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I am currently a Kindergarten Intern at LA Nelson Elementary and I absolutely

love it. I have always dreamt of becoming a teacher and being an intern has made it a

reality. The students that I am working with are amazing, I am in a class that has SPED

students and having the opportunity to work with such wonderful students is such a

thrilling experience. It’s exciting to see the light in their heads come on and when they

realize that they did their assignment correctly they have a sparkle in their eyes, they’re

so happy. My site teacher is also wonderful, she is very organized and she is the type of

person who wants the students to figure out what they are doing on their own before we

try to help them. I feel at home when I’m in the classroom and it makes me so happy to

get to be living my dream during high school.

Now taking seventeen rambunctious kindergarteners to recess alone is an

adventure in itself. Making sure they’re all there, no one’s hurt, they are staying safe,

they are where they are supposed to be etc. I took seventeen kindergarteners to recess

by myself on the second day on my internship. I was not expecting to hop right into the

real life of being a teacher, but since then I have grown a connection with each and

every one of the students and I look forward to going every single day.

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