Quiz On Conducting A Consulting Assignment

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Quiz on Conducting on Consulting Assignment


1. Correlation explains causations. FALSE Causations explains correlations.

2. Facts cannot be gathered by observing the employees of a client perform their job-
related duties. FALSE Can be

3. The level of time may determine the relative urgency and importance of initiating a
particular problem-solving process. FALSE level of intensity

4. Facts and arguments should be presented in a clear, concise, and nontechnical manner.

5. PEST means political-ecological-sociological-technological. FALSE political-


6. An economic review identifies potential improvements to the implemented system and

estimates the effort required to implement these improvements. FALSE future
performance review

7. To improve deliveries of goods so that by the end of the year 95.5% of all deliveries
are made on time. FALSE 99.5%

8. Each phase has no distinct purposes and occupies a separate time period within the
overall process. FALSE Each phase has distinct purpose

9. Solution development phase is the important and lengthy phase that follows the
Implementation during a problem-solving process. FALSE Implementation is the
important and lengthy phase that follows the solution development phase

10. A problem does not require the suitable tolerances be defined at the outset. FALSE
does require

11. INTERNAL RESOURCES. Source: Accounting; Fact: Inventory Status. FALSE

Sources: Manufacturing

12. A thorough post-implementation evaluation should be conducted shortly after the

solution has been fully in implemented. Report should be prepared as written
documentation of the evaluation and presented to management. TRUE

13. Solution development is the third phase of the problem-solving process. TRUE
14. Environmental feasibility pertains to the usability of each solution alternative in
environment and the persons for whom it is intended. Example areas to be considered
are: capability of management, maturity of the organization, political environment, etc.
FALSE Operational Feasibility

15. Client documentations are the third important source of facts. FALSE second

16. Avoid expressing value judgments when interacting with persons being observed.

17. The CPA should not and cannot take the responsibility for making management and
policy decisions in any MAS engagement. TRUE

18. Association is more precise than correlation. FALSE Correlation is more precise than

19. Technical feasibility concerns the ability of each alternative solution to meet the legal
requirements imposed by outside authorities. FALSE Legal feasibility

20. The general rule to be followed using a decision process is "Choose the alternative
solution that yields the best fit or value relative to the established criteria” TRUE

21. SCAMPER approach. This acronym stands for Substitute, Combine, Adjust,
Magnify, Put to other uses, Eliminate and Reverse. TRUE

22. The first question asked and the last question that a consultant answers during the
problem definition phase is “What is the problem?” TRUE

23. A consensus of the opinions is used to arrive at a decision. TRUE

24. Delphi approach. This employs an idea-generation concept similar to brainstorming.

Experts are individual polled for ideas and these ideas are subsequently summarized and
presented to each participant. TRUE

25. Questionnaire is best used when the persons from whom the consultant wants
information are physically removed and travel is prohibitive or when numerous persons
are to be asked and the facts to be so determined are verifiable from other sources. TRUE

26. Maximax approach which consists of (1) weighting the outcomes for the states of
nature by the probabilities of occurrence, (2) adding up the weighted outcomes to obtain
the expected value of the payoff for each solution alternative, and (3) choosing the
solution alternative having the maximum expected payoff. FALSE Expected value

27. Personal traits of involved managers and employees including intelligence,

motivation, leadership, quality, dependability, trustworthiness, humble and interpersonal
skills. FALSE humble is not included

28. Human elements of the problem is the geographic point or points where it occurs
While in most problem situations the location can be easily determined, in some extreme
situations the location may require laborious retracings of tangled paths. FALSE
Location or focus of the problem

29. Human-related elements should be identified and assessed in the statement of the
problem. Example is Tenure of involved managers and employees. TRUE

30. Interim presentations and written reports should be made throughout the solution
development phase. TRUE

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