I Learned To Cook

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I learned to cook.

I used to hate cooking, and while I could make a few basic things, I wasn’t really
any good. I’d had a stab at making some more complex recipes, but they never
really worked out.

I think I was so bad because I’d never really been taught. since i was a child just
my mom and my gran cooked in the home, they never asked for help, they was
afraied that something could happen to us, if my mom hadn't so afraided of
teaching me, maybe i could have learned to cook very well.

As a consequence I was horribly unprepared when I get married and i moved out
with my husband and had to fend for myself. I tried all kinds of things instead of
cooking, such as eating out at restaurants, ordering fast food, or seeing which
microwave meal from the supermarket was the tastiest. I was never really satisfied
and my husband either.

I’ve always been a fan of taking classes online. I find I’m able to learn and practice
something at my own pace. So I did some research, got out my credit card, and
paid for a class I thought was going to be worth it. Former students had written
rave reviews about it and so I was excited to begin the class.

The teacher went through all the basics, from the essential equipment that all
home chefs need, to basic knife skills. Every class left me more and more

Over time I started to experiment and try making increasingly complex dishes. I
can’t say everything has been a success, and I’ve certainly had my fair share of
disasters in the kitchen, but that one online course has saved me from a lifetime of
mediocre and disgustin meals. I wish i had learned to cook before.

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