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Курсивом в комментах навыделяла все в чем я highly не уверена

Exercise I. Comment on the length, the structure, the communicative type and
punctuation of sentences, indicating connotations created by them
1. The sick child complained that his mother was going to read to him again from
the same book: "What did you bring that book I don't like to be read aloud to out of
up for?" (E.)
 Length: long, long
 Structure: complex, very complex, all loose
 Communicative type: declarative & interrogative
 Punctuation of sentences (+ connotations): colon&quotation marks (to show
the direct speech), interrogative mark (interrogative intonation)
 After that sentence I personally feel like his mother made such a great
2. Now, although we were little and I certainly couldn't be dreaming of taking
Fonny from her or anything like that, and although she didn't really love Fonny,
only thought mat she was supposed to because she had spasmed him into this
woild, already, Penny's mother didn't like me. (J.B.)
 Length: very long
 Structure: complex and periodic (main clause is bold)
 Communicative type: declarative
 Punctuation of sentences (+ connotations): commas (pauses, reflection or
3. The congregation amened him to death; a big sister, in the pulpit, in her long
white robe, jumped up and did a little shout; they cried.
Help him, Lord Jesus, help him! and the moment he sat down, another sister, her
name was Rose and not much later she was going to disappear from the church
and have a baby - and I still remember the last time I saw her, when I was about
14 walking the streets in the snow with her face all marked and her hands all
swollen and a rag around her head and her stockings falling down singing to
herself- stood up and started singing. (J.B.) (у автора у самого мозги то не поехали…)
 Length: 1-long 2 - long
 Structure: 1- complex and balanced 2 – complex periodic ( BUT вот эта
вставочка is loose)
 Communicative type: declaratives
 Punctuation of sentences (+ connotations): semicolons (just pauses, not
interested), exclamation (emotions, idk if its thoughts of author or cry of the
public), dashes (to separate different thoughts)
4. Than Roy no one could show a more genuine cordiality to a fellow novelist.
 Length: I would say short
 Structure: simple, has 1 subject-predicate pair
 Communicative type: declarative
 Punctuation of sentences (+ connotations): hmm…there is a full stop.
5. Such being at bottom the fact, I think it is well to leave it at that. (S M.)
 Length: short
 Structure: simple
 Communicative type: declarative
 Punctuation of sentences (+ connotations): the comma only separates 2
clauses, nothing more
 There is a rhyme, but its not syntax
6. в переводе на пунктуацию не смотри
Yet at least Mucho, the used car salesman, had В машины он, по крайней мере, верил.
believed in the cars. Даже слишком, - да и как он мог не верить, когда видел
посетителей - людей беднее себя - негров, мексиканцев,
Maybe to excess: how could he not, seeing people белых нищих, целая процессия семь дней в неделю,
poorer than him come in, Negro, Mexican, cracker, привозящая самое богопротивное старье -
a parade seven days a week, bringing the most моторизованное, металлическое продолжение
Godawful of trade-ins: motorized metal extensions cсобственных тел, тел родственников, похожее, должно
of themselves, of their families and what their быть, на всю их жизнь, жизнь без прикрас, как она есть,
whole lives must be like, out there so naked for очевидную для любого незнакомца вроде него -
anybody, a stranger like himself, to look at, frame перекособоченный корпус, проржавевшее днище,
cockeyed, rusty underneath, fender repainted in a крылья, перекрашенные в колер, неуместный как раз в
shade just off enough to depress the value, if not достаточной степени, чтобы упала цена, а вместе с ценой
Mucho himself, inside smelling hopelessly of и все настроение Мучо, салон, безнадежно пропахший
children, supermarket booze, two, sometimes three детьми, супермаркетным бухлом, двумя, а то и тремя
generations of cigarette smokers, or only of dust - поколениями курильщиков, или порой лишь пылью, -
and when the cars were swept out you had to look пока выметаешь в салоне, тебе приходится смотреть: вот
at the actual residue of these lives, and there was no что на самом деле осталось от их жизни, и невозможно
way of telling what things had been truly refused отличить выброшенное сознательно (ведь столь
(when so little he supposed came by that out of fear немногое, полагал Мучо, попадалось им в руки, что они
most of it had to be taken and kept) and what had - из страха - забирали, наверное, и хранили большую
simply (perhaps tragically) been lost: clipped часть этих вещей) от просто (к скорби владельца)
coupons promising savings of 5 to 10 cents, trading утерянного: купоны, сулящие скидки от пяти до
stamps, pink flyers advertizing specials at the десяти центов, акцизные марки, розовые листовки с
market, butts, tooth-shy combs, help-wanted ads. рекламой товаров по спецценам, окурки, беззубые
расчески, объявления о найме .
Yellow Pages torn from the prione book, rags of old
underwear or dresses that were already period "Желтые страницы", выдранные из телефонной книги,
costumes, for wiping your own breath off the inside тряпки из нижнего белья или бывшей одежды - к тому
of a windshield with so you could see whatever it моменту уже исторической - для стирания испарины с
was, a movie, a woman, or car you coveted, a cop ветрового стекла, дабы лучше разглядеть
who might pull you over just for drill, all the bits заинтересовавший объект: фильм в "ин-драйв"
and pieces coated uniformly, like a salad of despair, кинотеатре; недоступных, но желанных женщин; такие
in a grey dressing of ash, condensed exhaust, dust, же машины; легавого, который может прищучить тебя
body wastes - it made him sick to look, but he had просто для профилактики, - в общем, все эти кусочки и
to look (Th.P.) штучки, равномерно покрытые, словно салат
"Отчаяние", серым соусом из пепла,
cконденсированного выхлопа, пыли, человеческих
выделений, - его тошнило от всего этого, но он
вынужден был смотреть.

 Length: 1-short, 2- very-fukin-long, 3-long

 Structure: 1- simple, 2-balanced, 3-balanced
 Communicative type: declaratives
 Punctuation of sentences (+ connotations): Commas, full stops, colons,
brackets, dashes. Colons & brackets used for more detailed description.
Commas used for enumerations (I think this list is to show the character’s
life experience)
 There is also a gradation – from the least disgusting (appearance, smell) to
the most (body wastes)
 Actually (in original book) there are one big sentence and this part between
2 yellow dashes is a one big вставочка with balanced structure
7. Soldiers with their cartridges gone wandered aimlessly out of the chapparal,
dragging their rifles and plunged into the brush again on the other side of the
railroad, black with powder, streaked with sweat, their eyes vacantly on the
ground. (J.R.)
 Length: long
 Structure: simple (one subject-predicate pair) and loose (хотя если оно
простое то оно не может быть loose, ведь это не clauses, а просто
 Communicative type: declarative
 Punctuation of sentences (+ connotations): commas separate many
subordinate clauses (so many clauses helps you to see the picture more
detailed and add more emotions like moral pressure IDK I FEEL IT)
8. Strolling up and down the Main Street, talking in little groups on the corners,
lounging in and out of strike headquarters were hundreds of big strong-faced
miners in their Sunday best. (J.R.)
 Length: long
 Structure: simple + inversion + обороты
 Communicative type: declarative
 Punctuation of sentences (+ connotations): commas separate different
clauses (they add details, and author avoids the repetition of subject they)
9. I am, he thought, a part of all that I have touched and that has touched me, which
having for me no existence save that I gave to it, became other than itself by being
mixed with what I then was, and is now still otherwise, having fused with what I
now am, which is itself a cumulation of what I have been becoming. (T.W.)
 Length: long
 Structure: very complex
 Communicative type: declarative
 Punctuation of sentences (+ connotations): first two commas separate the
direct & indirect speech (he thought), other commas tries to separate and
explain to us the author's complex thoughts
10. I like people. Not just empty streets and dead buildings. People. People. (P. A.)
 Length: Short. Short. One-word. One-word.
 Structure: simple
 Communicative type: declaratives
 Punctuation of sentences (+ connotations): -
 One-word sentences have strong emphatic impact, emphasizing
11. "You know so much. Where is she?" "Dead. Or in a crazy house. Or married. I
think she's married and quieted down." (T.C.)
 Length: short, one-word
 Structure: simple
 Communicative type: all declaratives and one interrogative
 Punctuation of sentences (+ connotations): quotation marks (direct speech),
question mark
 These short sentences look like assumptions, ничего уже не могу
адекватного сказать, мозг в дрова
12. "Jesus Christ! Look at her face!" Surprise. "Her eyes is closed!" Astonishment.
"She likes it!" Amazement.
"Nobody could take my picture doing that!" Moral disgust. "Them goddam white
folks!" Fascinated fear. (Wr.)
 Length: short, one-word
 Structure: all simple
 Communicative type: declaratives and exclamation
 Punctuation of sentences (+ connotations): first two exclamations and the
last one used to show emotions, and one exclamation is an order, all one-
word sent. sounds like explanations of emotions and describe the intonation
13. What courage can withstand the ever-enduring and all-besetting terrors of a
woman's tongue? (W. I.)
 Length: long
 Structure: simple
 Communicative type: interrogative its rhetorical question I suppose
 Punctuation of sentences (+ connotations): there are hyphens with word-
building purpose (do we need them?) and question mark
14. "You talk of Christianity when you are in the act of banging your enemies.
Was there ever such blasphemous nonsense!" (B.Sh.)
 Length: long, long
 Structure: complex, simple; loose, loose (with inversion)
 Communicative type: declarative, exclamatory
 Punctuation of sentences (+ connotations): no punctuation except full stop
(serious); point of exclamation (emotional)
15. What is the good of sitting on the throne when other fellows give all the
orders? (B.Sh.)
 Length: long
 Structure: complex; loose
 Communicative type: interrogative
 Punctuation of sentences (+ connotations): no punctuation except point of
interrogation (rhetorical, philosophical question)
16. And what are wars but politics
Transformed from chronic to acute and bloody? (R. Fr)
 Length: long
 Structure: simple, loose
 Communicative type: interrogative
 Punctuation of sentences (+ connotations): no punctuation except point of
interrogation (rhetorical, philosophical question)
17. Father, was that you calling me? Was it you, the voiceless and the dead? Was it
you, thus buffeted as you lie here in a heap? Was it you thus baptized unto Death?
 Length: all short
 Structure: all complex and loose
 Communicative type: all interrogative
 Punctuation of sentences (+ connotations): comma (address to the father),
comma (emphasis on the condition), comma (additional information); all
with points of interrogation, every following question is more intensified
than previous (like gradation on the sentence level).
18. "Let us see the state of the case. The question is simple. The question, the usual
plain, straight-forward, common-sense question. What can we do for ourself?
What can we do for ourself?" (D.)
 Length: short, short, long, long
 Structure: all simple and loose
 Communicative type: 3 declaratives, other 2 interrogative
 Punctuation of sentences (+ connotations): First 2 sentences don’t have
additional punctuation except full stops (seriousness). 3rd – commas =
number of significant characteristics. Repetition of the question = special
attention to it.
19. Jonathan Livingstone Seagull narrowed his eyes in fierce concentration, held
his breath, forced one... single - more... inch... of... curve-Then his feathers raffled,
he stalled and fell. (Rch. B.)
 Length: long, quite short
 Structure: simple, complex; loose, loose
 Communicative type: both declarative
 Punctuation of sentences (+ connotations): commas – concentration,
importance; ellipsis – heaviness of the action for the object; comma –
distinction between subject-predicate pairs.
20. "Jake, will you get out!" said Magdalen. (I.M.)
 Length: short
 Structure: complex, periodic
 Communicative type: declarative (though direct speech is interrogative
 Punctuation of sentences (+ connotations): comma (address), point of
exclamation (emotional sentence).
21. A boy and a girt sat on stools drinking pop. An elderly man alone - someone
John knew vaguely by sight - the town clerk? - sat behind an empty Coca-Cola
bottle. (P. Q.)
 Length: short, long
 Structure: both complex and loose
 Communicative type: both declarative
 Punctuation of sentences (+ connotations): dashes (additional information),
point of interrogation (doubt)
22. What your doctor learned: biggest A.M.A. convention ever is full of medical
news about remedies and treatments he may (sob!) be using on you. (M.St.)
 Length: long
 Structure: complex, periodic
 Communicative type: declarative
 Punctuation of sentences (+ connotations): semicolons – expansion of
information, explanation; point of exclamatory – reaction, shock
23. The neon lights in the heart of the city flashed on and off. On and off. On. Off.
On. Off. Continuously. (P. A.)
 Length: long, short, one-word sentences
 Structure: all simple and loose
 Communicative type: declarative
 Punctuation of sentences (+ connotations): full stops and repetition indicate
the intensity (periods) and (endless, circling) continuation of the action.
24. Bagdworthy was in seventh heaven. A murder! At Chimneys! Inspector
Badgworthy in charge of the case. The police have a clue. Sensational arrest.
Promotion and kudos for the afforementioned Inspector. (Ch.)
 Length: all short, the 6th = one-phrase sentence (like one-word, but one-
 Structure: all simple, many shortened, all loose
 Communicative type: declarative, 2 exclamatory, 4 declarative
 Punctuation of sentences (+ connotations): exclamatory marks (enthusiasm,
surprise, delight of being charged for serious case)
25. What is the opposite of faith? Not disbelief. Too final, certain, closed. Itself a
kind of belief. Doubt. (S.R.)
 Length: all short
 Structure: all simple, very shortened
 Communicative type: interrogative, all others declarative
 Punctuation of sentences (+ connotations): full stops (pointing to the object
of speaking), commas (few significant characteristics).

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