Marketing Research Quiz Zunaira Shahid-19E01012 Fieldwork-Chapter 13

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Marketing research Quiz

Zunaira Shahid-19E01012
Fieldwork-chapter 13
Fieldwork is the fourth important step in marketing research. at this stage field, workers make
contact with the people and administer the process of questioning and record data.
Fieldworkers should not be late and courtesy is extremely important for the fieldworker. It
starts in the research process when the problem is defined and an approach has been
developed, design formulation is completed.
Filed workers turn the processing of the interviews or processing into the final result. It
includes carrying questionnaires from door to door, visiting malls, and other methods of data
collection. They are foot soldiers.
The process involves the selection, training, and supervision of field workers. Training of
field workers is very important. It includes making the initial contact, asking questions and
the relevant questions, probing or inquiring further, recording the answers which are not easy,
and terminating the interview for example it can be one on one or in a mall.
Supervision of fieldwork includes quality control and editing, sampling control, control of
garbage data, and central office control.
Validation of fieldwork and evaluation of fieldworkers are followed in the process.
Evaluation of field workers includes cost and time, response rates, quality of interviewing,
and quality of data.
The researcher should develop the job details required for the project into the account of the
method of data collection. He/she should decide the kind of characteristics required by the
workers and recruit suitable individuals. Face expressions are important when a field worker
is chosen which also includes dress code, body language along the kind of experience they
express while they communicate.
General qualifications of fieldworkers include health which means they must have the
stamina required to do the work. They should be outgoing which will help them establish
rapport with people. They should be communicative, should have a pleasant appearance, and
should have reading and writing skills.
Fieldworkers must be trained on how to make the initial contact so that respondents are
convinced that their participation is important. They should be trained in asking the
questions. They should know the kind of questions they have to ask. They should memorize
them and should be briefed about the difficult questions. They should be informed about the
kind of keywords they will be using.
Probing is also a part of training the fieldworker, some techniques include repeating questions
in a friendly manner, repeating the reply from the respondents, using a pause, politely
boosting the respondents, etc.
Some abbreviations include in the probing process include, AO, AE, TM, RQ, etc. any other
reason, anything else, tell them, etc. are the full words of these abbreviations. Recording the
answers also include unstructured questions. Responses are recorded during the interview; the
respondent’s own words are used. They are not summarized or paraphrased. It should include
all comments and repeat the response as recorded.
As per the council of American survey research organizations, training should be conducted
with supervision and should cover things like the research process, the importance of
interviewers, confidentiality of the respondent, familiarity with market research terminology,
the importance of following the exact wording, and the reason for and use of classification,

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