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Questions & Answers:

1. Keeping in mind the constraints of the survey (not including hair care and personal wash
brands), which other aspects you feel could have been included to give a larger picture of
the brands which excite youth very much? Why?

Ans: Since the Survey was made to identify the Brands which were considered as “The Most
Exciting Youth Brands” , the survey did not include some important aspects such as:

 Automobile Industry: Now-a-days, the youth are more interested in Using Motor
Vehicles, specially Two-Wheelers. The survey did not include Automobile Sector.
 Apparel Industry: At this age, We all are attracted to fashion and all. The survey failed to
include a single brand from the Apparel Sector.
 Select any Particular Sector: The Survey should result more appropriate and accurate
outcome if the survey should conduct on any particular sector. In this case, The survey
includes different sectors which creates many problem for the viewers.
 Sample Size: The survey should expand its sample size to more cities across the country
which was limited up to 7 cities only. The more the Sample size, the more will be the
accurate result of the survey.
 Did not give emphasis on Consumer Goods: The survey is more about Telecom
Sector...It does not include Consumer Goods at all.
 Now a days, the youth love to spend time in E-Gaming. The survey did not contain such
brand or industry.

All the above stated points should be included in the survey to get more reliable outcome.

2. Can you attempt to develop some questions that can be put across to a focus group and
obtain insights to the “Youth most Exciting Brands”?

Ans: .

1. How would you describe our company/brand to other people?

2. How would you describe our product/service to other people?
3. What words or feelings come to mind when you think about our company/brand?
4. What do you like about this product that you may not find in a similar one?
5. Which other brands in our industry did you consider when you were shopping around?
6. What would you most like to add to or improve about this product?
7. What words come to mind when you think of our product category e.g. Food delivery?
8. What specific features of the product impressed you?
9. How likely would you be to recommend this product to a family member or friend?

Roll No. 22

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