential
learning disorder or other condition, interventions are often delivered learning tools and strategies to help
such as attention deficit hyperactivi- at home. Teachers can usually lessen the effects of learning disabil-
ty disorder (ADHD). advise parents on how to help kids ities. With support from caregivers,
at home, such as by scheduling educators, and health providers,
appropriate amounts of time for people with learning disabilities can
learning-related activities. Parents be successful at school, work, and in
Wise Choices can also help by minimizing their personal lives.
distractions and encouraging kids
Signs of a Learning to stay on task, such as when doing
Disability homework. Effective intervention
requires consistency and a Definitions
Consider talking with your partnership between school
doctor if you notice these signs and home.
in your child: Many complex factors can Interventions
contribute to development of Actions taken to prevent or treat a disor-
Difficulty with reading and/or
learning disabilities. Learning der or to improve health in other ways.
Problems with math skills
disorders tend to run in families.
Home, family, and daily life also
Difficulty remembering have a strong effect on a child’s
Trouble following directions ability to learn starting from a very Web Links
Difficulty with concepts related to early age. Parents can help their For more about learning problems,
time children develop skills and build go to:
knowledge during the first few issues/parenting/keeping-up-school
Problems staying organized years of life that will support
later learning. 11

Safeguarding Our Health

Vaccines Protect Us All
We share more than food and cul- Experts recommend
ture within our homes and commu- that healthy children and
nities. We can also spread disease. teens get shots against
Luckily, we live in a time when 16 diseases (see Wise
vaccines can protect us from many Choices box). With these
of the most serious illnesses. Staying shots, many disabling or
current on your shots helps you—and life-threatening illnesses
your neighbors—avoid getting and have significantly de-
spreading disease. clined in the U.S., includ-
Vaccines have led to large re- ing measles, rubella, and
ductions in illness and death for whooping cough. But,
both kids and adults, says Dr. David unlike smallpox, these
M. Koelle, a vaccine expert at the disease-causing germs, or
University of Washington in Seattle. pathogens, are still caus- helps to stop the spread of disease
One study estimated that, among ing infections around the world. and protects the most vulnerable:
U.S. children born from 1994 to “These days, the risks of not being newborns, the elderly, and people
2013, vaccines will prevent about vaccinated in a developed country, fighting serious illnesses like cancer.
322 million illnesses, 21 million hos- like the United States, may seem During these times, your immune
pitalizations, and 732,000 deaths. superficially safe because of low system is often too weak to fend
Vaccines harness your immune rates of infection due to vaccination off disease and may not be strong
system’s natural ability to detect and other advances in public health,” enough for vaccinations. Avoiding
and destroy disease-causing germs Koelle says. “But we live in an era of exposure becomes key.
and then “remember” the best way international travel where we can
to fight these germs in the future. be exposed to mobile pathogens.” So These childhood diseases
Vaccination, or immunization, has even if you don’t travel, a neighbor
completely eliminated naturally or classmate could go overseas and used to be dreaded
occurring smallpox worldwide—to bring the disease back to your area. problems that would kill or
the point that we no longer need to “When the rates of vaccination paralyze children.
get shots against this fast-spread- drop, there can be a resurgence of
ing, deadly disease. Polio has been the disease,” explains Dr. Saad Omer,
eliminated in the U.S. and most other a global health researcher at Emory “There’s a huge benefit to all of us
nations as well, thanks to immu- University in Atlanta. For instance, getting the recommended vaccines,”
nizations. Poliovirus can affect the measles was completely eliminated explains Dr. Martha Alexander-
brain and spinal cord, leaving people in the U.S. in 2000. But since then, Miller, an immune system expert
unable to move their arms or legs, or thousands of cases have occurred, at Wake Forest Baptist Medical
sometimes unable to breathe. mostly related to travel. Center in Winston-Salem, North
“These childhood diseases used to Omer and colleagues examined Carolina. “Number one, vaccines
be dreaded problems that would kill U.S. reports on measles outbreaks protect you. But they also limit
or paralyze children,” says Koelle. since 2000. “We found that mea- the presence of disease-causing
“In the 1950s, it was a common sles cases have occurred mostly in entities that are circulating in the
occurrence for kids to be fine in the those who are not vaccinated and in community. So, you’re helping to
spring, get polio over the summer, communities that have lower rates protect individuals who may not be
and then have to go back to school in of vaccination. And that’s true for capable of protecting themselves, for
the fall no longer able to walk.” many vaccine-preventable diseases,” example because they are too young
he says. Most of the unvaccinated to get vaccinated.”
cases were those who chose not to be When expectant moms are vacci-
Definitions vaccinated or not have their children nated, immune protection can pass
vaccinated for non-medical reasons. through the placenta to the fetus.
Immune System When enough people are vacci- “Early on, the baby’s immune sys-
A collection of specialized cells and nated, the entire community gains tem is immature. So there’s a period
organs that protect the body against protection from the disease. This of vulnerability where disease and
infectious diseases. is called community immunity. It death can occur,” Omer explains.

“But the mother’s own antibodies— far, we only have vaccines for one: Ask your doctor’s office whether
proteins formed by her immune varicella-zoster virus, which causes your vaccinations are current. You
system—can protect the baby.” chickenpox and shingles. may also find records of vaccinations
Doctors recommend that moms- Koelle’s team is comparing how at your state health department
to-be get both flu and Tdap (tetanus, our immune system responds to or schools. If you can’t find your
diphtheria, and whooping cough) chickenpox and the herpes simplex records, ask your doctor if it’s okay
shots. A mother’s antibodies can help viruses, which cause mouth and to get a vaccine you might have
protect the newborn until they can genital sores. “We’re hoping to received before.
receive their own vaccinations. harness the success that has been Most side effects of vaccines are
Some vaccines must be given possible with the chickenpox mild, such as a sore arm, headache,
before pregnancy. Rubella, for in- vaccine and see if we can create a or low-grade fever.
stance, can cause life-altering birth vaccine that would work for both “It can be easy to take vaccines for
defects or miscarriage if contract- chickenpox and shingles and also granted, because you’ll never know
ed during pregnancy. There’s no herpes simplex,” he says. all the times you would’ve gotten
treatment, but the measles, mumps, Researchers are also working to really sick had you not been vaccinat-
and rubella (MMR) vaccine offers improve existing vaccines. Some ed,” says Alexander-Miller.
prevention. Vaccines for many other vaccines require a series of shots to Help your community keep dis-
common diseases that put newborns trigger a strong immune response. eases at bay: Stay up-to-date with
at risk are being studied. The protection of other vaccines can vaccines.
“We’ve made amazing progress in fade over time, so booster shots may
the development of effective vac- be needed. Some, like the flu vaccine,
cines,” says Alexander-Miller. “Our require a shot each year because the
ability to have such breakthroughs is virus changes so that the vaccine no Wise Choices
the end result of very basic research longer protects against new strains. Recommended
that went on for years and years.” So keeping up with the latest flu vac- Vaccines
NIH-funded scientists continue to cines is important.
Talk to your doctor about these
search for new ways to stimulate
protection against various diseases. Web Links shots. Learn more at www.cdc.
Koelle studies how our bodies For more about vaccines, go to:
fight herpes viruses. There are eight read/index.html:
related herpes viruses, but the body parenting/safeguarding-our-health • Bacterial meningitis
responds differently to each one. So
• Chickenpox
• Haemophilus influenzae type b
Featured Website • Hepatitis A and Hepatitis B
Child Health
• Cervical & other cancers caused by human papillomavirus (HPV)
• Influenza (flu)
Looking for advice about child health?
Find health information about a wide • Measles, Mumps, and
array of topics related to development Rubella—MMR
throughout the lifespan, from autism • Pneumococcal pneumonia
spectrum disorder to Zika infection
• Rotavirus diarrhea
during pregnancy.
• Shingles
You can browse a list of health topics at
Order or download publications at • Tetanus, Diphtheria, and Pertussis
Pages/pubs.aspx. (whooping cough)—DTaP/Tdap

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