23-SIMPLEC Algorithm For Colocated Meshes

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Lecture 23:

Properties of Momentum Interpolation

SIMPLE Algorithm for Co-Located
Last Time …

z Completed consideration of pressure-based schemes

z Found that staggered meshes are difficult to use on
body-fitted meshes and unstructured meshes
z Proposed a co-located scheme using momentum
interpolation to prevent checker-boarding
This Time…

z Figure out discretization accuracy of momentum

z Examine properties of momentum interpolation
z Develop SIMPLE algorithm for co-located storage
Co-Located Storage

z Store (u,v,P,φ) at cell

z Same control volume
for all
z Also sometimes called
interpolation or a non-
staggered formulation
Co-Located Formulation

z Idea is to write face velocities ue and uw in terms of

adjacent pressures rather than alternate pressures
z If we interpolated cell velocities to the face linearly, we
would get:

z Instead, we use
Co-Located Formulation (Cont’d)

z Velocity interpolation to the face:

z We are subtracting the ‘alternate’ pressure term and

adding in an ‘adjacent’ pressure term
Accuracy of Face Velocity Interpolation

z Consider the momentum-interpolated face velocity:

Accuracy (Cont’d)

z From Taylor series:

z Therefore:
Accuracy (Cont’d)

z Manipulating further:

Second-order Third-order
interpolation term
Accuracy (Cont’d)

z The overall accuracy is:

z Since the added dissipation term is a third-order term,

it does not change the formal second-order accuracy
of the linear interpolation
Discrete Continuity Equation

z Similarly for uw:

z Discretizing continuity (assuming constant density):

z Substituting for face velocities:

Equivalent Model Equation

z Using Taylor series:

z Substituting, we obtain the model equation for the co-

located scheme as:

Added dissipation term

Hence “Added Dissipation Scheme”

z Momentum interpolation prevents checker-boarding in

co-located formulations
z Equivalent to solving continuity equation with an
fourth-derivative dissipation term which does not
change the formal second-order accuracy of the
z We carry two different types of velocities
» uP , uE (cell-centered velocities) which satisfy
momentum equation
» ue , uw (face velocities) which satisfy continuity
Discussion (Cont’d)

z Thus, the same velocities do not satisfy both continuity

and momentum, unlike for staggered meshes
z Thus far, we have only considered discretization
issues for co-located formulations
z Next we will look at how to build a SIMPLE-type
algorithm using this type of discretization.
Co-Located Formulation in 2D

z u,v,p, φ stored at cell centroids of

main control volumes
z Wish to develop
» Discrete momentum equations
» Momentum-interpolated face
» Momentum-interpolated
correction equations
» Find p’ equation
» Set up SIMPLE loop
Discrete Momentum Equations

z Discretize u and v momentum equations at P

Note coefficient nomenclature

Hat Velocities

z Divide by center coefficients to obtain:

z Similarly, define other face velocities and d’s

Momentum Interpolation

z Find face velocity by interpolating hat velocities, and

adding in adjacent pressure term:
Momentum Inteprolation (Cont’d)

z Similarly, other face velocities

SIMPLE Algorithm

z As usual, starred face velocities do not satisfy


z Propose face velocity and cell pressure corrections

Face Velocity and Flow Rate Correction

z Correspondingly, face flow rates are corrected as:

z Find velocity correction relations from momentum

Face Velocity Correction (Cont’d)

z In keeping with SIMPLE, drop hatted corrections:

z Correspondingly:
Cell Velocity Correction

z One extra step for co-located formulation

z So far we have developed face velocity correction
z To promote convergence, also correct cell velocities
by analogy:

Note: Cell d’s used

Continuity Equation

z Corrected face flow rates satisfy continuity:

z Substitute for face flow rate corrections in terms of cell

pressure corrections as usual
Pressure Correction Equation

z Form the same as for

staggered mesh
z b term is the mass
z However, d coefficients
obtained from
momentum interpolation
SIMPLE Solution Loop

1. Guess cell velocities, face velocites (flow rates) and

cell pressure p*
2. Discretize and solve cell u momentum equation to
obtain uP* using pP* for pressure term
3. Discretize and solve cell v momentum equation to
obtain vP* using pP* for pressure term
4. Use momentum interpolation to find face flow rates F*
5. Formulate p’ equation coefficients. Use momentum-
interpolated d’s for coefficient calculations
SIMPLE Solution Loop

6. Solve p’ equation to obtain the pressure correction at

all main control volume cell centroids
7. Correct face flow rates. Also correct cell velocities.

At this point, face flow rates satisfy continuity. Cell

velocities do not satisfy continuity but are corrected
only to promote convergence.
SIMPLE Solution Loop (Cont’d)

z Correct cell pressure as usual

z Solve for other φ’s if necessary

z Check for convergence. If not converged, go to step 2.
Else stop.

z Pressure corrections designed to produce continuity-

satisfying face flow rates after correction
z Pressure correction has the usual SIMPLE problem
» Dropped hatted terms
» Pressure correction too big and must be under-
z Even though we correct cell velocities, they are not
designed to satisfy continuity
» Correction only improves convergence
z Scalars use continuity-satisfying face flow rates, not
cell velocities
Discussion (Cont’d)

z Possible to show that co-located scheme produces

solutions that are under-relaxation and time-step
dependence (see notes)
z There are ways to get around this, but are not
discussed here
» Sometimes not fixed because of the O(∆x3)
dependence of added dissipation term
» Just refine mesh
In this lecture, we
z Examined the accuracy of momentum interpolation and showed
that the added dissipation term is O(∆x3), preserving the formal
second-order accuracy of the scheme.
z Saw that there are two types of velocities – cell and face –
satisfying momentum and continuity respectively
z Used the co-located formulation in a SIMPLE loop
z Basic idea is the same as for staggered meshes
» One extra step – cell velocity correction
» Face velocities satisfy continuity every iteration, but cell
velocities do not

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