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1-drugs sheuld be avoided in pregnancy: A. amoxicillin B. nitrofurantoin C. ciprofloxacin

! 2-Pregnant uti which drug contraindicated= ciprofluxacin ✅

… !3- Mgso4 toxicity ? A. discontinue mgso4 B. calcium gluconate

… !4-Vaginal discharge under microscope flagellate what dx ? Trichomonas vaginalis!

. . . . .. . . . . .

!5-Yellow green vaginal discharge: Trichomoniasis

#6-Pregnant with Rh-negative blood type her baby have Rh-positive blood type present with

jaundice ask about Pathophysiology Answer is: autoantibodies against fetal RBCs (Mother’s

antibodies attack fetus RBC

7-Sx of vaginal discharge when examined by microscopy: motile flagilla what is the treatment for the

husband? A. Metronidazole ✅ B.No treatment C.Tetracycline

8-$Couple came to your clinic for counseling of their sexual relationship, the wife was

worried as.her husband is Hep B +ve and she’s Hep B -ve, what are you gonna tell them:

A. Use condom✅ B. Hep B is STD C. Reassurance as hep B is not an STD D. Abstinence

.9-. !Pregnant female with suspicious lesion in the cervix on exam what's the next step?

A. pap smear B. colposcopy----- C. cone biopsy

10- $Case of postmenopausal women, on pap smear found ASC-US. Pap was repeated 6 months

after that & found same resu Its. you do next? colposcopy.

11- #Ascus positive twice in 45 yrs what to do next =

12- Pregnant lady, just delivered and she's known to have bronchial asthma. Which of the following

uterotonic medications you would avoid giving?

• misoprostol • carboprost F2 alpha✅ • Oxytocin • Methylergonovin

!Pregnant lady,justdelivered and she's known to have bronchialasthma.Which of

thefollowing uterotonic medicationsyou would avoid giving?

A- misoprostol B- carboprost F2 alpha ✅ C- Oxytocin D- Methylergonovine

B- prostaglandin12alpha

13-females want to get pregnant what supplements she should use =Folic acid
14- female difficult breastfeeding? Sheehan.....
15- (55 years old) female her last mammogram was normal when she will do the next after? 2
year MM
16- !Abdominal hysterectomy complicated by upper abd bleeding what is the cause:
A. PE B. Splenic stenosis C. Liver hemangioma ✅

17- !pt with dysmenorrhea what is the cause : Endometriosis ✅
Classic Triad of Endometriosis Dysmenorrhea 2)Dyspareunia 3)Dysche
18- !post menopausal women with abnormal uterine bleeding, what to do: Endometrial biopsy

Postmenopausal bleeding is endometrial cancer until proven otherwise
19- ! Women obese , PCOS ,, regular period with history of dysmenorrhea that not relieved by
analgesic .. normal pelvic abdomen examination no adenexal masses What is the diagnosis ? A.
Endometrial hyperplasia B. Endometriosis ! Women obese , PCOS ,, regular period with history
of dysmenorrhea that not relieved by
analgesic .. normal pelvic abdomen examination no adenexal masses What is the diagnosis ? A.
Endometrial hyperplasia B. Endometriosis C- adenomyosis‫االجابه الصح‬
20- Endometriosis ask about risk of malignancy ? A. No risk B.Epithelial ovarian tumor ✅
. ..
21-!Very heavy periods and infertility.= Endometriosis✅! = Treat by> laproscopy
22- Long senario Postmenopausal with endometrial thickness pic :what the best approprie next
A. MRI pelvic B. Endometrial biopsy+++++

What cause severe dysmenorrhea = endometriosis ✅
23-Pregnant woman with right abdominal pain , doctor rolled out obstetric condition
a- Cholecystitis b- Appendicitis✅✅
24- P1+0 , 10 weeks pregnant has gallbladder stone years on medication and now she
is having
pain when to do cholecystectomy ? -2nd trimester ✅
pregnant lady with recurrent pain known case of gallstone what wll do? belter
laparoscopy in 2nd
25- !Pt in 22 wk pregnancy with HTN, no protein in urine, start which medication:
A. methyldopa B. nifedipine C. hydralazine D. labetalol
..26- globular, and boggy. MRI is the most accurate test. Hysterectomy is the only


$Pt with heavy bleeding and history of uterine surgery utrus is bulky= Adenomiosis

!42 years with 2ndry dysmenorrhea and heavy menses, on pv u found symmetrical
enlargement. = adenomyosis!

!Pregnant with hx of myomectomy Came with lower abd pain and tenderness and bulky
on exam What is the most likely the cause?
A. fibriod B.adenomyosis ✅✅

27- !Pregnant female 10 weeks came with vaginal blew + abdominal pain on
examination gartational
age 11 -12 weeks , what is the cause ? Molar pregnant(*Bc fundal hight is more than the
geatational age)
!Snow storm appearance on US Dx? Complete hydatidiform mole .

A case pregnancy Present with severe vomiting and nausea , examination uterus large for
pregnancy age . Very high HCG = hydatidiform mole

Us showing snowstorm appearance ..Bhcg = 80,000

A-complete hydatiforme mole ✅✅ ‫ ﻣ‬B--incomplete hydatiforme mole

27-!placental abruption: rapid response team and multidisciplinary

# #What to do with a patient with placenta abruption with hypotension and vitally
Call rapid response team with multidisciplinary intervention...#

Severely hypotensive lady with abruption what to do to save her life:

A. Blood transfusion her. ✅ B.rESPONSE team. Answer is: A initially, definitive B

!Lady with placental abruption BP 84\40 HR140 with sever bleeding what to do?
A. multidisciplinary team and RRT B. 2 packs of FFP

C. admit to ICU D. there were no IVFs

28-37 years old pregnant female came with sever plasentia abruption +DIC+ Intrauterine
fetal demise
Cx diltation 6cm What u should to do?
A)obsarvation B)augmentation of labur C)CS ✅ D)hestroctomy
D-Defer all vaccines
1_contraindicantion to vaginal delivary
2_ unstable fetus
3_unstable mother‫ﺣ‬

29-! pt with galactorrhea and irregular menses first test=. prolactine ✅✅!
30-! 15 y/o girl in short stature, webbed neck ... etc, Dx:
A. Chromosomal disorder✅ B. Androgenic disorder C. Hormonal disorder
31-‫جاتلى صؤره‬ctg ( patient in active labor )
32-Women diagnosed as ectopic pregnancy asks what is the predisposing factor:
A. Previous tubal pregnancy B. PID✅

! 33 -Contraindication intrauterine device?
A. Abnormal bleeding B. Pelvic inflamatory dis C. Ectopic pregnancy previous iud D.
Endometritis ‫انا مكنش فيه‬pid ( ‫شالها وحط مكانها‬cs )

34-pregnet smoker what will help her stop ? - behavioural therapy

35-!Pregnant woman from another country and different language, she is now in the
22th week I think, she has history of previous 2 abortions, she developed now S&S of
labour, she came to ER

anxious and afraid to lose hisd third pregnancy, what will u do:

A. Not appropriate to show that you understood her feeling because language is

B. Show that you understood her feeling✅ C. 3rd option I forogt but it was least one to
be correct

D. Call help from clleages


!Patient admitted with stroke hemiplegia on 2nd day start to having 1st degree bed sores the

physicin verbally tell the nurse to change patient position every 1 hr to avoid bed sores . Nurse

forget to write this . 3 days later patient had fever on examination he had infected grade 3 bed

sores . Where is the defect :

Communication between the doctor and the nurse inadequate way


Patient old with end stages cancer disease complining of sever pain and his children ask you

to give him stronger pain killers you respect theirs wishes but you told them that the pain killers

may fasten the death of there father question in this case what the doctor do ?

principles of double effects !



1-child with a long history of watery diarrhea abdominal bloating and pain, what’s the Dx?

A. chronic giardiasis ✅ Can Giardia last for years? (chronic) giardiasis, which causes persistent or

repeated bouts of diarrhoea that can last for up to two years.

2-!Child 12 month ago on breastfeeding for first 9 months then use bottle feeding for another 3

Came with symptoms and signs of anemia with splenomegaly

+ hypochromic microcytic anemia with retIculocytes number normal *RBC* count Peripheral blood

smear *Target cell* What should be restored = Iron

%Child shifted to cow’s milk, pale with wt loss? Iron def.%


!Child with cow's milk compline of palor = iron deficiency anemia

3-Another breast milk q content: A- lgA ✅ B-lg E C-lgG

.4- !child with radiofemoral delay pulse, Coartication of Aorta

…5-!What is Drug decreases the mortality in HF = ACEI/ARB + beta block !

6-croup given epi what's next step? steroids ✅(no epinphron on choic)

%7-VSD picture , symptomatic = refer for surgery % ‫اعتقد الحاله كانت شبه كده‬

8-poor prognosis in treating Kawasaki with IVIg? High CRP

!A patient with kawasaki features,what is the best indicator as poor response to IVIG?

A. Neutropenia B. High CRP✅ C. Albumin

9-A 12-year-old girl presents to her pediatrician for a sore throat. Her symptoms began

1 week ago after she attended a sleepover.

Since then she experienced a sore throat and noted a temperature of 101°F (38.3°C). She denies a

but has noticed increasing fatigue and difficulty swallowing due to pain. On physical exam, she has

anteriorcervical lymphadenopathyandpatchy tonsillar exudates and swelling. What complication


could he develop? -Scarlet fever✅

Scarlet fever is a disease which can occur as a result of a group A streptococcus (group A strep)

also known as Streptococcus pyogenes. The signs and symptoms include a sore throat, fever,

10-swollen lymph nodes, and a characteristic ra1$-year-old, never vaccinated, presented with
"hacking" cough and inspiratory something, What's the

organism? Pertussis


!11-Pertussis with severe vomiting, most complications? Pneumonia ( not Pneumothoroax)

12- $15 months with meningitis, Gram stain G+ double coccus tt=

A. vancomycin and gentamicin B. ceftriaxone and vancomycin✅ C. ampicillin …-.--13 10y boy with

13-hx of 2wk of bloody diarrhea and abdominal pain, tenesmus: Amebiasis%%

-Child c/o fever, bloody stool, and tenesmus, abdominal exam showed abdominal distention, Dx?

A. Ascaris. B. Amebiasis✅. C. Giardiasis ( watry diarrhia ) D. Rotavirus

!bloody stool, and tenesmus, fever = Amebiasis

14-A fetus delivered by Vacuum instrument, has swelling that doesn’t cross the sutures?


15-A 3 year old girl with bloody diapers. She has no pain or constipation. diagnosis?

A.Meckel's Diverticulum %% B. Intussusception C. Colon


! 16- 3 year old girl with bloody diapers. She has no pain or constipation diagnosis

meckel diverticulum ! D.Juvenile polyps✅

17-Child cry when left her hip with mass in upper abdomen what’s Dx: intussusception

…18-!case of Neurofibromatosis type 1 (7 cafe au liat spots, axillary freckles), ask mode of
inheritance :autosomal dominant

!What is the type of genetics in pt presented with cafe aule spots dx neurofibromatosis?

A-AD✅ B-AR C-Xlinked AD

. 19- Child with recurrent URTIs , eczema and thrombocytopenia both brother and uncle have the
same condition? Wiskott aldrich!

Wiskot aldreith syndrome= Dermatitis, thrombocytopenia, immunodeficiency

20-Newborn with hypoglycemia what is the route of 20% dexterous? Central line ( 20 % tacke by

21-!child ingest iron tablets and come with symptoms= IV deferoxamine

22-! Child eating paper = IDA!

23-! 17 years old hypertensive not menstruating yet at clinic by her parents ,she is short stature ,

neck Most appropriate diagnosis:- turner ✅

Parents are worried about the hight of their child on examinations the child look normal with
deprseesed nose and short neck and large tongue what is the cause of his short stature ?

A.constitutional B. pubertal C. syndromale ✅✅

24-Dtap contraindications?

A. Seizure B. Encephalopathy within one week that couldn't be attributed to another cause

25-!Boy came to ER has erosions bone in the hand and in the lab has high Ca, phosphate What

treatment you will give ? Hydration + biophosphanate!

… 26-!mother is not vaccinating her child what to do? -Explain and clear the myth

27-# 18 m k/c of cerebral palsy presents with respiratory compromise Then put under MV Given
ABG ,Pco2

normal,Po2 low ,PH 7.3 Ask what type of respiratory failure? A. hypoxic B. Hypercapnic✅ C.

Answer is:B since he is under MV

Neurogenic brainstem, respiratory center Neurogenic will cause hypercanic type ll


! Child with Cerebral palsy on mechanical ventilation , readings, what type of respiratory failure:

A. hypoxic RF B. hypercapnic RF D.Neurogenic Hypercapnic

‫ ﻻ‬cerebral pulsy ‫ﺧ‬


!CP baby on mechanical ventilation ABG ( all within normal even normal Co2 + normal o2 )
Type of

respiratory failure ? Neurogenic ( not hypoxia or hypercapnia)‫ﯾ‬


!18 months old with cerebral palsy had episodes of vomiting and unable to breathe. Then he
was moved

to ICU. He was on 100% FIO2. ABG showed NORMAL PH AND CO2 but LOW O2. what is the

hypoxic Rispiratory failler .

.... 28-15 years old with scrotal pain and absent cremasteric reflex diagnosis?

A-varicocele = ‫ ﻫ‬cemasteric reflex postive.

B-tusticular torsion✅ C-epididmaitis §

29-10 month girl , her parents noticed lump in the girl while she crying, disappeared in sleeping

(umbilical hernia) she is otherwise healthy. Management?

1) reassurance ✅ ‫ﺗ‬


‫ )ة‬mech repair 3) simple repair. 4)laproscopic repair

! 18 month baby complain of umbilical hernia become huge with cry = wait and watch✅

90% will close spontaneously, if not surgery intervention after the age 4-5 years

30-# child w/ gastroenteritis and they asked diagnostic test = Stool antigen✅

31-$child developed generalized edema with fever and dark urine, all labs normal except low
calcium and

low albumin, what is dx?

A. Minimal change disease✅ B. Mesangial Disease C. Nephropathy D. May be


Boy with glomerulonephritis ( hematuria ), after week he developed hemoptysis what is
the dx ?
A. Henochschenolein Purpra. B. Good pasture syndrome✅✅. C. Rapid deterotion D.

!Child with glomerulonephritis then develop hemoptysis ? goodpasture syndrome

33-!child has eczema topical steroid i think now eczema get worse what next?
A. Medications name. B. Referral to derma. C. Parent Complince medication


1-Breast screen how frequent = Every 2 yrs

2-!Old man came with jaundice and dark urine , palpable gallbladder , lab shows direct

belirubin A) klatskin tumor. B) Perihailar tumor. C) CBD stone

3-Pt with DM and HTN and SCA , type of gallbladder stones will form?

A. Mixed B. Cholesterol stone C. Pigmented >> IF SICKLER

➔ SCD > pigmented

➔ sickle cell trait = Mixed


!Diabetic obese elderly female with sickle cell trait has Lithiasis what kind of stone she

has:? A. Mixed B. Fat C. pigmented

4-$cholecystectomy the surgeon accidentally cut off the Common bile duct at a level that is

just above the cystic duct, how to repair?

A. hepaticojejunostomy✅ B. Choledocojeujunostomy

5-!Elderly smoker with dysphagia , showed high grade dysplasia , management?

A. Add ranitidine B. Ask him to stop smoking C. CBT D_ endoscopic mucosal resection

6-! pt with Chronic hepatitis b then , then discover 70% of the liver was multiple lesions,
next: Colonoscopy.

7-$Male Pt, smoker, have a history of appendectomy, his brother have crohn’s ,
what’s the risk factor to develop crohn’s : A. male B. smoking✅ C. family history D.
historyof appendectomy

!8-Case of GERD with High grade dysplasia what you will do A.Endoscopy 6 m B.
Laparoscopic esophagectomy ✅✅

9-Old male with generalized abdominal pain, 9ascites, constipation X-ray >> massively
enlarge loop up to right part ? A. Sigmoid volvulus ✅ B. Acute diverticulitis

10- Pt with UC the most associated risk of Cancer is?

A. primary sclerosing cholangitis✅ B. More than 3 years UC illness duration
C. UC confined to part of colon. D. Mild inflammation

11-Patient with rectal bleeding done technetium scan and Dx with angiodysplasia in left
colon TTT: -
A. Conservative B. laser ablation C. angioembolization > IF SEVER D. left hemicolectomy

12-!Anterior duodenal perforation tratment = : Graham omental patch✅

13-!after RTA pt hospital is away 40km what would you do??

A-call surgical oncall✅. B-chest tube

14-pt fallen down from 3 meter height he felt severe pain and swelling at the lower Rt
leg xray
showed commonuted fracture of the lower tibia what is the most accurate management
a. closed reduction, cast and elevation reduction, internal fixation and elevation ✅✅✅ c.external fixation

15-Case of alcoholic patients with epigastric pain radiating to the back with x ray
air under diaphragm= A-acute pancreatitis. B- chronic pancreatitis.
C- duodenal perforation✅

! 16-Hashimoto’s increases risk of: A. thyroid lymphoma B. papillary thyroid

17-!Medullary thyroid cancer mange? Total thyroidectomy
18-Normal thyroid, cervical lymph node bx showed normal follicular thyroid cell dx?
A.Ectopic thyroid B.follicular carcinoma C. lymphoma D. apparent ✅✅
pt with left Lateral neck mass ((third triangle just below angle of mandible)) ... U/S thyroid
normal and post. Cervical lymph node enlargement, on specimen it’s shows follicular
thyroid cells = A- thyroid carcinoma/ or lateral aberrant. B- apparent thyroid gland.✅

$Case of nodule in the cervical LN show follicular cell :

A. aberrant✅ B. ectopic

! Pt with normal thyroid and swelling in the neck this swelling is cervical LN and FNA
showed normal follicular thyroid tissue :
_Remove this LN. _Refer to surgery ✅ ✔. _Radio. _Chemo
Metastasis Refer
19-!High TSH , low T4 ,T3 , high ESR diagnosis? Subacute thyroiditis ! ask about
treatment prednisone or antithyroid
20-! Patient has resection rectal surgery .. next days has left leg pain what do you give ?

21- ! 30 years old had trauma which resulted in fracture of his right tibia and fibula After
a while he
started to complain of numbness and severe pain within that area What would you do?
A.Heparin B.Embolization C.Fasciotomy ✅✅
22-!progressive Non pitting edema, no DM or HTN. Best Investigation?
A- venous douplex B- CT C- MRA

23-!female patient complains of urinary dribbling, dyspareunia, dysuria. What is the most
likely diagnosis?
A. Overflow incontinence B. Urethral diverticulum✅ C. Stress incontinence
A urethral diverticulum occurs when an unwanted pocket or sac forms along the urethra.
...... ‫انا جالى كده بس زود عليها ان عندها‬dysuria( investigation ‫)وسال ع‬
Urina analysis cystoscope
24-!Case scenario ....appendicitis but not ruptured best investigation
a. CT abd✅ b. US abd c. Exploratory
If child or female > US. If adult male > CT
25-!Old M c/o urinary sx, prostate median lobe hypertrophy, what is best for this pt?
Annual Prostate-specific antigen ✅
26-best diagnostic method for pulmonology embolism? A. D- dimer B. Spiral CT✅-!
27-Pt in ICU with coffee ground vomit? Stress gastritis
Ask about treatment nsadi_ reassure
28-!Spleen injury 1= consertive treatment
!Spleen injury 3=partial resect. ( preserving surgery )
!4 cm tear with hematoma 7cm grade 3
A. splenectomy B. splenic conservat
B. ‫سم‬3 ‫انا جابهولى بالسم اعتقد كان‬

29-!Pt do hernia repair "not sure about the type" then he present with mass in the

hernia firm, regular, transpulsation "there was no Erythema or tender"and no fever :

A. saphenous B. psudoanyresm✅✅ C. Abscess

30-reccurent hernia if first operation is laporascopic so the second one is open and vice
versa ‫ده جالى‬

31-patient has persistent pain after hernia repair, what to do?NSAIDS then nerve block

32-!Elderly pt e hx ( .. months) of open hernial repair operation with mesh , complaining


groin swelling reach scrotum +ve cough impulse how to manage ? A. Lap with mesh

33-!Sarcoma metastasis to ? lung

34--!Case of melanoma = Excsion with safety margins

!35-patient with post operetive 'abdominal destintion and small and large bowel

obstruction and no fever 'nd a'bdomen not tender :

Hypo Mg Hypo CL Hypo k ✅



1- Pt heavy smoker with symptoms of GERD, upper endoscopic examination

show’s squamous cell with high-grade dysplasia, next step in management:

A. Council smoking cessation B. Endoscopic mucosal resection s ✅✅

2- elderly pt with epigastric discomfort and fullness , weight loss . Decrease appetite What

appropriate investigation: Gastroduodenoscopy

3- MALT treatment: = H.pylori eradication

4- Pt presented with many bouts of hematemesis after prolonged vomiting, Dx? A. Mallory

weis B. Esophageal varic

5-hypotensive with increased urea and creatinine and FENa 0.6 What to do?

Increase furosemide. B. Increase spironolactone C. Increase fluids carefully ✅✅

6-pt with 3month hx of left leg non pitting edema no history of surgery or trauma and

there is thickening skin and dark color ask about next investgo?A- venous duplex✅

lymphedema ‫ ﻣ‬non pitting ‫ ﻓ‬venous douplex ‫ ﻻ‬DVT ‫ و‬lymphedema

7- 65y female K/C of DM, heart disease HTN, history of fever, severe vomiting and

diarrhea, examination she looks dehydrated, JVP: 1 cm above sternal angle, central

pressure 3 cm of H2O, Na fraction excretion: 0.6. What is the most appropriate next step?

A.IV dupatamine. B.IV Furosemide C.IV bolus N saline with precaution✅✅

D.IV spironolactone.

8- Patient with inferior MI treated at hospital then 2 days later come complain of SOB,

bilateral basal lung crepitation: A- Rt side heart failure✅✅ B- papillary muscle rupture

9-Case of MI with hypotension just what to give?

A. Dobutamine B. IV Fluids ✅✅ C. Others

10-Elderly women in her 70s with DM & HTN, normal renal profile, which antihypertensive

should be started? A. thiazide B. ACE✅✅I C. BB D. CCB

11-● Patient on ACE develop cough? Switch to losartan


12- hypotension , raised Jvp, muffled heart sounds = Cardiac tamponade


13- pt came with yellow vision , their is ECG : digoxin toxicity

14- 45 ys old lady last visit from 6 month was normal now C/o dyspnea 'LL oedema ascites

no murmur no fever distended jugular v with picture n curve ? A. pulmonary hypertension

B. tricuspid regurg C. restrictive pericarditis

Pulmonary HTN > core-pulmonale > signs of right-sided heart failure

Pt with signs and symptoms of dyspnea and pulmonary congestion, mentioned

the pulmonary artery pressure 35 mmhg, most likely cause:

A. constrictive pericarditis. B. pulmonary HTN (norma

..15-..Atriall fibrillation which drug for sinus rhythm= Amedaron or Digoxin

16-A child presented with sinusitis and recurrent lower respiratory tract infections.Mcs of

bronchial aspirate had pseudomonas aeruginosa.Whats the diagnosis?

A.Cystic Fibrosis✅✅. B.Primary ciliary dyskinesia. C.Kartagener's syndrome

sinusitis and recurrent lower respiratory tract infections + bronchial aspirate had

pseudomonas aeruginosa =Cystic Fibrosis

17- pt on Total parenteral nutrition give value of PT and INR what is the cause ?

A. DIC B. vitamin K deficiency ✔

18- Child of iron ingestion came after several hour Iron 90, What you will do?

A. Iv desforoxmine ✅✅ B. N actylcystine C. Gastric lavage D. Activated charcoal

19-Young lady with 2 days history of fever and headache. The patient presented only with

petechial rash. High [ PT, aPTT, INR ]. Low [ Platelet, Fibrinogen ]

A. HUS. B. TTP. C. ITPD. DIC ✅ -

20-… Patient of ALL post chemo develops headache and dry mouth what is the

derangement? Hypocalcemia ✅ Hyponatremia Hypernatremia


21-CO2 poisoning hbco 40% tx? A. Hyperbaric ✅* B. 100% oxygen C. Blood exchange

22 best antibiotic to treat community acquired pneumonia in healthy adults?

A. -fluroquinolones.✅ B. -vancomycin

23-TB percoaution = Airborne

24-TB medications has an increase in uric acid = Pyrazinamide

25- pt has in x ray findings a cave in upper lung how this can transfer?

airborne because cavities in upper lungs = TB

26- Which of flowing risk for TB? A-Silicosis ✅ B-Asbestosis

27- 50’s Patient with intermittent weakness of urination for months. Normal

psa and urine analysis. Examination of prostate: median lobe enlargement. Best

management: A. Periodical psa (best relative) ✅. B. Renal ultrasound annually!@


28- stress incontinence =kegel exercise

29- Case with hematuria and RBC cast on urine analysis , recent hx of URTI . which inv

support dx of PSGN ? low c3

30- Female what to do ct scan which doctor has to ordered before ct scan =

A. Pregnancy test ✅ . B. Full bladder

31-HBsAg *positive* , Anti-HBc positive IgG: A)_ acute infection B- chronic infection ✅

(HB*s*Ag po*s*itive = chronic infection .

32- pt known case of chronic HBV present with elevated LFT and direct and total bilirubin

What most appropriate treatment: A. Entecavir B. Pegylated interferon✅✅ C. La

33- DM obese what's best advice = exercise with low carbohydrate intake

34- Parkinson’s case and asking about the site of the pathology: Substantia nigra

35-screening of cystic fibrosis in child with positive sweet chloride teset is cftr in sibiling

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