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Emma Kolb

B 3/4

Philosophy of Education

What makes an effective student? Well, an effective teacher is someone who gets the

lesson across to the students while being positive and making it fun. A student is not going to

retain information from someone who is talking monotone or being very negative. A student will

effectively learn from a teacher when the teacher is excited about what they are teaching and

when they seem enthusiastic about learning. I believe that the students should be positive about

their learning too, they shouldn’t go into that lesson feeling like they're lost or have no clue what

they’re doing. Go into that lesson with a positive mindset, be ready to learn and don’t tune out

your teacher.

I believe that teachers should give students a little bit of leeway when it comes to turning

in work or when they’re absent. You never truly know what is going on in a students home or

what is happening with their mental health. If a student seems anxious or stressed give them a

break. I personally deal with mental health issues and it’s very stressful when you already have

your brain not wanting to do anything and then there’s a teacher breathing down your neck to

turn your work in. I also think that it is the students job to convey their stress to their teachers if

they choose to do so. If a teacher knows you’re struggling they will do anything and everything

to help you out.

I think that students and teachers need to communicate with one another, it’s awful when

your teacher has no clue what’s going on and then they keep piling work on top of you and you
haven’t finished the assignments from last week. Communication is key with scenarios like this


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